Robert Kraft Plea Deal

avatar for NJBalla
Looks like the prosecuetor and law enforcement remembered who pays thier salary. Id be interested to know if business is back to normal at AMPs…


last comment
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I'm not sure he's going to take the deal. The plea deal requires him to admit that he would have been found guilty if this went to trial. It also requires 100 hours of community service and being subjected to having STD testing results submitted for review.

His legal team requested a non-jury trial for a reason. I suspect that there may be some weakness with the warrants or some other aspect of the case against him. They obtained those warrants based upon supposed suspicion of human trafficking, but nobody who was arrested has been charged with that crime. Between the headaches that any admission of guilt would cause for him with the NFL Commissioner's office and the indignities that this imposes upon him, he may decide to go to the mat with this.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
The avg guy would not have the resources to not allow himself to be pushed around by the power's to be - he has the resources to not allow himself to be pushed around and intimidated
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
The plea deal would require him to admit guilt. I think that’s to protect them from the mother of all lawsuits. Everything about what LE did is tainted.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
The plea deal they’re offering is a CYA for the sheriffs office, doubt that a lawyered up guy would seriously consider it the way it was proposed.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
I hope Kraft's legal team hands LEO an embarrassing loss. If this was really about trafficking, why did the investigation drag on for 8 months rather than
saving the victims of trafficking immediately? Why were there no arrests for trafficking? The focus seems to be to embarrass as many customers as possible.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I hope Kraft takes them to the cleaners...badges, money, reputation, .... EVERYTHING! I hate jackbooted thugs who trample the Bill of Rights!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
@Electronman - Exactly. One of those " trafficked" AMP honeys should sue the state for not rescuing them immediately.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Same deal was offered to all24 charged and they all said no.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Billionaires don't get convicted of anything.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
It doesn't matter if he's convicted or not. He's already been convicted in the court of public opinion and the NFL has shown that a legal conviction doesn't matter.

He should just get this behind him as quick as possible and try to minimize the risk that the tape gets made public.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
Flagooner. +1. What ever happened to the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The police should NOT release photos of those who have been charged but not found guilty and the news media should refrain from publishing that information.
avatar for rockie
6 years ago
Kraft should and can do anything he chooses to do with his legal case, as is the right of any person in the US. Those without money fight cases too!
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
No, he should do what I say he should do.
Making a statement like that takes the fun out of it.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Papi “The avg guy would not have the resources to not allow himself to be pushed around by the power's to be - he has the resources to not allow himself to be pushed around and intimidated”

Are you saying that the offer of a plea deal is intimidation? How exactly does that work? “You better agree and get no conviction on your record otherwise we’ll do what we usually do when we arrest and charge someone and make you stand trial where you can put your OJ dream team up against our small town civil servant lawyers!”
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
So the billionaire gets and turns down the same plea deal offered to the 23 non-billionaire and all you fucking geniuses ignore that salient fact just to is i t that you do again?
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
As I said 17 hours ago, they smell blood in the water:

I'm not sure he's going to take the deal. The plea deal requires him to admit that he would have been found guilty if this went to trial. It also requires 100 hours of community service and being subjected to having STD testing results submitted for review.

His legal team requested a non-jury trial for a reason. I suspect that there may be some weakness with the warrants or some other aspect of the case against him. They obtained those warrants based upon supposed suspicion of human trafficking, but nobody who was arrested has been charged with that crime. Between the headaches that any admission of guilt would cause for him with the NFL Commissioner's office and the indignities that this imposes upon him, he may decide to go to the mat with this.
6 years ago
I think Kraft is going to reject it though. i've been reading a lot about this. to get a sneak and peak warrant you need more than suspicion of prostitution. they got it because of the human trafficking / slavery angle. if you're getting happy from someone who doesn't seem like slave odds are you're good. i've resumed my regimen and my chinese hottie continues to do a good job
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
I think the chances that he takes the deal are about even. Maybe less than 10%. There are a lot of deals between the one on the table and going to trial.

No way he goes to trial. First, he fucking did it (twice). He paid a woman for sex and they have it on video (twice). Second, does he want this to stretch out and get more publicity and more facts into the public domain? Fuck no. As for the implications of the NFL punishment? That’s a done deal. The punishment is the same if he takes a deal, is found guilty or is found innocent. It’s some meaningless suspension for him and some fine that means nothing to him. Big deal.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
I mean:

