Disturbing fetish dude
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Unbeknownst to me at the time, the other night another guy was vying for the offsite services of the same dancer that I was wooing. However, unlike the normal stuff that I was seeking, he was a fetish guy who wanted her to participate in a simulated Easter egg hunt. Needless to say, she left with me, but I only learned about this after the deed was done in my hotel room.
I really detest guys with the Daddy-daughter fetish because it's only a step away from outright pedophilia IMO. This girl looked young, but obviously she was old enough to strip, so in one respect it's a better outlet than the real thing. But OTOH the world would be a safer place is a bus took out every twisted deviant who has these urges.
I really detest guys with the Daddy-daughter fetish because it's only a step away from outright pedophilia IMO. This girl looked young, but obviously she was old enough to strip, so in one respect it's a better outlet than the real thing. But OTOH the world would be a safer place is a bus took out every twisted deviant who has these urges.
But there are exceptions to that rule...
I have some great stories about a legendary guy who used to run around the big clubs here, who the girls nicknamed "nips"; he had nipple rings and would have the girls tug on them super super hard. As a joke, sometimes the girls would send a new girl back with him, without warning her what he'd want her to do; she'd come out disheveled and with a thousand-yard stare
And if you're cosplaying an Easter Egg hunt, then it's not really a fetish about a girl in her late or even mid teens. It's about a child. So, fuck that guy.
S&M isn't my thing, but most S&M is actually very structured and consent is a *huge* deal. And if it's taking place between consenting adults and it's fun for everyone in the room, then I have no issues with it.
I plan on having a daughter someday. Long ways from now but I think far into the future. Now if my future daughter is 16 and a 24 year old guy falls in love with her. I'll be honest, I don't see what the big fucking deal is. Him being older than her does not mean he is incapable of loving and cherishing her as he should. If I think he's a nice guy, then I'm not gonna hold his age against him.
However, if I hear that some piece of shit gets off on slapping my future daughter around and twisting her nipples. I'm gonna shoot that fucking nigga's balls and I don't care if she told him it was okay. Loving someone and wanting to cause them pain is an inherent contradiction and I'm not interested in people's bullshit excuses for it. Honestly ask yourself if any man who gets pleasure out of hurting the woman he claims to love can possibly be a good person and you have your answer to why I think it's not okay.
Sex is fun. S&M is not. Linking the two does a tremendous disservice to the joys of sex.
If your daughter is not consenting to getting her nipples pinched, it's abuse. If it is, it's none of your business and you won't find out anyway. Are you really serious in that you haven't even pinched a woman's nipples?? Funny man!
And if you'd be ok with a 24 year old man fucking your High School sophomore daughter then I hope you never have kids. Your grip on the reality of the situation is obviously tenuous at best.
In the case of the guy in my original post, he was clearly looking for some kind of daddy-daughter roleplay that ended with him fucking the girl who was so grateful for all of the goodies in her plastic Easter eggs. I'm not sure what the fuck S&M had to do with this in the first place or why you might think that it is worse than a guy who wants to fuck his daughter.
I personally *did* date a 24 year old when I was 16. I’ll give you a hint on what the deal is: there is a reason that females closer to his age bracket don’t want to deal with him. And younger girls will give him a bigger pass on some fucked up shit. And it’s not just me, it’s something a lot of us mainly realize when we got older and compared notes on it.
But idk, where do we draw the line on age play? Should we remove “baby” and “daddy” as affectionate nicknames?
Twisting her nipples til it hurts. Playing with them is fine. Its the pain aspect that I have a strong problem with.
And what is our basis for thinking that it can't possibly be consensual for someone well past the age of puberty to have sex? It seems to me this is just one of those things people have been told so many times and it is so socially taboo to question the sacredness of "18" that a legitimate debate can't be had on it. I don't see any benefit to treating a 16 year old like she's a child. One of my best friends' at the age of 16 moved out of his parents' house, went to college in a foreign country, and displayed far more maturity at 16 than I see lots of people in their 20s showing. 16 year olds are fully capable of behaving as proper young adults if people don't stunt their maturity like helicopter parents in America do. The idea of him at 16 being unable to consent is so absurd it's laughable.
Spot on. It's because all a 16 year old girl sees is the freedom he has. He can go where and when he wants, buy liquor, etc. These guys also feed into these kids' desire to feel grownup by supposedly treating them like any other woman. These girls are not mature enough to question things like why he's still living with his folks, or why he can't get a decent job, or why he's always in trouble with the cops, or why he can't seem to get along with others his own age, or any of the other reasons why he's still dipping in the kiddie pool.
