
Raview Faggotry

God Bless Dancers
Sunday, August 11, 2019 3:29 PM
This has been ridiculous with certain members constantly saying there are not enough details. They seem to want every single detail about the club in a single raview. That is why there are multiple reviews of each club. Quit being a lazy faggot and read a few of them. Every raview does not need to be a novel.


  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Harderlap Not Enough Details Tell us about the cover charge, drink costs, and, most importantly, dance costs. It is not clear whether or not you got dances, but if you did describe them a bit. Talk about the areas in which the dances take place. grand1511Not Enough Details costs? ^^^ both faggots
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^ a grand1511 faggit among with Minnow and Clubber, two catfish noodling cock sucking faggits!
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    hey. we are lazy. we want EVERY detail in EACH new review.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    ClubberNot Enough Details 6 lines of text is NOT a review! ^^^ more faggotry
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I saw more than 6 lines of text.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I saw a passed review where the guy noted that his first try got rejected for too few details. So... he wrote a better review. Didn't include club schematics or an analysis of the local economy. It was just a better review. That's also an option.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    First grand gets blasted for being too liberal with his review accepts and now he’s apparently a faggot for rejections now. 🤣🤣
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Anyways, don’t forget to include desertscrub. Who is obsessed with magic wands for whatever reason.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    ^^^ noted. What does he consider a magic wand?
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    Faggot, errr Harderlap here. The review was published, so three out of five reviewers thought it was OK. That is fine and that is how the review process works. It does not need to be unanimous, and is probably best if it isn’t. I am OK with that. I didn’t think there was much useful information in the review other than “I went to the strip club and saw three dancers.” When I read a review for a club, I want to know how much fun I am going to get for the money I spend. That can be conveyed in many different ways, but it does require one to talk about the costs, and some information, even in general terms on how much fun can be had for those dollars. That review failed to convey that information, so I rejected it, with information on how to improve the review to make it publishable. Others felt it was or would be useful to them, so they recommended it be published. That is OK too. I follow the guidelines for reviews in making my recommendations. I find those guidelines make my reviews useful. The big question I ask myself when reading a review and recommending it or rejecting it is “Does this review contain enough useful information to help me make an informed decision as to whether or not to go to the club?” I didn’t think the one in question did. When I reject a review I usually try to provide information for improving the review. If I am in doubt as to whether or not a review should be published, I just skip it. Reviewers of reviews don’t need to make recommendations on every review. Although I try to follow the guidelines for reviews, I do not do so religiously and if a review is good in meeting most of the guideline points, but not all, I usually recommend it for review. We have discussed this a lot here lately. The discussion does not seem to converge. I think that the bottom line is that the vast majority of reviews that get published follow the guidelines to some degree or another and are useful. Some get published that shouldn’t and some get published that are of marginal utility. But, overall the system seems to work. Peer review won’t work if reviewers stop rejecting bad reviews because they are attacked publicly for doing so. It isn’t worth the hassle for them.
  • trapdoor
    5 years ago
    Aren't prices for cover (day/night), drinks, and dances specified on the clubs listing page? There's a "Details" section that also includes dancer ethnicity. I admit I reject some reviews here and there, but those that I do don't add any value. I've seen some reviews where people are speaking in such general terms that there's no actual evidence that the reviewer actually visited the club. Other reviews I have rejected are the types where they write about the club in general terms and not highlight their specific visit. Those usually are like, "been coming to this club for years and they always are nice. Never had a bad visit in the past. Hope they never change a thing about the club as it's perfect the way it is!" However, I don't feel like each review needs to follow a specific format. I believe if the review includes information that would help me decide whether or not to visit the club, like going into detail about a new dancer they met and had a great time with, or commenting on a new policy (no more contact during floor dances or dances in VIP being by time and not song count) then those details are welcome and should be accepted. We don't need to always know how much a drink cost or the general layout of the club. Especially if the club is well reviewed and details like that have been covered in previous reviews.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Harderlap said "Peer review won't work if reviewers stop rejecting bad reviews because they are attacked publicly for doing so." Yep. This. Also... if you're going to lecture or wag your finger at other users for how they pass or fail reviews, then perhaps you shouldn't do it from a troll, sock-puppet account that has 11 entirely bullshit/fake club reviews. trapdoor said "Aren't prices for cover (day/night), drinks, and dances specified on the clubs listing page? There's a "Details" section that also includes dancer ethnicity." Send in an update to a club listing page and see how long it takes for that update to go live; it's often not zippy. I don't reject reviews solely for not having pricing or layout, etc., but it's low-hanging fruit and not hard to include. So, if a review is lacking in other areas and also doesn't have pricing, then I reject it. I also don't expect blueprint schematics for the club layout, but a general idea is nice. Small club? Huge, cavernous club? One stage or multiple stages? One bar or multiple bars? Again, not hard to include a few general details or impressions. That said, I recently passed a very short review that mentioned only that the guy went to the club in the early afternoon and they had zero dancers working. His beef was that if you're a strip club and you're open, then there should be naked ladies. Valid point, and other users should probably know that this club isn't great at staffing early day shifts. It's peer review. Some guys are going to be harsh, others will pass everything, but the fat middle of the bell curve will be guys who fall somewhere in between. It should be noted that MackTruck copied his examples of "faggotry" from reviews that got passed. Meaning, peer review worked.