Chances that he takes the deal are even with he chances he goes to trial are even. Each about 10%.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Ok. I think I caught a stroke from CM. I can’t type anymore.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Plea offer is because they don’t have a case the fact that it was offered to all of the guys named is because they know they have exposure, some street lawyer comes along and gets the facts out of the background bunch of suits get bounced and sheriffs department is on the hook for big bucks because of the publicity.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
I hope everyone caught up in this fiasco starts filing lawsuits.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Rick: What warrants? You hear the cops say search warrant? That a judge granted them wiretap authority? Did you hear about affidavits in support of either? I didn't. Defendants go jusy waived on emotional cases because a jury will act on emotionand a judge on the law. Sexual assault of minors cases always go jury waived. Same here, especially in an area where you might get a lot of chirstians in the jury pool. The stop of his car to identify him has zero chance of being admitted into evidence and any evidence obtainbed from and after the stop is out as "fruits of the pisonous tree". Unless they had a valid warrant that will withstand a motion to suppress, then the video is out too. Kraft gets off, before and now.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ These guys don’t know the difference between a street lawyer and a partner in a white collar firm, bet Kraft does though.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I really hope he takes that town to the cleaners for VIOLATING the rights of law abiding citizens.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Me thinks LE is trying to cover their ass from possibly being exposed by the kick-ass law-team Kraft can get - and why I said the plea-deal would work on an avg Joe that doesn't have the means to get a good-lawyer to take the gov/LE to task.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Ski, reports say that they used 'sneak and peak" warrants.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Papi: Its my understanding that every first time offender is offered this deal.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ not saying that's not the case - just that it's my assumption the avg-joe often takes a plea even if he has a case b/c of the cost involved when they could o/w likely win the case with proper but costly representation - i.e. perhaps LE is not squeaky clean on this and a plea deal is as much for them to not get exposed vs "working with the defendants" - only time will tell
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
The world needs more horny 77-year-olds. He is my hero. I can only hope to be seeking young pussy and laying pipe at that age.
Of course, if I'm a billionaire, I'm having someone from my posse bring Tiffany and Amber to my crib (hell, throw in Bambi and Nikki, too), and not taking the ridiculous risk of frequenting an AMP or any other such place where I'd be easily recognized.
But that's neither here nor there.
You go, Bobby!
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Sounds like there is a video that may be released to the public.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Update on that video...…
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
Now ole' Bob has apologized for letting everybody down.

"I am truly sorry," Kraft said in a statement Saturday. "I know I have hurt and disappointed my family, my close friends, my co-workers, our fans and many others who rightfully hold me to a higher standard."

I have to say it has been amusing to watch all the Patriots fans rush to defend him. Some of these guys would suck Brady's cock and insist it wasn't gay.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
^ While other other guys wish they had a team so good for so long that the owner was worth that kind of loyalty. ;)
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
77 and still going strong. This guy is a baller in every sense and deserves a PL salute!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I don’t know why he apologized to anyone, he’s not married, and obviously enjoys sexual activity, doesn’t say he trafficked anyone. Who did he let down and how ?
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
Yeah, no apology needed. And all the folks saying he should get an escort instead of going to an AMP are misguided.

Escorts are far more riskier than AMPs no matter how rich a dude is. I would still go to AMP's (albiet in Bangkok) if I was a billionaire.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Yeah - pretty sad state of affairs that a single billionaire has to practically get on his knees and beg forgiveness for paying for a HJ from a consenting adult (it's my understanding it was either the owner or manager that "tended to him" whom I believe are both US citizens) - as if the rest of society was so virtuous guven th sky-high divorce rates, people having affairs, and having kids out of wedlock - it's hypocritical - I think I heard he wouldn't be attending the owners' meetings as if those other billionaires were choir-boys themselves LOL.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
AFAIK there hasn't been a single charge of human-trafficking - also heard that it was a coordinated operation where multiple spas in different cities were also hit but heard only in Jupiter, FL were the names of the customers fed to the media.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
I don't begrudge the guy paying for a handy/hummer, I begrudge how he went about it. If you honestly think there wasn't a better/smarter way to go about this you're an idiot or one of those I mentioned who'd happily suck off Brady.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Yeah, I’m sure his girlfriend didn’t want an apology. Or the fans of the team who aren’t members of a strip club website. Or the players who he disciplines or cuts for violating the morals clause in their contracts.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ don't you interact with sex workers?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Yes, and if I get caught committing a crime I’ll apologize to anyone I’ve hurt.
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
^^^^Seriously, dude, get the fuck of your moral high horse. Kraft didn’t commit adultry, didn’t assault anyone, didn’t contribute to trafficking.
Can’t a guy get a piece of ass these days without some shithead waving the Bible in his face?
I still maintain his only mistake was going about it the wrong way. Can you imagine this guy in seeking arrangement. He could buy somebody a house or pay for their entire college tuition for a piece. You mean to tell me, babes wouldn’t be lining up for that offer?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
It’s not a moral high horse. I’m not judging him. But facts are facts. He commited a crime (twice). He got caught. He is a public figure and is subject to discipline by the NFL. He has a girlfriend. All I said was his apology wasn’t unwarranted. I didn’t think it was all that controversial of a statement. Use whatever rationalization you need to and participate in the acts we discuss on this website. I know I do. But if you get caught, own up to it. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ whom does he owe this apology to? If he has a girlfriend maybe, or possibly a teammate that he had disciplined for doing the same thing, but not to you or me or anyone else, we don’t know that he’s committed a crime, that would be prejudging, he’s not pleading guilty to anything at this point, so yeah you are riding a moral high horse, hold back a bit or to mix a metaphor don’t get ahead of your skis.
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
I'm not on a moral high horse. It's a you're fucking stupid high horse.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
So Jimmy, it's your contention that a public figure should have to squelch his sexual desires more than the rest of us just because of who he is? Are you one of those closet self haters who does this but struggles with feelings of guilt or self loathing for doing so? So now that he's committed the unpardonable sin of having sex with another consenting adult and was caught, you believe that he has some obligation to act penitent?

