How Did You React When You Were First Told About Sex?

avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I remember the day my dad decided to burden me with the ugly truth about how babies are made. I was 10 years old at that time.

Immediately after breakfast my dad asked me to join him in the living room. He shooed away my younger siblings so that the two of us could sit down alone. His mood was somber and resolute.

I sensed that I was in for a serious ass-chewing but couldn’t figure out why. My school grades were high. My room was no messier than usual. I hadn’t recently bludgeoned any of my little brothers or my little sister into obedient submission (though they each desperately deserved a good bludgeoning for foolishly allowing me to be older, bigger and stronger than they were).

My dad closed the door and asked me to be seated. He didn’t even seem angry.

Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance.

This was clearly going to be the mother of all ass chewings. Even though the ass chewing hadn’t even begun yet, I was already getting a lump in my throat.

“You’re getting closer to becoming a man,” my dad said, “so it’s about time we have a serious man-to-man talk about something that will soon become hugely important in your life.”

I thought my dad looked sad.

I was pretty sure the army was not drafting 10-year olds yet, so THAT probably wasn’t what this was all about.

In measured tones, my dad proceeded to tell me the grisly details of how babies are made.

I was aghast! Never in my life had I heard anything so brutally vulgar! I was absolutely certain I could never do anything so sordid.

I assured my dad that he needn’t worry about this. I would never do such a thing. In fact, I probably couldn’t bring myself to do anything like that even if it was demanded of me at gunpoint.

He smiled and said I would be surprised how soon my attitude about this would change.

This perplexed me even more. Why would my dad think such a thing? Did he really think I was that perverted?

There had to be a good explanation. But I couldn’t imagine what it was.

It was too early in the day for my dad to be drunk.

The shattering news about how babies were made only reinforced my conviction that the world of adults was unspeakably perverse - far worse than I could ever have imagined!

18 months later with a few milligrams of powerful new sex hormones coursing through my veins I found it necessary to reconsider my views on this issue. Another 12 months after that I was becoming desperate to give this marvelous perversity a try.

How did you react when you first learned the details about sex?


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Similar to you. It sounded gross and terrifying simultaneously. And I told myself that I'd have no part of it.

There came a point where my balls were producing my own body weight in testosterone on a daily basis, and I had a profound philosophical shift towards sex.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Hehe. I was educated about where babies came from when I was 7. Taught to me by a 9 yr old neighborhood girl. First deep, long French kiss at age 10 by a different 12 yr old neighborhood girl during a game of kids tag. That 12 yr old eventually turned 14 with the biggest tits and the hairiest bush poking out of her bikini while she sunbathed. I grew up in a fantastic white trash neighborhood.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
My parents never had " the talk " with me. I mostly learned from other kids. And from Penthouse Forum.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
My earliest indirect lesson was when I was about seven years old and I had a neighbor friend who was about five. We went to the backyard together and said she wanted to ask me something but it had to be secret. She wanted me to lick her labia. I remember being grossed out, but she persisted and asked nicely and promised not to pee on me. And then I did.

Later she asked if I thought it was fun and I shrugged and said it wasn’t terrible but I don’t get it where the fun is.

Looking back, idk how a five year old was that sexually precocious. I hope she wasn’t molested or anything :(

As far as my parents go, I do remember being in middle school and my dad was dating some woman. My mother was very displeased and started ranting a lot of angry and unflattering things about my dad’s bedroom perfomance, that I shut my ears to while I retreated to my room to listen to Evanescence.

My “normal” matter-of-fact education came about in the fifth grade with an abstinence-is-good message.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I thought that it was fun when my baby sitter taught me how to play "hide the wienie" but not so much fun when I told my dad and he had me tell the baby sitter's dad.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
My mom was very religious and decided to used a book designed to teach young ones about sex with a bias towards avoid premarital sex.

It was very matter of fact, so I didn't think too much of it.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
My father had the talk when I was early teens. He of course was too late, I had already had many discussions with my friends about sex by then. It is amazing to look back on it how many misconceptions we had about it. I remember being given a pamphlet about it in youth church group. But learning about sex is a life long experience and I still would like a lesson or so.
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
It was somewhat awkward, duh, and my 1st question was "so you've had to do this SEVEN times?" I'm oldest in big family.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i’m still learning.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@gSteph - I forgot all about that reaction!

