
Dems are already screwed for 2020

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
How many different ways can they keep shooting themselves in the foot? Do they really have such a poor grasp on the political landscape in places outside of CA and NY?

First, they went all-in on the ridiculous Trump narrative and they now have collective egg on their faces. They will no doubt make much desperate noise over the next several months and run endless investigations, but the public (especially moderates and Independents) won't forget and will see it for what it is. I have no doubt that Trump will beat this drum during the national elections, especially if Dems continue down this path.

Then Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) all voted “no” on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This act was in response to the horrible new abortion law in NY which allows late term abortions and even withholding of medical treatment for a baby that somehow survives the procedure. I guess our esteemed Senators don't read the polls, including those in which 80% of Americans oppose late term abortion. Expect Trump to use the new NY law and the no votes against Dems in the election.

Now we have an upcoming vote for that absurd "Green New Deal." Dems are viciously opposed to a vote on this and for good reason as a yes vote will also be used against them during the general election.

Wow. At this point, the only serious candidate who isn't badly smeared by all of this is O'Rourke, who of course couldn't even win a Senate seat in his own state. Biden is having issues obtaining campaign financing, so he's not looking good right now either.

The Dems are seriously screwed, at least as things stand now. They badly overplayed their hands and I strongly suspect are going to pay for it in 2020.


  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Nobody short of JFK could have won that senate seat in Texas, and O’ Rourke came as close as any democrat could have barring the demographics.

    If he runs he stands a way better chance than any other democrat who has placed his/her name in the hat. He’s their only chance, because Biden represents too far left leaning political identity with his name attached to Obama.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You honestly think that Democrats are screwed for not trying to appease backward racists, homophobes, xenophobes, islamophobes, religious zealots etc?
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Beto O Rourke would never win the nomination...

    Conservatives wants the easiest candidate to beat...

    If Trump wants to win the White House in 2020 then he would have to do it the hard & long way...

    My money is still Former Vice President Joe Biden...

    He has the ability to draw moderates & independent who see trumps character as distasteful & unfit to occupy the highest office in the Land...

    Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Ticket will send President Donald J Trump back to Trump Tower in New York City come November 3rd, 2020...
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Hahaha Biden the ancient creepy fondler and Harris who fucked her way up, that is a great ticket
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Then what Donald J Trump

    The old fat guy that can never get pussy except he pays for it...

    Paying pornstars for pussy...

  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Eva, bookmark your comments so we all can say “I told you so” next year!
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Know you’re the one that needs to bookmark my comments so I can say “I told you so” on November 3rd 2020...
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Not amazing that Icey's post made her seem like a retarded LBTGQDTRWY weirdo.`Except for the fact that JFK would never be a Democrat today and if he ran in Texas he'd have faced Cruz in the primary, the Republican primary. A catholic boy who cheated on his wife, drank, lowered taxes, served in the miltary and asked people to do for their country would cringe if he saw the backwards, foreign fuck filled loser democrats of today. Green new deal lol. Worthy of a 3rd grade book report, maybe. Joe Biden - plagarizer, gaffe machine lol. Thgird time loser if he runs.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Eva, I actually agree that Biden would be their best bet in a general election. Also, running against Trump, his historical mistakes, like plagiary, probably wouldn't stand out comparatively.

    The problem, though, is whether he could take big far left leaning states in the primaries, like NY and CA. The people who organize major Dem campaign financing don't think so. Also, we can expect the candidate field to be crowded this year as many of this new breed of power hungry and self serving ankle biters are unlikely to drop out early. Pocahontas and "The Steady", among others, have already shown no shame in their game when it comes to political maneuvering, so there will be a lot of people vying for the same pot of cash. Without the Super-delegates to tip the scales, I have no doubt that this is going all the way to the convention this year.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Green New Deal is very marketable to low information voters. It's fluff but marketable fluff.

    It's the economy, stupid. Either the recession hits before mid 2020 and Trump is fucked, or the good economy will last just long enough to squeak out a win.

    I honestly don't think it matters who the Dems nominate, 2020 will be a referendum on Trump, and he needs to keep that chunk of voters who hate everyone and always vote for change. Right now it's about a 45 percent chance Trump is re elected. Republicans will hold the Senate either way.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    As for late term abortion here's the thing. Americans oppose late term abortion. Until you ask them if they support ending a pregnancy to save the mothers life when the doctors state there is no other option and the fetus likely wouldn't survive past infancy. Then it flips. So voters like late term abortion they just don't like the label.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Lots of time between now and November 2020 plenty of time for the Republicans and Democrats to over play their hand and loose it all.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    FDR would have loved the Green New Deal and so would have Eisenhower.

