
Whale Encounters (and Cock Blocking MFs!)

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:51 PM
I know they exist. Most of us have seen them. As many of us have lost strippers to them. Some of us even are them. Not me for sure. I'm curious, though, how often does one spot one and have you ever been cock blocked by one? Have you ever beat one by cock blocking them? Since the definition of one is a bit subjective I just ask that you clarify what he (or she) was doing to make you think he was one. For myself I don't see whales that often. Maybe once out of fifty visits or every few years. I've been cock blocked by one less than a handful of times in many years, but those encounters stick to my memory. The last time I saw one was over 6 months ago. I went to see my backup CF and he had her on lockdown. I arrived and she was just getting off stage, but before she even saw me and I could say hi she was leading a guy to the private dance area. No big deal, I thought, she would be done in just a handful of songs and then she's all mine! So I waited. Three songs went by and I thought no problem. She's coming soon. Then another three go by. I'm starting to look into backup-backup options, but I waited that long already, so she has to be done soon, right? Wrong! Three more songs go by. Nine songs! Then they come out and she sees me. She says something to him and comes over to me. I thought great. Finally! But no. She tells me very apologetically that she's about to do an hour VIP with the guy who I see is at the ATM. I knew it was over at that point. I got cock blocked by a whale. She tells me she'll make it up to me (she does at a later visit). I go home. Nine songs is $300 and VIP for an hour is $500.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    This is something regulars do often whether they're whales or not
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I'm talking whales specifically, though. I'm a regular and yeah my last visit with ATF DS I cock blocked the same dude that I've cock blocked before. LOL but it only cost me $70-80 both times.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ for an hour each time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Cockblocking is cockblocking - it just sucks when you're the one that's getting cocked-blocked. There are clubs where most of the top girls are untouchable bc of regulars
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Agreed but again I'm also just interested in whales and really how often they are encountered. Hence the emphasis on the whale part in the thread title.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Well - from watching The Discovery Channel whales seen to be abundant in the Pacific Northwest so you may have to move 😄
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Har har (?)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Off the top of my head I don't recall many instances of witnessing whales - I've noticed girls hanging with guys that have bought bottles but IDK if they were whales and if they spent a lot on the dancers - IDK if the girls hung out at the bottle tables for the free alcohol and/or thinking/hoping the guys would spend big on them
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Papi yeah I see that too and for me I don't count those as whales because it's not confirmed. The situation I described in my OP was one of my rare bonafide encounters because I did the math on the dances and VIP cost. And to your point about Portland/PNW I actually don't think that this is an area of a high percentage of whales. I think I've seen more in Phoenix out of any city I've clubbed. When I went to Christie's Cabaret and Bourbon Street Circus I'd see the hottest strippers upstairs for hours at Christie's and at BSC they'd be at a table for hours.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ at both clubs those hot strippers never had to go onstage and when I inquired one hottie at BSC she said the guy had bought her out for the night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Back in the early-2000s I used to visit a black dive in Arlington,TX near Dallas. In that club if you were willing to buy dances you could usually get any girl to give you dances - one night a Dallas Cowboys wide-receiver came in - I didn't know who he was, he may have been like a 4th, 5th, or 6th receiver, not a star or starter - anyway he set up shop at a table with 4-buddies and almost all the dancers immediately flocked to his table - it was a slow-ish weeknight and there were under 10-dancers but seemed about all of them ended up at his table - all I saw was a lot of drinking going on but didn't notice any $$$ being given to the dancers but I didn't stsy too long after he showed up - it seemed as if was a bit of a regular at the club by the way the girls immediately flocked his table
