
Not A Self-Made Man

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Some who have known me for a long time say that I am “a self made man.” They mean it as a compliment. They believe this about me because I grew up poor and later became rich without resorting to crime or winning the lottery.

They are wrong about me. I’m not a self made man at all. My success was mostly, maybe even entirely, a matter of dumb luck.

I once also believed that I was a self-made man. But that was a long time ago. I eventually realized that my self-made status was false and completely unwarranted. I should actually take very little credit for my current social and economic status. I have felt this way for a long time now.

The following are the top 10 traits or circumstances that, in my opinion, were most pivotal in contributing to my success:

1. ROLE MODELS: I would be a total different person if my father had been a pimp and my mother had been just one of the tattooed, drug-addicted bitches and hoes that he slapped around when she got out of line. But that was not my background. I had great parents. Although they were not highly educated, they both taught me to value education above all else and to pursue it relentlessly. I never even considered not going to college or pursuing an advanced degree after I completed my undergraduate studies. Going to college and getting an advanced degree were as inevitable in my life as teenage acne, going through puberty, getting a driver’s license ASAP, buying an old jalopy with money saved from my crappy, after-school job at a greasy restaurant and then spending every Friday and Saturday in the back seat of my car with my girlfriend trying desperately to pick her lock.

2. BORN AND RAISED IN THE USA: I was “🎵 born in the USA 🎶,” where the local culture places a strong emphasis on taking your own life by the horns and steering it where you want it to go and where the barriers to success are less onerous than in many other countries. All of my other advantages would have meant a lot less if I had been born to a poor, working class family in the United Kingdom and would have probably meant nothing at all if I had been born poor and raised in North Korea, Cuba or Somalia.

3. BORN AND RAISED IN TEXAS: This is not about Texan chauvinism. But if you’re growing up poor, it is very helpful to be in a place where the economy is usually strong and jobs are usually plentiful, the cost of living is low and where, as a Texas resident, you can attend a world class university for cheap. It would have been more difficult to achieve my success if I had been born poor and raised in West Virginia, Nebraska, Mississippi or Wyoming.

4. TIMING: I was born after World War II in a country that was not badly torn up and trying desperately to rebuild its infrastructure and economy after the devastation brought on by the that conflict. If I had been born poor in the USA in 1852 it wouldn’t have been so much of an advantage.

5. RACE: This shouldn’t have been an issue, but the ugly truth about being born and raised in South Texas in the 1950s and 1960s is that my race mattered a lot. Although I am of Hispanic descent, my family background is European (Spain, France and Portugal) rather than Native American or Mestizo (Latin Americans who are of mixed Native American and European ancestry). Given the era and location of my upbringing, my race would have been more of an issue and probably an impediment if I had been of Mestizo or African American background.

6. GOOD HEALTH: I have always enjoyed robust health. Even at my current age (this is the oldest I’ve ever been ... so far), I still enjoy good health, I have all my hair and my vital hydraulics are still in good working order. It’s hard to be successful if you feel and look like hammered crap.

7. INTELLIGENCE: I am of at least average intelligence, maybe even a skosh above average. Where do you suppose I’d be today if my IQ was around 75?

8. SELF CONFIDENCE: My parents instilled a high degree of self confidence in me by constantly telling me that I was highly intelligent. Luckily for me, I was stupid enough to believe them.

9. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: I am not talking about my grooming habits. I’m talking about my basic physical characteristics. I look “normal.” I’m not excessively tall or excessively short. I am well proportioned. I don’t have a face that people are going to stare at and say to themselves, “Look at that poor guy! There but for the grace of God go I.” My limbs are all in good working order. I don’t need a wheelchair to get around or a blind man’s cane. I don’t have a hare lip or buck teeth. In short, my personal appearance never cast a shadow on my opportunities. Actually, if it weren’t for my 3 pound pecker (when fully deflated) I would fit in completely.

