10 Things My Children Taught Me

avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
1. Children spread disease more effectively than roaches, fleas and mosquitoes combined.

2. Children differentiate by gender whether you want them to or not. Neither my son nor daughter missed a single gender stereotype despite our attempts not to fetter their range of choices.

3. Not all farts are dry.

4. Sexuality begins astoundingly early. It’s subtle at first but they quickly work up a head of steam. Trying to stifle it is futile.

5. Wiping your ass isn’t instinctual. You actually have to teach your kids proper ass wiping techniques.

6. Little kids are lousy liars but as they mature they gradually polish their ability to feign sincerity convincingly.

7. You should push your kids to eat healthy foods but remember - they all have their limits. My kids drew the line at Brussels sprouts.

8. Kids worry about divorces even when there is no divorce in the offing. The parents of several of my kids’ schoolmates were going through divorces and both of my kids became paranoid. They worried that divorces are inevitable in all marriages.

9. Kids don’t handle boundaries very well. But with persistent yelling and an occasional beating they eventually get the idea. My kids have learned to recognize when mommy & daddy are busy canoodling and to respect our privacy. Our twins now stop at our closed bedroom door and holler, “Mom, when you’re finished with Daddy we’re ready for breakfast!”

10. My kids taught me to appreciate Mondays mornings when I can finally go back to work and rest.


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avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
11. When your child at 2 understands that she can happily endure more pain than you're willing to inflict, you are in for a rough ride on the discipline front......
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
12 My kids taught me how little I actually know
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
13. Your children provide endless amusement as they struggle with parenting their own kids, and pride as you watch them succeed.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
14. The 'good' one can be just as devious.
When she was over 21, she told us of joyride she and friend took in my pickup when they were 14 or so. Did have to pay older brother to properly re-park it.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
15. People, especially children, are very forgiving when you apologize and mean it.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
2. Just destroyed feminism and all the gender neutrality crap lol. While adults try to make them not see gender, the common sense in their brains notices it automatically.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Brain damage is hereditary, you get it from your children
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
^^^ hell yeah! I got it from Juice🤣😲🤣😜
avatar for Assmanjoe
5 years ago
#9 lmao “but with persistent yelling and an occasional beating...” lol brings back childhood memories also reminds me of a south park episode...

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