
Stripper playing the race card.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, January 14, 2019 11:02 AM
WEST PEORIA — A strip-club dancer was arrested after throwing a shot glass at a customer before slapping the back of his head. About 11:20 p.m. Jan. 2, the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office was called to Pulse Gentleman’s Club, 3601 W. Farmington Road. Two men (ages 23 and 22) said they were sitting at the bar when a 25-year-old dancer approached them with an offer of a private dance, according to a sheriff’s report. The older man said the dancer “repeatedly was bothering” the two about the dance offer, and the younger man said the dancer got “very angry” at them for rebuffing her, the report stated. According to the report, the men (who are white) said the dancer (who is black) then called them “racist” and told them, “You must love Trump, because you’re racist.” As she continued to yell at them and invoke the president’s name, the younger man then bought her a shot of alcohol in an effort to calm her, the report said. Instead, she picked up the shot glass and threw it at the older man’s head, but missed, the report stated. She then whacked him in the back of the head with an open hand, causing his hat to fly off, the report stated. With the help of the club’s manager, a deputy reviewed security video, which showed the dancer throwing the shot glass and hitting the patron. Neither man touched the dancer, the report stated. A deputy talked to the dancer, who said she had been drinking “most of the night” and “appeared to be highly intoxicated,” the report stated. She said that after she had offered to dance for the two men, the older one called her a racist name, the report stated. She told police that the remark “upset her very much because she had never been the victim of racism before,” the report stated. As for her alleged actions, she said she accidentally dropped her drink to the ground, and she did not hit anyone, the report stated. She suggested the angle of the video camera somehow made it look as if she had struck the man. As for his hat flying off, she theorized that as her shot glass hit the floor, the force of the splashing liquor perhaps blasted the hat from his head, the report stated. The dancer, Eric L. White of Peoria, was arrested and taken to the Peoria County Jail, where she was booked on a felony charge, aggravated battery. She was also wanted in McLean County on a DUI warrant. She was released Jan. 4 after posted $180 cash bail. photo: [view link] I've been there but not this extreme.


  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Those guys must have said the N word. No thank you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    What a dumb uneducated bitch
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I'll bet on the way home the 2 guys were using the N word big time.
  • Johny5
    5 years ago
    Wow that stripper pulling all kinds of excuse out. Water from a *shot glass* made his hat flew off lmao. A shot is like not even a mouth full of water lmao. Name calling really? What are they children? Lol this is probably one of those stories you wouldnt believe happened
  • Johny5
    5 years ago
    @pistola the N word? He called her Nutella, probably should be her stripper name lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ don't underestimate stripper logic
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ if many of them didn't have messed-up logic they wouldn't do what they do for us - nature of the beast
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    A 25 year old stripper was never the victim of racism before? Seriously? Bitch needs to count her blessings. Not the hottest chick either: [view link]
  • clubdude
    5 years ago
    Well put Papi, on all three of your entries.
  • cubbieguy
    5 years ago
    In shadowcat’s original post it said the stripper’s name was Eric. That is what freaked me out the most. I had to check the link to see if it was correct. I guess “her” name is Erica although she looked more like an Eric. Can’t blame these guys for turning her down for a dance.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    if i turn a girl down... it AIN’T because of her race.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Lol the way America is now I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often. It really doesn’t though.
  • Bbybunny
    5 years ago
    She must’ve just started dancing if she flipped out like this from a “racist name” and “has never experienced racism before”? lucky her.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    @cubbieguy. That is what I noticed too. I thought it might be a tranny dancer.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I've had a white dance accuse me of only getting dances from black girls. So it can go both ways.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Had a really large AA dancer once just plop down on my lap (felt like she broke my legs) and the complain (loudly) that I must have a problem with black girls if I didn’t want a dance from *her*! I stood up and dumped her on the floor. Since she’d been at that club for a while, I assume that was a tactic rather than real umbrage.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    The race card? Would that be the Queen of Spades?
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    i dont know the back story, but if they did get call her the n word she is perfectly justfied in using violence against racist. If you believe your race is superior you should realize that whoever youre talking to is not going to lay down. it applies to every race, why do people take the "high moral ground" with racist? taking the high moral ground just leads to you being abused and exploited by a racist.
  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    To be fair to the putative tranny dancer she was highly intoxicated. I’m sure that whatever happened in her head justified using her magic shot glass to knock the guy’s hat off! Of course, things turned out badly her because the cops in this case were operating in the real world. But you have to admit it would be pretty brilliant to live in a world where you can knock a guys hat off by throwing a shot glass at the ground! Also, was the magic in the shot glass, the booze in the shot glass, or both? ;)
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    "if they did get call her the n word she is perfectly justfied in using violence against racist." No ... the only justification for violence is to defend yourself or someone else from violence. Some racist motherfucker spouting this type of trash doesn't justify violence beyond maybe throwing the drink (the liquid not the glass) in his face. She would've been justified to verbally go off on the guys, avoid them and tell all of the dancers/bartenders to avoid serving them or tell management to kick their racist asses out of the club but she was not justified in assaulting him.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ She was drunk and stupid
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    Not knowing what really happened i would agree that she was drunk and stupid. i dont think they called her nigger, because she was still trying to sell them dances. in the hypothetical scenario that they did get racist and called her nigger ect...i would disagree with whodey. what makes you think that management, bouncers, staff are not also racist and they are going to act just? the only way to deal with racist is solving it with your own hands. thats my opionion
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    In my opionion, if you use your fists you will get arrested. The punishment may be mitigated somewhat.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Violence is never the answer. I've had a few AA dancers pull the race card when I said the N word - No thank you. ' Oh whatchu dont like black girls? You some racist ass Trump supporter?' I usually respond that I dont like ghetto ass bitches, white black yellow or whatever. Never ends well.
  • daddyfatsack
    5 years ago
    Violence is always an answer. People who say violence is never the answer at best have a will full ignorance to human nature and history or at best only believe in violence acted upon by select groups while condemning the same actions from others.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Stupid comments Salty. No fucking words on earth justify physical violence. They called me a name wah, wah, wah.
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    I disagree skibum, by your statement you probably cant fight or youre scared to get your ass beat, so you claim high moral ground. if someone goes low, i go lower. it seems irrational to act civil with a racist.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    Just out of curiosity Salty, what level of violence is acceptable based on a racist insult from a random jackass in a club? Punching them in the face once? Beating them until the are hospitalized? Stabbing them in the gut? Cutting off their dick? Shooting them in the face? Following them home and killing their entire family? How do you draw the line?
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    whodey, it depends on how much you were offended. your retaliation toward a racist cant be premeditaded. for example a crime of passion. if you ever been in a fight you will understand that fights are pretty, dynamic and fluid situations. Everything pretty much goes. Also youre assumming the person fighting the racist is going to beat up the racist. thats not always the case. Finally, if youre racist just dont offend other people, so you dont have to worry about violence.
  • nickifree
    5 years ago
    It’s only the ghetto ass ones you have watch out for. I’ll never forget when one of those hood rats slapped the back of head because I declined getting a dance from her. Bitch had a brass ring on her hand and that shit hurt. I jumped from the table and was ready to punch that hoe. That just about the time when Austin strip clubs started becoming hood too.
  • Austin1
    5 years ago
    Man the democrats (95% Africans vote democrat) love to play the race card even though Africans are some of the most racist. Trump has brought the race out of all of them. They can't stand it! The teenagers from Kentucky got abused by a racist black hate group and then a black Democratic Congresswomen called Trump the Grand Wizard of 1600 Avenue. WOW! Now this stripper is doing the same crap!
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    Non whites get misrepresented by media all the time (mexicans are rapist and drug dealers) and black kids get shot by the police being unarmed...so whats your point?
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