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    Ishmael - Good points. And yes, that big fat middle part of the bell curve is what makes the peer review process work.
  • joesmama69
    5 years ago
    You boys need to start playing with the girs instead of each others weiners
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    One thing that is often glossed over in these reject/publish discussions is that publishing of a review has a real measured value to the reviewer; a months VIP membership, currently valued at $8 or so. Although not a fortune, one would expect that, in exchange for a month’s VIP membership, the review have substantive value and meet some minimum guidelines. Some approver’s standards for publishing are higher than others, but I don’t think anyone has set standards that exceed those recommended by Founder. The member making the publish/reject recommendation gets no compensation, and that is probably right.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    @harderlap... All of that (the $ amount and VIP membership) is founder's business (literally) and not mine. I just decide if the review is useful or not, and make my selection accordingly. @joesmama69... Hey Juice. Congrats on finding another troll login.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “I don’t think anyone has set standards that exceed those recommended by Founder.” The problem is, Founder hasn’t set any standards. He has published “guidelines.” There’s a big difference between guidelines and standards, but some reviewers don’t seem to understand that difference. They have adopted the guidelines as their review “standard,” and I guess that’s ok for them. I personally think it’s stupid. If the review, in my subjective opinion, provides useful information, I’ll approve it.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Stop fucking whining already Mack. We know it's making it harder for shills and trolls to pack the review area with ads and hit jobs. They'll just have to do better and step up their game. Just like the powers that be around here will never make this place something it isn't simply by running a bunch of weirdly androgynous troll accounts posting about their many "sensual" lapdance experiences, neither will they convince hard core club hounds to see shit on a stick as anything but what it is. Btw I have never had a single down vote on any review I've posted, ever. Neither have a number of other reviewers here, so it really isn't that hard for anyone who actually visited a club as a customer.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Like CMI I’ve seen reviews get rejected and rewritten to pass, I’m fine with the current peer review process, it actually works quite well overall.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “Stop fucking whining already Mack.” — So says the biggest review Nazi of them all, the one who will actually threaten physical violence over reviews he doesn’t like. What? No one could be that fucked in the head, you say? Well, here it is: rickdugan Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer January 4, 2019 Funny doctor. You act like a Grade A douchebag with what you did to that club, then act like the aggrieved party being trolled. I guess you're one of those victim mentality types. Anyway, next time you look up your girl . . . just let me know. After I'm done fucking you up in the parking lot of the Dollhouse, maybe I'll take her out for a spin. After I'm done with her, she can visit you in the hospital if she feels like it. I deleted the name of a completely uninvolved third party that the Douchebag saw fit to name in his tirade for some reason. If you want to see the Douchebag’s whole bizzare rant, here it is. [view link]
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Now now doctor. I think we both know that was a response to your claim that I wouldn't make fun of you to your face, not because of the purported review that was the source of so much comedic material. Though what you did to that club was a travesty and probably resulted in all of us losing our ability to impact future club ratings. We should all thank you for that.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    And none of that makes Mack's post any less whiny or oddly motivated.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “Though what you did to that club was a travesty and probably resulted in all of us losing our ability to impact future club ratings.” Talk about whiny. Not to mention psychotic.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I hear ya' there. I'm sure you thought your 10 minute bathroom stop review was a bonified masterpiece. 😉 Now your own reviews are such crap that you'd be a hypocrite for giving anyone else grief about theirs. But some of us actually come onto a strip club review site to read...well...informative reviews. Kinda like when I go onto a restaurant review detailed reviews about restaurants, rather than 10 minute bathroom breaks. Just sayin.' Rumor has it that your review count number was going to be systematically divided by three to give a more accurate number, but I guess it was easier from a coding standpoint just to let the bogus number stand and adjust the rating process instead. 😀
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    "...onto a restaurant review site to read detailed reviews about restaurants..."
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Yeah, like I said, whiny and psychotic. Whether restaurant or strip club, sometimes you don’t need more than 10 minutes to figure the place out. If I go into a restaurant, and the staff is surly, the dining room smells like a dumpster, there’s dried food on the silverware, and flies buzzing around, I don’t stay and have dinner. Lollipops in Hudson FL (the club the Douchebag got his panties in a wad over) is the strip club equivalent of that restaurant. I guess the Douchebag likes those kind of places though because only the the type of girls who are desperate enough to work at a place like that would put up with him and his idiotic “system.” [view link]
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^ you can be impressive e wearing a white polyester 3 piece suit in that club, because you’ll be pulling the hottest bitch out of there otc for $200. Problem is you have to stop several places before the hotel room to score with her drug dealer and zig zag your way on to avoid the heat following you, but at least you can score with the hottest girl from that club!
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^that is a good point, blah
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Yea, blah does smart talk
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Funny thing of it is how Rick Dugan says I wine about raviews. Yet he complains about Raviews of Dallas clubs and Ba y Dolls being a clip joint and watered down drinks... waaaah waaaah waaaah
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
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