My Idea of a True Hottie

avatar for reverendhornibastard
Meet Amy Mainzer,…

She is an American astronomer, specializing in astrophysical instrumentation and infrared astronomy. She is the Deputy Project Scientist for the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and the Principal Investigator for the NEOWISE project to study minor planets and the proposed Near Earth Object Camera space telescope mission.

She is brilliant, beautiful, eloquent, classy, highly accomplished and self-confident. She has a PhD in astronomy from UCLA and, best of all, NO TATTOOS!

I’d love to drag my tongue across this woman’s pink parts to see if I can distract her while she tries to explain to me the implications of entanglement for non-locality.


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
She's a doll. I'll rate her a 835 ( Helen of Troy scale ). But in all honesty, I don't really care about her mind.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Scrolled through that those all look great, but the funniest line is in the comments someone stated that women can be smart and still be fuckable, maybe we should let them vote ;)
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I'd give her a 6.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I care very much about the quality and content of a woman’s mind. Even in my youth, I couldn’t fuck ‘em 24/7.

In all that time spent not fucking, I’d rather listen to my woman say something intelligent and interesting instead of having to listen to all that empty-headed drivel about who the Kardashian sisters are fucking this week, the latest shoes from Aldo or what Cardi B had to say about anything.

All of the women who I have ever called “mine” were intelligent and, if they were not highly accomplished when I first found them, they certainly were by the time I left them.

Even after I left them, every last one of my women later thanked me for pushing them towards their accomplishments.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
That's an amazing girl. Thanks for sharing.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@ reverend. I tend to agree with you. My wife falls into that category (she is the gal in the pics on my profile). Smart, beautiful, adventurous, and makes all her own 6 figure income such that she does not need me for anything other than she chooses to be with me.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
You’re a lucky man, Nisan!
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I know. I really am.
avatar for Longball300
6 years ago
The brunette is stunning and smaaaaart; my kind of woman.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Yeah she's cute -- but observational astronomy isn't as impressive as astrophysics.

Speaking of attractive and super intelligent, consider Emi Nakamuri:

She just won the Clark award in economics (which is a real honor) and she teaches at Berkekey.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
She does look really nice :)

Not a perfect comparison, but her look is attractive in the same way Summer Glau’s is. (Which is a very good compliment from me because I think Summer is mesmerizing)…
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^ she resembles my favorite AMP specialist
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^ she Emi Nakamuri resembles my favorite AMP specialist
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@RandomMember, @Nidan, @NiceSpice

Emi Nakmura is certainly cute. If anyone can make the dismal science less dismal she’d be the one to do it!

Summer Glau is a hottie too. I’d never heard of her before.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Not my type.....kinda old, and plain.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
flagooner-->"I'd give her a 6."

Keep fronting, flag. We all know damn well there's no way you could give her more than a 3. Maybe 3.5 on a good day.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Summer Glau is a Terminator. Beware !
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Icey -

“Not my type.....kinda old, and plain.”

Your concerns could be addressed. She could get a few dozen body piercings, get her covered up in tattoos and ask her to put on enough mascara for 7 women, walk around on stilettos and a G-string and she’d probably pass muster.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
^^^ lol
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
No, I just don't find her attractive. That pic is touched up, she's very plain, has very average features...
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I find her very pretty
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Icey - Please share a photo of your inamorata wearing no makeup (or at least wearing not more than one kg of makeup).
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Amy Mainzer is pretty, but the image in the top post isn't the most accurate representation.…

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Girls I like look good without makeup. Seeing her take it off, and waking up to her pretty face is one of the best feelings. Coz its her. The makeup just enhances what's there on them.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@ishmael - the photo of Dr. Mainzer I linked in my post is probably outdated. I’m pretty sure she looks less “fresh” now. Despite that, I’d prefer to spend time with her than with any voluptuous 21 year old, tattoo laden, ignorant crack-head whore.

@Icey - since you claim to be tight with the heavily tattooed women whose photos you share with us, I’m sure you must have taken a few candid photos of her eating her morning Cheerios before she applied all that makeup.

Please share one or two of those photos with us. Besides allowing us to see her true beauty, it will silence your critics who claim you don’t even know the woman who you lovingly refer to as your “main bitch.”
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Agreed. She's pretty, but she's not a runway model. And that's fine. Perhaps even better.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
More classist and bigoted assumptions.... a woman with tattoos has to be trash, ugly and a whore?

The woman you posted is great coz she's white and has a degree...

If middle aged white women with degrees are your thing, why chase young hookers in strip clubs?
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Icey - Wrong! Some tattoo laden women are saintly. Not many people realize that Mother Teresa herself had a snake tattoo that ran from her navel down into her snatch.