    The reality is, your political views make you seem like dinosaurs, a dying breed out of touch with today's realities.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    James, normally I'd be on board with that, but not this time. It would only be a referendum on Trump if they don't put out a candidate who looks even crazier or worse than Trump. Most incumbent Presidents win for a reason, which is that people are naturally cautious about replacing the devil they know with one they don't. In this case, right now the Dems are showing a God awful field from that standpoint.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    Disqualifying Democrats!
    Joe Biden: Too many creepy pictures of him and little girls, plagiarizing speeches, using a "Black" affectation in speeches to Blacks, Obama First clean..., find his speech on Senate floor supporting Clinton's Crime Bill, China deals with his son. CREEPY
    Bernie Sanders: Too old, toowhite, too male, fake socialist ($300,000 car and 3 homes) wife defrauded government as college administrator FAKE
    Kamala Harris: Slept her way into California politics, made a fool of herself with double standard between Kavanaugh and her staffer, record of prosecution/persecution as California AG LIBERAL COME LATELY
    Elizabeth Warren: Fauxchahontas...DOUCHE
    Cory Booker: Destroyed Newark, pretends to be one of the people but actually went to Stanford, Oxford and Yale and his parents were IBM executives, NOT SPARTACUS
    Kirsten Gillibrand: Owes her political career to the Clintons, friend with Clintons until it became unfashionable, same with Harvey Weinstein, #metoo except when it is someone on her staff, LIGHTWEIGHT
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    This is going to be a nasty primary season for Dems and whoever comes out of the convention in June with the win is going to be badly beat up.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    I didn't mention Beto because...HE EATS DIRT...He's the Seinfeld candidate...he has accomplished nothing, he knows nothing, he stands for nothing HE IS NOTHING
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Donald J Trump:

    Con man defrauded Millions using his Trump University

    Slept with a Porn Star in Exchange for Money

    He said & I quote “ Grab them by the Pussy”

    Filed Multiple Bankruptcies

    Has a history of running business into the ground which explains the reason while most banks won’t touch him with a pole...

    Refused to release his tax return...

    Calls Black People are very dumb race...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Also says all Mexicans are rapists...

    Which explains why he will never get a sizable portion of both the African American Voting Bloc & Spanish Speaking Voting Bloc who overwhelmingly votes Democrats during the General Elections...
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @Old: I'm wondering if being an unknown is not such a bad thing for the Dems this year. All the Dem Senators are going to be irreparably damaged in the general election for not voting to protect living babies who survive abortions, for all of their shrill comments about Trump and collusion and, if they vote yes on the New Green Deal, that as well. Meanwhile Biden, as you see above, has his own baggage, which has hurt him in past attempts to get elected.

    Dem fundraisers seem to think so, because Beto is getting a lot of the campaign contributions from the usual Dem fixers. Biden, otoh, is having a heck of a time raising money because the fixers don't think he can win in the primaries.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Evaretard, bring on Biden, hahah you're literally the dumbest faggot on this site. I bet you're one of those Mexican rapists. Seriously can you even vote in federal elections? What a mad and sad miserable little douche. Just because you like fucking and sucking off dudes doesnt mean the rest of us do homo.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    Evasparkling HYPRBOLE much?
    Trump University turned out bad but I believe he settled the lawsuits. (That's what happens when you lend your name to something and don't run it)
    Pornstar got paid to keep her mouth shut about screwing him not to screw him
    Grab em by the pussy...on this venue you're complaining about that?
    Unlike most politicians, he hasn't been a politician all his life. he's actually done things. 6 out of 100's of businesses filed for bankruptcy protection. Some filed Chapter 11 to allow for reorganization.
    He's not required to release his tax returns
    Not the Black race. Just Maxine watters
    There are Mexicans crossing the border who are rapists, drug dealers, murderers...he never said all btu his statement is accurate

    Go ahead now...call me a racist!