10. PERSONALITY: I’m hard working, diligent, optimistic and I never give up. These are among the characteristics some people like to cite when they argue that I am a self made man. This is probably the greatest fallacy of all. Do remember as a youth when you decided to be diligent instead of a lazy slob? Do you remember electing to be optimistic rather than pessimistic? Do you recall when you acquire the trait of strong perseverance? Me either! I don’t remember making a conscious decision about any of this. I believe I had all of these traits before I was old enough to know what the words diligence, optimism or perseverance meant. One of my younger siblings, born and raised in the same household as I was, is far brighter and more creative than I am. But his personality does not include the traits of diligence, optimism or perseverance. About the only thing we have in common is a strong tendency to be mavericks. Despite his keen intelligence and creativity, his life in the shadows at the periphery of our society is radically different from mine.

Those are the top 10 factors that I believe contributed to my success. Delete or modify ANY of them and I wouldn’t be where I am today.

None of these circumstances or factors were of my own choosing or the product of my astute foresight and hard work. They were just the personal circumstances of my birth and my luck of the draw in the genetic lottery in which we all participated, like it or not.

I am most definitely not a self made man.


I don’t think any of us are.


  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Excellent observations
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    This is a good read. I am not the same generation or raised in the same area as you rev. I did grow up in a highly dysfunctional house that was extremely violent. I have chosen to leave the area I grew up in. I have chosen higher quality people to surround myself with. The only thing I did was change my environment and it took an entire village to raise this idiot and make me what I am today and what I will become in the future.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    Changing your environment can make a huge difference.

    My kids are only 10 years old but I’ve already told them that the first time I even suspect that they’re sampling illicit drugs we’re picking up and moving back to Singapore!
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    There but for the grace of God. I have always had good health. I have never had a serious illness or injury, and even at my advanced age I do not take any daily medications.

    Your kids don't like Singapore? I met a woman from Singapore in London last year, and she couldn't say enough good things about the city.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Definitely a lot factors contributed to me being at least OK. I saw a lot of me in the above, a lot of us probably did. The fact that we have disposable income hopefully not from illegal means shows a lot of people on this site are probably pretty successful.

    Going through life the fact that I had two parents that gave a shit about me, I really hit jackpot with that.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    My kids were only 4 years old when we returned to the USA from Singapore. They are now 10 years old and have only faint memories of living in Singapore or Jakarta.

    They primarily remember living in high rise apartments over there instead of in a honking big house on 3/4 of an acre like we do here in suburban Houston.

    I doubt if they really understand why I think Singapore would be the place to go to protect them from drugs.

    I like Singapore a lot except that it has become such an expensive city to live in. We can live much better in suburban Houston for a lot less money than it would take in Singapore. A decent apartment in Singapore 1/4 the size of my home in Texas would be twice as expensive.

    But if that’s what it took to keep my kids drug free, I’d move the family back there in a heartbeat.


    The right sort of people as parents (or at least as parental figures) in your early life are surely among the most leveraging factors in a person’s success educationally, financially and socially (including in our sexual relationships). We emulate our parents during our adult lives including behaviors we don’t even remember our parents engaging in but that nonetheless became a part of our socialization.

    Bad parents can fuck you up for life!
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I would be humble enough to not equate making it or being successful, with having money. They are many more profound ways of having left your mark in life other than just having money and fucking hookers. Nor does being financially successful make you a more viable individual......especially if you still have to resort to finding third world bitches to get a wife.

    I don't feel I've reached my potential yet but I measure my success by the lives I've impacted.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    “I don't feel I've reached my potential yet but I measure my success by the lives I've impacted.”

    I presume you are referring to the number of bitches and hoes you have slapped around and introduced to drugs (as you previously advised others to do).
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Nah, but you'd be surprised at the number of people I've impacted.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    IceyLoco said "Nah, but you'd be surprised at the number of people I've impacted."

    Car accidents don't count, sparky.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    “I don't feel I've reached my potential yet”
    ...Well once the sex change operation finishes up then you will very truly be a self-made man.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Like I said, you'd be surprised lulz
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Thanks for the story, rev.

    I do think some things, in combination, increase the “factor” of whether somebody is able to rise above their upbringing. But nothing is guaranteed.

  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Icee would have to be self made for sure I doubt anyone would come forward to claim credit for that pos.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Rev -

    A thought on the natural intelligence/confidence/perseverance. Parents can impact perseverance and confidence. There’s a pretty well known study by Carol Dweck that examined this.

