
What is the TUSCL view of having fun wrong?


Holy cow, whoever this reviewer is got torn up. :/

I personally would not have gone with this dancer’s method. I was *there* the past two Saturdays and it was super busy. Granted both times I wasn’t on the floor until midnight, so maybe her first hour at $300 may have been worth it. But then $300 for the rest of her shift? As far as I’m concerned, this reviewer got a damn good deal. (I wouldn’t have offered it)

I think it would have been more profitable to just stack dances and collect stage tips.

I understand wanting to undercharge with the VIP knowing damn well what your competition does (extras), so I won’t fault her on that.

But the commenters still had to act like he was mega hustled on the amount he spent.

What is even more mind blowing is the fact that one of the commenters there a while ago referred to Palazio as a “must-go SC”

Let me provide a hint of the MO of that club. You CANNOT score an hour cabana for $450 all in, nor even a half hour. I remember when I one time set my hourly price at $600 (plus room fee) and the waitress gave attitude that it wasn’t a half hour we were doing, and shamed me for being an undercutting POS

You would think somebody who was so dollar conscious would have a very different opinion of that club. Because while Palazio does have bright spots with it, dollar-for-dollar value isn’t one of them.
Which got me wondering at the MO of TUSCL overall.

At what price points for time/dance quality/extras is the tipping point you guys think somebody is having fun wrong?


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Oh and btw I have no idea who this “twboyhouston” is, and clearly was already off somewhere by the time I showed up. So I don’t care about defending him personally.

    It’s just the review comments that surprised me is all.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    He spent over $1000. Granted, a good portion of that went to the club as VIP fees. But that is quite a bit for one evening. I wouldn't say he was having fun wrong. He seemed to be happy with what he got. But if I'm spending that much money, that is not the evening I would be expecting. That might just be me though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Below is a copy of the review in question for those w/o VIP:

    Perfect 10 Men's Club


    Nice chill time with beautiful dancer in a revamped and more expensive club
    March 26, 2019

    I came in on a Saturday evening at about 10:30 and the place was totally packed.
    There were no tables available except for those reserved for bottle service.
    Either I was going to sit at the bar or get a bottle.

    So I got the cheapest champagne bottle I could get, a Moet Nectar for $150 and sat right in front of the rear-most stage in the main room. (They call this stage 4).

    There were a lot of very pretty ladies walking around and on the 5 active stages (many of them 8 or 9 in quality). Most were white or Cuban. Many of the Cuban girls could pass for white except when you started talking to them.

    A very pretty slim blonde dancer came by and asked if I wanted company. She was a little bit older than some of the girls. She could easily pass for 25 but later found out she was 30. She saw I had the bottle and sat down to share it. We talked for at least half an hour before we talked about dances. We then went outside to a very large patio area out back with a barbecue grill and volleyball court where a lot of customers and dancers were chilling. Interestingly there was only a chain link fence that people could easily see through from the road. I don't know why there weren't a bunch of gawkers looking at the pretty half naked girls lounging around out back. After another half hour, we talked about how we were going to spend the rest of the evening. So far I hadn't paid her anything.

    The layout of this club has dramatically changed since I last stopped in a couple of years ago.
    There used to be a free lap dance area in a kind of pit area near the rear of the club outside the VIP. There were also private booths on the side and behind the stage. All these areas are gone now. Instead the pit area has now a raised area that is bottle service only.

    The booths which used to be open, but had partitions like office cubicles are replaced by cabanas with full side walls and shear curtains in the front.

    The waitress told me that if I wanted to go the VIP area, it would be an additional $100 charge for all night. However, this area is very open and doesn't have any privacy. It is just less crowded than the main floor. The VIP room used to have open alcoves to sit that did not cost any extra. These areas have also been converted to cabanas. So the VIP area now is actually very small.

    The cabana prices in both VIP and outside VIP were $100 per half hour or $150 per hour. This is a significant increase from the $60 per hour they used to charge for the open booths.

    Anyways, I could choose to stay and get dances at my table for $20 per dance or I could move to the VIP for $100 for the night or I could move to the cabana. I went for the option to a cabana in the VIP for $150 per hour. The dancer suggested a charge of $300 per hour for her time also.

    Actually her prices are very reasonable and other girls can ask considerably more. She gave very good dances with no extras but allowed unlimited mutual touching. I had no complaints about the sensuality and quality of her dances. On top of that she was a real beauty with a 9 for a face and a solid 8 for a body. She was tall and slim and if she were a couple of inches taller she could have been a super model. The booths were extremely private with the curtains closed and it was a very intimate experience. I have paid a lot more for a lesser experience. We were really having a good time and the manager did not stop by to check until an hour and a half had passed. Neither the manager or dancer asked for anything extra even though we went over time. The manager said for another $150 I could stay the rest of the evening. At this time it was 1:00 am and the club was closing at 3:30. The dancer said she was also willing to stay the rest of the evening for another $300.