It's the job of parents to keep this shit from happening by creating sufficient structure around the lives of their kids.
As long as you frame this as "It's CC's personal issue, that he should deal with on his own; not some universal truth that the rest of us have to follow. In fact, CC recognizes that pretty much everyone else disagrees this is some sort of bad thing", then you're good. If you think it's some transcendental moral right-and-wrong thing that if one person (a woman, say) likes pinching nipples until they hurt, and another (a man, say) enjoys getting their nipples pinched until they hurt, that it's wrong for them to get together.
And you really think that a 16 year old girl is safer around high school hormone monsters than she is around a 24 year old? Quite frankly I think you need to be far more worried about the boys her age who are way more likely to peer pressure her into drinking excessively or doing drugs than an older guy would.
And this isn't to say that you let any ole 24 year old date her. A guy of any age should be screened but I'm not gonna give a special consideration based on age unless it is wildly different. As for why he is choosing a 16 year old instead of a 22 year old. Who knows but I don't think it's nearly as much of a red flag as you are making it out to be. I dated and got along perfectly fine with a girl 6 years my senior. Human relationships don't always form in ideal circumstances but there's no need to intervene and destroy a human connection because you've been taught that people of certain ages shouldn't date each other.
Yeah, so, there's a lot to unpack in that post, but this reads like something from a manifesto passed around by NAMBLA members on the dark web. And I don't think you're *that* sort of guy, but the language you use hews closely to the contortive justifications used by those guys.
Laws aren't made around exceptions to rules, which is to say, the thin ends of the bell curve. But rather to address the predominantly thicker middle of that curve.
The vast majority of middle teens are not emotionally ready to be in a relationship with an adult. And, the vast majority of adults who want to fuck middle teens do not have healthy motives.
Adults shouldn't fuck minors. That's a hill I'm willing to die on.
In a heartbeat. That, "high school hormone monster", as you so dramatically labelled him, is as immature and inexperienced as she is and is subject to all of the same parental, situational and social constraints. It's also far easier for her to protect herself from another kid than from a manipulative grown man who targets children.
The entire genre of barely legal porn is not my thing - and it seems to attempt to give guys with desires for underage girls more to fuel their urges. So, I think its not a healthy genre of porn.
I enjoy rough, consentual sex. The rougher, the better. Consent is very important, as I want my partner to enjoy it as much as I do.
I don't get off from hurting girls - but if a girl is a masochist - and cums from the pain - I will work to appease her desires.
If a guy and girl are of age - 18 and above - they are legally able to do what they want. However, I believe men mature slower mentally, and that would explain why some guys seem immature when compared to girls of the same age.
When my daughter is of legal age, she will be able to legally make her own choices. I don't have to agree with her choices - and we will have several serious talks if she decides to consider some odd stuff.
Agreed. What's scary though is a guy like CC who has adopted the very self serving view that they would be if not for parents holding them back. That's precisely the same type of shit that predators feed young girls to win them over in the first place.
There was indeed a time where kids matured earlier in this country. But that was a long time ago, when times were much different and, in many respects, simpler. Kids worked younger, went to school less and had much fewer distractions. Those same conditions are still more prevalent in certain other less developed countries.
But here and now, kids are just not raised like that it it extends far beyond the homefront to schools, activity centers, peer groups, etc. Conversely, it would seem that kids are developing physically faster than ever before. So as responsible parents we have to manage this reality, which includes protection our young teen girls until their maturity and overall brain development catch up to the rest of their physical development.
Let's say you're 100% right and I am mentally stunted by a few years. How much by? 2-4 we'll say? When I was 18 I paid a 28 year old woman to fuck me. According to the theory that I'm mentally stunted, the prostitute I paid had sex with a guy who was mentally 15 or 16. Did she rape me? Nah. She got paid, I got laid, I enjoyed myself, I moved on with my life.
When I was 15 and 16 myself, I used to tell older adults the AOC laws were excessively high and that if an older woman fucked me it would not be rape. People insisted that I was not old enough to consent and that "I would understand when I got older." Well, its five-six years later, where is this magical understanding that would supposedly come with age? I see nothing wrong with the reasoning my 15-16 year old self had. It seems to me that this supposed "understanding" is simply fear that people will use harsh ad hominem fallacies to force a conformity of ideas.
