How many rounds of sex do you like to go for?

avatar for strippercutie404
I like to go five rounds if its possible, I'm only getting warmed up at the end of round 2 ;)


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avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Haha get it BBS!

I especially love when I completely wear a guy out but he still wants to indulge me with his tongue ;)
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
As many as I can, I won’t quit but I might collapse;))
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
5 or 6 is a good starting point.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Haha TwentyFive, I love it!
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
cutie, 3 rounds is about my limit for a day. But my rounds are going to last a lot longer than just a few minutes.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
SBS, he's not asking if you like pulling trains lol
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
As many as I can manage. This generally works out to one or two rounds with my dick, and then as long as my tongue holds out.
avatar for pbjfb
6 years ago
How do you define a round?
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
.25 to .33 per week I would say.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
One, but I have to cum to completion. My most recent was 3 times in 3 hours ( 3 different gals) and still had blue balls! My longest session was 6 hours with the same gal. Started at 6 pm and didn't finish until midnight. My problem is that those fucking rain suits give me little feeling.
avatar for GeneraI
6 years ago
Went about 3 and a half hours with the ex girlfriend back in late October. Had a few short breaks, but to me it was basically 1 long session. She came 3 times so i guess to her it was maybe 3 sessions. Almost 4am when we finally went to sleep and we needed to be up by 7.

Last time I was with my CF, we went twice before we fell asleep, and once after we woke up. I didn't pay attention to time, had to be 30 to 45 minutes per.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I go 30 times in a row
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
5 or 6 is ideal
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@strippercutie ill wear you out before you wear me out lol! Challenge presented!
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@BBS do you want to get in on this bet?! ;0
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
Ooooo interesting @BBS but you know i have a high sex drive right in order to workout like i do ;0 but i believe you perhaps you *may tire me* haha well never know until it happens though ;)
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Lol Johny!

I relate so well to BBS. I feel exactly the same way about sex feeling like this drug that I can't get enough of. Even after many orgasms, after the guy is finished I don't feel like stopping I just want to keep kissing him have every part of my body kissed and licked after we have finished a round until we're ready to go again. I love when a guy treats me like a beautiful goddess that he can't get enough of. When I'm having sex, I got all the energy in the world. I'm just a very passionate girl in general and I'm especially passionate about sex.
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
Interesting topic so far! You ladies are savages in the bed i see lol. Makes me more interested if what both you say is for real and want to find out ;0 @@strippercutie @BBS. If both of of you do it who would win?! I know BBS doesnt like woman as much as men! But given how savage both of you are it would be interesting to see who gives in first :P
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@BBS that reminds me of an ex of mine! I got her so good she literally called in for work the following night and said she was *sick and couldn't get out of bed* lmao good times i guess before shit went south of course ;0
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
stop talking like that. it’s making me horny.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Omg Johny, I actually have a story about this girl I met a couple years ago! We're both a little bi and we would just go at it all day and night not stopping for food or meals or anything but to go to the bathroom for whole days at a time. We couldn't do it back to back that was just too much even for me but it was a crazy month! There is no way I could tell you how much sex we had while that lasted lol. But she went and got a boyfriend pretty soon afterward and they kept it monogamous. I could never do that, I don't know if she really loved sex as much as I do or if she was just reflecting my energy though cause her and her boyfriend are a lot more tame than when we were hooking up. We're still friends and she mostly just dates guys now but every now and then if I have time and she isn't dating anyone we hookup for old times sake haha.
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@strippercutie lmao wow maybe you were to good she had to be monogamous after that!! Haha you've peaked my attention ;) @BBS as well you can tell in her messages shes savage in the sack hahha @misterwonderful this is the whole point in this forum is it not? The sex talking other then that everything is straight trolls
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Lol BBS, I hear stories of guys who's wives have sex with them like once a year and I'm like wtf! How are you guys alive lol! I can't even stand to go a single day without sex much less go a year!
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
"maybe you were to good she had to be monogamous after that!!"

Lol yup, that's definitely what it was, she used too much of her sexual energy on me and has been recovering ever since :)
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@strippercutie try turning me monagamous ;p lol!
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
"Hehe I cant help it... I even love talking about loving sex! Ha!"

Hell yeah! I think being candid always draws a good crowd of people to you so keep at it!

I can't help it either xD
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@BBS now im wondering if the pic of the shoes you sent me was from actual work or rough sex lol ;0
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Lol Johny you are playing with fire right now :)!

Oh yeah, we are definitely a rare breed. I really can't imagine living life like that. It sounds so empty and joyless.