    That's the go to response when a liberal is presented with facts!
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    The best weapon in the Trump re-election campaign...Alexandria Occassio-Cortez!
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    the cost of the stup[id Green New Deal, as estimated conservatively is 107 Trillion dollars. Our entire yearly tax reviews are 3.3 trillion so if the government spent nothing else the whole thing would be paid for in less than 40 years or, never after the citizens revolt. By the way thats just the cost of getting rid of fossil fuel, retrofitting buildings and reparations. Democracy is doomed and it is being murdered by the left, just as they always do. Eva so since ther black and hispanic communities have failed to advance Their claim which is actually a lie) and they both vote Democrat, what is their justification dfor voting Democrat? Love of failure? If democrats couldn't run on the platform of stealking money from the taxpayer to give to people who choose not to earn it, they wouldn't even vote for themselves.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You're illogical by claiming that elected officials are going to hurt the Democrats. They were elected....
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @Old: I agree. That whole New Green Deal nonsense is going to be hung around the neck of every silly Dem who cozied up to AOC for a photo opp when she announced it, including most of the aforementioned Senators as well as Biden. Boy I bet they wish that they had thought twice before latching on to that shameless publicity stunt. Forcing the same Dem Senators to actually vote on it is just icing on the cake, which is basically forcing them to choose between taking a hit with their primary voters or taking one with the general electorate.

    But beyond that, I think it is also a gift to the Republican Party as a whole. Independents and moderates are now getting a taste of what an unfettered far left Dem agenda tastes like and I'm guessing that they don't like the flavor. The Party who holds the presidency almost always loses Congress after the first mid-term election, because the country as a whole is very centrist in nature and gravitates towards a balance. But this Dem party could actually set a historic precedent and give Congress back to a sitting President, lol.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Again with the memory farts......honestly people do you forget stuff on purpose......or just never learned......( this is for the left learning people) Do you not recall these words: "A rising tide lifts all boats"

    If you don't know who said it or what it means I suggest you start there.

    Then go a step further--understand that expression was repeated often by the democratic party until 2005 when the good Rev Jesse Jackson.....father to the son of the man who did the hanky when Obama did the panky with his vacant seat in Congress when he became President......called it an outright lie and fabrication on how things work.

    JFK would never be a democrat by today's standards....which is what I have been trying to say to all those who think they would never vote anything else but liberal.

    Biden is the best bet they have.......not that something or someone can't come along but Beto isn't the answer and neither is anyone remotely associated with AOC. If anything as time goes by expect her to cause the same divide the Tea Party caused the Republicans a few years back.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ JFK popularized the aphorism “a rising tide lifts all ships” but it predates him he used it as a campaign slogan in 1960.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    ^ very true 25 but the reality it was Democratic Policy and one of the landmark comments of the JFK presidency, a man who was an icon in most blue collar homes for decades.

    And it was never challenged until Jesse Jackson did so, which is right about the time you could sense the democratic party and the media making a pivot from common sense and move left.

    It took Trump to understand that pivot moved the party away from the blue collar base and could be convinced he was a better choice for them and their families than the "Brie eating wine snobs" of the Pelosi/Reid/Obama triangle.

    For being what the have always been the M generation refers to them as racist and misogynist.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago

    Clearly 2016 taught us none of those disqualify a candidate for President!
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Reagan would have to run as a Democrat in 2020...
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Reagan was a democrat for years....switched to the republican party in the mid 60's.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @James: Idk about that now. Most of the Republican agenda is the same now as it was in the Reagan era. Lower taxes, less regulation, strong national defense, secure borders, protection of 4th amendment rights, etc., etc. The only reason that the so-called Tea Party even exists today is that, at a certain point, entrenched Republican politicians started to stray from these philosophies and began to behave a lot more like Democrats, especially in terms of spending impulses. Republicans took exception to this and punished those who forgot why they were elected by replacing them.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    The Dems, on the other hand, have really gone off the deep end, especially in places like CA and NY. AOC is a symptom of a much bigger problem within the Democratic Party, which is that certain areas have gone far more extreme. I agree that JFK would have to run under a Republican flag in this era.

