Only two: Tijuana (Club Hong Kong) and Toronto (Allure massage, many escort agencies). Don't go to strip clubs, except for Tijuana (essentially legal brothels) due to lack of value and the increasing specter of LE in the States, where I expect some states to soon outlaw oral sex and masturbation. You should make the drive along Lake Erie to Buffalo, cross the border and head to the Greater Toronto Area for your hobbying. I'm fortunate that it's only a 4-hour drive away.
I will look at Reviews in cities I have either been in OR especially if I'm going to that city in the near future. I tend to focus on the Miami/ Ft Lauderdale area, Tampa, Houston and TJ. Detroit was fun and I may return. Then I am also interested in COI/LA, though not sure if I will ever get there.
If you are looking for extras Dallas is an excellent choice. Honorable mention in TX is El Paso, Austin & Mac Allen. Houston is not as good as it once was since the crack down, but extras can be had at the right club.
Texas clubs are my favorite. I'll read follies reviews too. I'll read reviews of some of the more popular clubs in major cities or metros but that's about it.
I've spent lots of time in Detroit bars (inkster actually) and Akron. I did well in El Paso when I passed thru, I spent some time in st. Louis and visited Washington park clubs.
I tend to follow clubs in my home area, WPB- Miami, I really have no real interest in strip club tourism, but I will look at reviews from other areas for toilet reading material. I enjoy the discussions and find them much more informative than most of the reviews, and i will admit the comments on the reviews are usually more informative than the reviews themselves.
I’m from Detroit, so you know I have some great local options. Would like to go to Toronto for some of those parlors, TJ if I can get over there, as well as the FKKs in Germany.
I like to read reviews from the better spots in the USA - Detroit, Tampa, Follies - all of which I've managed to get to at some point. Plus CA, which is my home base. I tend not to read about cities that I haven't been to unless I'm expecting to be there at some point.
I support the earlier favorite of Toronto. I have been going there for about 15 years to escape the Phoenix summer heat for 10 days most years. For me, it has all the variety I seek from huge strip clubs, my favorite nude-reverse adult body rubs (like Allure mentioned) and zillions of great escort agencies with both incalls all over GTA and outcall. No legal issues like in the U.S. Huge board I have about 2400 posts on I assume I can mention since not commercial I have a huge site with my trip reports going back 15 years. Montreal is also good except I don't speak French and have some very old reports and info on No discussion board to compete against TUSCL just lots of information including legal based on my 15 or so years going to Toronto (also Victoria BC) I usually stay in the airport/Eitopaca sp?/Mississauga area. Hate going downtown - the 401 is one of the busiest and confusing roads in North America to get downtown.
Can you (or anyone) explain the Canadian laws on prostitution (also called the Nordic model)-- it is illegal to purchase sexual services but it is legal to sell sexual services?
Like most members I keep up with my local and favorite clubs but in addition to that a catchy review title will interest me enough to read and approve them.
last commentYou should make the drive along Lake Erie to Buffalo, cross the border and head to the Greater Toronto Area for your hobbying. I'm fortunate that it's only a 4-hour drive away.
I enjoy the discussions and find them much more informative than most of the reviews, and i will admit the comments on the reviews are usually more informative than the reviews themselves.
TX clubs
No legal issues????
Can you (or anyone) explain the Canadian laws on prostitution (also called the Nordic model)-- it is illegal to purchase sexual services but it is legal to sell sexual services?