
Nicole1994's tuscl superlatives

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Guy I would most want to cuddle with if I had to pick one: General..such a sweetheart

Guy I would give lap dance to if I had to pick:

muddy .. seems very cool and nice

Guy I would most wanna slap (the ignorance out of) : skibum. Lol sorry !!!

Guy I would buy a kitten for: DC

Who I wanna cuddle with : trapbby and stripper cutie together cuz they're both such sweet babies xoxox

Sorry this wasn't as.exciting as u thought it would be LOL CARRY ON g'night


  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I would love a kitten or puppy lol.

    Idk about TrapBaby but I agree that StripperCutie is a sweetheart. I hope she comes back to TUSCL someday.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I didn't make the list? :-(
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Given your background Nicole it is unsurprising that when confronted with different opinions your first reaction is violence. I would react differently to such a comment from a man, but I just ignore the weaker sex when they make inane comments.
  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    Nicole1994, who would you most like to go to a Tom Jones concert with? I’m betting it is actually skibum609 because you clearly LOOOOVE him! ;)

    No disrespect skibum609, but the direct response to Nicole1994 trolling will not work. I think you’re a very straightforward guy. For example, I think your use of “cugino” is a genuine signifyer that you’re of Italian descent, not an affectation you picked up from drinking too much PBR while watching Godfather III.

    Nicole1994 is just making up BS. So you need to subvert her expectations. Offer to take her to see Tom Jones. Ask her to wear your underwear if she lets you wear hers. Tell her it will be a brilliant time. She’s be so freaked out she’ll stop trolling — for about 5 nanoseconds!
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Lol thanks Nicole
  • @icey youd be the peeson I would most buy a cake for lol:)
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    A cake with a file baked into it, or one without just to drive him crazy?
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Lmao 4Got - Godafther part III was awful lol. My monthly family poker game has 3 members with the following names: Guiseppe; Rocco and Federico. Then again I have family mmbers named Abraham and Joshua so who knows.
  • And umm no one is advocating violence

    I did not say that I want to slap u but that I wanna slap the ignorance out of u if I could lol sorry
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Superlative? More like I need a superlaxative after reading this shit post
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Skibum advocated violence. He wants to shoot people he perceives as undocumented Americans. 25 would like to shoot poor Black kids coz he thinks they want to rob him. Misogyny is advocated on this site all day long. The psychological and physical violence associated with prostitution, etc.....
  • How do u know they wanna shoot people .......

    I wore a full on burqa to trump rally just to see what they would do I wonder if I dat next to skibum in it if he would be scared of me LOL
  • This bitch pulled my hijab off at the trump rally omg she was such a dumbass that her friend had to apologize on her behalf...
  • I don't wear a hijab anymore but like when I used to.^
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    they said it in threads.

    TBH you did that in person they wouldn't say anything.

    Skibum wouldn't voice his fear but would have a few swigs of cheap whiskey then come bitch about it on TUSCL
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "Misogyny is advocated on this site all day long. The psychological and physical violence associated with prostitution, etc....."

    LMAO but it's perfectly ok for IceyDodo to take money from his (supposed) stripper whore bitches. Why do you promote your stripper bitches to be whores and give you money for it? Misogyny much?
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