    Just imagine JFK giving a speech today in Brooklyn or L.A. and announcing: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" to the handout seeking, self entitled, victim mentality mob that comprises the Dems' core constituencies in places like that. There would be a riot.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Reagan would never have won 49 out of 50 states if he ran today, probably not even close.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I would like to see Trump get the boot, but agree with Rick that the Dems are blowing it (although I'm not certain his examples are the most egregious). But what I'm worried about is:

    1. The dems think Trump won and Hillary lost, because the Trump was radical and energizing, whereas Hillary represented the establishment. As a result, they are running very far to the left

    2. Whereas Trump actually won not because of Hillary's political stances, but visceral hatred of Hillary, personally. Hell, Hillary has a better grasp on economic policy (and many other areas of policy) than Trump, IMO.

    Any moderate dem will pull all of the center back to the democrats, and it will be an easy win. Put up Bernie or any progressive candidate saddled with progressive identity politics, self-destructive economic "theories", etc? It's going to be a lot closer than you'd like, and Trump has a good chance of winning.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Enjoy it while it lasts, I see deep problems ahead in the Republican Party
    If they don’t get back to fiscal responsibility this is going to be a last hurrah.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    All things considered I don't think either party is healthy and I don't feel the way the politics are practiced today is healthy for the country either.

    On the surface it seems so obvious we need a new third party but unfortunately it appears the cost in terms of capital and sweat equity is too hard to overcome for this to happen.

    Most of the third party candidates we end up with turn out to be akin to the sideshow freaks at the carnival and simply are never taken seriously.

    And I don't like the power the press seems to have in manipulating content and coverage --the days of unbiased journalism is gone and has been for decades. It continues to get worse.

    If you work in the DC area or have on any level you understand the problem goes far deeper than just the people holding elected office. Trump for all the things I do not like about him was right about the swamp needing drained.

    At the core one of the main differences in party is Republicans want to cut the size of the Fed---Democrats believe a bigger government is better.....and as such the government grows and the people who work in it protect their own self interest when they vote. Many of those workers have spilled into Virgina in recent years and the poitical landscape in the state has forever changed because of it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ problem is he brought the swamp with him, I’d love to see the swamp drained, but this is no way to go about it.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    If the Dems nominate someone like Biden they win. If they go with one of these super lefties, they'll lose.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I think he learned the hard way what happens when you try to drain the swamp. Just trying to get rid of one FBI Director for politicizing the FBI's investigative mandates resulted in a 2 year special counsel investigation and countless information leaks. Imagine if he had tried to tackle the numerous other federal agencies that possessed personal information or otherwise could have retaliated in any number of ways.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    You guys crack me up thinking the mental midget Biden stands a chance of, 1st making it through the primary, and 2nd beating Trump. He's literally like everyone's stupid uncle that you dont ever leave the kids alone with and you sit and listen to his BS stories and nod, and as soon as he walks out of the room you all laugh at how fucking out of touch and bat shit crazy he is. Fucking bring it...Biden equates to a Reagan style, 1984 victory.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Biden's safe. Independents and moderate Republicans who disdain Trump's behavior can hold their nose and vote for him. They won't do that for a Bernie Sanders or any far leftie.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Bernie is the only person in the last election, who would've gotten me voting for Trump. Now the Dems have, what, 4 looney leftists instead of 1 in the mix? Every one of them gets me voting for Trump again. I can hold my nose and vote for Biden.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Dark horse for the Dems is Andrew Yang. Advocating UBI. Could make run.
  • Prim0
    6 years ago
    I'll admit...I didn't read all the posts. Some of you need to do your research and not just trust what you see and hear in memes and biased media reports (on either side). One example.....Trump called MS13 members who sneak into the US animals, criminals, rapists, etc. He did not say that ALL MEXICANS are evil. The reason it went around the net that way is because of the way the interview was edited by the organization that put it out there. Always look at the complete source.....lots of media edits comments and interviews to put people in the negative light.

    Anyway....while you all are arguing about how bad Trump or the Dem candidates are.....you're missing the point that they all suck and generally are getting rich screwing us over. They like the power too. Who the fuck are they to tell all of us how we should live. Government should be a small entity that covers some basic shit. Protect our rights from enemies foreign and domestic. We have our rights listed pretty clearly....and yet how may of them have been stomped on by the government over the last hundred years or so. They tax us when we earn money, when we spend that same money and if we buy property, tax us again. Save money....tax that shit down the road. Free speech....unless it hurts someone's feelings. 2nd amendment....written just after a war where private citizens had military rifles, cannons and ships of war with their own cannons.....and people argue we're only allowed pea shooters if anything. The one about housing military in your home.....maybe a stretch, but that government spying on your calls, emails and anything else is about the same shit. There are supposed to be rules that a warrant is needed before they can listen to our shit. Doing it wholesale is illegal as fuck. It goes on and on.

