
Late Night OTC

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Friday, October 25, 2019 6:04 AM
I have to start planning better for this now. When I'm on home turf, the girls I deal with can often leave their clubs early. On the road it varies a great deal. Last night I met a hot as fuck 22 year old girl who, after much barside tipping, many drinks and maybe a BS but well spun story about how I'm town a lot and am looking for a regular friend here, agreed to OTC. This girl was fuck all hot and the night was looking very good right about then. Viva La System! 😉 The only problem? She couldn't come over until after the club closed at 2:00 AM. Fuck. I had started drinking at the club at 8:00 pm and by 11:00 or so I was getting very toasty. I was never going to last until 2:00, so I told her that I needed to get a head start on some rest, but that she had an open invitation to come to my hotel when she finished. She did indeed come over, so it all worked out quite well in the end. But now I'm extra fuzzy from an interrupted night and the odds were 50/50 that I would wake up in the first place. I've missed more than a few OTC events in the past because of alcohol assisted deep sleeping that resulted in missed calls. I'm wondering if I'm getting too old for this, lol. Anyone else deal with issues like this? I am starting to think that perhaps I need to nap before I big club night on the road and go to the club later so that I can hang to the end.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    RickDugan said "I'm wondering if I'm getting too old for this, lol." You are. Well, you are and you're not. You're young enough for 80 to 90% of club life. But, boy, you really start to feel that last 10% towards the end of the night (at least I do). I used to drink (beer or bourbon) for all of my club visits. Now, I don't drink any booze during day visits, just water. For night visits, regardless of what I'm drinking, I alternate booze and water. This is partly a function of wanting to stay awake, and partly a greater appreciation for how much a DUI would suck. For night visits, I now take a nap ahead of time more often than not. I want to have fun and not be sleepy. It is what it is.
  • magicrat
    5 years ago
    I've done the nap thing as well, especially if I started during the day shift. Nap then head back for the late night shift. Although I've had some great times that way, I'm more in that last 10% these days and it's tough on an old man!
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    You know there is a drink out there called coffee ☕️ The active ingredient is caffeine, it might just give you the boost you need.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Here's the thing... I enjoy a good nap.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    If I’m getting real right now, because you would do the same for me. Dude suck it the fuck up and drive on. If there is a 9, 10 level girl trying to me have me fuck the shit of her there is no such thing as tired. Take a 5 hour energy and deal with it. It just sounds like excuses.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    @Muddy: When you've had a long ass day of meetings and then top it off with a number of Jacks on the rocks over several hours, you need more than a little coffee to revive. 10 years ago it wouldn't have been such an issue, but I'm pushing 50 now and just don't have the same capacity that I used to. Also, I get a fair amount of OTC action already in other places, so this wasn't the exciting novelty situation that it might have been for someone who does it less often. Truth be told, if she wasn't so damned hot, I wouldn't have bothered at all. I had to force myself awake at 2 something in the morning, still drunk, and it took me bout 10 minutes just to get my wits together.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    @CMI and magicrat: It's good to see that I'm not alone and that others are using the nap approach in order to hang.
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    Coffee speeds the absorption of alcohol and gets you drunker faster. Best advice I could give you is to drink slowly and not be afraid to ask for a bottle of water every few rounds.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Tbh I already drink a glass of water with each Jack on the rocks. The "slowly" part I could probably use some work on.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Never really been a late-night person - even as a kid/young-person, I preferred daylight activities, and if I had things to do I preferred to get up early and get them done (vs staying up late to do them) - I also even as a kid had trouble turning-off and falling-asleep easily; once I fall asleep I rarely wake up in the middle of the night but often times it takes me quite a while to "turn off' and fall asleep and that is still an issue for me, thus I often don't get as many hours as I need of sleep due to falling asleep sometimes very-late and subsequently the next day I'm pretty-tired especially late into the night. These days I def don't like having sex past midnight as I'm often not at my best - I prefer daytime or early-eve where I still have some decent energy - also never been a heavy-drinker but these days, particularly on the days I am tired from not having slept enough the night b/f, I feel alcohol def drains me much-more than in the past (I turn 50 in December).
  • mjx01
    5 years ago
    embrace day shift :)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Some of us have to work for a living. ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ in some areas dayshift can last till 8pm - but I think this may be the exception for clubs that close late (4am+) - and some folks have the flexibility to leave work early every now and then (particularly if one is a salaried vs hourly employee)
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    If you feel like taking a nap, take a nap. One time I was in Vegas doing clubs and casinos round the clock and got by on naps after breakfast.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i try to drink booze much less because of too much whiskey dick.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    If only there was some sort of system for this sort of stuff!
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    25: Nice fantasy. But only a retard would believe there really is a system.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Rick, to paraphrase a former Top Gun instructor: "When you're a young hard dick, you can do 3 flights a day, go drinking and chase pussy all night." "When you get to be 40 - 42, you do 2 flights a day, have dinner and a couple of beers, go to bed at 2230." When you get to be 47, you do 1 flight, have dinner, and crash." Rick, your body is talking to you, listen to it.
  • judhagai
    5 years ago
    I take a nap before a night shift visit, helps me big time and I stick to water to enjoy the experience.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    A lot of good takeaways in this thread, especially the idea of napping if I'm going to try to hang in a travel club until the wee hours of the morning. I wish I could do dayshift, but with a business to run and young kids at home it's just not realistic. Besides, truth be told, I like having my fun under the cover of darkness. I also much prefer same night OTC, which IME (though experiences could differ) is often far easier to arrange with nightshift girls than it is with dayshift girls, who often have someplace to be when their shifts are over. As far as the booze, clubbing is as much a social event for me as it is seeing tits and ass. I don't think I'd want to separate the cocktails from the other fun as it all goes hand in hand for me. I've been in several nude juice bars and it is invariably weirdly quiet and pervy every single time. For me stripper pussy is the night topper, not my sole reason for clubbing.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    But none of that is a criticism of how others prefer to club. I'll never criticize how another grown man chooses to spend his time and money and all that matters is that each of us feels that it is worth what we are spending.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Yeah, naps are your friend here. Even though I don't suffer from the "alcohol assisted deep sleep", I *do* suffer from "old fat guy running out of steam," and the few times I've arranged for a visit after clubs close, rather than for another day *before* they go to work, a nap, a loud alarm, and a five hour energy or similar has saved the day, er...night.
  • Paulcarlson
    5 years ago
    I empathize with Rick’s struggles in these late night OTCs. My very first OTC conquest occurred 2 years ago (I’m finding more and more now thanks to these blogs and extra effort). This night was tough because I was traveling for work. Landed in the morning, meetings all day, then dinner, then started clubbing and drinking around 9pm. I had my eye in this ridiculously hot blond the whole time and worked my angle for hours. Once we agreed in the OTC rendezvous at my room, she made me wait until after the club closed. I tried to go back to the room and get some sleep but I was too amped up. She finally arrived at 3am and it was amazing but my whole next day was shot. She was probably the hottest girl I’ve been with. Legit 9.5. Luckily I saw her another 2 more times since then and she arrived at my room earlier on her off days from the club. All that extra effort the 1st night was so worth it!
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Always good to read a tuscl romance story. ;) When I was 40 I could still manage that, but as I push 50 I find it much more difficult. Cool that it at played out so well for you, especially the triple dip.
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