Single-airport single-night mongering destination in North America?

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
To which city would you fly, for mongering in strip-clubs near the airport and airport-hotels?

Let's assume I'd like to fly into a major airport somewhere in North America, stay in a rather standard airport-area hotel, for one maybe two nights, and do nothing there but monger at strip clubs. I would wish to enjoy absolutely top-notch eye-candy, of course, to get me horned up from time to time, but that's just a desired, not a required, option. I would also absolutely REQUIRE legit. mongering opportunity at and inside the strip clubs, mongering which provided (with the perpetual caveat that YMMV) full-service or at least pop-my-cork, with the services taking place within the strip clubs which I attend.

I want the strippers to be the providers. Assume, please, that I won't pay-for-play back at the hotel room, won't try to make a dancer into a new CF by investing time attending her club week after week since I'll be leaving the city immediately, won't attend massage parlors or other rub-n-tug joints OUTSIDE the strip-club itself (or clubs themselves), won't see street-walkers, won't hire internet-advertised escorts. That's my preferences, because what I really like about strip-clubbing is the act of SEEING and ASSESSING and even INTERACTING WITH the girl BEFORE I pick her. I want that kind of info and maybe connection-vetting before I decide to commit to paying for her services and then actually expending the money for them.

Ground transport may be a major expense? I won't be driving (therefore I will be free to drink alcohol, though I don't intend to go on an alcohol-bender) so I'll be taking Uber or a taxi or whatever other app or ride-share or public-transit is available. Fly in, Uber to the hotel, check in, Uber to the strip club, play the game(s), Uber to the hotel, crash out, next day Uber to the strip club repeat, Uber to the airport, fly home.

Given all the above, which city's airport, and which clubs near to it, would you most recommend? My short list presently runs along the lines of Houston, Tampa, Miami (West Palm, up Northerly near to Diamond Dolls; but it's difficult to get a flight to an airport near Pompano), Atlanta, Detroit, or perhaps Toronto or Vancouver. I'm actually not sure if that's a good list at all, just my first guesses. I would want to factor into the decision the cost variables -- flight, no-tell-motel or nice-airport-style hotel room, distance from hotel to club(s), hence cost of rides in ride-sharing or taxi, usual price for entry and lappers and drinks and VIP entry and extras service(s) from the girls at the clubs; as well as the time-cost and effort-cost of things like finding the right clubs, whether or not out-of-town customers are treated as well as regulars, likelihood (guaranteed please!) of adequate level of service, tolerance of local jurisdiction law enforcement, what-not else.

A fun thought experiment! What city to visit for a set of drop-in in-the-club services in North America? I ask this question, or a version of it, from time to time here and at other boards, to try to keep my finger on the pulse, so to speak. I might some day actually engage in one or another of these Monger's Strip Club Fantasy trips.

Your suggestions?


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Houston - St James is close to the airport. Not many good hotels nearby though.

Ft Lauderdale - Pompano clubs are not that close to the airport. Tootsie's is not too far away. Uber is available but traffic can be a headache on I-95.

Detroit. Probably your winner. Flight Club and Landing Strip are close by. Several hotels are close by also.

Atlanta - You don't want to do anything close to that airport. Follies is a long ways away.
avatar for hepguy
5 years ago
Areas on your list I’be been to.

Tampa: Mons Venus, 2001 Odyssey and Scores right next together near airport and a trashy motel right there too.

I stayed at beach near Fort Lauderdale airport and Diamond Dolls and Tootsies were expensive cab rides away.

Forget Vancouver, clubs are expensive and mostly air.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
I second Fort Lauderdale. Scarlett's, Cheetah, and Tootsies are clumped close together south of the airport. Pompano clubs may not be close, but renting a car is not expensive. I've rented a car from major rental companies for less than $60/day all in. That's cheaper than a couple of Uber rides.