    What we need is someone who understands what's going on and is willing to fight to reverse it so we can be free again. Modern conservatives in the Republican party don't seem to get it....they're religious conservative more than constitutional conservative. I don't care if the founding was Judaeo-Christian....the point was that we should each be free to do things our own way up to the point it messed with the rights of the next person. It shouldn't matter if you have a Muslim majority, Buddhist majority or whatever. The constitution keeps the government from letting that majority from fucking with the beliefs of the individual. Wanna worship satan....go ahead....just don't sacrifice any virgins as they have rights too.

  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    I don't think Bernie can make it far past the white early contests, Iowa and NH. He just doesn't resonate with non white Democrats outside of the northeast.
  • BGSD3100
    6 years ago
    It's funny to see partisan talking points pretending to be real analysis.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ True, it is funny. Like “some of you need to do your research”, by PrimO.

    This is just a discussion, so anything written o. This site should be considered a work of fiction.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    I was not a Trump supporter during the primaries.
    I was a Kasich guy.
    Naturally, I couldn't vote for Hilliary because any human being with an IQ over 60 knows that she and her husband are crooks. They sold their access (and their souls) to the highest bidder.
    After Trump was elected and I saw how hard the Dems and the "Press" went after him, I knew he was the right guy for the job.
    He has done the best job of actuallly following through on his campaign promises of any POTUS since Reagan. Some of the things he was unable to get accomplished (like healthcare and the wall) was because too many of the Republicans believed the Russia Hoax and were unwilling to go out on a limb for a POTUS that may be getting impeached.
    Make no mistake, the purpose of the Russia Hoax was to unseat a duly elected POTUS and cover up the felonies committed by the Obama DOJ and Intelligence Agencies trying to fix the election for Hilliary.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    By the way, Trump can be rude, crude and obnoxious but just think of how big an asshole you would be if we were that rich.
    I know I would!
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    What can happen under Socialism ? This article has one example.

    It’s long, so I’ll summarize. Fan Bingbing is the biggest movie star in China. Last year, the authorities decided she was avoiding taxes. She disappeared. She reappeared after paying $100 Million in retroactive taxes. The entire film industry is now affected. Billions of dollars in retroactive taxes have been assessed. Other famous actors have disappeared. Everyone is afraid to talk.

    The government has simply decided that tax rates were too low in prior years and they are retroactively raising rates.

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Iwould shit in a bowl and eat it before ever considering a progressive for anything other than a paperweight.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    How long does it take you to consider a leech of a client who wants their spouse's money???? Do you get a hard on thinking about how much of it you can get your hands on?
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If you ever got married icey I would represent your spouse for free. I don't give a fuck what my client's motives are. Same as I don't give a fuck about your motives for posting like the little cunt you are. Why don't you get a job you little cum stain?
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    ^ Lol
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    As to OP's statement that Dems are "seriously screwed" in 2020, I think a Trump victory in 2020 isn't guaranteed by the Mueller Report or the Attorney General's response to it.

    A moderate Dem emerging from primaries can beat Trump in 2020. The primaries make it difficult for a moderate to emerge on either side - candidates run to the polar sides (Republicans to the right, Dems to the left) to satisfy the activists in each party and then candidates rush closer to center in the general election, though my observations are Dems run to center more than Republicans tend to (and Repubs haven't since pre-2000) and Trump certainly didn’t rush to center in 2016.

    I think Subra's right that much of Trump vote in 2016 wasn't pro Trump but rather "visceral hatred" anti Hillary. I've heard a lot of Dems say if Dem party had nominated Bernie in 2016 he would've beat Trump – ya right, not a chance.

    Evasparkling may be right that a Biden/Harris ticket could pull it off. In addition to Biden's downsides listed above (including speech and law school plagiarism), he's a fraud for having lied about how many college majors he got (said 3, then said 2, was actually 1), about having gone to law school on full academic scholarship and only one in his class to get that, and about graduating in top half of law school class (was actually bottom 11%). What a douche.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Trump's "bone spurs" are the only thing that kept him from serving in Vietnam, he really really wanted to go! His Dad also just gave him $15 to get started in real estate.