    Kids learn best by failure. If you constantly tell a kid she’s smart, she will attribute her success to something over which she has no control. When she fails, she will not persevere because “she’s not smart enough.” If you tell a kid that her success is due to her hard work, then when she fails, she will try to work harder and not be discouraged.

    Those are the study conclusions in a very very abbreviated nutshell. You may disagree and it may not apply to everyone, including your own experience, but it’s a great read. I mention it in case it is useful in your own parenting. 🍻
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I am self made...
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    So are all of my troll accounts
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    I am familiar with the studies you refer to and I agree that it is better to tell children they were successful in their endeavors than to tell them their success was attributable to their superior intellect. But that’s definitely not what my parents did with me. I was fed a constant diet of “OMG! You’re so smart!”

    I doubt they really had much to go on in their assessment of my raw abilities. They were too poor to have me tested and I doubt that I exhibited such talent that a formal IQ evaluation would have been warranted.

    But in any case, I grew up believing that I was smarter than most and I think it aided me by giving me more self confidence and caused me to play up closer to my potential than I might otherwise have done.

    But I’m not taking the same approach with my own children. I always emphasize that the difference between winners and losers in ANY competition whether it’s academic, athletic or business is not the talent levels of the competitors but who wants most to win and who is prepared to work the hardest to achieve that victory.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago

    Pics or it didn’t happen.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    You’re self made?


    I wouldn’t admit that to very many people.

    You really fucked up.

    You might want to see an attorney and consider suing yourself for damages.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "Well once the sex change operation finishes up then you will very truly be a self-made man."

    @nicespice I hate to nitpick but technically a surgeon would have made her a man, so again no bueno on the self made part.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Cool, Rev. Completely agree. And we’re all different, as are our kids, so no one parenting style works for everyone. Do your best and cross your fingers. 👍🏼
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Reverend, I think fucking up is having to get a third world wife, having a family and fucking hookers and bragging about one's exploits as a sex tourist.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Sorry, Icey, bu
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Sorry, Icey, but you need to work on your reading comprehension.

    I never bragged about sex tourism. In fact, I’ve never been a sex tourist.

    I LIVED in Southeast Asia for 15 years. If I’d wanted to canoodle other than Southeast Asian women it would have been necessary for me to travel to do so.

    You, on the other hand, advocate slapping women around, using drugs to subdue them and running trains on them with your buddies.

    Based on the photos you’ve posted of the “bitches & hoes” you claim are your women, I’d say if you moved on to barnyard animals it would be a step up for you.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The upwards mobility ethic is an extremely destructive type of social repression. It is one of the reasons why so many are underemployed and undereducated.


    Sexiest Ladies of Jazz - The Trilogy!

    Mister Bond - A Jazzy Cocktail Of Ice Cold Themes

    Icey's Girl

    Diana Krall - California Dreamin'

    The Look of Love

    Walk On By
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Oh, by the way Icedwarf, the suggestion that I had to get a third world wife is ludicrous. I’ve been married to American women, both professionals (a lawyer and a CPA, not the kind of “professionals” you would associate with who consent to having a train run on them for a fee or a dime bag of crack). Beyond that, there are some marvelous women in the third world just like there are in New York, London, Rome and Geneva.

    You might discover this for yourself if you ever get the chance to leave your ghetto.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Reverend, onto your second wife already. How high do you think the tally will go?

    At a City Council meeting a month ago, one long term resident was saying that his son wants to be a school teacher, but then as things are now, that will mean that he can never own a home.

    So I ask you, does that mean that this son should be looked down upon. By the upwards mobility ethic, he certainly would be.

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    IceyDodo is a self-made strawman. She can't make an argument unless it's based on a false assumption.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    As a clarification, I’m on my THIRD wife right now.

    Well, I’m not actually ON her right now but I think you know what I mean.

    I hope to remain married to this one for the rest of my life. In addition to being a marvelous, intelligent and funny lady, she is a terrific mom to our two kids and, best is all, she manages to put up with me (a high maintenance man)!

    I don’t understand your second question. It seems to imply that I measure people by their financial success or by their lack of it.

    That is not a view I subscribe to. The point of my post about self-made men is that people who are regarded by others as self-made men or women, or who regard themselves as self made are mistaken. I doubt if there really are any self-made men.