If you agree that there was a time when 16 year olds could've consented to sex, then how much sense does to make to say they magically can't anymore because we're more technologically advanced? If anything it makes sense that they are more capable of it because teenagers reach puberty at much earlier ages now than they used to and are exposed to way more information from an early age. Also, this isn't a first world vs third world country thing, this specifically is an American vs everybody else thing. Legally, it actually seems to be specifically the Western US vs everybody else thing.
So literally the entire world, except for a few American states, a handful of African countries, some Central American countries, and a few countries in Asia all agree that 16 is old enough. There is not a single country in Europe or South America besides Ireland that has an AOC higher than 16. Ironically, there's actually far more agreement from the third world with American beliefs on this specific subject than there is from other first world countries. What makes the rest of the world's 16 year olds capable of consent but the California teens specifically are not? And even if you could prove there's some reason why American teens can't but the rest of the world's can, isn't that more of a sign that there's something wrong with how we specifically are raising them instead of rest of the world?
You and your cousin might be breaking some other laws though
An adult male - who is in his 20’s and who knows all about whether it’s legal to date a 16 year old - is going to get brutally beaten if he comes to try and take one of my daughters out.
This is the same argument, simply different ages.
But you guys are okay with a sadist dating your daughter just because she's 18+? That to me is insane.
Most of the world does not hold teenagers to wildly different standards from adults because the mindset of most of the world is that teenagers are young adults. So the norms created through law reflect the morals that adults are expected to live by as well. In Europe and South America, the norms for sex are pretty relaxed, so the idea of an adult sleeping with a teenager doesn't cause hysteria. In the Middle East, the culture is strict about sex, so sex outside of marriage in general is unauthorized and would cause a cultural backlash regardless of whether you're a teenager or an adult.
Where I take issue with American society's perspective on this issue, is that we want to have very relaxed sexual norms for adults. Adults can fuck dozens of people per year, they can engage in whatever kinks or relationships they want, a 50 year old can fuck a 20 year old but at least she's an adult. But we simultaneously expect teenagers to completely avoid sex, tell them to be abstinent, break up their relationships, try to delay the onset of their sexuality until they are 18, and treat adults who question this way of thinking as pedophiles trying to "destroy their innocence."
When I was in high school, all I ever got told was to not have sex until I was married, focus on your studies, don't watch porn, don't go to parties. Then I go to college, and the narrative completely flips on its head. Suddenly its "you should be out partying every day, fucking as many girls as you can, don't settle down until you're 30. In-fact, maybe skip out on marriage entirely. Single life is too much fun."
Its all a sign to me that helicopter parents in America just want to delay the maturity of their kids as long as possible. In their teenage years they're expected to act like children who ought not to have any sexual relationships. Then people give up on that narrative in their late teens and 20s and try to stunt their maturity again by telling them to not grow up, just stay single and fuck around instead of finding a nice wife and getting married.
People should not "start" thinking about marriage at 30. They should be setting the goal as marriage by their mid-late 20s so that they can actually successfully conceive a child. How the hell do people expect to conceive children if they don't even start trying to make one until they're 35-40 years old?
Anyhoo, I’m just wondering if the CC-Ape would feel as comfortable if his hypothetical 16-year old daughter came home with a 40-year old giant tortoise. Tortoises mature more slowly so that is about the equivalent of a 24-year old hairless ape. Would you really want to hear the grunts and groans of a tortoise that old with when he is doing unthinkable things to your teen daughter? I don’t think so!
Let your daughter reach the age of 18 before she decides to be a whore! ROAR!!!
Thank you for settling this one!
I only have one principal value that determines If I can get along with someone...
Don't get offended.
I don't care if someone thinks my beliefs are stupid. I've admired people who trash 80% of my beliefs and openly claim the superiority of everything they think. The main reason I liked them though is that I could say anything to them and they didn't care.
Arguing isn't the problem, people getting offended is. It happens to all of us but you should work to root it out of yourself. Once nothing can offend you anymore you become an evolved man.
My gut is slightly uncomfortable with it I will admit. But gut reactions aren't based on logic. If I were born in a tribal society in prehistoric times I'd probably think nothing of it.
So why doesn't the rest of the world agree with us that pushing for a high AOC is a sign of enlightenment. If you were to talk to an eccentric Dutch fellow I became acquainted with last summer. He'd tell you that high AOC laws are a direct result of the US being backward. Now there's plenty that me and this guy disagree with but we do happen to agree on high AOC laws being silly.