I ask because I don't think he did anything morally wrong and I also believe that he should fight this tooth and nail. If you want to hate yourself for what you do then so be it, but don't expect many around here to subscribe to your belief that he owes anyone an apology. Also, if you have information on any former Patriot who got the axe for getting his dick wet with a paid companion then please let us know, because I've been a lifelong fan and I can't remember one.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
LMAO. Don’t put words in my mouth. All I said was his apology wasn’t unwarranted. It’s not that fucking hard. He has (or had) a girlfriend. He committed a crime (twice). Whether or not he beats the rap he committed a crime (twice) and got caught. If I get a speeding ticket for going 56 mph is it the cop’s fault? I knew I was speeding. I don’t pretend what I do is right. That would be silly. I do what I do knowing it has risks. Any of you pretending that because you see this as a victimless crime, or unfair prosecution or any of the host of other justifications changes at all that it is actually a crime are riding a false sense of security. That’s all I’m saying. He did it. He got busted.
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
^^^^Holy shit, dude, you got some serious baggage. Did you get caught jacking off by your mom and forced to repent? WTF? We're talking about two consenting adults and you're turning it into the fucking crime of the century. Yeah, let's throw the good book at him. Again, get the fuck off your high horse. You're in the wrong forum for this nonsense. Try the two-faced, hypocritical evangelical board, moderated by Jimmy Swaggart.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Well, the blowhards came out in full force on this thread. You sure sound cool, but you're full of shit.

Kraft got caught. After weeks of putting up a fight he sees the writing on the wall and pragmatically offered an apology hoping to minimize ramifications for his actions.

Y'all think he should puff out his chest and shout from the rooftops, "Yeah, I paid a old asian whore to jack me off and I do it all the time and I'm going to keep doing it. I don't give a fuck what you repressed bible thumpers think. The laws are stupid. We're consenting adults and me paying her to get me off is none of your business. The man can't keep me down."

Talk about being hypocritical. You may feel macho saying you wouldn't have apologized for anything. You aren't in Kraft's position so you don't know what the fuck you'd do. Saying an apology wasn't necessary is technically true, but if you were in Kraft's shoes either you would do the same thing or you're dumber than the other retards that regularly post here.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ fucking apologist ;)
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Damn Skippy
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Thanks Flag. I was just catching up after getting back from confession and saying my Hail Marys.

Dugan and Jap, you keep making this about a moral high horse. It’s not that at all. I see it as almost 100% a business decision, aside from the girlfriend issue. His apology is for the NFL. They take away teams. They suspend owners. He doesn’t want that and is expected to apologize.

Rick, you posted in Rev’a thread about hiding in the shadows from a coworker that you have to protect your reputation. For Kraft, that horse has left the barn but he can still mitigate the damage. The apology is part of it and not surprising at all.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
sex between consenting adults and driving 56 miles an hour in a 55 zone should not be a crime.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Gee, that's a controversial statement.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Strip clubs shouldn't charge a cover.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Damn skippy
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
So what if he did "get busted." That still doesn't mean that morality policing is right or that he owes an apology to anyone. We are talking about intimate acts between two consenting and willing adults. Well, maybe he does owe an apology to his GF depending upon their arrangement, but otherwise it's nobody's business but his own.

Now I will agree with that his mea culpa statement was a business decision to appease those who wish to impose their morality upon others. But I doubt that it was as sincere as it sounded and it is ridiculous hypocrisy for anyone who does this himself to take the position that an apology was necessary for any real reason outside of the BS business posturing.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Dugan - we’re using different words but I think we’re in agreement on the apology.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Jimmy, maybe we are. I think I interpreted your word choices, including "He committed a crime - twice" and "He got busted" to contain some hint of personal judgment. If I misread that then fair enough. I do agree that some type of [falsely] sincere sounding apology is almost expected from public figures who get wrapped up in some issue that could draw negative morality judgments - it is almost pro forma now and used to bring closure to the event. I guess in the future the horny old goat will just have to find some more discreet way to satisfy his urges.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
C'mon man!!!

