The rick agenda

rickthelionStraight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
The Council of ricks has a simple agenda. You TUSCL readers should know our agenda. It is:
Wearing classy suits, fucking sexy whores, driving drunk, and going wildebeest on our enemies. It’s so simple even a hairless ape can do it. But only if they are smart enough to try. ROAR!!!
last commentWe need more posts from the council of Rick's
We also need some instruction in How To Pay Hookers For Sex, from both Veblin and Bataille.
Joe Bonamassa - "Sloe Gin" - Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks
If you’re attempting to rip off NWA with that weak “straight outta NC” noise you gots work to do, brah.
He lost me at driv8ng drunk. Rookie move. Not even cool anymore. We’re not 18, are we?
RicktheLion is long experienced in working The System, wearing a suit, and in dealing with imbeciles using his Kalashnikov.
Smash that like button
Just looking to have some fun here! I'm pretty new to dancing so far but am loving the discussions. At least, when the trolls aren't trying to ride me off the board ;)
No disrespect stanlee, but you really lost me with “brah”. It has long been established that the first person to say “brah” in a conversation loses that conversation. Doesn’t matter whether or not the conversation was an argument. “Brah” = not brilliant! ;)
I’ve long had a theory that the rickthezoo characters are actually a creation of rickdugan.
Supporting evidence = they keep the conversation focused on rickdugan, which he seems to love.
Contradicting evidence = rickdugan seems incapable of whimsy, and the rickthezoo creatures with their whole “council of ricks” is nothing if not whimsical!
If rickdugan is behind rickthezoo I have one thing to say: “absolutely brilliant!” Thoughts on my rickdugan = rickthezoo theory?
An alter ego for rickdugan? Or a series of alter egos comprising a zoo? Very well played!
Bra has brilliant potential.
Brah - not brilliant - except on St Patrick’s Day...
Whonos this rickdugan. He sounds naughty
Who is^^^^ silly me
i do all dat shit too cept i also love to drag race on cocaine.
Rick the Lion has a SJG fan. Of course SJG likes the pretentious self serving type, like the council or Rick’s promote to the nth degree.
So who exactly are the Ricks, and what exactly are they? No one seems to know for sure.
They seem to be related to RickDugan. But is he one of their number? He does not seem like a Rick, he seems more like a hairless ape.
And then who exactly is behind the Council of Ricks?
My own hypothesis is that RickDugan is not really one of them, but he thinks he is. Likely that some of the progenitors of the Council of Ricks had captured RickDugan and began doing behavioral conditioning and genetic replacement treatments on him. i.e. torture.
Dugan suffered a mental collapse and his sanity has never returned. But despite this he was able to escape. He is not a Rick, but which his sanity gone, he thinks he is.
And then to read this thread's OP, it seems like the Ricks believe that they are Dugan.
A curious situation.
But this is not uncommon when you have cases of gene transplant therapies, surgical alteration, or the Creation of Magical Servitors. The Rick Animals seem to embody all of these.
But then we have to ask, who is really behind this, as it seems unlikely that it is really just this Council of Ricks.
Listening to Mr. B., it seems pretty clear that it was a breakaway occult group, plus Farben scientists, and some Nazi leaders and doctors. They still remained loyal to Hitler, not following Claus von Stauffenberg. But they also knew that a crushing military defeat and overrun were unavoidable.
Rather they wanted to preserve the core philosophy of the Reich for many decades into the future. And key to this was the removal of money, for future use. And this became the province of Mr. B's grandfather, who had taken over the role of Rudolph Hess.
At core there is a chemical and medical knowledge, but behind that their is also an occult science. The key change was when they recognized that hairless apes are an evolutionary dead end, and that the future lie in a trans-species artificially and magically assisted evolution. And so of course this ran completely contrary to their master race beliefs.
And so you can see that there is an adolescent swagger in these Rick Animals, and this is mostly because they have been led to incorrectly believe that they are Rick Dugan.
But what they really are would seem to be Magical Servitors.
And then what is the real intent, abandoning the quest for a master race, abandoning the hairless ape species entirely, and using all kind of science and magic to bring about a newer trans-species race.
This should give some ideas, at least as to how this all started:
The truth about Amelia Earhart can finally be told!
So a question to the Council of Ricks, have you ever done a hairless ape sacrifice? Do you plan to?
Researching the origins of IG Ricks
is skibum’s real name fred?
Ricks and Juice
Ricks on commercials
Apes used to need their hair to keep warm
Wooking for any available guard dog 🐕 jobs
Did Jesus Die for E.T.’s Sins?
Clifford the Big Wed Dog is telling me Detwoit Penthouse is being shutdown
Who is baby Ricky? He is not an authorized rick poster or even a provisional rick like the puppy.
My theories are a female zebra trying to mock us or that it is actually dugan posting after consuming a truly heroic amount of liquor.
If this is just dugan reverting to his infancy due to a few too many gimlets then no harm no foul, but if it’s a damn zebra there gonna be a world of hurt for a stripped horsie!
one thime mommy shaid i couwd pet a horshie so i petted it
and i saw a wion and zebra ath thhe zoo but mommy shaid thhey are not friendsh
@babyRickyDugy aren't you a little young for this site? Does your mommy know you made an account? Shouldn't you be on TUCL, The Ultimate Cradle List, instead?
Heard that RickiBoi was a precocious child, seems far fetched actually.
So is babyRickyDugy supposed to be the love child of rickdugan and one of his drug addicted stripper whores? Is that the premise of the persona?
I ain't gonna lie, his avatar cracks me up.
you shut up wapdancewot
you need tho undershthand
i am THHE BESTH ath thouching wadiesh boobiesh
@babyRickyDugy I already understand and you're gonna be in big trouble posting here when your mommy finds out. And pretty soon you'll be too old to be sucking and touching her boobies. You want that spanking, don't you?
Fantasia 1940 The Sorcerer's Apprentice Walt Disney Cartoon Movie
Walt never met with Hitler, but it is beyond dispute that the Fuhrer adored Disney’s work. Goebbels is said to have presented 12 Disney short films to Hitler as a Christmas present in 1937, which the latter treasured.
In 1938, just a few weeks after Kristallnacht, Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler’s personal filmmaker and propagandist, came to the United States seeking an American studio to work with her. Famous – or infamous – for glorifying the Nazis, and best known for “Triumph of the Will” (1935), a revolting propaganda film that chronicled the 1934 Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg, she was boycotted by all Hollywood studio leaders, except one – Walt – who expressed admiration for her work and gave her a personal tour of his studio.
Some critics argue further that the Sorcerer in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” segment from “Fantasia,” with his conspicuous hooked nose, long beard, large head-covering, and chants from a strange and mystical Talmud-like tome, is an anti-Semitic trope; moreover, in an unmistakable allusion to Moses at the Red Sea, he splits the floodwaters with a dramatic raising of his hands. Finally, it is interesting to note that composer Abraham Dukas’ inspiration for the music of the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” was the famous tale of the golem of Prague.
Mister B:
I became a party member when I entered middle school and became part of the Youth Wing,
Jugendbund der NSDAP
Then later, though I am a bit older than he, just like Helmut Kohl, I joined Waffen SS.
But there is something most people still don't know about Farben-Haus in Frankfurt.
Sorcerer's Apprentice goes back to the middle ages. But the version we use and the version Disney used come from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Hitler liked the Disney version so much that he had murals from it painted on the walls of the top floor conference room of Farben-Haus. Though I was in middle school and in the youth wing, I got picked to be one of those who painted these murals.
And so when the progenitors of the Council of Ricks met in the Fall of 1943, they were in that room, and looking at those murals. In part, the Ricks are Golems or Magical Servitors.
Paying Hookers for Sex is an Accomplishment Worthy of Gordon Gekko!
Da'System by rickyboy
RickyBoyDugan Ever Changing Story on BBFS
TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
The rick agenda
The truth about Amelia Earhart can finally be told!
So a question to the Council of Ricks, have you ever done a hairless ape sacrifice? Do you plan to?
Researching the origins of IG Ricks
is skibum’s real name fred?
Ricks and Juice
Ricks on commercials
Apes used to need their hair to keep warm
Wooking for any available guard dog 🐕 jobs
Did Jesus Die for E.T.’s Sins?
Clifford the Big Wed Dog is telling me Detwoit Penthouse is being shutdown
^^^ Proof this guy, SJG, is the goofiest fucker on the internet.
“Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man.
“‘What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?’ thus asks the last man, and he blinks.
“The earth is small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea-beetle; the last man lives longest.
“‘We have invented happiness,’ say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one’s neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth.
And Rick Dugan is that Last Man. When I first joined this forum I did not understand what the issue was.