    It’s probably true that some of my friends and relatives who regard me as a self made man are focusing on how I crawled out of poverty and became wealthy apparently, from their point of view, entirely through my own efforts.

    Believing that the achievement of wealth is the best measure of success is a mistake (one most often made by people who aspire to wealth but who lack it).

    Attempting to improve one’s financial status (or not) is a personal decision about life’s priorities. I would not look down upon anyone who made a conscious decision not to focus on improving his finances and to focus on other goals instead. Likewise, I would not look down on someone just because he wanted to become rich and busted his balls trying to achieve that goal.

    I would, however, feel sorry for anyone whose sole mission in life was to become wealthy. I would regard that as a sterile and empty way to spend a life.

    You may not believe it, but becoming wealthy was never a high priority for me. If it had been, I’d probably be a lot wealthier than I am. Wealth was just a welcome side effect of my “industrious” personality and my very simple, West Texas country bumpkin lifestyle and tastes that left me with a lot of extra money for investment.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Whatever, but as it stands, the "improving of one's financial status" ethic is pretty crazy. Its basic working so that you don't have to work.

    We don't need people like that.

  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    Actually, we do need people who achieve wealth and can then live entirely off their investment income.

    Do you have any idea how many jobs would be lost and how low our standard of living would be if everyone had to try to make ends meet by working at McDonalds serving burgers, giving tattoos at an ink shop or blow jobs in a titty bar?

    It wouldn’t be pretty I can assure you. I’ve lived in countries where there is very little capital available to create jobs and the populace is reduced to sitting around all day playing with their feet.

    Those people dream of going somewhere they can find work. Those places are always places where there are some rich folks living off their investment capital.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "Actually, we do need people who achieve wealth and can then live entirely off their investment income. "

    THere is absolutely no reason our society needs that or benefits from that.

    "Do you have any idea how many jobs would be lost and how low our standard of living would be if everyone had to try to make ends meet by working at McDonalds serving burgers, giving tattoos at an ink shop or blow jobs in a titty bar?

    THe number is getting larger and larger, and it is caused entirely by this boom and bust cycle which started with Reagan gutting our progressive income tax.

    It is not "capital" which creates jobs, it is consumer demand and consumer choices, and the collection and spending of tax money.. That money recirculates and powers our economy. Other wise we will go like third world countries and divide into the very rich and the very poor.

    The US was not like this, much less like this. Now things keep getting worse. Started with Reagan.


  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    Economies are not as simple as people on the right or left would like us to believe. Books she’d some light on these complex issues but most of them are pushing a political agenda.

    It’s not easy to do but it is very illuminating to travel the world and see for yourself.

    I was lucky to do that and to not only travel to many countries with disparate political and economic approaches, but to live and work in them.

    Growing up in West Texas I was led to believe that socialism in all its forms was inherently evil. I lived in some countries whose policies were heavily socialistic and discovered that socialism can work very well.

    I also learned that unbridled capitalism spirals out of control if not tempered with policies and mechanisms for redistribution of wealth and empowerment through access to quality education.

    But it is also plain to see that capitalism does the best job of creating both wealth and jobs. Countries that were economic basket cases but came roaring back to life are usually former communist countries that have managed to strike a balance between capitalism, market forces and sound, cost-effective socialist programs.

    Most people on the right and on the left don’t like to hear this. It conflicts with their pre-existing policy prejudices.

    I know.

    It was difficult for me to admit that well informed and cost effective socialist programs were a good idea. But living in such societies for a few years made it impossible for me to deny the truth.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Right, we can all learn from post communist success cases like Bulgaria and Laos....Capitalism FTW...


    Economics aren't complicated. Justifying fucked up economic systems is complicated though.

    Its all about being pragmatic..... you don't want change fine, capitalism can exist quite nicely within the frameworks of a sustainable development along the lines of something like social market policies....

    The problem is, Americans interpret capitalism as the law of the jungle coupled with economic policies akin to slash and burn agriculture.... Hence the recessions, poverty, etc being viewed as normal by Americans.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Any commentary about our economic system is of course political. Pretending that it is not so is reactionary.