Be honest, at least to yourself.

If anyone believes sincerity in any of these "apologies" (Sex crimes, domestic violence, gambling, drug use,...) they are a complete sap and I have beachfront propery in Kansas to sell you. All they mean is that they are sorry and embarrassed that they got caught and are doing whatever they think will lessen the impact, whether it be punishment or public perception.

Call me cynical if you like, but I just call it as I see it.
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
He should be on his knees begging not for moral transgressions but for his utter stupidity.
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
I'd bet good money he's sincerely sorry his kids now know he pays Chinese women of questionable origin for bj's and handy's.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
His kids and everyone else think he's insane and he should probably go for an insanity plea. He needs psychiatric help, not jail time. Why would a billionaire pay $59 for some middle-aged Asian AMP worker? Nut case.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ That I kinda agree with.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I'm guessing he tipped extra for the finish. But as to why he would do it, he might have hoped that these businesses would have ample reasons to keep quiet about what happens there. You can't trust American girls to keep their fucking mouths shut if there is a potential payday involved. Just ask Elliot Spitzer or Donald Trump, among many others.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I also guessing that this is far from his first time in an AMP.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
@Dugan “I think I interpreted your word choices, including "He committed a crime - twice" and "He got busted" to contain some hint of personal judgment.”

No, I was just stating fact. Yes, he may plead it down or if tried he might be found not guilty because of a problem with the warrant. Without expressing an opinion on whether the law is right or wrong, the fact is paying for sex is a crime. He paid for sex and committed a crime (twice). That’s just fact.

I’ve not expressed any judgment on the morals of what he did. Maybe I implied some judgment by saying he owed an apology? I tend to think about it in more practical terms. You screw up, you apologize.

I did get a laugh over picturing myself jerking off whilst seated on a high horse with my mom in he room. Kudos for those images.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Jimmy posted: "Without expressing an opinion on whether the law is right or wrong, the fact is paying for sex is a crime. He paid for sex and committed a crime (twice). That’s just fact."

And so was fucking another guy in the ass until 2003 in a number of states, when the Supreme Court struck down state sodomy laws. Should we have been prosecuting those too? The law is the law, right?

Claiming that he "screwed up" is implying that what he did was wrong to being with, as too were your other stark word choices. Getting caught isn't "screwing up" if the underlying "crime" is somethign that shouldn't be criminal, but rather just unlucky. Thank goodness LE does not enforce certain other morality laws as vigorously as it in enforces prostitution laws.

I have to say that your passive aggressive posting on this is becoming tiresome. Instead of talking out of your mangina, just say what you really think already. You're clearly trying to walk a high wire where you condemn him for doing something wrong, but are trying to do it in a way as to not piss off other tusclers. Sack up already and just spit it out.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
@Rick, You're beating (off) a dead horse.

This conversation has nothing to do with whether the law should exist or be prosecuted. It is about whether he was wrong to apologize.

It seems you are just digging in your heels to try to maintain a more macho, enlightened, sexually liberated position just for the fuck of it.

If that guy in the example you stated was married when he got busted ass fucking some guy, he would probably apologize to his wife. Probably not because he did it but because he got caught.

He never condemned anyone for doing anything wrong. He simply said that he understands why he apologized and said that it was the prudent thing to do.

Get off the fucking soapbox.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^He never condemned anyone..."

Jimmy is the "He" I was referring to there.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ that's not really what the thread was about, but fuck em anyway, I said that his apologizing was a pussy move, but hell I understand his motivation, fuck this passive-aggressive shit ; )
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Flag, "You screw up, you apologize" looks awfully judgmental to me. It also contradicted his earlier position about an apology being necessary solely for business reasons.

Besides that, I think that Jimmy's mangina can speak for itself, no?. ;)
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
No, but it was what the conversation turned to.
avatar for jester214
6 years ago
It is judgmental. He did screw up, in epic fashion.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ @Rick
Of course he can, but I love stirring the pot.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Rick - just because you don’t see it like I do doesn’t make it passive aggressive. I’ve said my position multiple times. Sex crimes are still crimes. He got arrested. Fact.

I also love this gem from you: “Flag, "You screw up, you apologize" looks awfully judgmental to me. It also contradicted his earlier position about an apology being necessary solely for business reasons.”

Here’s what I wrote: “Dugan and Jap, you keep making this about a moral high horse. It’s not that at all. I see it as almost 100% a business decision, aside from the girlfriend issue. ”

Your reading comprehension sucks ass. You’re arguing with yourself at this point since you refuse to believe me when I tell you directly I’m not passing judgment.
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