Maybe Dallas. DFW airport has some clubs not that far, but DAL Love Field has you closer to a bunch of clubs like Baby Dolls and Buck's Cabaret (I believe). Again, I've rented cars there for less than $60/day all in. Extras are harder in Dallas dance areas are out in the open, and VIP rooms are not that private. But gotten very good mileage in Dallas clubs and had talked to some girls that were up for OTC, but I didn't partake.
avatar for Electronman
5 years ago
Warrior nailed it-- several extras-friendly clubs near DTW, as well as hotels.

avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Toronto - New Locomotion is barely outside walking distance and there are other extras clubs nearby.

Atlanta - if you are staying 2 nights, you could Uber to Follies and Tattletales. Follies day shirt, Tattletales night shift. Hotel choices are endless and range from 2 star to 5 star. I would hotel NE of downtown (20 miles from airport) and then both clubs are within 5-10 miles.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I've been to all of the cities the OP mentioned except the Canadian ones. I agree with Warrior and Electron--given the stated criteria Detroit is the best bet. Several decent hotels close to the airport and several clubs within reasonable Uber distance. Flight Club, Cricket, and Landing Strip come to mind for mid- to upscale experience, and Bogarts right across the street from Flight Club. Bogarts is a sleazy dive, but have been there several times and have always found at least one stand out. In Atlanta, Follies is too far from the airport, and Tattletale not much better, and those are the only choices for hard core mongering.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
I have also been to most of the east coast cities mentioned. So I'll add a west coaster POV:

City Of Industry located about 20 miles east of Downtown LA.

It's about the same distance from LAX to COI as it is from Ontario Airport to the east of COI. But LAX will have many more flights landing from the east than will Ontario. Plenty of low-cost hotels nearby, major chains and hooker hotels, so lodging and Uber's will be reasonably priced, once you get to the area. Also, some major hotel chains may offer free or low cost shuttles from either airport.

avatar for mjx01
5 years ago
ATL traffic is insane. It probably isn't that far physically from ATL to Follies, but it sure feel like forever. ATL is pretty much a one trick pony (Follies).

What is more important, ITC mileage or number of options? If mileage is number 1, DTW and Toronto seem like obvious choices. (FWIW, DTW is my fav airport.) DFW seem like a likely pick if your looking for more of a club crawl.

As much as I liked Mons V, it isn't and extras club and TPA isn't a great airport.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
Tampa- Several Westshore hotels have van service to and from airport, so Uber not required. Two closest clubs would be Doll House and Penthouse. Neither are great for mileage, but you could warm up with drinks, then quick 2 mile Uber to Mons Venus and 2001 which are nude/ non alcohol. Scores is very near those 2, another booze warm up place, or steak dinner if so inclined. Scarlets is doable, but a good 7 mile or so Uber. Howard Johnson's motel within walking distance of Dale Mabry trio, but I don't think they have van shuttle to and from airport- 2 to 3 mile Uber.

Dallas- If you fly into Love Field, it's ~ 7 miles or so to several Northwest Hwy hotels that are within walking distance of Baby Dolls and Men's Club, and quick Uber from Chicas Locas. I think L' Ellegant hotel has van shuttle, but Days Inn and Holiday Inn Express would be more in line with your $$ wishes. Not sure if they have complimentary shuttle service. The Lodge is about 3 to 4 miles up NW Hwy- not the best mileage prospect, but something that should be experienced at least once.

I would mention LAX, except for your drinking stipulation. From a monger standpoint, Bare Ellegance and Jet Strip (both nude, non alcohol) are quick Uber near airport and associated hotels. The infamous COI area is just too far from LAX and ONT for sane Uber. Paucity of nearby hotels also bumps it off your list.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
It's 10.3K or 6 miles from Tijuana airport (TIJ) to Hong Kong and Zona Norte. The problem is getting to TIJ!
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
So Book Guy, is this a thought experiment or planning for an actual trip? If the latter, let us know what you decide and how it goes.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
St Louis, MO. Sleep in good hotel by the airport. Get an Uber and drive across the Mississippi into Washington Park IL. You have 5 SCs that you could literally walk to if need be; not a good neighborhood, but all are literally within a 2 mile radius. Uber drops your off at Dollies. You get in and out in under 30 minutes, pay $100 for FS. Then literally walk across the street and do same at Blondies $150). Then either walk or drive 2 miles to Wise Guys. Go inside to see actual good eye candy. Pay $200 to go VIP in locked room and get whatever your monger heart desires. Again all in 30 to 40 minute time frame. Then, walk across the street to Cheeks and do the same. Then either walk or Uber 1 mile to Miss Kitty’s. Go inside. Watch a dancer or two. Pay $100 for 4 dances and a fuck. Then, to top it all off, walk down the block to Hustlers to WATCH EYE CANDY without any extras. Just go sit, watch, drink and plan your next excursion. Get bored with the SCs, then just Uber about 7 more miles to Centreville IL and visit the 4 house complex of AMPS who will rock your cock better than any of the strippers you will ever cum across. Those AMPs are literally all in a row like a fuck-a-hoe strip mall right across the street from 2 more strip clubs called PTs and Onyx.

