

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 5:46 PM
Man how they make me feel torn sometimes. I look at her body and start to feel the fun stirrings, and then look at her face and it all comes crashing down. Then I look at her body, then her face, etc., etc. Anyone else feel torn by them? Like you are utterly tempted, but the face is just enough to keep you from pulling the trigger?


  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Yeah, the face is pretty important to me too. Back when I used to drink more, the twelve pack solution could sometimes work if I didn’t need to worry about driving anywhere. Now, a butterface is a deal killer for me.
  • LostinFLA
    6 years ago
    Bad teeth and bad tats are a big turn off for me.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Butterface is not a big deal to me, atl east in a purely sexual situation.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I like big noses and smooth elbows.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I love butterfaces. I don't feel bad fucking them and doing nasty dirty shit with them and ditching them. They're practice girls and bitches to use.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    tattoos are sexy AF, depending on the type of tattoos WHite girls usually have fucked up ones
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Sometimes even a troll can hit a target.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I can deal with butterfaces if that's what nature gave her. The ugly ones can give you a decent time for your money. Plus, if it works out, you're not going to fuck her face, right?
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "Plus, if it works out, you're not going to fuck her face, right?" Uh, maybe?
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I always wondered where the term came from. Etymology Contraction of "but her face" (as in: "Everything about her is great, ... but her face.").
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    I suppose it depends on how buttery her face is but my perspective is.. Some fellas look at the eyes Some fellas look at the nose Some fellas look at the size Some fellas look at the clothes I don't care if her eyes are red I don't care if her nose is long I don't care if she's underfed I don't care if her clothes are worn First I look at the purse! Some fellas like the smiles they wear Some fellas like the legs that's all Some fellas like the style of their hair Want their waist to be small. I don't care if their legs are thin I don't care if their teeth are big I don't care if their hair's a wig Why waste time lookin' at the waistline? First I look at the purse! A woman can be fat as can be, kisses sweet as honey But that don't mean a thing to me If you ain't got no money If the purse is fat....that's where it's at. Some fellas like the way they walk The way they swing and sway Some fellas like the way they talk Dig the things they say. I don't care if they wobble like a... or talk with a lisp I still think I'm a good lover if the dollar bills are crisp First I look at the purse! First I look at the purse! First I look at the purse! First I look at the purse! I don't care if you got yourself a wrap all I want is your pretty green cash Bought me a suit, bought me a car Want me to look like a hollywood star Money, (Money!) I want money (Money!) Baby, ain't no "why", baby (Money!) I need money! First I look at the purse! First I look at the purse! First I look at the purse! First I look at the purse! First I Look at the Purse by the J. Geils Band :D
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
  • wiffle shwaffle
    6 years ago
    As queen of the butter faces, I feel very targeted and attacked by this thread. Just kidding.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    You can just imagine what strippers think about the average fat, geriatric, wrinkled, bald guy who stumbles through the door.
  • Notatroll
    6 years ago
    @randommember all they see is your wallet. The girls that get hung up on dancing for young attractive PLs go home broke. Re: OP. Who cares about the face when your hitting it from behind?
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I used to, but not really anymore. If I find them entertaining, I can go for them and if I don't, there's more where that came from. Much of my opinion on this was colored by my old favorite club, which was full of butterfaces.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    sexiness counts.
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    a long-time fave has as sexy a body as u could ever want....but a borderline butterface in the club. it was never a deal breaker as her dances were so close and sensuous that I never had to look directly into her face very much. then I saw some non-club photos of her recently on another dancer's FB page and discovered how much make up was improving her face in the club. it was jarring to see.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Given that I’m not exactly a prize in the looks department, I can usually get over a less than perfect face. Especially if she has a personality. And I don’t think I’ve ever had an ugly girl suck my dick. :)
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder......
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    The body is most important to me - and her desire to do some filthy shit. The face is a distant factor. 1.Body - feel of body [view link] to dirty extras 3.Price for extras 4.Smell of death on her breath 5.Good vibe on the floor 6.Maybe facial beauty... The clubs I frequent have dance stalls that are the size of a broom closet. The lighting is poor, the visuals are minimal, and it’s more about getting in and out.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Beauty is in the eye of the titholder
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    It takes a while but a butterface with a slammin body will shine overtime. Pretty girl with nothing, I definitely be interested at first but after a bit I tune out.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    But so often it’s like ugly and fat just go together. And at a lot of the clubs I go to the pretty ones have the best bodies. Maybe I’m biased without knowing it but it almost seems unfair
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I'm about the bod - a pretty-face has never given me a hard-on - have def turned away many facially-pretty dancers bc the bod wasn't my type, but will very-rarely turn down a girl with my body-type bc her face was so bad. For me a pretty-face is a plus but not a requirement.
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