
Checklist for Hong Kong on the DL

Avatar for Gilfly90
Gilfly90Fly on the wall

So I'm contemplating my first trip to HK as I'll be in the San Diego area and need to be as discreet as possible. Hoping for some advice from more experienced mongers!

I have the global entry card but not a passport card, so I assume I'll (a) need my passport and (b) it'll likely get stamped, yes? I'd apply for the passport card but am worried I won't get it or my passport in time for the trip, esp. given the government shutdown.

Plan on taking public transport and then the trolley, then crossing by foot and using either the shuttle or a cab. Will use cash for all of the above.

Will stay at Cascadas, make a reservation under a fake name with a fake email address, use same name when purchasing the VIP card and paying for the room (all in cash)

Will use cash.

Using this plan, the only footprint should be my passport stamps, correct? I'm wondering if I should also e.g. turn off location services on my phone. Again, discretion is paramount.

Any critiques on the above plan? Any suggestions?


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Avatar for san_jose_guy

What can the TJ girls do for you that local girl's can't?


Avatar for Gilfly90

LOL, thanks guys! As is probably obvious, my main concern is that they don't end up stamping my passport on the entrance to Mexico...I hear if I go during busier times they're more likely to just wave pedestrians through, is that accurate?

Again, joking aside, advice is greatly appreciated!

Avatar for Warrior15

Make sure you have international calling on your cell phone plan. If you don't, you will be hit by roaming charges.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ necessary to use What's App, or can you just text girls via their phone numbers. And if so, why?


Avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee

Get VIP and read 10 reviews first. The comment section also helps. And plan your next trip because you'll be back soon.

Avatar for Cristobal

I have yet to have my passport stamped:

Most of the time when crossing into Mexico I just walk straight in, they don't even ask for my passport.

When crossing back into the US, I use the Chaparral crossing and they just scan the passport but don't stamp it.

Avatar for Liwet

Not sure about global entry card but with the passport card, I never had to show my passport (I did want it stamped my first time through though). There will probably be electronic evidence of your crossing but it's probably not available to the public. Airplane mode for your phone, and you should be good.

Avatar for trpterp

A general question on this topic. How do you get a hotel room under an assumed name. Even if you're paying cash don't you normally have to present some kind of ID with that name on it...regardless of whether it's in TJ or somewhere in the states? Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks and sorry for hijacking this thread.

Avatar for Cristobal

Nope, at Hotel Cascadas they do not ask for ID just the name in which the reservation was made.

You hand over the cash, they hand over a key card.

Avatar for nemesisk7

Funny you OPs love the pussy in Mexico but your president wants a wall to seperate us from Mexico

Avatar for EastCoaster

Gilfly90 said, "Will stay at Cascadas, make a reservation under a fake name with a fake email address..." I suppose you can do this, but without giving them an actual email address, how will you know if you have a confirmed reservation? The hotel has been known to sell out. I wouldn't want to go all that way and not be able to get a room.

When I've done it, I reserved a room under a fake name, but I used my real email address. They confirmed my reservation under my fake name (which was listed in the confirmation email), and that's what I gave them at the desk when I checked in. As Cristobal said, "they do not ask for ID just the name in which the reservation was made." They don't care, believe me.

Outside of TUSCL, I generally need to keep my mongering on the down low, but I wanted the confirmation on the hotel reservation. Fortunately for me, I didn't care that they had my email address, and I wasn't worried that my wife would see the email they sent back to me. Just so you know, the sender on the email that came back was listed as "Hotel Cascadas" with the subject line "Hotel Cascadas Reservation Request." If you're worrying about someone seeing your email, that might be a problem. If you're worrying about getting a bunch of subsequent spammy emails from them, that has not happened to me at all.

If you use a fake email address and their confirmation email bounces back to them as undeliverable, I'm not sure if they will honor your reservation. Not saying they won't -- I just don't know. FWIW, when I got the VIP card at HK, I did use the same fake name but gave them a fake email address, and that was no problem.

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)


What are you waiting for get both already passport and passport card, you will be going back for sure.

Going to TJ by foot should be OK.
As long as you have your ducks in a row you should be able to go in and out without any problem.

Have a valid current passport and Visitor Permit (FMM) in your possession at all times when in Mexico.

In any case your passport or passport card will be scanned and there will be electronic records of when you came back to the United States for sure.

When going into Mexico they might or might not scan them too, but at the least the Mexican border officials will ask you for the Visitor Permit (FMM) and the permit will be stamped and the number of days that is valid noted on it (up to 180) and you keep half of the Visitor Permit, keep it with your passport card or passport because you are supposed show it to government officials if they ask for it and ultimately you will have to give it back to a Mexican immigration official when you leave Mexico.

Read this article:


If you have time read it again is dedicated to “beginners” and is very long but good.

And remember nothing is going to be like you imagined, or how anyone told you, you will have a unique experience of your own.

Relax, be safe, and be open to the possibilities.

Good luck.

Avatar for dakotaminnesota

Passport processing has not been delayed due to the shutdown, but a new passport is currently processing at 4-6 weeks. I think there may be a regional facility in SD where you can get same day or next day. Just in case.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Welcome to the board Dick Cheney.. Don't forget your heart meds.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

“Welcome to the board Dick Cheney. Don’t forget your heart meds.”


Avatar for 4got2wipe

Seriously though, this seems over the top. I can understand not wanting to broadcast a Tijuana stripper trip, but not wanting your passport stamped? That seems over the top. I’m sure people do go down to Tijuana for perfectly non-nefarious things all of the time. If the issue is that you have a wife AND said wife checks your passport regularly just buy her something.

BTW, if your wife regularly checks your passport there are non-brilliant things going on in your marriage.

Avatar for Gilfly90

@Anislee I've probably read 30 or 40, lol, but I'm nervous and wanted to post these specific questions. Currently VIP but wanted the info to be public for others to use. Thank you!

@Cristobal that is super helpful, thank you.

@Liwet thanks, elec evidence OK. I suppose I could go airplane the whole time but that seems extreme so maybe I'll just turn off location services! Also thanks for your other comments and reviews on HK, have been useful!

@Nino PM me and we'll see :)

@EastCoaster Thanks, I meant to say I'd use my TUSCL email address, not an actual "fake" one :)

@CJKent thanks, all very helpful info. So are there FMM forms on the US side, and I'll just grab one and fill it out, even if I get waved thru basically? Also, TUSCL links always confused me since they just appear as "/ in this case your link really is just going to the home page so perhaps something is amiss?

@4got2wipe She doesn't, but the difference between no trace and some trace is a big one, and the passport will be sitting around for several years until renewed.

Avatar for Dblednmike

It’s a crap shoot if they stamp your passport book. I’ve known more people that have not been stamped than have. If you are that concerned about the possibility of getting stamped then cross by vehicle. There are some services that will drive you across. If you go that route though, verify that they drive you all the way. I know with buses they off load the passengers and run them all thru customs then put them back on the bus. You could also just nicely ask the Mexican immigration officer not to stamp it. It couldn’t hurt. Just be honest (mostly) and tell them you were in San Diego for work and if your wife found out you visited Mexico without her she’d be sad.
The FMM is hit and miss also. They don’t issue them to people driving across and sometimes you get waved thru and sometimes they want you to get one. If you cross at Pedwest they will make you fill it out. At Pedeast they will fill it out for you.
I’m going for a quick run tomorrow afternoon I’ll let you know if I see anyone going thru without getting stamped.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

I still don’t see this issue with them stamping your passport. It isn’t like visiting Mexico gets you put on a terrorist watch list or anything!

And if it is because you don’t want you SO to know you went to Mexico, here’s a brilliant strategy: buy some cheap trinkets, give them to her as a present, and say “by the way, I visited Mexico while in San Diego and I bought these for you as a lark!”

But don’t bring her a t-shirt that reads “A hooker gave me a BJ in TJ”. That would be non-brilliant! ;)

Avatar for Tits510

You could always get a Telcel dataplan. I bought mine from: www.mexicosimcard.com
The advantage of a mexican dataplan, is the TJ tourist assistance number 078 can be dialed. It doesnt always work from a US phone. 078 can be used to get assistance with a corrupt officer.

And yes, there's plenty of non x-rated stuff in TJ. In fact, my upcoming 1 week stay in TJ will mostly be cultural stuff (luche libre, malls, restaurants, taco stands, parks, museums, Avenida Revolucion, cultural centers, monuments). The Zona Norte stuff will be 1%.

Two kindle books I totally recommend....
What To Do In Tijuana by Richard Houser (non-xrated)
The Gentleman's Guide To Tijuana by Jonesie (overview of ZN, how to avoid being ripped off and gives the character of each club)

***WARNING: dont visit the mongernetwork.com url found in Jonesie's book. Site is considered unsafe by site checkers. Maybe the site was good back in 2015, but not now. The book itself is fine to read.

Avatar for Jascoi

and don’t pay over $5 for a taxi ride in tj. i offer $3 to start out. (that includes the tip.) agree with taxi driver BEFORE you get in his taxi.

free mexican fmm form is easily available and filled in in mexican customs when you walk across. one day form is fine for your visit (up to 7 days.) you do need passport ( book or card) for mexico usually.

Avatar for Jascoi

btw... in order to get a passport card you have to go through the whole Application process again (which will cancel your present passport book.) and that includes the fees having to be paid again.
next time… Get both the passport card and book at the same time.