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "I'm curious, though, how often does one spot one and have you ever been cock blocked by one?" One thing I've noticed is not all big spenders block dancers. Had one top off my drink one day at the bar because he knew that managers well enough to hang out back there. The dancer I was talking with was the one he was there to see, but when I asked she said he's cool and she was still getting paid. The bigger spenders are easy to spot because there's a customer with a couple of dancers sitting with him and half the club watching. The whales who are regulars tend to stand out because they often do shit to call attention to themselves to project a special status. "Have you ever beat one by cock blocking them?" Unless it's a club I know is a one and done and there's a dancer I *must* try and get time with, I let the whales do their thing. I'll have some other time with a fav, and they'll appreciate me helping their bottom line with no drama. Messing with a dancer's money is something that will get a customer fired fast, and to me it's pointless to try and outbid some other custie when I'm paying pennies on the dollar for whatever bigshot is paying.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    My PNW whale comment was just a joke referring to the area suppossedly having whale populations as in the actual mammals
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LOL @Papi one time I wanted a dance from this hot little krill spinner but a fucking fat ass blue whale swallowed her.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Oh fuck, I remember one time, a couple summers ago, a dancer told me she would give me weed cookies so I waited for three fucking hours for her to get out of the VIP room. To be fair, not all of that was spent sitting there. I'd say about an hour of it was talking to another dancer and getting a lap dance from her. The other two hours? I have no excuse for. I never thought I'd be so bored in a strip club I'd play angry birds in the bathroom.
  • Bamaeight
    5 years ago
    Most of the time you will see them tip and many times not going to VIP. These guys get to know the dancers outside the club, when they come in she knows that the money is there and it will be handled in different ways. So as far as a girl just hanging with regular or not jumping when you walk in the door means she know where her money comes from and she may miss vip here and there but the rent or car payments are taken care of. They are just there to hang out for little while and enjoy her. Think behind or read between the lines.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Around 12 years ago, when I was becoming a strip club addict, I had a blonde fav at an upscale club. One day I saw my fav on stage and tipped her, but when she got off stage she went to a booth across the room and sat with a fat, fair-skinned customer. I tipped her again when she came on stage, but again she went straight to the fat guy. On my third try I asked her to come see me. She explained to me that "Henry" was her regular customer and he spent $1500 to $2000 on her every time she came in. Henry did not want her to give dances to other guys or even talk to them. He wanted her all to himself. With the money she was receiving, it made sense for her to ignore me.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Last time a regular that I wanted was busy, I hung around and waited for a couple of hours. By the time she freshened up and came over Chinese food sounded better so I passed. She said"you waited all this time and u r leaving"? I just said yes. The look on her face was better than getting laid lol. Probably was the end of it, but Desires is great and there is about thirty potential replacements.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @jackslash if he saw you talking to his blonde I bet "Henry" got a little power trip from seeing her shutting you down. I can understand locking her down for dances because it's time she's not with him, but wanting no talking to other customers? WTF? It's his money, and a lot of it, to do what he wants but that sounds a little much.
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    Whales suck. Harpoon them all and eat the blubber! Have you ever seen a whale trying to wear a suit? It’s fucking absurd. Not sexy like a lion wearing a suit. Hell, even the barnacle pulls off the suit better. But that is partly because rickthebarnacle is a fucking badass. ROAR!!!
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    There’s a whale so large at a local club that the dancer arrives the same time as him, and she only dances for him yet nobody else-ever! Seems to me she could just do otc with him or a Sugar date, but maybe that happens too. She used to be popular with the PLs, until her exclusivity to this one whale. Odd? Maybe, but maybe she’s burnt out on old guys trying to put their fingers in her Butt, who knows?