    When you add it all up, I spent a little bit over $1000 but I got real good value. I was able to stay in the VIP area for about 4 hours in total with a very beautiful dancer that was delightful company. In total, I spent close to 5 hours with her. It was a very laid back experience and I didn't push for anything extra. However, she made sure that she spent at least some portion of each hour dancing so I would get my money's worth. It probably worked out so that it was not much more than $20 a dance but it was in a more exclusive private setting.

    This experience is a lot different than one I had in the daytime, which was a completely different but also enjoyable atmosphere.

    I'll write about that in a different review some day.

    Saturday Evening
    Over $1,000
    Dollar Value8

    Review Publishers
    New Jersey

    New Jersey


    Review Comments
    Good fucking lord man. To each his own I guess.

    Aiding the trolls.
    What’s wrong with OP’s review? :o

    I haven’t quite got a grip on typical cabana charges at p10 yet, but the owner’s vision on VIP is $300 per half hour for dancer charge or potentially $250 push comes to shove for the dancer’s time.

    Plus it was a pretty busy Saturday—the kind of Saturday where a customer ran out of singles for me on stage and gave me a couples of $20 bills.

    Imo the reviewer got his money’s worth.

    5 Hours Ago
    simple rules of clubbing:

    Rule 1: NEVER use a credit card

    this complete loser obviously does not get it and is propping clubs - trying to get you to pay more.... just dumb!

    7 Minutes Ago
    I’m sorry if we don’t play in the same economic league. Maybe that makes you the loser.

    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Just Now
    Obviously for the reviewer spending $1K seems to be in the realm of what he's willing and able to spend - kudos to him if he's rolling like that.

    If one wants exclusive service in a busy popular club one will often have to pay exclusive pricing; especially if one wants exclusive service for a prolonged period of time - as long at the reviewer enjoyed himself and he can afford that kinda visit, then it's all good. I've never been to this club but in the clubs I've been to one can get a lot more than company and dances for a lot less but again everyone enjoys clubbing differently and has different levels of means.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Dancers and custies will rarely see eye-to-eye on what "good" and "fair" is - a good club or a good club-visit are often viewed differently by the avg dancer and the avg custy - IME often times when I've mentioned to dancers "oh I really like club 'X'", more often than not they come back with "I don't like that club" - i.e. a club with high mileage and affordable prices is great for the avg PL but often the opposite for the avg dancer.

    The avg custy is not gonna look at $1K for company and dances as good value - the avg dancer will probably see it as great value - the only way I can see as it being somewhat PL-acceptable is that he got a lot of exclusive time with the dancer in a club that seems to be busy and popular thus probably a good amount of custy competition - I do think if one is gonna lock down a dancer for as long as he did in a busy popular club then he had to pay exclusive pricing for exclusive attention.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    If they aren't vip they can't see this thread anyway.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    If he thought he got sufficient value for his money, I’m not going to tell him he’s wrong. I don’t think I would enjoy that club, but who knows?
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Well, I'm not going to say that he was having fun "wrong" because, as I have maintained for years on here, I will never criticize how another grown man spends his money. If it was worth it to him then so be it.

    But I suspect that those VIP cabanas are hard to sell at those prices and those most girls who do so are putting in special effort to earn that money. Austin is a small southern city, not a northeast or west coast metropolis with several million affluent people. Hence a lot less foot traffic than a big city club and with a relatively small pool of people who can shell out that kind of money on a regular basis. Shit, even in extremely expensive places like NYC, private CR/VIP rooms where guys are shelling out $1k+ come with high expectations.

    Now might I do something like that for the novelty? Maybe. I spent a good chink at Tootsie's in Miami just to get the full experience. But that kind of spending is not sustainable for almost anyone who visits clubs regularly, even those who make very good money.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    1. It was 1k that was spent over the course of five hours, not in a single hourly go.

    2. That particular club isn’t the club that tends to attract the same out-of-town ballers like a couple others do. (Tho I think they have been making more attempts at attracting them recently) But in the past few years, Austin clubs in general have increased in foot traffic and gotten more expensive from a customer POV. And over there, yes customers will pay that rate in a couple of clubs. And yes, hustling for those few is very tough. But it does happen

    Maybe I’m a delusional dancer but here is another monger’s opinion “Austin is overrated and dragged down by techie douchebags ruining that place.”

    3. I have no doubts larger cities are more consistent overall but on that particular night (assuming it was the most recent saturday) at that particular club it was busy as heck. I made ~$60-$80 on stage alone. And customers were coming up to me asking for dances.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I can't say he was wrong. He got $1000 worth of enjoyment. However, for $1000 I would take a couple strippers OTC for a 3-way.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    $1k is still a thousand bucks spent during a single visit, whether he drops it over one hour or five. I stand by what I said about spending sustainability and the fact that those VIP cabanas can't be selling like hotcakes when girls are asking $600+ for an hour (as you stated) plus room fee. That has nothing to do with whether you earned some stage money or sold some dances - I'm sure you did. ;)
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    He didn't get ripped to shreds in the comments. Only two people really made a big deal about his spending. One was desertscrub, whose review comments are almost always negative and harsh. The other guy just exclaimed "good Lord!". Then followed with "to each his own" which isn't bad at all.