    Lassies Faire leads to disaster, it did in the 1920's, and it continues to when Ronald Reagan steered us a good ways in that direction in the 1980's.

    There has to be Keynessian progressive taxation and spending just to protect Capitalism from itself.

    But as it is now, America's politics revolves around scapegoating the poor, immigrants, and minorities.

    The more money collected in progressive taxation and then spent, the more jobs. It really is that simple.

    Entrepreneurship does not create jobs, it eats jobs. Just look at things like Amazon and Walmarts. Maybe some of these changes would have eventually happened anyway, but we cannot look to entrepreneurship as our salvation. People will engage in entrepreneurship for their own reasons. But promoting that should not be a matter of public policy.

    Lots of third world countries have had some sort of Communism, but those were places with no tradition of Democracy, no widespread education, and wealth very concentrated. That such a regime would collapse is of no surprise.

    The greatest purchasing power for the American working man was between 1969 and 1972, adjusting for inflation.

    As agricultural, industrial, and information technologies continue to advance, we have to assume that an increasing portion of the population will not be supported by market wages in any way. Publicly providing for them though is what will keep our economy going.

    Reagan and his people started us on the path to becoming a third world country. No good has come from that. Now we must reverse course and let the informed voters take us to Social Democracy.

    Otherwise their probably will be another Civil War, and maybe disunion.

    We already produce more than we need of everything. As Buckminster Fuller explained, we can provide every single person with a lifestyle beyond what even royalty enjoyed in past centuries. But the reason that we don't see this is because we expect everyone to prove that they can earn a living.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    This is what the right wing idiots are nostalgic for.... But fuck everyone, as long as they get theirs.... just like their philosophy when it comes to soliciting hookers while in their happy marriages....

    Rural Poverty USA 1960s


    1960: "Harvest of Shame"

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ I agree 100%

  • You'll see that many, many people with "rags to riches" stories have one thing in common: they had good relations with their parents, and their parents made them work hard.

    My dad taught me how to apply a rigorous sense of work ethic in an academic setting, but not strategically, and he was a negative influence in many ways.

    I attribute me getting into and studying at world renowned research universities to myself( rather than my parents )substantially .i think i was an outlier in the sense that i was able to excel during my youth despite not coming from a stable home enviornment.

    People think that coming from a poor family is the greatest struggle, but coming from an unstable home environment is equally a great, if not greater barrier to conventional "success" . btw, financial instability and an unstable home environment are not the same. you can still be financially unstable but have parents who don't fight, teach their kids the same philosophies, teach their kids to be good and productive, etc.

    In a few years, i plan to not only write about winning the undergraduate college admissioms game and excelling academically in college despite seeing a lot of abuse , but i will be able to say that i also became a law clerk for top notch federal judges !!!

    # top of my law school class in a few years

    # mic drop

    #federal judge

    # ok.bye
  • Btw..does winning college admissions game make u hot shit? Hell no

    Does doing excelling academically at a good university make u hot shit? Hell no lol

    Am i hot shit? Hell no...

    Theres nothing 4 me to brag about since im still purusing the career i want to have, i am just crediting myself for having such an amazing career and personal compass at a young age . lol.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "i am just crediting myself for having such an amazing career and personal compass at a young age . lol."

    ^ LMFAO sounds just like bragging.

    And amazing career? Doing what? Dropping out of Cornell and dragging out being at UT while daddy pays for everything? At 26?

    I guess that's amazing if you are gunning for "most entitled" accolades. LMAO!
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    SJG - being an unemployed loser thinks bad things started under Reagan, conveniently ignoring the 4 years of the fuck up known as Jimmy Carter and his 17% mortgage interest rates.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    My ten things that contributed to my success: 1) Grew up poor; 2) Parents focused on education; 3) harsh discipline; 4) learned self-sufficiency at a young age; 5) paid back every cent I ever borrowed plus interest, even if it meant going hungry; 6) Worked at least 30 hours a week starting at age 15; 7) Avid Reader; 8) Willing to try and fail; 9) Adverse to quiting; 10) keep my committments.

  • And amazing career? Doing what?