  • jacej
    5 years ago
    I remember two c-block events distinctly. It doesn't happened very often to me though as I'm generally not a regular with any girls since I'm strictly an out-of-town clubber. The first was at a large mid-tier club, and there was a group table with probably 10 girls partying it up with the guys there. The dudes would go up to girls dancing on the stages and "make it rain". I'm not talking about the regular make it rain type of guys. These guys would literally go up to the stage with packs of $50 ones, and throw the whole thing up into the air and have it shower all over the girls. The girls had so many ones, that they had to carry around SEVERAL beer bucks stacked on top of each other just to be able to gather and carry all the $1s. It was fun to watch, but man, no one could compete with those guys. They kept this up for the entire THREE HOURS I was there at the club! They pretty much sucked all the oxygen out of the club. It was ridiculous. All the hotter girls wanted to get in on the action, leaving the remainder of the PLs in the club with very slim pickin's. The other one I remember was at a upper-tier club that I had been to before, and I saw a dancer that I had seen previously that I wanted to get dances with, but had never had the chance during my previous visits. This time, she was in lock-down in VIP seating hanging with a regular, and she mostly just sat with him. When she went on stage, I tipped her a few bucks and asked her to join me later if she could. The regular went up to the stage after I did, tipped her $20, and she went right back to sitting with him. I didn't how much he was giving her for her time, but I guess it was enough to keep her there. After about two hours or so, the lock-down did loosen up a little, and she came up to me after her stage set and asked if I wanted to do some dances. Hurray! I asked if this would make her regular jealous as I didn't want to find myself on the receiving end of a roid rage. She said it was fine, and our dance session was great. I would have wanted to do a few more sets with her, but after we were done, she went back on lock down. As a non-regular, it's hard to compete with regulars, and especially regulars who are whales.
  • jacej
    5 years ago
    ^Typo - beer buckets, not beer bucks.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i share because i care.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Jascoi, the kindler gentler sperm whale.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    To be a genuine whale requires frequent episodes of big spending. I suspect most first sightings of whales are guys spending way more than they can afford on a one-time basis.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    This newbie minnow - wait, scratch that - I've graduated to wily trout - just swims over to another mermaid (stripper).
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I'm a PNW king salmon myself. I go back to the same stream.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The minute you walked in the joint I could see you were a man of distinction A real big spender Good lookin' so refined Say, wouldn't you like to know what's goin' on in my mind? So let me get right to the point I don't pop my cork for every man I see Hey big spender, Spend a little time with me Wouldn't you like to have fun, fun, fun How's about a few laughs, laughs I could show you a good time Let me show you a good time! The minute you walked in the joint I could see you were a man of distinction A real big spender Good lookin' so refined Say, wouldn't you like to know what's goin' on in my mind? So let me get right to the point, I don't pop my cork for every guy I see Hey big spender Hey big spender Hey big spender Spend, a little time with me Yes
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Well I've never been directly affected by or even noticed a whale with my own eyes before. But in a trip to Playhouse Lounge in NJ I got to hear plenty of whales in action. So Playhouse Lounge has a different type of system for keeping count of dances. One I really like, honestly. When you're back in any VIP room, there is a guy whose sole job is to keep track of how many songs each dancer in VIP has done. A song is 4 minutes exactly, at $30 each. Once a 4 minute interval has passed he announces the dancer's name and song count over a PA system that any patrons/dancers currently in a VIP room will hear. So when you hear your dancer's name she'll ask if you wanna keep going. If you don't, you have 30 seconds to open the VIP room door before being charged for another dance. Well while I was receiving dances I'd hear the names of plenty other dancers along with modest song counts like 4 or 5. And then sometimes I'd hear ridiculous numbers like 'Mercedes, 25'. Or 'Milla, 32'. Doing the math on that and I was just like, wow. With one, I tried to wait to see who the dancer came out with just so I could see who it was that just ponied up close to $1000. But he never came out. I do one last dance and I hear the count now up to 47! Like, wtf?! Hey, if the whales got it like that then more power to them.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    twentyfive, the musical blue whale
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    How is 9 songs $300? What happened to $20 a song? Even at $25 a song is less than $300! What kind of high end club is this? Or have I been away too long? BUT in the case of your particular club, $500 for 1hr VIP ain't bad
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Sirlap that’s an oldie from Shirley Bassey
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    At this club the songs are $100/3 or $40/1. Granted, my backup CF might be giving him the same rate I get at $30/1 but I wasn't sure. Still, $270 for dances and $500 for VIP not including tip is at whale level in my book. Out here in Portland you can still get $20/1 at only the worst dives or you find a VERY generous fave.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ meant for Estafador
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    The best time I can recall cock blocking a whale was one time I was at a local Denver club when I went to a stage where the hottest dancer in the club was. I sat down and put two $1 bills on the rail and noticed the dancer over talking to a guy in a suit and tie who had two $20 bills laying on the rail. I was about to get up and move on but she came over to me. I had a good conversation with her. I kept going to her stages and got a couple dances from her. Would have gotten more but she kept disappearing in the back after she agreed to give dances and not coming out until she was on stage again. She was pretty drunk. She seemed to enjoy talking to me so whenever I went to her stage I kept putting $2 down and the guy in the suit kept putting down $40. She would go take his money and come over to me and spend most of her set talking to me. The suit was pissed. She was talking shit about him the whole time.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I thought it was funny but I am sure the suit did not see the humor in the scenario... haha
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Estafador it's also a mid-level club. Those rates are typical at most clubs out here nowadays.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @twentyfive I knew the tune but not the singer.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    @SirLapdancealot where the hell do you live? Even mid-high end clubs dont charge past $25 a dance in NYC. That's highway robbery
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Estafafor I live in Portland, OR. It's been slowly getting this way over the last 5-10 years. At the same club about 8 years ago it was $25/1. I blame Johnny "Rip Off Bitch" Diablo. The sleazy owner of Casa Diablo, Portland's overrated, vegan, and rip-off strip club.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    @Sirlap, I've noted you've said 3/100 is common in Portland for all nude, what's the common rate for a handful of topless dancers up there?
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @gSteph $25/1 for topless usually. At the Golden Dragon they have a $50/3 rate.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I’ve only rarely encountered whales. Since I prefer low end clubs, the chance of seeing a whale is rare. Cock blocking is much less rare. There are two types of blockers - as some do it on purpose - and others just accidentally chat up a dancer who they don’t plan to spend on. It still sucks for the dude waiting for the girl.
  • Studme53
    5 years ago
    People from Philly area will think I’m making this up but I got cock blocked from one of my first ATFs Summer from Delilahs by Whale Craig Rabinowitz. He defrauded his friends and family to get money to spend on Summer and ultimately murdered his wife for the insurance money to spend on Summer. Of course he got caught and is spending life in prison. Google it. Summer became an infamous minor celebrity and was on the HBO show G-String Divas. She was one of the hottest dancers I ever saw and was incredibly sexy on stage and super hot in private dances. I was in total lust with as probably like a lot of other guysEasy to see how Craig got obsessed with her - it came out later he would spend a couple Thousand on her every time he was there and he was there all the time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ that's one serious cockblock
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ Moby Dick level
  • Studme53
    5 years ago
    Yep - I was jealous - I remember thinking “who’s this douche bag in the suit? He’s here bogarting her every time”. After the story broke it all made sense. She made the most of it - Leg Show Magazine layouts and stories, G-String Divas, dinner theater etc I wish I had a copy of the G-string diva episode about her. She tells the whole story - but they also show her dancing and giving a lap dance - super sexy. During the lap dance on the show she’s kneeling between the guys legs talking to him about his “throbbing cock”. I’m sure it was - she knew how to work it.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Shit happens. I've been on both sides of the cockblocking fence. I don't care enough to be mad when it happens to me or to be satisfied when I do it to someone else. I am there to be entertained and if one girl won't do it, then there are other fish in the sea. There were only two times where it truly impacted my night ever. In each instance, the guy was spending so much money so liberally that he had the attention of all the decent tail in the club. But that was 2 out of x hundreds of nights over 10 years and in each instance I just moved on to another club. Tomorrow is another day and even if your favorite gets fat and happy tonight, she's inevitably going to blow that cash and need more soon enough.
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