    Nobody cares about this shit anymore (they should) and the same would go for Biden.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Running for President brings scrutiny that these folks have never gotten from friendly press in State elections. The Trump team has a year to dig up everything, then Tweet after the democratic nomination.

    Biden’s son is a lobbyist who became wealthy by lobbying his Dad. Kamala Harris got her start in politics as Willie Brown’s mistress.

    Whoever is nominated is going to be put through the wringer, getting the same treatment that Hillary got.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I also think they need a moderate to have a chance to beat Trump. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come up with that opinion.

    If it is Biden I'll be looking forward to seeing all the Biden gaffes from over the years. Some are really funny.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    There are already lots of compilation videos of creepy Joe Biden molesting women on stage. It’s cringe-worthy.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Yes, but speaking gaffes too. It will just be funny seeing Fox News trot them out over and over.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    Biden's son got a BILLION dollar investment deal from China for a company that had zero experience in investment banking. I wonder how that will play?
    The Dem candidates will have to move so far to the left to satisfy the lunatic left that has the energy to win the primary they will be fucked in the general.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The answer to all of this is a simple we’ll see!
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"The Dem candidates will have to move so far to the left to satisfy the lunatic left that has the energy to win the primary they will be fucked in the general."

    Of course, that works both ways, in that Trump is already a known quantity. I'd argue that many at the center who voted for Trump as an anti-Hillary vote rather than a policy vote, are in shock over what he's done, and his approval ratings have reflected that (although I honestly haven't checked them lately so have no idea where that stands). As long as the Dems don't nominate a progressive, I'd argue that a centrist Dem candidate, even if they ran left during the primary, really doesn't have to do that much to convince people that they're center enough, at least compared to Trump.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Subraman, what exactly has he done that's been so shocking? Putting aside the girly squeals from cable news outlets that almost nobody watches anymore, from what I can tell, he's done no more than exactly what he said he'd do during his last campaign.

    I also don't buy the notion that this was all about Hillary rather than policy. One of Hillary's many problems was that she was unable to articulate a clear policy vision, a common problem for Dems since, if they are being honest, many of those policies are not popular with Independents and moderates. Now the problem for many of these Dems is that they've been perhaps more honest than is good for them, from showing their support for late term baby killing to a job and economy killing New Green Deal.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    I think most on the left think of Trump as being a right winger who will eventually disappoint his right wing base of bible thumpers and knuckle draggers. They don’t really understand him, or his base, at all.

    Trump is a populist and his base is the working class. As long as he delivers on his promise of jobs and wages, the base will support him. If he can rub the elites face in the mud while doing that, it’s just a bonus. Trump’s rudeness is a feature, not a bug.

    While the left needs to unify dozens of identity groups to win an election, Trump needs to satisfy just one group.....the working class.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I’m not on the left, and I see Trump as a soulless ideological wasteland. He has no governing philosophy that I see, as far as I can see he is content to sow divisions and perfectly willing to lie, he seeks money and power for his own personal benefit and is enough of a con to convince folks that he has a vision but the art of his deal is he tries to convince you that he’s different when he really isn’t.
    Say whatever you like about me, but I believe in markets, I believe in our country, and I don’t like him and agree with George Conway this man is not fit to be president.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    BTW Trump could absolutely win again if the Democrats just talk about how terrible he is, but if they get smart and talk about their vision for the future and totally ignore him, except to contrast their ideas, they’ll win big.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    For decades, the American working man has been sold out by a global elite in order to line their own pockets. Trump has the simplest, and most powerful, of governing philosophies. Look out for the working man. Renegotiate trade deals to bring jobs back to America. Confront countries that have stolen our jobs and intellectual property. Make other countries pay for their own defense. Lower taxes and ease regulations to bring jobs back.

    His governing philosophy is not a mystery.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    For decades, the American working man has been sold out by a global elite in order to line their own pockets. Trump has the simplest, and most powerful, of governing philosophies. Look out for the working man. Renegotiate trade deals to bring jobs back to America. Confront countries that have stolen our jobs and intellectual property. Make other countries pay for their own defense. Lower taxes and ease regulations to bring jobs back.

    His governing philosophy is not a mystery.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    -->"what exactly has he (Trump) done that's been so shocking?"

    -To the horror of Dept of State, proclaimed achieving significant concessions and superior negotiating skills following first meeting with N Korea dictator - he didn't achieve anything and no agreement was signed.
    -Campaign promised to build wall with Mexican money and hasn't delivered. Declared government shutdown until wall funding approved and then caved.
    -Daily village idiot Tweets.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    The Left ruins everything.