That is my suggestion. Hell, the girls all have condom in hand at all the places mentioned except hustlers, PTs and Onyx.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Interest itinerary Nidal. I never would have thought of that one. I have lots of airline miles to burn. I may check it out sometime.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
@Nidan111 for the Win!
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Detroit would certainly be a good choice. Flight Club (and Bogart's and Henry VIII north) are about 5 miles from the airport. Landing Strip is even closer. The Playhouse is the closest club, being right across Middlebelt Rd from the airport, but I would not recommend it.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
5 years ago
Odd to me that people are suggesting Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey for in-the-club mongering. Mons is a single large room and if there are any clubs in the USA that are just about guaranteed to have no opportunity for extras I'd guess that Mons would be one of them.

Otherwise, lots of interesting excellent suggestions, thanks guys! I think it's fun to think this stuff up and share the ideas, but if I do schedule a trip I'll share my itinerary with y'all when it becomes a reality.
avatar for Nixur68
5 years ago
Los Angeles, Miami or Toronto. I can’t speak for the clubs in Toronto but there’s a great legit high end escort scene. The cops don’t care and Canadians aren’t morale busy buddies but stay away from the low end options - it’s a scam or literal human trafficking.

Personally, if I were you I head overseas and you’d get exactly what you want with so much less effort.
avatar for TMojo
5 years ago
Nidal, I have not been back to the STL / Washington Park area in probably 2 years because my last visits were super disappointing. I don't think I would ever really feel safe walking all of that area with cash in my pocket. Dollies dancers are usually frequently well past their prime and in need of a dental plan. My last couple of times visiting Blondies saw no dancers working (but that was quite a long time ago). Wise Guys and Cheeks are hit and miss, mostly miss. Likewise Miss Kitty's. Maybe my problem is that I usually go on a Tuesday or a Monday.
avatar for TMojo
5 years ago
This topic is very interesting to me, though. Though my Avatar says I'm in Illinois, I'm actually in Tennessee and I can't figure out how to change it. LOL.

ITC options here really poor, so when I can get a couple days off, I fly somewhere.

Every 2 months, I fly to San Diego on a Monday, Uber to the border for about $30, cross to TJ, and take a $5 taxi to club Hong Kong. I buy a $50 VIP card (good for 3 months, so I can spread the cost of the card across 2 visits / 4 hotel nights), and stay at their hotel (Cascadas) for the Monday and Tuesday night VIP rate of $12 a night. Flight, hotel, ground transportation, and fully loaded visits with 5 or 6 girls in 2 days, all for under $1000.

Twice recently I did a day trip to Dallas when Southwest was having a sale, rented a car for the day, and I have discovered that I like Baby Dolls very much. Each time I left home at about 7am and was back home by midnight.

Next week, because Southwest was having another sale, I will fly into Orlando, rent a car, stay overnight somewhere south of Disney just off the interstate between Orlando and Tampa, and drive over to Tampa and Pasco County. I will be back home the next morning by about 11am.

Based on this discussion, I'm looking at DTW for some time in April.

