Spreading the holiday cheer

avatar for rickdugan
Ok, now I'm starting to get hit with extra texts, including a couple from long forgotten girls. With Christmas only 6 days away, some of them are finally starting to think about presents for their kids. I can only imagine what my phone will be like on Sunday the 23rd. I really love this time of year. It may be time for Santa Dugan to get out there and help some deserving gals help their own little ones. ;)

Anyone else have any special plans to spread a little extra holiday cheer?


last comment
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
I am always ready to buy a lady a drink!
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@dugan lol ho ho ho santa got benjamins for my reindeers
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Texts from my phone the past 3 days

“Hey Baby” <that one is a 10 dancer

“Hey u wanna fuck *starving emoji like 10 times* 8 SB

“So when are we meeting up?” 9 SB

“Get your ass over here” 8 dancer I’ve known for a while. It’s rare when she works

Got some choices to make. Not doing them all.

avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Texts from my phone the past 3 days

“Hey Baby” <that one is a 10 dancer

“Hey u wanna fuck *starving emoji like 10 times* 8 SB

“So when are we meeting up?” 9 SB

“Get your ass over here” 8 dancer I’ve known for a while. It’s rare when she works

Got some choices to make. Not doing them all.

avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
My shit got cut off. I had a whole thing typed up. Fuck it I’m doing it again. Sum it up I got a bunch of texts from a bunch of hotties many hailing from flake city.
avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
I’ve had half a dozen cum see me texts last few days. Maybe if one of them comes up with a more original tag line I’ll take her up ion it. It’s a buyers market this week
avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
6 years ago
TJHK strippers and the street girls are blowing up my message app. Love it.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Is holiday cheer a euphemism for stripper's legs.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
I got enough commitments for my time, I can’t bother using it for quenching another’s emotional, hence financial, shortcomings.

More power to you if you can devote time spending it with trash. I must admit though, I’ll be spending a couple hours at a club nearby soon.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Meat, putting aside the obvious absurdity of an Internet troll calling anyone else trash, you're talking about girls who are just trying to provide for their kids. I don't consider any mother to be trash for doing that, even if it includes sleeping with men for money. Girls I consider trash are those who would rather live off the endless charity of others instead of doing what it takes to give their kids a better Xmas.
avatar for sinclair
6 years ago
I've had a few ladies pop out of the woodwork in the last few days wanting to meet. None of them have kids except for one girl, but my preference is women without kids.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
A few. Notably, two PFs (past favorites) messaged me last night after a long time out of touch. Turns out that they were both working at the Foxy Lady. Go figure.

I'm interested in seeing one of them. The other is lacquered in crazy sauce.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
I don’t have any particular spreading plans right now but the phenomenon of lots of siren calls around Christmas certainly seems to be playing out.
avatar for SuperDude
6 years ago
I get paid once a month, on the first. I budget to take care of family, close friends and paying clients at holiday time. Dancers can wait until well after New Year's Eve. I refuse to be any more of an ATM than I am already.
avatar for SuperDude
6 years ago
I get paid once a month, on the first. I budget to take care of family, close friends and paying clients at holiday time. Dancers can wait until well after New Year's Eve. I refuse to be any more of an ATM than I am already.
avatar for chessmaster
6 years ago
I'd rather spread some whores legs.
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
I like your song ^
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Very cute @ Stripper Cutie ;)
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