
Okay so the cameras, real or fake ; freak me out

Friday, June 7, 2019 11:20 PM
DD the crown jewel of south florida, freaked me out for a bit.
I don't know if they are real or what it is about.
• Are they ever used?
• Emergencies only?
• Fake ?
In a place like DD where... its fun. I was so uncomfortable when I looked up and saw a camera. I literally jumped and said ''WTF okay I dont know if we should keep going". It is just awkward.
I don't expect anyone to know who I am if it ever gets posted online, but its I see it as a bathroom stall. Privacy! Leave me alone!


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    The club has as many (and possibly more) reasons for those videos to never become public. Also, they aren't there to spy on you. They're installed to protect the dancer (and, by extension, the club), because sometimes dancers go into the VIP with morons and / or lunatics. Those guys are safer if they feel inhibited.

    I understand your sentiments, though.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The cameras are there for guys who see the dance booths as a bathroom stall and try to shit on a dancer. ;)
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"The club has as many (and possibly more) reasons for those videos to never become public. Also, they aren't there to spy on you. They're installed to protect the dancer"

    Agree completely. On the other hand, there are companies who employee the best trained, most advanced security experts in the world, and they still get hacked. A strip club isn't exactly a huge target vs a billion dollar company, but it's also probably a very soft target, if strip club cyber security is on par quality-wise with strip club management. If you were a local hacker just seeking to do some mischief, might be fun to get into a SC or better yet, a SC chain. Or better yet a chain where they do ID scans.

    Yes, a little tin foil hatty, but also, a little not-so-much. Worth going in with eyes open. I assume there's always video, and am just at peace with knowing the world might be blessed with seeing little subra fully unfurled
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    You can always ask your dancer about them. She will know if they are monitored, how often, and what happens if the person monitoring them sees "something".

    Often the more experienced dancers will tip the camera monitor guy as needed to ensure he's doing something else while she's in a VIP.

    @subraman, I agree that hacking a club's camera system is probably fairly easy for an experienced hacker (which I am not). But as far as I can tell, there is little evidence of real VIP session vids being leaked to sites like PH. (Although there are a few that look real.)

    However that doesn't mean it's not happening. If the supposed hacker can ID the Dancer or PL in the booth it would be rather useful for blackmailing, assuming the Dancer or PL would suffer from being exposed (no pun intended).

    Last thought on this: as demonstrated in the recent massage parlor busts in Florida, it's now quite feasible that LE can obtain a warrant to allow them to "tap" the camera feed for the collection of evidence of illegal acts. My guess is that club management would find a way to get the word out, if they know about it. But there's no guarantee of that.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I'm with you Cookies. Cameras are an instant no-go for me. With all the slime balls, retards and other unsavory types I've met over the years who owned or managed the clubs that I visited, I'll never put myself in the position of having to rely upon people like them to ensure my privacy. All it takes is one police raid in which the video evidence is seized, or one disgruntled former club manager, to upend your world, especially nowadays.

    So fuck that. Ricky Jr. will never be on candid camera for club staff to admire (lol) and, more importantly, record. Also, I don't want to hear assurances that the club doesn't record or only keeps it for x days because I have no way of verifying those statements. Digital storage is dirt cheap nowadays.

    This is one of many reasons why I take the bulk of my p4p OTC. It is very rare that I free Ricky Jr. inside a club and only when I am in a private room and see absolutely no evidence of cameras.

  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Cookies, you should write a review of DD and specifically mention it. There have been over 70 reviews of the club in the past year, but for some reason that is a mystery to me, not a single reviewer thought that this was an important thing to point out.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Seriously Cookies, if I had known about those cameras, I never would have considered a trek up to Pompano Beach the last time I was in Miami. You should definitely share this in a review. Now I am doubly glad that I got sidetracked during my last Miami outing by a girl at Tootsie's, even if I spent too much there. 😉
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    First time I hear of DDs and cameras (and this is a well-reviewed club) - perhaps no one ever bothered to look up.

    So you're saying there are cameras *in* the dance-booths?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I’m sure surprised to hear about this myself, even though I very rarely go there, I’m sure someone will check this out and give us a heads up.
  • Cookiesandcream
    5 years ago
    It might have been the booth/curtain I was in. It was one of the left ones if your looking straight at them. I've had previous experiences in DD but never occurred to me to look up.
    This night I decided to look up and I saw on the curtain to my left something odd but couldn't make out what it was. After going back to the bar and hanging with another girl I had forgotten about what I saw. My next girl chose a booth towards the left. In the middle of my experience I remembered and looked up again. There it was. I'm 75% sure.

    Someone will have to take a second look. Don't want to scare anyone off but definitely just take a glance if you show up there again. And confirm/deny.
    It could have been the lighting or the couple drinks but who knows.
  • GrayFox
    5 years ago
    Sometimes the dancers will tell you the camera is monitored if they don't do extras. Another dancer said they don't work just looks like a camera. Who to trust
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ in the past some have posted that in some areas/cities, cameras are there but either not connected or not monitored - more for-show to-show the powers to be that the club "keeps an eye on things"
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ And I've never believed those claims either, largely because those guys are usually taking to word of dancers.

    "No baby, it's ok, the camera ain't recording, it's just there for show." Ah-huh. Now you wouldn't lie to me just to convince me to spend my money on you, would you Tiffany? 😉
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I’ve seen cameras in sc booths and rooms... if they are functioning and recording... I just hope they get my ‘good’ side.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ 😄
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"I’ve seen cameras in sc booths and rooms... if they are functioning and recording... I just hope they get my ‘good’ side."

    Remember, the camera makes everything look 3 inches shorter.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^And adds 25 pounds ; )
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Cameras are there for security and insurance liability purposes.....
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Funny how some clubs don't need to put cameras in their VIP/CR sections for "security and liability purposes" or "protect the dancer" while others do.

    I think I'll stick to private areas in clubs that can manage their security and liability issues without having to ogle while a girl rubs on my boner.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Depends on your local ordinances I guess. And the insurance companies... I've yet to see strip clubs without them.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    And how many strip clubs have you been inside Icey? Also I think I was pretty specific about private areas, not the entire club.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I've been in my fair share. Like I said, depends on your ordinances and the insurance company. You don't have to be combative with everything
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Stop whining about being mistreated Icey, especially after trolling this board for weeks. And while you're at it, you can stop pulling shit out of your ass too. 😉
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    I've been to DD many times and never seen a camera. That said, the last time I was there was probably Jan/Feb or so and I didn't go into the room. I'm like 99.5% sure there wasn't one when I was there in December and did make use of the rooms.

    I'm of the opinion that if I see a camera that "could" be working, I abstain. I don't care if I've already paid for a room and committed to a tip for the girl. Not worth it. While I agree, those videos getting leaked isn't common but I've seen the tapes from Cheetah's bust and know they do get out.

    I also agree that if there was a camera that's something to note in a review. I'd probably approve a review that really only had that piece of info in it, especially in a place like DD. I certainly noted it about BT's cameras down the street when I noticed. Which for the record, the ones in the private rooms are almost always physically obstructed & if they aren't the dancer will do it for you on the spot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    With as much stuff as goes on at DDs, one would think having cameras would be something that would affect business and something the club would prefer not to have given they allow what goes in there to begin with
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Rickdugan, I'm pulling shit out of my ass??? Why the fuck do you think businesses have security cameras??? Its mainly for liability purposes.
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