Also, sorry for mangling your name, @Nidan111.
avatar for DrStab
5 years ago
Have to pile on and say Detroit. The strip clubs are literally down the street from the airport. Halfway there are the typical airport hotels. Fly there, take the hotel shuttle to drop off your luggage, Uber or taxi to the club(s). You’d never be more than 10-15 minutes away from the airport. If money is no object, just have the time of your mongering life at Flight Club. If you like a little blue collar grit, by all means get down-n-dirty at Bogarts. Read the reviews, you can do anything you want in the club with these ladies.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Scratch Houston. The decent clubs in that town are too spread out for one night.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
Personally, I'd just stay in S.Florida. Most enjoyable city I visited was Austin, TX. Wasn't with your criteria, but I certainly enjoyed myself at a couple of clubs.
avatar for Jacks4thson
5 years ago
Amazing that I was just thinking of planning a trip like this - i have some free airfare mileage and time off to take. I am liking the Florida options if I go before spring
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
We've had this discussion before; does North America include TJ... it should..... never been there so I will leave out of my list and only name cities I have spent a significant amount of time in:

Detroit - Clear winner with club proximity to airport, inexpensive lodging and number of high, middle and low end clubs within a reasonable distance.

Toronto - #2 with higher lodging cost and the clubs a bit more spread out.

Tampa Bay - #3 but again the best clubs IMO up in Pasco county are a long way from TPA.
avatar for Neobwh
5 years ago
Agree to scratch Houston - St. James and Houston dolls only close to airport and no real chance of ITC extras at st. James. Dallas love field very close to baby dolls and Chicas Locas plus a couple others. Chicas is guaranteed ITC FS with or without speaking Spanish with old time chair forts in their VIP. Got a OTC offer at baby dolls recently too - been offered HJ there but nothing else but is expensive
avatar for Tiredtraveler
5 years ago

There really is only one choice: Detroit.
There are higher class clubs & dives close by and none will break your wallet and the taxi/uber won't break you either.

Every other city the better clubs are a fair distance away: there is nothing close to Atlanta, Newark, Logan, Providence, LAX, San Franciso, Seattle, O'Hare, LaGuardia, St Louis, New Orleans, Dallas or Denver. Orlando is flat to dangerous to club there anymore and I haven't been into Miami lately but I don't think any thin is close by.
Although West Babylon NY is not far from Kennedy
avatar for georgebailey
5 years ago
avatar for captainfun
5 years ago
Maybe Tijuana is considered too long of an uber ride from the San Diego airport? It's about 30 mins. I did it in May, 2019.

I like Nidan's east of St. Louis itinerary and have been to most of those places numerous times. But, they are about 30 minutes from the airport and the sketch factor won't suit all tastes.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I heard Wuhan is fun this time of year.
avatar for chimera422
5 years ago
Philly—Purple Orchid /Oasis are a 10 min cab ride from airport hotels
avatar for RandomName111
5 years ago
Shocked nobody has said Baltimore. Downtown is a 10 min Uber ride from a BWI hotel and some of the clubs have more mileage than AAA.
avatar for Jacks4thson
5 years ago
I live near Baltimore - the Sahara Desert of strip clubs.
avatar for alkaholik
4 years ago
Tampa was always a hit for me - Scarlett's.

Detroit too - shoot, trying to remember the name. Across the street from the landing strip.
avatar for Bradlee945
4 years ago
Will vouch for Washington Park, though my visits were daytime only.

Also an honorable mention for Seattle, which I hate to do because the city is turning into a shit hole. Successful in 4 of the 5 I've been in, multiple occasions.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
Ohare airport. Stay in Rosemont, meet me. Probably is I'll steal your soul and become your next addiction, could ruin your life.

However, cheaper than bopping around clubs to see if theres anything you like, or getting hustled and no goods, or worry of LE busting you or bouncers...

Have some drinks, allow everyone in the place to realize that you are going to get laid hardcore and let's have fun 😛
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
*problem is I'll steal your soul...
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Every Providence strip club is within 15 minutes of the terminals.
avatar for dirtysecrets
4 years ago
San Antonio has at least four clubs on the same highway as the airport hotels, plus a couple more a few blocks off that road. Haven't been to all of them post-COVID, but plenteous extras were available at all of them in the past.
avatar for mahatmakanejeeves
4 years ago
I'd add New Orleans to the list. Some of the girls are overpriced due to Bourbon Street being a tourist trap but I've had plenty of fun in a few clubs there.
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