Here in FL, it is 18. However, there is a Romeo and Juliet exception that allows a kid as young as 16 if his/her partner is close in age. To me this is the perfect way of handling this. Another wonderful thing about FL is the Castle Doctrine, which allows me to shoot anyone trying to enter my house without my permission. I can assure you that if a 24 year old loser townie is sniffing around my house for my 16 year old daughter, he'll be leaving in a body bag.
If you looked at the map there are basically no countries and actually not that many US states either where the AOC is 18. And doesn't the reality that most teens are having sex regardless of whether it is permitted or not show that they are fully capable of consent?
In my experience, 16 year olds are not that different, in mentality, from 18-22 year olds. I'd actually argue that the average 19 year old has poorer judgment and makes more impulsive decisions than the average 16 year old. Yes this is a result of increased freedom, but the main point is simply that a 16 year old's mentality is practically the same as a 19 year old's. They usually have the same goals, speak the same way, and have the same ideas of what is fun. I'd argue the only thing separating your average 16 year old from your average 19 year old is social and legal constraints which are entirely artificial. Using the example of prehistoric tribal societies. People would likely not believe there to be any noticeable differences between 16 and 19 year olds. Especially in girls, guys at least physically mature a lot but 16 year old girls usually look almost exactly the same as 19 year old girls do.
Not when it involves a grown adult.
***That, "high school hormone monster", as you so dramatically labelled him, is as immature and inexperienced as she is and is subject to all of the same parental, situational and social constraints. It's also far easier for her to protect herself from another kid than from a manipulative grown man who targets children.***
I also had a similar mindset as you, CC, about thinking AOC laws were silly.
If any of my former crushes were frozen in time and had remain unchanged, would he have any appeal? I realized that the answer was absolutely not.
That relationship I had at 16 was an abusive one. And he was like that because he was a stunted individual with an entitled and self-pitying mindset. For example, he somehow managed to blame *every* single professor he had for why he failed all his classes and had to drop out of school. That kind of mindset is how he was able to display abusive behavior and feel no remorse. He outright said at one point he didn’t like dealing with females his own age because they “demanded too much”
Another troubling relationship I had was when I was 19 and dating a 25 year old. Not at the same level as the first one, but this guy also had his share of manipulative behavior and blaming others. Also had an opinion females his own age who were still single were “broken” somehow.
Studies have shown that the brain doesn’t really stop developing until age 25. There is a grey area there—but generally before then I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s best to not stray too much from there *especially* if it’s a relationship with serious emotional involvement. As opposed to a ONS P4P you described at age 18.
CC, when you are 24, I hope that you will have had enough positive personal development in your life that you yourself wouldn’t dream of wanting to deal with a high school girl. Not perhaps even right now at the age of 21. If for no other reason, then at least you don’t want to deal with the hassle of a girl who has to deal with things like not being able to go into bars like you can. Or has homework to deal with, etc Not when you have too many good looking and fun options immediately around you.
^Wow! If I saw that I would probably walk right back out and go somewhere else.
You still haven't addressed the underlying nature of why those social and legal constraints should exist in the first place.
At some point any relationship with a large age disparity becomes impractical and unhealthy. Should a 60 year old man pursue a long term relationship with a 20 year old girl? Even most TUSCLers, who might be most inclined to sympathize, would agree that's probably a stupid idea. A large age disparity, at some point, will become dumb and impractical. That applies to people who beyond the AOC as well.
However, such a relationship does not result in the older person being locked away in prison and having their life ruined. Sure, there's social disapproval, but nothing can really be done to that person. And the fact that some relationships which occur at that age can be abusive doesn't mean they inherently are anymore than an adult relationship can be abusive but isn't inherently, as you described when you were 19 with the 25 year old. This is why I say parents have a right to defend their child no matter what age the child is under circumstances in which the other person is abusive, as is what happened to my brother when he was 22-23. His girlfriend was abusive but he wouldn't recognize it, and my parents intervened and ended it.
And I will say, the AOC laws obviously have to apply at some age. The question is why is it that although the vast majority of the world has agreed that 16 is old enough, Americans are so confident that it not only be 18 but that in states where it is 16 that it should be de-facto treated as 18? And it doesn't even need to be intentional. A 16 year old girl could walk into a nightclub with a fake ID, sleep with a 22 year old guy without his knowledge, and under the law he'd still be considered a rapist. This is not an uncommon occurrence. What exactly separates a 16 year old from a 19 or 20 year old once you remove the social and legal constraints that have been artificially imposed? As soon as a 16 year old takes action to remove those social and legal constraints, most people cannot tell the difference.