I understand it was really very classy.

I’m certainly not a bigot, by the way. I’ve been in more biracial love relationships than I can remember. You truly have no clue who you are corresponding with.

As for being a “classist”, one of the classiest women I ever knew was named Kirah. She was a weatherbeaten, leathery skinned old lady who spent her entire life knee-deep in the mid or rice paddies so her children would not starve. I’ve never met a nicer, lovelier lady.

You wouldn’t have liked her. She had no tattoos.

I couldn’t help but notice you did not agree to post photos of your beloved without her make up on.

Your evasion on that topic speaks volumes.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Every bigot claims they're not a bigot coz they've had none white friends, poor friends, etc...

Not humoring your inane baiting isn't evading the topics. You evade them by posting bigoted drivel then backtracking when called out on it
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@RHB Responding to that racist, misogynistic slug is not only a waste of time it’s ridiculous, better to ask him what he’s doing here, he obviously doesn’t like us, the feeling is mutual BTW, and it’s common knowledge that he’s never been near a strip club in his life, let him go off and sulk someplace else he’s worse than useless.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Calling me a racist and a misogynist for pointing those traits out on the old trick clique doesn't make me those things.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
IceyLoco said "Not humoring your inane baiting isn't evading the topics. You evade them by posting bigoted drivel then backtracking when called out on it."

TRANSLATED: "Sorry. Can't do it. I pilfer images of my 'bitches' from Instagram accounts. None of those women post no-makeup shots."
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Lets see your wife so we know why you resort to paying hookers
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
Still unwilling to show us photos that corroborate your relationship with the tattoo woman?

Why not? You’ve already shared other photos of her. Now show us one that corroborates your relationship with her.

That’s OK, junior. I think we all know what’s going on here.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
post your pics and ones of your wife. let us see why you have to pay hookers
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago

You wrote, “Every bigot claims they're not a bigot coz they've had none white friends, poor friends ...”

Yes, I’ve had non-white friends and lovers as well as white friends and lovers. FYI - I’m not a white guy.

As for poor friends, I’ve had lots of those too, maybe because I grew up poor.

You just don’t know who you’re corresponding with. With every response you make yourself look more foolish and insecure just because a complete stranger is questioning your credibility. A self-confident, mature man wouldn’t do that, now would he?

Never mind. You don’t need to answer that question any more.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
A couple people posted in the imgur comments that the pic is not of Amy Mainzer but someone named Phoebe Tonkin. I did no further research because: (i) whoever it is, she’s hot and (ii) I like to talk to smart women and I like to look at pics of hot women.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
No, you make yourself look foolish by posting bigoted crap then back tracking and telling us you have friends of other races and you're not classist for having poor friends.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
Somebody give junior a hanky and tell him it’s going to be alright.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@McNulty - I am aware of Phoebe Tonkin. She is definitely prettier than Dr. Mainzer.

I still believe the photo I linked in my post is Dr. Amy Mainzer but (unlike some desperately insecure people who will remain nameless) I admit that I could be wrong and that I’ve never been in the same room with Dr. Mainzer.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I posted a picture of my wife. The reason that I “resort to hookers” is mainly be I enjoy it. Nothing more convoluted than that. Just that I enjoy such.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Nidan - I understand and agree.

My wife has given me some of the most fabulous sex as well as sexual experiences involving other women (not 3-somes). She is hot (though admittedly hotter earlier in years past). No woman, no matter how hot, how wild, how willing to let me be me, ever seemed to be enough.

I believe most men are this way. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I just want to believe that most men behave as badly as I do so I won’t feel so bad about myself.

Doesn’t matter. I’ve been this way for a life time. I am not likely to change as long as I’m still breathing.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Reverend, most men don't cheat let alone solicit prostitution
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
Icey, I cant quote any studies or statistics on this topic, but in my lifetime, I have known very few men who have never cheated or who have never paid for sex. I’ve known many men (including many close friends) who despite having a beautiful and access to plenty of girlfriends they kept on the side, still liked to spice up their life with strippers and hookers.

But I am interested, on what do you base this view that most men don’t cheat or, at least occasionally, pay for sex?

Are you saying you don’t do so? You’ve never done so? If not, why would you frequent a website like this one?
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
^ “ despite having a beautiful WIFE and access to plenty of girlfriends ... “
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
This is a website about strip clubs. Although reviews and discussions tend to focus on older men soliciting prostitutes
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
I love astronomy. It's gazing at heavenly bodies.
I'm surprised more (here) don't practice it.
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