    I've had an amazing academic career with my grades . Pretty sure i mentioned that!:)

    #top 10 %
    # top 1%
    #top 5%
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LMFAO you said amazing career.

    And LMFAO academically you have dropped out of Cornell and you haven't graduated UT at 26 yrs old.

    Not really "amazing" unless it is amazing entitlement. LOL.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Carter is responsible a lot. We owe the wars in the Middle East to the Carter Doctrine...
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    FYI a career is a job or occupation. Going to school doesn't count unless you consider your dad an "employer" LMAO!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    When Carter was President the middle-eastern oil producing nations decided that they were tired of competing against each other, so they formed OPEC.

    That made things hard on the US, because we were so controlled by excessive oil use.

    Reagan solved that though, by giving Saddam the Green Light to attack Iran. Donald Rumsfeld had been in Saddam's office when he ordered poison gas attacks on the Kurds

    Delegates scrambled home from the last OPEC conference.

    And then the US had started moving on solar energy and on more fuel efficient cars, under Carter. But Reagan scrapped that and soon the big cars were back. And it was Reagan who cut taxes and pushed us into insane military spending, and into never before seen monumental deficits.

    And SKibum thinks that any working person is a "looser". He cries this out all day long from his bed in the nursing home.

    And Nicole, the idea that a college education and doing well in college get you a good career and a good income is totally bogus. Sorry, college and education are good, but the idea that it has financial pay off is just wrong.

    Lots of people would stay in school longer and take courses and undertake majors which challenged them more, were it not for this idea that college is about financial gain.

    For our people, my organization will solve this.

    Jimmy Carter got the wool pulled over him several times by that Petroleum Wing of the CIA, ie the Bush Family and the Underground Nazi Party.

    But it was Carter who cut off the $1G per year to the Ayatollah to keep them in France, and then fired the Terpil and Wilson people, 700 career CIA. He did what was right.

    But these were the same people who later would sabotage his hostage rescue mission, and it had also been the CIA who had convinced him to let the Shaw of Iran come here for medical care.

    Carter tried to do what was right, but he was playing with ruthless and lethal people, and I don't mean overseas.

    With the Born Agains turning against him because he was trying to enforce the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and with the Hostage Crisis, Ronald Reagan got elected, and it has been down hill ever since.

    reverendhornibastard wrote,

    Those people dream of going somewhere they can find work. Those places are always places where there are some rich folks living off their investment capital.

    Reverend, you think like a 3rd Worlder. Now admittedly this is what American is being turning into, starting with Reagan.

    But most people don't want to live by brown nosing the rich. They want to use their skills and abilities to do things which benefit everyone.


  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    —>”LMFAO you said amazing career.

    And LMFAO academically you have dropped out of Cornell and you haven't graduated UT at 26 yrs old.

    Not really "amazing" unless it is amazing entitlement. LOL.”

    It is an amazing career in accepting money from her father!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ This is uncalled for.

  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    SJG and IcedPeepee,

    I love it when pseudo intellectuals get on their high horses on a strip club discussion board and feign moral indignation, especially when one of them likes to brag about slapping his bitches and hoes around or giving them drugs to keep them pliable.

    You couldn’t make up shit this inane no matter how hard you tried.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I would have to of course point out to the pompous, sloganeering dope that OPEC was formed in 1960, when I believe Reagan was not President. Of course idiot, make up a story, buffoon had to top that with the idea cars became fuel efficeint because of carter, when in fact, anyone alive in the 70's knows that fuel standards murdered cars starting in 1974, when Carter was lusting in his heart. Not to be outdone he fails to mention that in the Iranian revolution of 1979, Iran stopped exporting oil to us, resulting in shortages and huge price increases until the cost of oil drove exploration and oil prices collapsed in 1985. Um, by the way stupid, I am a working person and support them. That has nothing to do with leeches like you and other "activists" i.e morns. Carter's hostage mission failed when the poorly organized, democrat party controlled mission ended up looking like a pinball game with American helicopters crashing into each other. Of course our version of the Entebbe raid failed because of impotence at the top. Born again christians elected Reagan lol? You are literally a fucking idiot. 44 States voted Reagan. Electoral college 489 - 89. Yeah, it was the born agains simpleton. Of course the Democrats then rectified their error with Ta da: Walter Mondale. Reagan won 49 states and 525 electoral college votes, which I believe remains a record. Lie all you want you progressive douche bag. Kind of funny that Mr. Open borders gives the reverend shit about "third world countries". Sounds like the Donald.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Nicole is 26? Jesus, too old for lap dances. Expelled from Cornell for what?
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Expelled for pernicious flatulence.