I was the oldest of 5 kids. I didn’t ask my dad about it but I also assumed that he and my mom had, out of a sense of duty, forced themselves to “do it” exactly 5 times in order to have 5 kids.

I imagined how relieved they undoubtedly were to get that horrendous obligation over with.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
"I’m still learning."
Yeah, good point, and aren't we all?

I remember leaning about sex on the street and my parents didn't play any role at all. I guess I was sort of an odd kid (right @TxTitty?) and remember reading a book by Masters and Johnson (famous sex researchers) in high school).
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
@reverend. Yeah, and I wished they hadn't left out the part where masterbating was perfectly normal. I remember thinking (guiltily), damn, I'm doing this way more often than they do that 'sex' thing.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@gSteph -

I guess perverted minds all think alike.

Same thing occurred to me, but I didn’t care.

I had discovered my peepee years before.

I’ve been like a kid with a new toy ever since.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Learned from other kids and porn. Sex ed in school.

We used to ask girls to strip for us. Then one day we got one to let us run a train on her.... so...
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
“Then one day we got one to let us run a train on her”

You just can’t help but respect a girl like that.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You seem to have a problem with women who assert their sexuality. I've noticed your constant attempts at "slut shaming" on here.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Rev that’s why you want to block him, if you let him he’ll destroy your thread and turn it into a train wreck to amuse himself.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Twentyfive -

Imbecility is a core ingredient of all comedy.

I regard Icey as a comedic artist.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Your thread your rules ;)
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Calling out your attempt at slut shaming and passive aggressive jab against me makes me an imbecile....and you derailing your own thread makes me bad. Okay.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Rev so you see icee as a Moe type character, I need to try that, I have been seeing him as more of a Dana Carvey, Church lady type.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I see Icey more like a SpongeBob Squarepants type (only a bit more juvenile and a lot less masculine).
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
^^ OMG. I burst out laughing at that one Rev. LOLOLOL !!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I never watched that Rev does that make me a member or the old geriatric of a clique lol.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That's funny, you're the ones butt hurt and feeling some type of way so you troll me in every thread I post in. Block me and obsess over me and start posts just about me... Hope you don't stalk hoes the way you do me.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago

“Calling out your attempt at slut shaming ...”

I thought YOU were slut shaming her by posting that she let you and your buddies “run a train on her.” If that was your idea of a compliment why didn’t you post her name and a photo? And, since you say you’re on the lookout for a new “main bitch” (as you so delicately put it), why don’t you look her up and, if she’s available, marry her?

What I said is that “you just can’t help but respect a girl like that.”

That’s not slut shaming.

It was meant as a compliment.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I wouldn't judge a woman by how she chooses to enjoy her sex life. I'm not a misogynist and don't believe in slut shaming. But this is an obvious pattern with you on here. Its kinda sick. You love strippers and solicit prostitutes yet slut shame them....
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ you mean running a train on a woman as a show of respect, I’m in awe !
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
group sex with a willing participant is nothing to be ashamed of.

soliciting prostitutes is illegal and immoral when you're married.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Its more of a normal thing than paying a hooker to make you cum in your pants
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
Saint Iceyloco has spoken.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
>Its more of a normal thing than paying a hooker to make you cum in your pants<

No it’s really not
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Wow, what a trip. Icey always tells folks to work on their reading comprehension but clearly had a breakdown in his.

Reverend said "you can't help but respect a girl like that". Meaning simply, respect to that girl. And I have to agree. My earlier sex experiences were with girls who had also 'been around the block" a few times. So while it wasn't a train, you could call it a drive thru lane instead. Those girls to me were just as curious about sex as us boys were and weren't afraid (or taught) to be shy about it. I still respect girls like that, they're much more fun than prudes. As long as they protect themselves as necessary so as to not have 5 different baby daddies and 6 STDs.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
20fag supports old men liking underage girls but feigns offense at someone participating in running a train lmfao
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
reverend really suits you, you have a major madonna whore complex
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Hmmm good question. I was so young I can't say I even remember. All I know is that i would talk to other neighbor kids about sex even before i was in school, like at 3 or 4 years old and none of them seemed to know anything about it. I remember being shocked aboutbthat because I thought everyone knew. Many of them probably got their first sex education from me.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i’m still learning!
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Fun Loving Fella - you must have gone to a Montessori kindergarten program, you lucky s.o.b.!
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