  • mark94
    6 years ago
    - we continue to talk with NK and the immediate threat has disappeared
    - we are already building miles of wall. Trump is traveling to SannDiego in 2 weeks to unveil the first segment
    - His tweets are the best way to reach Americans directly in opposition to the mainstream media. Would you prefer he rely on CNN to speak his message ?
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "Dems are already screwed for 2020"

    We can only hope that it continues.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    @mark “we continue to talk with NK and the immediate threat has disappeared”

    The tests stopped. That’s it. NK Is reopening facilities and building new facilities. Please explain how that equals a disappeared threat. At the very least, it’s the same, but NK likely has more warheads and more missiles than they did a year ago. Unless you disagree with our intelligence agencies.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Well, first off, who could possibly disagree with our intelligence agencies given their history of accuracy ( WMD) and truthfulness ( Russian collusion ).
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Before Trump got involved, the Norks were doing nuclear tests, flying missiles over Japan, and threatening to nuke Hawaii. So, yes, things are better.

    As I said, the talks are ongoing. We won’t reach an accord with NK until after we have finalized a trade deal with China.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    As long as democrats keep doubling down on the name calling and rhetoric, they’ll lose again. Unless Trump runs again. Then *maybe* they have a shot, as long as they run somebody who is an actual human being and acts like it.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Typical moving of the goal posts. You said “immediate threat has disappeared.” Now it’s “things are better.” Those two standards are worlds apart.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Okay, the IMMEDIATE threat has disappeared. No more rattling of sabers or movement of the fleet.

    You were called out on your false statements and decided to hide your embarrassment by quibbling on wording. Didn’t work.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    My false statement? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. What did I say that was false?

    On the actual point of then immediate threat I won’t bother trying to change your mind. They still have all their missiles and warheads. Probably more unless they stopped building. They’ve proved they can detonate a nuke. They’ve proved they can launch a missile that can hit Mar A Lago. (Or was that the Russians? I get my enemies of the US/friends of the president mixed up sometimes.) If you sleep better now than you did when they were testing good for you.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Oh, I forgot to add that we gave up our joint training exercises with So. Korea so we and our ally are probably less prepared than we were a year ago.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    What I like about Trump is that he is NOT ideological but pragmatic. He sees a problem, inner city poverty, he develops a program to create enterprise zones, seed money for minority businesses and tax breaks for companies that locate within these zones. (Kinda Left wing) He sees a problem, education deficit in urban areas, he has DofE push for more Charter Schools and vouchers so poor people can send their kids to better schools and force the public schools to up their game (Kinda right wing) He sees a problem, Immigration, he recognizes that Dems want open borders to create a greater burden on the social welfare system which will drive us towards Socialism (Saul Alinsky: First cause a problem that is so big the only the Federal Government can fix it. Fix it. Declare victory for Socialism as the means to solve the problem) and Republicans want more immigrants to provide cheap labor to keep wages down. He says fuck you to both of them and pursues the best path for American workers.
    Response to various criticism:
    For two years,24 hours a day, 7 days a week, NYT, WAPO, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN and BSNBC have been telling us that Trump is a criminal and a traitor. Still he has accomplished what he has accomplished, has a nearly 50% job approval rating and Trump voters from 2016 would vote for him again at a rate of 93%
    Clinton talked about a crisis on the border and border security, Bush talked about a crisis on the border and border security, Obama talked about a crisis on the border and border security but when Trump talks about a crisis on the border and border security, he's a racist.
    Every POTUS since JFK had meetings with Soviet/Russian leaders. Some had private one on one meetings. One said, "I'll have more flexibility after the election." but only Trump was called a traitor for doing so.
    Clinton made a deal with NOKO that allowed them to build their nuclear program. Bush and Obama imposed sanctions then lifted them when NOKO made promises that were not kept. Trump was handed the shit show and he talked to Kim. Kim made promises he hasn't kept. Unlike his predecessors, Trump hasn't lifted any sanctions. The "training exercises" are usless other than as PR.
    He's got NATO to pay more of their share, armed the Ukranians to fight off Russia, forced trade renegotiations to make the playing field more level (offered to do zero tariffs in either direction with ANY country willing to do so), de-regulated to stimulate the economy and bullied some US companies to stay US companies.