    Well, that’s what I heard!
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "It is an amazing career in accepting money from her father!"

    @nicespice considering how old she is and how long daddy has been paying for her college, it really is amazing. A top 5% leech.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Meth head Spice, and what's your career? Asking strange men for a dollar for the titties?

    Reverend, instead of bloviating ad nauseum, work on your reading comprehension. You're just a pretentious little cunt who thinks he's smart for being long winded and who cheats on his wife with hookers....
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Boomers really need to understand the TIMING point. You guys were blessed with possibly the best possible economy ever playing on Easy Mode.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Seriosuly James? I am a boomer. I recall gas tripling in 1973, but no worries, you couldn't buy any due to the Opec embargo. I recall gas lines in 1979 and 1980 when Iran embargoed us. 1975 mortgage rates avereaged 9.25%; 1979 it was 11.25%; 16% in 1982. Unemployment was 8.1% in 1975; 5.9% in 1979 and 8.6% in 1982. Now its 3.6% and home mortgage rates are close to 4% after going up. I graduated high school in 1975; college in 1979 and law school in 1982. Are you suggesting that the numbers now are somehow worse? My student loans? 7%. Great deal when I was paying them in 2001 and my car was financed at 1%.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Unemployment stats aren't credible, they just measure who applies for unemployment insurance...Anyone who says the economy is doing great is either rich and blind or just stupid. Disposable incomes and high paying jobs never reappeared after the recession...which I would argue never ended.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Our Partly Keynesian and Partly Lassies Faire economic system makes booms and busts. Hard to stop the busts, but they are caused by the booms. If we don't want busts, don't support the booms.

    What is broken is our economic system. We fix it by going more fully Keynesian, things like the Green New Deal and by UBI and by higher progressive taxation.

    Right now, the talents of too many of our best young people are being wasted doing things which serve no purpose, except maybe to make the rich richer.

  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Cuba has been enduring a horrific bust for the longest time. So has North Korea.

    China was a mess for decades until they learned to leaven communism with some capitalism.

    The USA has a mostly capitalist economy but also has socialist elements. They are clearly insufficient. We should learn from other countries how craft more effective socialist policies to soften our capitalist system to make it less harsh.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    The most pragmatic and viable option for the US is a Western European type social market....and constitutional and legal reforms solidifying and codifying sustainable development like the EU did.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ I agree with Icey and the Reverend's above posts.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The EU is a large welfare state supported by the American taxpayer. If they paid for their own defense like everyone else they'd be Zimbabwe.
  • Nicole is 26?

    Umm no?
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LMFAO close enough. Old enough to be graduated by now...
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ...but LMFAO but instead living off of daddy's money and dragging out graduation...
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ...ummm yes?
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Nicokeyes is a "daddy-made" lifelong and entitled student LMAO.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Skibum, defense from what? Only wars they've engaged in with NATO/The US are imperialist ventures? The US spearheads them so they're smart to let us pay for their de facto/mercenary help to lend our imperialism some sort of illusion of legitimacy lulz

    Sircumsinhispantsalot is the biggest troll here, yet the geriatric trick clique seems to be quiet about him....and TxTittyfag, and Meth Head Spice's profiles...

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LMFAO I'm your biggest troll. The reason is because you, IceyDodo, are a big troll yourself. You should have never trolled me but since you continue we will forever be in a trolling spiral.

    All you have to do is stop trolling the board and I'll stop trolling you.

    But this concept is completely lost on you because you are so stupid you don't even know when you are trolling.

    Most everyone is quiet about my trolling because they know who I troll by observation. And It's not them. It's only you, IceyDodo, and a few others.

    LMFAO you even make my trolling more than it is. 😂🤣
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The US overspends on defense because of hawks who use it to get re-elected, and because of influence he defense contractors have.

    The EU has nothing to do with US stupidity.

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