Anyway though I have to get some sleep haha, I gotta wake up in less than six hours. School sucks :( but this was a really fun conversation guys! Goodnight, xoxo!
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Well, that was fun !!! lol
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
My xeife had to be drunk to have sex. She got drunk every night. LOL
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
“Lol BBS, I hear stories of guys who's wives have sex with them like once a year and I'm like wtf! How are you guys alive lol! I can't even stand to go a single day without sex much less go a year!”

I’m alive because my wife is perfectly fine with me getting the sex that she doesn’t want elsewhere.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago

If by round you mean the four phases of the sexual response cycle: desire (libido), arousal (excitement), orgasm and resolution.

At my prime in an 8 hour session with my girlfriend I could do four with small breaks (cuddling), we would be happily exhausted.

Now days I am older, I can do two, but my ATF could do 4 to eight in the same amount of time. We would make sure she is happy first a few times before I finish my first “round”, then we work on her until she is satisfied and then I finish my second “round”.

In any case each sexual encounter is unique as they are dependent on each person's situation at that time and many other factors like new or old relationship, level of attraction hornines available time, etc etc etc.

I think people have their individual understanding or definition of “sex round” and might think there is an average or record to aspire to.

In our competitive culture we think “Sex is a competition” it is not. What we have to aspire to is to try to be satisfied with our performance and make sure our partner is satisfied to.

“Every sex should be the best sex of your life.
You should aim for that every single time, or else what are you doing?”
~ Bobbi Dylan
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
It's a rare woman who can handle being Flagoonered more than once without being completely spent.

It can be a curse if I don't get mine first.
avatar for K
6 years ago
If my partner is willing I do my best to get her off until she calls quit. I enjoy giving my partners orgasms. Switching it up between my fingers, tongue, dick and occasionally toys, sometimes she is the center of attention sometimes me and sometimes both of us. This prolongs the pleasure. I'd get an escort or take care of everything ITC if I wanted to get off quickly . I will usually cum twice at night and try for morning sex if she is up for it. A third time at my age knocks me out and I had better not have any plans the next day.

I am proud to say that last summer one young lady had to sleep the entire next day. Her roommate was pissed at me for ruining their plans. it could be SS but I have chosen to believe them on this matter.
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
Just one per day, for 6 or 7 hours straight.....

avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Most of you guys are so full of shit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Strippercutie, you are my kind of girl. I would be gentle with you, but you would still get tired out just from your own muscle contractions.

:) :) :)

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
It's G-spot massaging, using long strokes sparingly, letting air get out of create vacuum, some stationary time, focusing on the energy resonances and that place right at the top of your vagina.

:) :) :)

avatar for Dudecreeping
6 years ago
(2) 5minute rounds . If woman not done after that she was not sufficiently mentally stimulated enough before sex. I got shit to do can’t be fucking all day like I’m 18 without a job or responsiblites.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
My personal best is 8 fucks in one night. That was a long time ago. Pretty sure I couldn’t do that now regardless of how inspiring my playmates might be.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I can do 7 or 8.

Anyone think OP is jerking off to this thread?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
StripperCutie has got the right attitude.

avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
It’s never enough. I always regret it too. I had this super hottie in bed and only had sex with her once?!?!?!? FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
3x to male orgasm in about 4-5 hours is pushing my limit. But I am in for the big win with her for more than that. Only two girls I knew were as active as SC and BBS and they definately knew how to push the limit.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Fucking refractory period is like a male handicap. It's the only sport where males have to play from the red tees :)
avatar for founder
6 years ago
5 different girls in one night. Zona Norte. 2017
avatar for Estafador
6 years ago
2-3 in one time frame. Now how many time frames per day is a different story
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
One round for sure.
Two rounds max, if girl is up to it ... with exception of Brazil where 4-6 rounds through the night.

Remember - it's not how many rounds you can do, but what you can do in one round.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I had a thread about this before.

How many like multiple girls, 1 round each, versus how many like multiple rounds with just 1 girl?

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
It depends on my mood. I've done 3 different girls in a day before. But I prefer several rounds with one. Or a 3some
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Do you guys like overnighters too? Seems very practical if you want multiple rounds with one girl.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well, the ultimate strip club would be set up to promote that. The TJ HK bar / Cascadas looks to be that way.

But you can't really know up front if the girl will be available for that, and same with the street girls.

But once you know her and are seeing her by appointment, and outside of the zona, should be no problem.

Some people here have posted about how nice TJ TLN's are, but only a few.

avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
All very impressive stats but ...

let’s separate the boys from the men now ...

how many different SPECIES have you defiled in a 24 hour period?
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@reverend ahhh well played, i have yet been around the world! Only a few, asia,mexico,canada, i have yet to visit Jamaica! Havent found one that peaked my interest yet ;0
avatar for JimGassagain
6 years ago
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