And what about the situation of teachers who have sex with students who then goes on to brag to the whole school about sleeping with an older person? Can anyone under such circumstances honestly say that the younger person got raped? Under our legal codes, the AOC applies no matter what the circumstances were. One may think only male students would do this, but I talked to a couple people from foreign countries recently who described female high school students doing the exact same thing, but because its not considered inherently abusive in their home countries, the girls did not look at it as abusive but in-fact as a status symbol.
This suggests that the idea of a person, who is well past the age of puberty, being abused by an older person on the sole fact that they've had sex, is artificially constructed. Now if you are going to say "I know its artificially constructed, and I prefer it this way for x reasons," I can't argue with that as it becomes a matter of opinion. But understand that there is no natural or biological basis for a high AOC law and this law has probably lead to many people's lives being ruined who ought not to have had their lives destroyed.
But, I would not advise testing this. If they want to get you they can invoke Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor.
But I do understand that age of consent laws do create legal problems. But i would also say that not having such would also create problems.
Dealing with the Ricks, one needs to learn to distinguish. We have seen RicktheLion lecturing about this supposedly a political stance. Well that kind of a position supports the Right.
And these kinds of ideas do not come from the Ricks. They come from the fascist progenitors of the Ricks.
And yes, I do now agree we need a Rick Room. The Rick Room will be a place of alcohol, suits, fast cars, AK-47's, and hard times girls who always need help at the end of the month.
I say that we also need a WinningtheChumpsGame room. But I would not want to call it that. Just like people don't talk about Winning the Rat Race.
I want to call it a Beating the Chump's Game Room.
What A Cover! And What A Video! Song seems to have been written to make it easy to expand it like this. People are making a very powerful statement of political solidarity when they perform it.
and what is that touch screen device the guy plays like a keyboard?
Miss You, The Happiest Days of Our Lives, Another Brick in The Wall - Stones + Pink Floyd (cover)
^^^^ both of above very good, 3 hot ladies too.
Procol Harem 1967
so this first album would have included Robin Trower
Two Big Girls, like?
Maybe a thread can be posted to confirm or deny it, but I’m pretty sure the consensus on this site is the best thing to do with dancers (or younger females in general) is to leave all fantasies as a fantasy. Not some serious type thing.
—>”A 16 year old girl could walk into a nightclub with a fake ID, sleep with a 22 year old guy without his knowledge, and under the law he'd still be considered a rapist.“
I would agree with you there, actually. If one didn’t know, then he shouldn’t be penalized. But there’s quite a few out there who know and don’t give a shit. And not even give a shit but actively prefer younger teens. That’s what I’m addressing.
If you read what I said a bit more closely, I was specifically referring to relationships (Specifically, one with power imbalances, and dudes who seek it for that very reason) being more damaging than the sex itself.
For example, I’ll go one step further and argue that teenage runaways who become underage FSSWs (whether or not the client knows that) are in a fucked up situation, but hey it’s better than whatever hey had back “home”
So sure, if we want to get into some weird hypothetical state, then sure maybe have a ONS clause. But that would make things a bit wonky and weird and I’d agree to a blanket, “go ban the sexual activity”
My point was actually that a demographic which one might believe would be most inclined to sympathy, mostly believes it to be a bad idea.
However, such are still not considered worthy of a long prison sentence and a lifelong reputation as a pedophile. They are just considered dumb and impractical.
All that story does is prove my point that high school girls are smarter than you think. The intelligence/judgment of high schoolers is being underestimated and the intelligence/judgment of older people is being overestimated.
But remember, you started all this because you’re totally cool with a hypothetical 24 year old dating your teenage daughter.
A part of me gets disturbed by that, because I suspect you’re motivated by anime culture (and yeah, I know a lot of pedophilia goes on at those cons) and you like the idea of a kawaii fantasy for yourself. And your motivations are a personal one, not some societal concern. But I could be wrong there.
That's why he can only get the 16 year old drop outs
Lmao that's a good one.
Nah I've always thought the AOC laws were silly. I thought they were silly when I was 15 and 16 as well. To me it seems like the underlying motivation for high AOC laws has always subconsciously been "I don't want my son/daughter having sex" and this is simply a convenient excuse to make that less likely to happen. And yeah, I don't really see the big deal with a 24 year old dating my hypothetical teenage daughter.
