strippers who ignore customers

avatar for docsavage
A common thing I see in strip club reviews is where the guy says he walks in to the club with a bunch of money and then a couple hours later walks out without spending any of it because all the girls ignored him. Since they are supposedly there to make money, on the surface this seems irrational or stupid on the part of the girls. Do you think the strippers are really being stupid or are there underlying reasons for this? Three possibilities occur to me. First, they are waiting for a high spending regular and are afraid if he walks in while they are with another guy he'll walk back out again or pick another girl. Second, they don't like walking around the club doing approaches because they don't like the constant rejections and instead are waiting for the customers to approach them. Third, they aren't really aware their peak earning period as a stripper is brief and aren't trying to maximize their income while they can. Do you think it's any of these reasons and if so which one? Or are there other possibilities I haven't thought of?


last comment
#1 is plausible, but if a guy comes in and I know I have a good two hours before my regular comes in, I would try to make money off that guy and then freshen up for my regular shortly before he is to arrive.

#2 is also possible, but stupid. If a girl is so afraid of rejection that she can't approach customers, she is in the wrong industry and shouldn't have any sort of sales job.

#3 is stupidity.

In general, if it's slow and a guy walks in I want to be the first one to approach him. If a guy is sitting alone, and it's dead, I'll give it a try even if he's not my "typical" clientele.

Which leads me to the point that a lot of strippers have a set type of customers that they approach, due to stereotypes or simply not being comfortable to talk to a guy outside of their demographic. If they're a 21 year old from a low-income background, they might not feel comfortable interacting with a 55 year old white collar guy. They should learn to adapt, but that brings me to my final point:

Some strippers are just lazy and not business minded.
Probably coz the guy doesn't look like he'd spend a lot or something about him annoys them. also, its kinda gay if a guy walks into a strip club and is too much of a pussy to ask for a dance. instead of bitching about not being approached, he should approach who he wants a dance from.
Like in any job, some people are good at in and many people are not - add to that often times dancers can mostly do as they please in a club, the issue of poor work-ethic is exasperated, IMO
"Who is your typical clientele?"

All of my big spending regulars have been white men between ages 40-65ish. Most had white collar jobs. But I will approach all kinds of men.

I recall one shift (I think I've talked about it before) I came in at like 8pm and had a monetary goal in mind, but the club was completely dead except for one customer. If the club had had a dozen customers, he would not have been the one I'd have approached. He was in jeans with paint all over them and an oversized t-shirt, but I sat down with him anyway. He had a very thick southern accent. I didn't think he was going to spend much so I probably brought up dances about 30 seconds into our conversation, he said yes, and we were together going back and forth between VIP and sitting and chatting until the club closed. He spent a lot and became a regular for the few months he was in town working on a project.
avatar for busta_nut
6 years ago
the 4th possible explanation...
The guy reeks of being a stalker, obnoxious douche, or a wannbe who wants to sexually maul you for $1.00
Dudes in filthy work clothes are always spenders ime! It's these dudes in nice clothes that are hit and miss and not just for me where I've worked anyways.
I actually don't mind being ignored, since I like to take in the scene and see who I'd like to get a dance from. Usually the girls who approach me are ones who I have no interest in anyways.

But last weekend I experienced a new phenomenon: dancers who actually reject customers. I understand dancers who don't bother working the room and just let customers come to them. But never until last weekend have I experienced talking to a dancer in hopes of buying dances and being rejected via answers that showed she was not interested in my business whatsoever.

For the girls who ignore customers, I figure they are waiting on a regular or have made enough money that they don't feel the need to hustle any more for the day.
I'm always suspicious when a guy comes in at night wearing a suit.
Okay. Your "big spending regulars" are white, middle aged guys in white collar professions...but you're suspicious of guys wearing a suit. Makes sense.
I'm always suspicious when a guy comes in at night wearing a suit.

^^^ hahaha god damn fucking right!!
I still don't see why the blame isn't on the trick, its up to him to ask for a dance if he wants one, not bitch about not being approached
One night a girl refuses my requests.She said I will be back or I am talking to other guy or I will take onto champagne rooms.I never saw her going with anybody for dances..not sure what's her story.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
I suspect the reason that some guys are ignored are for the reasons mentioned already, but in my case I get ignored if the dancer either has had a bad experience before with a female customer, she is intimidated by me, or is unsure how to approach lady customers. I have found it is rarely any homophobia at work - mainly just fear and uncertainty with something new. I have realized over time that when I approach dancers they are happy not only because they will get some money out of me, but because I try and make it easy for them to gain confidence with other lady customers that might wander into their club.
"Okay. Your "big spending regulars" are white, middle aged guys in white collar professions...but you're suspicious of guys wearing a suit. Makes sense."

Actually, troll, my exact words were, "I'm always suspicious when a guy comes in at night wearing a suit."

Most wealthy men who come to strip clubs tend to dress down instead of dressing in a suit. Unless it is lunch hour or right after work (night time applies to neither), the guys who come in wearing suits are pretentious try-hards and notoriously don't spend much. I prefer a guy wearing normal clothes, often those end up being the richest guys. I don't know many guys who wear suits every day at work, come home, shower, and decide to put on another suit just to go to a strip club. Plus, some of the guys are business owners and don't even wear suits to work. Like I mentioned earlier, I was pleasantly surprised by a guy wearing an oversized t-shirt and paint-splattered jeans. He ended up being great.

If you focus less attention on following my posts to troll them and more attention to the info I have, maybe one day you'll land a high spender too.
It’s the way they present themselves, for me personally.. like I won’t go up to a guy who proudly displays his stack of money on the table for all to see. Those guys usually do that bc they want you to work extra hard for it/dangle it like a carrot. Maybe some are nice but I don’t bother. Certain mannerisms are just an instan ignore for me
Do any TUSCL dancers avoid PLs that wear sweatpants and athletic shorts?
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
"Do any TUSCL dancers avoid PLs that wear sweatpants and athletic shorts?"

I'm betting yes. And they probably ignore women & couples too.
You forgot that they might be tired of all the free loaders, having to put on their game face, get groped head to toe, spending an hour with a dude trying to make a sale, only to finally get rejected. Better to wait for her turn on stage and go with whoever tips her the most.
It happens. The sun still comes up the next day. As for who they "ignore" it happens at some point to everyone but old white guys and maybe well dressed middle age white guys. Strippers have told me before about how indians smell. Also, there is a difference between dancers ignoring customers and not approaching customers. You will know when they are ignoring you.

That said, one train of thought i cant comprehend is guys that let a dancer sit with them for 10/20/30 minutes and then let them leave because they "didnt ask him for a dance". