Are PL's like unicorns or a dime a dozen

avatar for Lone_Wolf
I'm a 50'sh below average looking white dude that would be considered upper middle class based on income (barely).

I'm willing to spend stupid amounts of money on OTC / SR opportunities for the right honey.

I met a dancer the other day (fine) that did a good job creating the illusion I was a rare find.

My question - are PL's like me closer to unicorns or are we a dime a dozen to these honeys?

My perception is PL's like me are easy to find for the fine honeys.


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avatar for K
5 years ago
Hot women have no problem finding men. Think about this, if we were so rare, they would be paying us
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I think PLs in general are a dime a dozen but a reliable regular is more rare. I have followed my ATF DS to several clubs and I only saw a handful of regulars like me that came in to see just one stripper on a regular basis. And both my ATF DS and backup CF give me priority over other PLs whenever I'm in the club. And they give me discounted dance rates. I also distinguish myself from other PLs by giving an awesome massage. For all of this, I'm a rare PL. But yeah I see more typical PLs all the time in clubs.
avatar for gawker
5 years ago
I once had a very attractive stripper tell me she had been evicted from her apartment and didn’t know where she was going to stay after work. I commiserated and then moved on. I mentioned to my ATF that this gal was homeless. She stared at me, shook her head, and said, “beautiful women are NEVER homeless. There’s always a willing man who’ll take her in.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
My experience is that paying customers are somewhat common but regulars are rare. Granted, I live in a city where the majority of their customers are tourists who will likely not spend money on them again in the future.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
There is nothing anyone I pay could say to me that I would accept as the truth. Just smile, say thank you and protect yourself.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
> There is nothing anyone I pay could say to me that I would accept as the truth. Just smile, say thank you and protect yourself.

Yep. Sometimes you may actually be THE favorite customer to see by a girl. Much more often than not - you are just another routine atm.

Nothing wrong with that either way as long as you are having fun and not getting caught up in it all.

The game, is the game.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I always run with the things they say as it plays to my advantage. "Oh, I have a big dick AND I'm so handsome and sweet unlike most of your customers?" Sure! Then tease my big dick and enjoy the pleasure of my company. "And you're the hottest and sexiest stripper I've ever been with! It must be destiny that we met tonight!"

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Depending on the market, you might be on the rare(ish) side of the bell curve.

But a unicorn?... no.

Take it from another guy who is also not a unicorn.
avatar for samiel
5 years ago
I think it's more common in day shift but not as common in night shift. Dancers are probably always looking for regulars.

I agree, not a unicorn probably, but not common is my guess, depending on area.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Unicorns: the customers who handed over several hundred dollars in one go, and I didn’t have to do much in the way of finessing, or mileage, or maybe even dancing for that. They just handed it happily and for no other reason than they felt like it. 🦄
avatar for azdd
5 years ago
LW, I agree with the general consensus that regulars who are willing to spend money on a repeat basis are more rare than other PLs. I think in Phoenix, where you and I play, most dancers with lots of regulars enjoy getting to know them better than other customers, especially if things have moved to OTC activities. For me, it is much more relaxing with a regular when I can be myself, and not worry about whether I’m saying the right things, appearing stupid, or otherwise being creepy. I think dancers feel the same about being with their regulars, with the added bonus that they get paid!
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
PL's chasing a more meaningful relationship with dancers are a dime a dozen. Absolutely. Them failing at it is also pretty common. TUSCLers tend to fare better than most I'd say, especially as they age out of natural advantages like youth and any good looks they had to match up with being young. Money helps if PLs have it, but realistically being attractive in some way to the dancer you want is a big, big plus.

Being a unicorn customer is accidentally being present at a dancer's lowest moment, when anything that customer wants is possible, and knowing that what she actually needs is to be treated like a person with value and the possibility of a future they can walk around in with some kind of self-respect. That's not acting like a white knight on your day off from being Cap'n Save a Ho, it's showing her that you might actually be the person she was hoping for when she decided to open up to you. Twenty years ago the hobby was easier, before I'd lived long enough to see how some of my favorites turned out. Part of me wants to go back to looking at lap dances like fast food, but I don't have to try and establish a rapport with a bag of fries to be satisfied with that experience.

This isn't me saying that all dancers have problems with their choices and whatever else goes along with that, but no dancer I have ever known in more than a casual way has ever walked away from dancing without some type of baggage. For that matter, no one I have ever known with years of time spent in any kind of customer service job has made it through without some kind of baggage. People are dicks. People who feel entitled to something they want from you (or through you) are even bigger dicks. PL's looking for something deeper with dancers who aren't that interested can be the biggest dicks of all.

Getting back to the OP, some of the most insecure dancers I've met are also the most beautiful. Are customers likely to be a mark for the dancer 1%ers? Sure. But to me things are always case-by-case. And because dancers are also women, pleasant surprises can go a long way. Not just trinkets and shit like that. Game recognizes game. Be a TUSCLer and shoot your shot.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Well shit, Wall. As an individual who got a college degree four months but has spent zero time seeking out conventional employment. And also for the school year stopped caring about campus involvement/networking, now you’re making me hesitate on whether I’m making a poor decision after all on living a bohemian travel dance lifestyle. 😐

I’d like to think I’m a unicorn dancer who is unlike other dancers. But I am a risk averse individual who doesn’t like making decisions assuming I’ll be an outlier.

I don’t believe dancing and dealing with customers has negatively affected me. Actually, I always thought it was the opposite. But then again, I had an upbringing where several important people in my life (biological family) deliberately messed with my self-worth. And I internalized a lot of it and even to this day have to mentally work at it to keep “taking out the trash” on toxic thoughts. So I guess when it came to my self-respect, I really had no other direction to go other than up anyways.