    Of course, if you only watch Fake News, all you have heard is the bullshit because they refuse to cover anything that might make you think Trump is doing a decent job.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    One thing for sure no matter who wins in 2020 the other side will keep on hammering away, anyone who’d want the job of POTUS is certifiably nuts,
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    A Democrat assemblywoman from Nevada describes an incident involving Joe Biden from 2014. If this happened once with Biden, it’s likely happened often

    I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?” I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Biden has done tons of creepy shit

  • mark94
    6 years ago
    I see a pattern

    “Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book.

    “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

    “Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe,” an unnamed agent told Kessler. “But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Trump phenomenon explained:

    For 50-plus years, the academic and political classes have been telling people that America isn’t great, and often that it’s uniquely evil, and that anyone who thinks otherwise is a loser. This is pushback against that attitude. It’s working-class defiance in the face of the political/academic elite
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Not really. Trump is the most anti working class president since Hoover. Its just that America has tried to move on from its racist past without engaging in a candid national dialog on racism... and Trump made the far right feel more brazen, so they're lashing out. Its a pivotal point in the country's history. Like a referendum on the civil rights act, a referendum on the direction the country should take economically and socially...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Mark94 just curious about those tax returns that he was going to release as soon as the auditor got finished, what’s up with that, BTW how about his school grades, why did he have them sealed, how about on camera or off camera pressers, I think this administration is the least transparent ever, and tell me how many special Olympics could be funded with all, what is it now 37 trips to Mar-a-Lago, at 3.5 million each.
    Oh yeah Muellar posted a statement that his report does nothing to exonerate Donald Trump, all it says is that he doesn’t believe it to be chargeable, let’s demand the truth together you and I, you really don’t believe I’m any less patriotic than you just because we disagree.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Tax records. Fifty year old school records. Trips to Mar-a-Lago.Yeah, that’s the important stuff I’m going to use to determine who to vote for in 2020.

    A booming economy and effective foreign policy are trivial when it comes to selecting a President.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The economy is doing ok wouldn’t call 2.3 percent growth booming, and we have to agree to disagree there on foreign policy, don’t see it as being all that effective.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ A world-wide apology tour is much more effective.

    2.3% isn't booming, but it sure as hell feels like it is following the previous 8 years.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    The economy is doing bad... look at the rising rents, food prices, insurance rates, stagnant wages.... businesses are banking, but not people.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    And the Dems have started the Biden Bashing already. This is going to be fun watching them implode throughout the primary campaign
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    A couple of weeks ago I made the comment the far left green portion of the democrats are going to be the equivalent of what we saw with the Tea Party and the Republicans and there is a very good chance they will divide their party ---you're seeing it with the Biden bashing...........
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @Warren, I agree to an extent, but the "division" of the Republican Party was very mild by comparison. Tea Party types still held classic Republican Party beliefs, most notably dealing with fiscal conservatism and limited government, and was simply a reaction to elected Republicans who they believed strayed from core Republican values (remember the Bridge to Nowhere?).

    But there is a wide chasm forming in the Dem Party covering regarding a number of fundamental beliefs. Also, the younger so-called progressives and even some of the older more extreme types have already shown that they have no problem with getting nasty. I think this stuff with Biden is just the opening salvo, which they unleashed this early because he is polling well and hasn't decided to formally wade in yet. Before this is over, I think that this is going to be one of the nastiest primary fights in the history of our Presidential elections.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    These younger Dems do still maintain the classic Democratic Party belief of divisive identity politics that has defined them for as long as I can remember.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    You mad bro?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Fox News is coming to the defense of Joe Biden.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    So many women have come forward to accuse Biden, you’d think that Trump had nominated him for the Suptreme Court.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat from Hawaii

    Planet Nine could be a miniature black hole hiding in our solar system

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Mr Non-sequitor!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    It's simply that I don't care what happens to Biden. He is not in office. He would never be my primary choice.

    If he is the Democratic Nominee, I'll vote for him, but I don't see this as likely.

  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Agreed. Dumbasses haven't learned a damned thing since 2016, and are just doubling down on the stupid shit.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    After 2016 some concluded that it would be better to offer a more progressive vision. Lose centrist voters, but bring out more younger voters.

    Always hard to say which way is best. Same issue for the Republicans.


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