^I’m sure you have seen that meme before if you have a Facebook account. Guess who I notice that shares that kind of thing most often? Adults females who have been that teenager before. 🤷🏻♀️
I presume that the girls in Europe and South America are doing alright. Nobody is able to address the fact that girls everywhere else in the world are doing completely fine in societies that don't get hysterical over this issue but apparently the American girls are uniquely affected?
Bur when you have a history of being resentful of females choosing males you perceive as way different than you (frat guys, or ‘macho’ guys), have ambitions to have a stay at home wife, already have thoughts of children, and actively fantasize strongly about the “innocent” and “cute” type of females, and state your opinions as if they are intellectual facts—all in isolation is meh, but altogether seems like a suspicious cluster. What kind of female in what age ranges is least likely to immediately balk at all your notions? 🧐
I’m hoping I’m wrong in my assessment so far. But just so you know: if you face any negative consequences related to law enforcement in the future—no it’s *not* society that did the active fucking up.
However, I see overall that this discussion is simply turning into a subtle accusation and I have no interest in continuing a philosophy debate with someone who is going to resort to such tactics.
And you have a history of being most passionate about “philosophy” and “political” issues that you consider directly relevant to you. Which is common and nothing that’s directly a problem. But it does mean that my “subtle accusation” has merit.
Btw I’m not directly accusing you of messing around with teenage girls. But I do think you’re starting on a thought process where you consider that a good idea.
However I do know someone who got hit on by a girl at a party not long before he turned 18. I don't remember if she was 16 or 17 at the time. Based on the ages at the time, there was no issue. She is the one who seduced him. Then, not long after he turned 18 he got arrested for statutory rape. She had a sudden change of heart or a bout of conscience and she told cops he was 18 when the sex happened, he had some serious issues. In Colorado there is no limit on stature of limitations for any sex crime against a minor. That being said, even if it is perceived as legal at the time, the other party can have a change of heart, or if the other party at any time decides they hate you for whatever reason, they can press charges. That is a huge risk.
If you are convicted of any sex crime in Colorado you would have to register as a sex offender. If you get arrested for public urination, for example, it is considered a sex crime and you would have to register as a sex offender. There is no difference on the sex offender registry weather you raped someone or you got caught pissing. It would have the same consequences either way. It seriously limits employment opportunities, where you can live, etc. Not to mention the public stigma as that registry is public.
This is specifically Colorado, I am not sure how other states work.
If you ended up going to prison for such a crime you would likely end up in a facility that held a lot of sexual predators, rapists, pedophiles, as well as murderers. Many of them with life sentences and nothing to lose.
I haven't considered it all that relevant to me since I was 15/16 and wished that an older woman was legally allowed to drain me of my rampaging adolescent hormones. Thus why you haven't heard about it until now. When I was a virgin 15/16 year old, the amount I complained about the AOC was similar to how much I complained about fratty dudes last year. At this point, however, the only political and philosophical issue I consider myself passionate about is shocking sensitivity fags who consider another person's opinions or certain kinds of media to be worthy of getting outraged over and ridicule those who are unable to think outside of the confines of what they've been taught to accept.
Well if you’re using “fag” as a derogatory slur—your priority certainly isn’t LGBT rights.
Well yes, so I can watch you be indifferent to whether or not gay people are insulted for their alternative ways.
But you get outraged (Yes, I do mean outraged. Your name calling proves it) over whether or not dudes who want to date minors get insulted.
Let’s be real. Because you don’t care about things in a philosophical or intellectual context. You care about your own personal self-interest. You’re not interested in boning dudes but you are considering the merits of whether having a relationship with somebody who you can mentally mold in your exacting sense of a relationship may not be a bad idea. Especially because you yourself have this notion you *need* a relationship/sex and that deep and heavy depression is a justifiable reaction if that’s not being met at this point in time. The cute underage girl would certainly be likely to enjoy that kind of emotional intensity from you...at least at first.
At the time he called me a #RETARD. Now that I think about it, I’ll give him points on that front that what he said had merit. Feel free to quote me on that @txtittyfag.
Clearly, you are getting very angry though, and I'm not going to continue discussing this with someone who's in that state of mind. For that reason, this will be my last comment.
But Dugan is a pretty weird wackadoodle himself needing to show how much of an imaginary tough guy he can be by threatening to shoot the nut job that might crush on his imaginary 16 year old daughter
A heads up RickiBoi the castle doctrine is a spontaneous defense, you just premeditated a murder in full view of an entire website.