New guy

Hi new guy here. I've been clubbing in the Louisville area for a couple of years. A dancer friend of mine pointed me at this site. Seems like there's some interesting conversations. Not sure about some of the posters here though. Are they for real? :)
Anyway, hope to write a review or two shortly. I have a few visits to recount.
last commentIf you are a big strip-club enthusiast then this is the place to be (other than the club).
Yeah we have a few "characters" but also a solid group of guys w/ not only lots of strip-club experience (in cases decades) but also lots of life-experience in general.
There's an Ignore function where you can block the knuckleheads and you don't see their quirky posts which makes it for easier reading.
BTW - you are supposed to provide a pic of your actual penis - if you are under 8" you are only allowed to make one post a day - just a heads-up
Exhibit A of why just having an ignore/block function is the complete answer. Any sane adult would fucking run from half of what you see.
Welcome to the site, there’s a lot of good info here. If you haven’t already, I recommend you glance through the glossary so you know what some of the abbreviations mean (LDK, etc)
Papi_Chulo, I've only ben doing it a couple of years, and honestly never dreamed some of the stuff I see being talked about actually happens. My dancer friend let me read some of the reviewes for louisville clubs, and it was eye opening. Does "one post" mean starting a new one, or does it include posting on other posts too? I'm safe if it only means starting a new post. :)
txtittyfag, what the hell kind of name is that? How long does it take you to deliberately fuck up spelling like that? Cuz it can't be accidental.
muddy9, I don't know. Seems kind of funny. I can see getting tired of it, though.
I have spent a night or many in the Lou clubs. Always hit or miss / crap shoot. Would be interested to hear the experiences from a local.
"... Does "one post" mean starting a new one, or does it include posting on other posts too ..."
If I understand your question correctly - a post is anything you write - a thread is a new discussion
If you've only been to Louisville clubs - then you don't know the half-of-it
Welcome to TUSCL, and most of the people are for real, but you should still take everything written on this site as fiction.
Is you handle a mistype meant to be "pervert" instead; or was that the intentional spelling?
football, that glossary is some funny shit right there. :) LDK, huh. And SS fits exactly! I thought my ex wife and her sister were bad, some of these dancers are crazy as fuck.
chowder, I've only been going a couple of years, and I haven't yet gotten anything "extra" from anybody. That's going to change. My dancer friend laughed her ass off when I told her I was a "virgin" and promised to find me a nice clean girl to bust my cherry. I hope that's not "stripper shit."
Papi_chulo, the spelling is intentional, but I meant to capitalize it. Sort of like it the way it is now though.
san_jose_guy, um yeah. Not to be too big a jerk, but you are one of the ones I can't bring myself to believe is real. Or all there.
One rule of TUSCL is don't take anything personal - flame-wars with PL-on-PL posting-violence breaks-out spontaneously and sometimes it'll be directed at you for just stating an opinion some don't like.
Prevert you kind of remind me of myself when I first started clubbing a few years ago (except I wasn’t a virgin).
I figured extras were a myth and maybe only a tiny percentage of clubers would ever experience them
I hard originally started going to a club cause I saw a lot of reviews said it was a two way contact club. That alone seemed amazing to me as I couldn’t believe there were clubs out there that would let you touch dancers.
So on my first visit to the club, I ended up getting an unsolicited HJ. It was shortly after that that I started learning a lot more on here it definitely helped me go beyond that.
Just curious how old are you prevert?
"... except I wasn’t a virgin ..."
I think he meant a strip-club virgin
TUSCL rule 1: never talk about tuscl
Rule 2: never talk about tuscl
Oh yeah, nothing ever happens in the VIP room but if it does, PLEASE negotiate prices and acts before paying or going to the VIP room.
Welcome to the board.
Try not to write anything retarded.
@prevert. I too was relatively new to the SC Scene, not thinking that the EXTRA STUFF actually happened. Well, all I can say now is that because of this Site, I find extra fun in EXERY CLUB I have visited! It certainly has a lot to do with knowing how to navigate. This site is NAVIGATOR TRAINING SCHOOL. You are not too far away from some of the SCs that I have reviewed. You might want to check those reviews out.
That’s something I still want to learn how to do, is get extras at a club that is generally non-extras. Sure, at a club that’s known for offering extra, it’s easy, they do everything for you. But to do OTC with a girl from a non-extras club? Idk if that’s just from practice or a big wallet or grey hairs or all three.
Welcome, new guy. We are all “preverts” here.
You have been clubbing in Louisville for a couple of years and you haven't gotten anything extra at the clubs?
You have much to learn young grasshopper, you have come to the right place.
1st tip for extras in Louisville - go to any club other than PTs and just ask. Godfathers and Trixies are more miss than hit on extras but at the rest of the clubs its basically that easy.
Welcome, Prevert. TUSCL is a learning experience.
I few important things I've learned:
@ newguy do not go to tijuana it will ruin louisville clubbing for you like it did me
Stay off this site, you'll get so used to bedding strippers normal girls won't do it for you and you'll have no choice but to marry one in the next four years.
My $0.02
Prevert, don't listen to Country. He goes to TJ because they are the only girls who will fuck him for money. Apparently it helps immensely when the girl cannot understand what he is saying. 😉
"san_jose_guy, um yeah. Not to be too big a jerk, but you are one of the ones I can't bring myself to believe is real. Or all there."
Listen to GACA, he knows.
Don't bother with TFP though.
:) :) :)
Muddy, I am 41 this past january. Divorced three years ago, three kids, one of which isn't mine, thus the divorce. Don't miss me there, he's still my son, even though I'm not his biological father. Messy thing, but I got the best of it in the long run. Moved here from KCK after the divorce.
Papi, yeah strip club virgin is what I meant. lol
whodey, yeah, I gathered that after my dancer friend let me read the discussions. :) Godfather has been decent enough to me. That might change now that I know I can get my wick wet. That's a damned eye opener, let me tell you. I've driven down 7th street and some of those places look like they're about to fall over. If I can get some relief without breaking the bank that would be nice. Been seeing a couple of hookers, but damn it's hard to find one that matches the ads. :D
jackslash, 1 hasn't really been a problem for me. I guess I'll need to keep that one more in mind now that I know the real deal. 2 is going on my list post haste. 3 ain't in the cards. Ex cured me of that one.
Countryman, went to TJ and the brothels in Nevada, after the divorce was final just so I could rub the cunt's face in it. Mexico was pretty meh for me. Yeah, the Mexican girls will do anything you want, and they're mostly good looking, but the number of dicks they must go through isn't something I want to think about. Worth it once, but not more than that. As for Nevada, too rich for my blood really.
GACA, you know, I can deal with that. Women who have sex for money don't seem to want much more than that. Works for me.
SJG, gotta tell ya, I think I can figure out who to "bother with" on my own. :) :) :)