Hmm...ah well, if I am dooming myself, then I am going to make the most of it. 😁 I’m excited to be on the road tomorrow after I wake up and off to another destination. And in a few days will try out a new club I never have before. And be able to converse with a new batch of customers and learn new things. And when not doing that, enjoying the beautiful scenery in a place that isn’t 100 freaking degrees outside. And find secluded areas where my dog can run around off leash and terrorize squirrels and birds with absolute joy.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Okay that was going off a tangent and I probably need to go to sleep now. I’m hoping when I wake up, I won’t look back at this thread and and cringe for being incoherent.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
I've never seen you incoherent, nice. Hope that you write a book at some point.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
I don't pay enough attention to other customers to have a handle on this. But if the ease in which I score OTC is any indication, then I suspect that good paying customers are in the sharp minority.

As far as the rest of the comments in this thread, it's way too much thinking for me. I'm not looking for long-term connections and I don't track these chicks once they checkout of the business. I seek transitory entertainment. My obligations extend no further than to treat her with decency and pay my tab and I expect her to honor her end of the deal in return. Beyond that, she's a grown woman and her life choices are her own.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
As with many things, just follow the $$$.

Strippers do what they do, and put up with what they put up with, for the $$$, obviously - and I would think they see middle-aged and above PLs as more willing and able to spend $$$.

One would assume most dancers would prefer to dance for young good looking guys if those guys were available and spent the same as the older guys but reality is it's often the older guys that are gonna spend better - so yes I think middle-aged+ guys are often higher on the pecking-order in clubs bc they are seen as higher $$$ potential.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I suspect that fit older guys with a few bucks to spend do better everyplace just keep an eye on how things shake out in regular life, experience helps a lot my suspicion is that it’s more than having the extra cash available it’s also knowing how to spend it effectively to achieve the results you want.
avatar for Conundrum
5 years ago
We are more like trophy bucks for these ladies. (Get it?)
"10-point buck", "20 point bucks", "40 point bucks"...etc
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
we are a dime a dozen. (we can just hope to be that silver dime.)
avatar for chowder
5 years ago
Hard to say anything about a Unicorn just because I don't know how other PLs are other than the ones who post here. Even at that everyone has different interest. Plenty don't want a CF and want variety. Others like the less (relatively) hassle/risk with a CF.

I wasn't looking for a ATF/DS but I got attached to one. It has mostly been great and worth it for me. It started out as a regular ITC and I paid above market to keep her attention. When schedules didn't align OTC was sprinkled in. Over several months it became 80/20 OTC/ITC. We have become pretty good friends along the way and just have fun when we are together without any bs or pressure.

Honestly I don't see myself in this situation ever again and wasn't looking for it this time. For now I am riding the wave knowing it will end one day.

Maybe that makes me a Unicorn.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I had been going to see my ATF DS for two years, basically seeing her a few times a week before we had a falling out and she "broke up" with me. After not seeing her for about three months I start seeing her post to her social media that she misses me. I wait another three months and then visit her again, and wow did she show me that she regretted losing me and she started doing everything I wanted in a strip club visit. Our falling out was from her assuming that she could do a few quick dances with others before spending time with me and my limit was only one. When we reunited she changed for the better. From that point forward she made me #1 priority as soon as I arrived and would not entertain any other customers until I left. And she flat out told me that I'm her #1 customer by far. So ultimately that's when I learned and experienced the power of being a regular. Strippers get used to the regular income and don't want to lose it. It's not unicorn level but it is still rare and valuable.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
My perception is PL's like me are pretty common but maybe not.

One thing I've always found surprising is how easy it is to schedule an OTC date and time with the honeys. Usually the first suggested time is accepted.

Years ago, when I first started this hobby, the honeys were still a little cautious who they gave there cell number to. Now they give it out like M&M's making it more difficult to build a connection.

I appreciate the thoughtful replies.

avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Just add this to your wardrobe:
avatar for PaulDrake
5 years ago
There was a thread on the pink forum recently that mentioned that there really aren't a lot of guys that have both the willingness and available cash to spend medium to large amounts over the long term. I do think there is a lot of truth to that.

But there is also some variance in dancers. A recent ATF used to leave her phone on the table with me when she would go on stage and it would always buzz multiple times from guys wanting to know if she was working. Then I have had other favs who struggle to attract any regulars at all.
avatar for chowder
5 years ago
LW - I find dancers are using their cell number/social media and the club as a conduit to various activities OTC. I find the dancer who doesn't a rare breed these days.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
I’m also approaching this from a Phoenix standpoint. I visit clubs once a week and spend freely. I also treat dancers with respect and show genuine interest in them and their lives.

In return, there are quite a few dancers who treat me like a unicorn. Now, I am sufficiently aware that they all probably have a dozen unicorns in their professional lives, and are skilled in making each feel special.

It works for me.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
My honest opinion? TUSCL is famous for middle-aged guys bragging about their prostitution habit. As if paying strippers for sex is some kind status symbol? You're a John paying for sex -- not a unicorn.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
We are a dime a dozen, dropped and replaced by another without more than a passing thought just like dropping a dancer for the next hot thing.

I would not want to be a unicorn anyways, as once said "a unicorn is horse with a strapon."
avatar for lurkingdog
5 years ago
Chowder - I think your experience is pretty common— weren’t looking for an ATF but found one nonetheless. Enjoy the ride while it lasts (and nothing really lasts . . . But so it goes)
5 years ago
If by PL you mean dude willing to pay for sex - nickel a dozen
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