    Like Papi said, maybe dude just has it like that to be able to spend that much cash and not think anything of it.

    Nicespice from the prices you listed, dude seems to have gotten a pretty good deal actually.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... $1k is still a thousand bucks ..."

    Good observation - I assume you were a math-major in school
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    I hope that guy never spends $1k in another state.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    I hope that guy never spends $1k in another state.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    I hope that guy never spends $1k in another state.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    I hope that guy never spends $1k in another state.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    I hope that guy never spends $1k in another state.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @Papi: There you go Papi. It's so obvious to you, the beacon of intellectand higher thinking that you are, that you felt obliged to troll it with a silly joke. But after someone assured me that "It was 1k that was spent over the course of five hours, not in a single hourly go" in the context of a single visit, it became clear that someone else didn't share your keen insights on the matter. ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ you got the sense of humor of a doorknob
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    I FREQUENTLY (like almost always) spend $750 a night for similar fun in less private areas. I spend it because I enjoy it and because I can. He had fun. I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with his spending. I applaud him for having fun.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^^ unless that was your attempt at humor
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Oh fuck they found my alt!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Shame on you Muddy - you should know better
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Fuckin A Papi, are you earning a check from Perfect 10 in Austin too? Are we now going to have you popping in with shrill comments every time something remotely critical is said about that club as well? ☺

    Really Papi, maybe you could just list all the clubs that you feel proprietary about so we can at least know what to expect when we talk about them. ;)
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Seriously, I love having fun with people. If I want full services extras, then AMP is where I bank it. I do get FS at SCs, but that is not why I go. I love having fun with beautiful women. Not humor, just who I am. If I get extras, then I will generally review that Club because that is what people like to see. I frequently many that don’t give extras, but my money is well spent for my fun.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    If it makes you feel better Rick, this is a Saturday night I was referring to.

    Weeknights have not been like that, so I’m sure one could run the System and have found success.

    And lol Muddy
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I didn't feel bad to begin with Nice, but thanks for being concerned about my emotional well-being. ;)

    I know some guys hold the belief that if they whine enough about other guys who "ruin things" by "overpaying" then maybe they can prevent market forces from taking their natural course. It's ridiculous of course and not my gig. I'm simply questioning whether market forces in a small southern city like Austin support sales of $700+ (including room) hourly VIP rooms on a regular basis. My home clubs are in a southern city of similar size, which is also experiencing an influx of white collar jobs, and I am sure that they would be extremely difficult to sell here with any regularity.

    Anyway, there it is and I'll leave off on further comments on this. If I am wrong, then so be it and all power to you. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I was thinking w/ the strong tech-sector in Austin that it'd be a more wealthy area - but according to Wikipedia, Austin is 24th among metro areas in GDP/capita:

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    My opinion of Austin is that shifts in many clubs are a hit or miss. I personally tend to do either very good or terrible, with little in between. There little in the stable range of $300-499 for a full shift.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ on avg - is the dancer $$$ better, or much better, in Austin vs San Antonio, or about the same?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Between the two cities, Austin is better money wise. But I am also biased because San Anton has more aggressive clientele.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ !
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ !
  • minnow
    6 years ago
    @ Papi- Wtf ?? Des Moines, Iowa at #7 ahead of several major East and West Coast cities ? There were many other surprises in that link too.
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    Wow... for 1000 you should be getting multiple nuts off with the hottest girls in the club... that just does not compute. Def not how i do things lol but ok
    Also imo bottle service and scs do not mix. Thats just silly. I understand he wanted a table and all but im saying in general, its kind of redundant.
    Can someone explain what a cabana is in sc world? Im just a simple jersey boy so i imagine a straw hut by a pool but with a stripper inside.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    There is no "having fun wrong" as too each person has their expectations and budget (or lack of).

    As long as the reviewer enjoyed his time (and in reality his money) at the club, there is no having fun wrong.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... Can someone explain what a cabana is in sc world ..."

    Cabanas I think are individual small rooms one rents that usually have a small bench/couch and maybe a small table (there's usually a row of them side-by-side) - they are usually off to the side but still part of the main-room - they usually have a curtain for privacy which one can leave open to have a view of the main room or close for private dances - below is a so-so pic of what one may look like:

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ they seem to be common in some TX clubs
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    Thats actually really cool. Looks expensive lol
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    We are all doing it wrong
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @MackTruck is right, we’re all doing it wrong.

    Just think, there are places where $15 HJ/BJ from a beautiful, young, fit woman who is determined to leave you satisfied is considered overspending. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Fuck your own self Kajohnston
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @twentyfive ?
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Fuck you Mackie
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^^Google translate from Japanese
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Fuck you Mackie!
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