
New here. Looking for some less expensive poon.

Favorite son of President Biden
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 2:14 PM
Hello fellow whore mongers. I have recently learned that I will need to look for some lower priced ladies of the night. I have party favors, as my daddy has a connection in Baltimore.


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “ I always wanted to sample some Slovenian Poontang :-)” Gotta love those enlightened liberals who value women for their intellect and not as sex objects.
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    Eastern European poon is some of the worlds finest. I've been told to stay away from business dealings in eastern Europe, but that won't stop me from enjoying the fine pussy from that wonderful region. You obviously have good taste in women.
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    I'm entirely unaware of any laundered funds! In the Biden family, we achieve the American dream through hard work (and strong business partnerships). I formerly believed there was no price to be placed on top shelf pussy - and powdery substances. Obviously that was during more prosperous times, when a true gentleman president was running the country. Sadly, I must lower my standards, and try to satisfy my carnal desires with ladies who might be considered skanks. I've heard that there are many Russians working in strip clubs, but they have a reputation for more talk than action. I met a few recently and they wanted me to come to Brighton Beach for a party. Sadly, my secret service detail would not allow me to engage their services.
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    I'm attempting to keep a low profile. There are certain arrangements that I made (with the consent of my father), that have been subjected to intense scrutiny recently. I am not a pig akin to Matt Lauer or Harvey Weinstein. I am a gentleman and a board member. I don't grab women by the pussy (although I have different rules for grabbing whores). I tried to get a piece of that Amy Roebuck this morning - and she turned me down! I had my hookah setup, some blow, a few glasses of the finest vodka, and some Barry White playing on my sound bar. She must be one of those skinny dykes - like that Portia DeRossi!
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Kind of a funny troll, whoever you are. I've read a few articles about Hunter and he's apparently more pathetic than criminal. He never really amounted to much and he's into strippers, alcohol, and cocaine. Nice that he has troll representation because he would fit in quite well here. For those of you who don't know, Joe Biden lost his first wife and young daughter in a car accident. Beau and Hunter survived the car accident but Beau died later (in his forties) from brain cancer. Beau's the only surviving kid and he's messed up. So Joe Biden lived through some terrible tragedy and disappointed. Hunter received $50K per month to sit on the board of of Burisma(sp?) with no experience in the energy business and no relevant experience. Obviously a form of payola and probably should be illegal. But the fact is that he didn't do anything illegal. And that the Trump kids don't benefit financially from Don is laughable. Hunter is pathetic but he didn't do anything illegal. The conspiracy theory that Joe Biden bribed the the Ukrainian government to stop investigating Burisma is Fox-News horseshit.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    *Hunter's the only surviving kid..
  • Ferdinx
    5 years ago
    Hey Hunter, here's a really great idea: You've obviously been working hard these last few years--all of that board-sitting can get tiring, I know. You deserve a nice vacation. Take a sabbatical. Six months, a year--heck, why not make it a full 13 months just because? It will do you a world of good, and your Dad should be ready to welcome you back with open arms in, oh, December 2020 or so...
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Kicked out of the Navy after a couple of months when he pissed hot for cocaIne. He was a lawyer and didn’t know they did random urinalysis? What a fucking dumbass. If not for his daddy’s name he wouldn’t have gotten into Yale Law either and would probably be working behind the counter at a fast food restaurant.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I wouldn’t mind hearing some of the real Hunter Biden’s clubbing and mongering stories. I never thought I would say this but his stories might rival Gawkers!
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    RandomMember, you have read my Wikipedia biography. Sadly, you omitted my Georgetown and Yale degrees, and my experience as part of MBNA in a fast track executive management program. I am not concerned about those omissions. It’s time to put politics aside, and focus on finding whores. Specifically Eastern European ones who can be had for very reasonable pricing. I have a secret service detail, who are excellent in cleaning up the evidence of my outings in Ukrainian brothels.
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    I assure you I am not a troll. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I must procure pussy at significantly lower prices. This is an unfortunate situation, and I dislike being the victim.
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    The truth is obvious - us Democrats - those Republicans - and my great new friends here - we all enjoy banging one out inside of a filthy whore. Whores transcend everything - they unite us all (no homo). They provide an outlet for stress after a long day in the board room of a Ukrainian energy holding company.
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    Don’t go overboard VH ape. I also get a kick out of you triggering that snowflake skifredo. But my issue with skifredo isn’t his politics. We ricks are beyond politics. No, my issue with skifredo is the simple fact that skifredo is an idiot and its fun to trigger him. But seriously VH ape, it is almost like your jacking off to Hunter Biden. That shows very poor taste. I mean really, the guy is a hairless ape named “Hunter” - why would you want to jack off to that?
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    If your daddy gets elected, you might be able to find an intern. Worked for Clinton, for a while. Just clean up your splooge.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Ivank is a Whore
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Any twat that was used by that fat slob is prolly stank now, melania and Ivanka are all used up just like Stormy
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    Just got back to my hotel after chasing some NYC Russian poon. I'm almost 50, and yet a few lines, and I can ride those Russians all night long! A mix of vitamin V and some powder - and I'm Iron Man! Those west side clubs are nice, but the girls are looking for big wall street money. Since I've retired from Burisma Holdings board of directors, I've been light on cash. Sadly, my Ukranian Express card isn't accepted outside of eastern bloc countries! I wanted to pound a few burbons and then bag a few wild fillies. But it became an inquiry. All the questions about my cash flow - if my daddy is getting investigated - if he's going to stay in the Democratic nomination circus... WTF? I finally found two Baltic beauties in Larry Flint's Hustler club. They forced me to go to the rooftop cigar lounge to fire up my crack pipe! The girls seemed decent. I smelt their cooches before barebacking them - and we got busy. I needed to release my semen (you know I was in the Navy) - as its been a stressful week of questions - and the debate didn't help.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    I’m definitely gonna read this thread later. I’m sure it won’t be a waste of time.
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    I'm a gentleman - and I don't normally discuss ladies who I've met personally - but to answer your inquiries - Ivanka - a total fox - but stuck up like a true bitch. She thinks her shit don't stink - and I recommend asking Mike Pence to confirm. Melania - gorgeous and statuesque. Her beauty is striking - and her accent is like nails on a chalkboard. I'm sure she fucked a few goats before emigrating from Borat-a-stan. Tiffany - kooky and wild as fuck! Her legs spread like a Russian in need of potato soup. She's held several creamy pizzas - if you know what I mean... Stormy - her pussy is so used she wouldn't feel Michelle Obamas blackzilla cock in her. I've not seen a more used whore since I spent a weekend at Charlie Sheen's place in Cali. To get the good stuff, you must find them in Kiev. The new fluff girls, just in from the goat farms, are quite stunning.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Ask the Patriots owner. Dude is balling and yet went to a cheap massage parlor.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    I wonder if Melania can satisfy a REAL MAN in bed ? !!!
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Whats the matter ASSWIPES ? Dont wanna hear your orange idol get disrespected in the front room ?
  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    I respect everyone's opinion. This whole impeachment thing is a bad idea. This will simply cause the republicans to look more into democrats business dealings everywhere. The less sniffing around the business dealings of politicians (and their families) - the better. Nobody cares that a former VP's son snorts coke off the tits of Ukrainian whores - but when a guy with no experience gets a $600,000 retainer - suddenly theres an investigation! We looked the other way when Mr Trump urinated on several of Mr Putin's best Russian whores, so I understand the use of discretion...
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Russia has the best WHORES
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ I believe that! :) :) :) SJG
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    GOP ruins every state !!!
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    What in the fuck am i reading?
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Bidens did nothing wrong !!!
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