Photos of Pupus (the Village in East Java)

avatar for reverendhornibastard
I uploaded some photos of Pupus.

Don’t get excited.

None of them include Yuni or anyone else who has been mentioned in my posts.

Not all of these photos were taken on this visit. Some were taken on my prior visits to this village where my wife grew up.


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Wow. That is another world.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Good puctures
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Looks interesting and exotic. The people are muslims? Yuni will bathe naked in front of you but she will be covered head to foot when wearing clothes?
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
Remote indeed!
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
Excellent photos
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Reminds me of the 2 room shack in rural Mexico where my ex wife was born and raised. No gas, electricity, phone or water. Not even an out house. Her father didn't want the smell of one. I subsisted on bananas the 2 days that we were there. They gave me a bed that was really just a cot held up on one end by a box and the other end by a barrel. The ducks and chickens were free to walk in the room and under my bed. I wound up sleeping in my rental car. So did my wife.

They ate what they grew and their cash crop was marijuana that they only sold to 1 cartel or risk getting killed. I managed to buy 6 warm and dusty bottles of beer at a local store. No refrigeration. I enjoyed the 6 hour drive back to the Guadalajara airport.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Are those pics you took, or were they pulled off the internet?

In any event, they are good
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
You forgot to post the picture of the pervert jacking off while watching the villagers bathe in the river.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Very different world I’m sure, must be interesting.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago

“You forgot to post the picture of the pervert jacking off while watching the villagers bathe in the river.”

You mean a selfie?

Yes, I took all the photos. My other hobbies (besides mongering) are Harley Davidson motorcycles and photography.

@Jackslash -

More than 95% of the people on the island of Java are Muslims. Very few are as hardcore as the Muslims in the Middle East. Most are moderately conservative but some are quite liberal.

In a backward and impoverished place like Pupus, even fervent Muslims have to take a bath somewhere. Religions around the world bend a bit to accommodate local traditions and circumstances. I can’t say for sure, but if they don’t grave indoor plumbing, I assume that even the most pious Muslims around here bathe in the river.

As for Yuni, I assume she was raised to be Muslim but she doesn’t seem very religious. She seems more independent and headstrong than most of the people around here. I’ve never spoken to her about her religious beliefs and really don’t know much about her personal life.

I just know she’s damn good looking and on my mind a lot lately.
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
Great puctures, rev! You have a talent for getting not just the scene, but really saying something about lufe, and especially the people.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
You sparked my interest. I went online to look at pics of Pupus. I really liked this one.…
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago

Thanks for the kind words.

I used to upload lots of my photos onto various internet sites. I’ve seen some of my photos used in travel mags and advertising (without my permission). I didn’t care. I never tried to earn any money from my photography hobby anyway. In truth, I was flattered that some of my photos were “stolen.”
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I'm not sure, but if you release your pctures to the public domain without any protection they are fair game.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@reverend ... fantastic photos. You definitely capture the aura.

@flagooner. Holy shit I LMFAO!
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Nice pictures, Rev. It’s gives a good insight into the area you are staying.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago

“I'm not sure, but if you release your pctures to the public domain without any protection they are fair game.”

Absolutely correct! But my photos were posted under claim of copyright protection. As such, they were not released into the public domain.

In practical terms, however, my photos were treated (even by me) as having been released to the public domain since I never made any attempt whatsoever to protect my rights in them.

A few people, businesses & organizations did request permission to use specific photos. I always agreed to their use but requested that the photos be attributed to me. But I never checked whether any of them were attributed as I had requested.

It was never more than a hobby for me.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
It didn't sound like you cared if they were used, just providing for general info.
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