The System Revisited - For Laughs

avatar for doctorevil
With the new knowledge that Rick Dugan’s favorite club in the whole world is apparently Lollipops in Hudson, Florida, I encourage everyone to re-read Rick’s “The System” article for a good laugh. With this new information, Dugan’s “System” rises to new heights of absurdity. I almost laughed out loud thinking about Ricky sitting in Lollipops, a tiny, rundown, redneck dive in rural Florida, wearing a three piece suit, and trying to convince some high school dropout, single mom, meth-head, skank dancer to go OTC with him by pretending to be a chemical engineer. As if anything would be needed besides a (small) wad of twenties. Check it out:… This is the same guy that threatened to “fuck me up” because he didn’t like one of my reviews. What is wrong with this guy?


last comment
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Lmfao... what a goober. I will dump a load in his basement for you if he tries anything. Ricky boy swims withbthe turds
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Gotta love the timeless classics. Soon "The System" is going to have its 10th Anniversary. ;)

To doctor's point, it was really designed more to pull girls out of clubs in places like Milwaukee WI, Fort Worth TX and other tougher venues, but I won't quibble. Suffice it to say that I don't take girls out of FS clubs. I also wasn't clubbing much in places like Pasco County, Miami, Detroit, etc, 9 years ago and still don't. I've taken girls out of clubs in 15 different states, including those above as well as other tougher Midwest venues, so I may know a thing or two about what I'm doing. Just sayin' fwiw. ☺
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Also, this really needs an addendum. Some things have changed in 9 years. For example, ties are no longer worn in most offices. We can thank Obama for pushing this trend along when he started going tie-less in major televised speeches and events. Nowadays if you wear a tie in the nicer club, a girl is likely to assume that you're some type of salesperson.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I personally think it’s the greatest and funniest thing I’ve seen on the internet. Then you had dudes for for YEARS never letting him hear the end of it. The whole thing is just fucking hilarious.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it. And I love hearing it as it is almost as good now as it ever was, except that it needs some tweaks for 9 years of additional development. ;)
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
One of his tweaks is he now pretends to be a marine biologist or architect, instead of a chemical engineer.…
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ You remember George Costanza from Sienfeld used to pretend to be a marine biologist lol
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Can you believe that I have never read "The System". Never thought that I needed the advice.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
You don’t need the advice, that’s for sure, but it’s pretty unintentionally funny.
avatar for GACA
6 years ago
Scary thing is some of us actually did listen to his advice.. Whomp whomp :(
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Personally, I'm waiting for the collectible, leather-bound gold leaf edition. Something that matches a pipe and smoking jacket motif.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I now know when a dancer asks me for laps I can say "that's not my gig" or "I don't handle my stuff in clubs" so they know what I want.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Thanks, Obama.

I'm so glad the tie expectation died. Although they are still useful for bondage
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i guess i missed that episode of seinfeld. i thought george costanza was a architect pretender sometimes. he probably tried a number of fake professions.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I started out as an astronaut, but for some reason they just wouldn't buy it. ;)
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
The System is still funny. But needs overhaul to connect better with millennial dancers.
Three Piece white Polyester suit that shines in strip club strobe lights, is gonna get one kicked out of some clubs today.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
I'll start telling girls I work for Vandalay Industries. They're all too young to know the reference.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Funny ol' thread where members make fun of Dugan's Narci-System.…

...all in good fun, of course.
avatar for GACA
6 years ago

LMAO. That post was solid gold.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Keep doing that public service by keeping this fresh. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Maybe a 10 Year Anniversary Addition is in order. 😉
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
You bet, dumbass. I encourage everyone to click through to your original post so they can see for themselves my satire is not far off the mark and that you must be one of the biggest dumbasses to ever set foot in a strip club. That is, if you’ve actually ever been in a strip club, which is kind of hard to believe given the retarded stuff you write.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Why so angry tiger? This is a strip club site dude, not the cancer unit at the Mayo Clinic. Have a little lighthearted fun with this stuff. Sheesh. 😉
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Some original trolling material might be nice too. Just sayin.' When your troll bitch predecessor Dougster was following me around the Board for years, at least he was funny and had some original content. Never thought i'd miss that account, but the trolling has really gone downhill around here.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
“ Have a little lighthearted fun with this stuff. Sheesh. ”

So it seems the Douchebag’s idea of lighthearted fun is to mock people grieving the death of friends and fathers of autistic children. WTF is wrong with this guy?
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
"Scary thing is some of us actually did listen to his advice.. Whomp whomp

Yup, and look how that worked out for you, GACA! 😉
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
To save anyone who is actually still interested in a decade old article from the brain damage of reading D_E's girly squeals, bad satire and shrill hyperbole, I'll post a direct link:…

D_E, do you really think that shrilly trolling an ancient article somehow makes you seem more normal? I'm guessing you don't get out much. You're angry, bitter and more than a little obsessive. I'm guessing some form of Asperger, which wouldn't make you a bad person by itself, but it's manifesting poorly.

Oh, and I did all the same stuff recently in Milwaukee, which is not exactly a hotbed of easy OTC, and scored well with same night action with a ridiculously hot girl. Of course I didn't have to "dress up" since I was already in business apparel and my job doesn't need any embellishment, but otherwise I'd say the elements were the same. Just thought I'd give you a little more fodder for your creepy obsession. :)

avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
It’s ok Douchebag. Just remember, we’re all laughing at you, not with you.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Is that the royal WE D_Er? I've noticed the need of a few trolls like you to shroud themselves in the warm comfort of the herd in order to feel justified in their creepy behavior. But you are on a weird angry and bitter island all by your lonesome D_E, seething and trolling in turn when not telling stories about mens room blowjobs.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
No. Not the royal “we.” A real plural “we.”
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