Avatar for flagooner

You might want to wear a disguise of some sort so that your SO won't recognize you in any pictures as he surfs social media.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^ Thanks for that info about passport cards Mister Wonderful.


Avatar for Gilfly90

Thanks all. I was sure you could do the passport card separately so I guess I'm wrong.

Thanks for the suggestion 4Got2. I had briefly considered it but wasn't sure if it'd be believable. On that score, though—any suggestions about fun non-adult things to do in TJ (appreciate the book recommend Tits but given that I amazon the books I read that'd just create more of a trail and I don't want that much info anyway, I think).

Avatar for Tits510

@Gilfly90 I appreciate the feedback. Here's some non-xrated ideas
CECUT museum/IMAX (huge museum)
Plaza Rio Mall

Pasaje Rodriguez (shopping corridor off Avenida Revolucion)
Pasaje Gomez (same idea)
Avenida Revolucion
Plaza Santa Cecilia (diagonal corridor right off the arch)
Wax Museum (100 feet east of the arch)
Two art museums one block west of Revolucion (google em)

Parque Teniente Guerro (beautiful park two blocks west of arch)
House of Culture
Parque 18 de marzo (directly across from giant mexican flag)

Playas De Tijuana (lighthouse, beach, cafe, friendship marker, border fence extended out into ocean)

Avatar for Tits510

@MisterWondrful not true. I applied this year for a US Passport Card and submitted my Passport Book as required. I got both back in the mail. Of course my passport book doesnt expire until 2027.

Avatar for Tits510

@Gilfly90 Come by the tourist office to pickup a free tourist map.
Av Revolución N º 920, Zona Centro, 22000 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico

Avatar for JAprufrock

If you plan on going to Hong Kong multiple times, purchase their VIP card for $50. Gets you 80 percent off hotel Monday and Tuesday and 20 percent off every other day. Standard room rate is $60 for Sunday through Thursday and $75 Friday-Saturday.
Gets you one free beer per night and one half-off lap dance per night (discounted price is $11, good way to gauge if the gal is worth taking upstairs). Also free shuttle service to and from either border.
I purchase one this week and it more than paid for itself. It's good for four months, for those that go frequently (I go only once a year).

Avatar for pistola

Wear a Trump shirt

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)


This is the article “Hong Kong Club; Tijuana for Beginners by EastCoaster:


I guess @founder is still working on the website updates and the previous link didn’t work. If this link doesn’t work, just go to EastCoaster profile and look in there or search for the article; it is long but has good information; just keep in mind things keep changing, just like in life.

Other have answered your questions regarding the FFM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple) form:

This is the Mexican website with the official information:

Again my general recommendation:
Behave like a gentleman and you will be treated as a gentleman.
Behave like a ugly rude American and you will be treated like a ugly rude American.

From my comment on the “Appearance leading to better service discussions”

“People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave"

I don’t drink, and recommend others do not drink, you need to be stone cold sober so you can behave according to any situation that may occur.

If you don’t speak Spanish just ask for someone that speak English to help you, most people are willing to help when asked politely.

More than anything, relax, be open to the possibilities. The great food, the nice places to visit, museums, beaches etc etc etc. Just don’t go to places that could be dangerous at night and stay close to your hotel, but during the day you can visit places safely.

And write an article about your experience so we all can get updates.

Hope you have a great time!

Avatar for JAprufrock

@san jose guy
Yes, many times, with either the half-off coupon on my previous visit or the VIP card on my visit this past week. It's $11 with the discount, plus a dollar or two tip to the guys running it. You get about six minutes of grinding and titty groping and possibly titty sucking, depending on what the gal allows. It's a way to gauge whether she'll be good upstairs. You can use it to negotiate.
By the way, you ask a lot of questions about Hong Kong and I've never seen a plausible response from you on why you haven't been there, given the close proximity from San Jose (cheap flight to San Diego or roughly 9-hour drive, I believe).

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Thanks for the info JAprufrock. Sounded like more happened in the Miami VIP.

Now as far as me giving a plausible response as to they, why anything, my f2f life is private. So whether you understand this or not, it is true.


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Avatar for Cristobal

I know the OP won't do this but for us that don't need to keep a visit on the down low:

Hotel Cascadas accepts credit card payments for overnight rooms (cash required for deposit) BUT:

They require valid, signed ID to match the credit card, plus they make a copy of your ID (but not the card).

I witnessed the complete procedure this past weekend.

Avatar for Cristobal


If you pay cash, they don't check your ID, you can give them a fake name (for overnight stats).

They only check your ID if you are using a card to pay for the overnight room.

Avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee

Can you have sex in the open in the Miami lounge as SJG thought?

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