FS in a non-extras club. Curious what you think.
Somewhere in MO.
I was recently (over last 3 months) given FS in a Strict Non-Extras club on two out of three occasions (first occasion no, 2nd and 3rd, yes). She was an AA dancer that rates damn close to 9. She did so without requesting extra tip beyond the up front VIP Fee. She said that she could loose her job if caught. I have never seen her drink other than soda, never seen her smoke. Is supposedly a student at college. This is at a club that I recently reviewed. I’m my review, I gave accurate description of the club, but rated it as a non-extras and made no mention of the service received from her just in case club manager monitors this sight. She texts me once a month to see when I am coming in again. Why on Earth would a 24 year old, Hot AA Dancer who appears to have a straight sensorium (not drunk; not high) want to give this 56 year old guy FS without asking for extra tip. The most recent time, she initiating the act saying, “Wow, I never have sex, but this is good!” THOUGHTS?
You are incredibly charming
Your cock is remarkably big and hard
You are a remarkable lover
Oh--- you want SERIOUS hypotheses?
This is one way to insure a repeat customer. Maybe she is satisfied with the income from multiple dances and is naive about upcharges for extras
She gets off on doing it in a risky place-- risky, surreptitious sex is a fantasy for some men and women
Whatever the reason, good for you. Enjoy.
If you are happy with what you're getting why rock the boat? It sounds like you enjoyed getting dances from her without the FS or you wouldn't have gone back for seconds and thirds.
Keep in mind, If you aren't paying on top of regular dance prices OTC would either be more money to compensate for the shift or you may soon be dealing with the headaches that accompany dating a stripper.
In any event, I recommend Trojan.
@ rickdugan, are you familiar with the club I speak of? Maybe I should try with some of the other dancers?
Just state which club it was and how much you paid so one has more info to go by (stop being so paranoid that a club manager is on here gathering details on their dancers - - that"s a long long long shot).
A hot young stripper is gonna have plenty of options to get sex for her to "risk her job" to have sex with a guy 3-decades her senior bc "somehow she couldn't control herself".
Strip club bizarro-world is a world of smoke-and-mirrors and things are rarely as they seem.
In the simplest of terms, if one has to ask/wonder if her intentions are genuine, they're like not in strip-club bizarro-world.
I think she may be angling for a sugardaddy and may sees you as a good pro$pect - doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't enjoy the ride but best you see it for what it likely is.
I’m going with the she’s trying to get pregnant theory.
And maybe she's angling for a sugar daddy. But it sounds like she's taking a great approach. More strippers should try that if you ask me. I got pitched on being an SD last week if one of my semi-faves ditches her boyfriend. She pulled up a whole list of alternate terms on her phone when I said I felt a little young to be a "daddy". Will probably pass, but might have to try a sample before making up my mind.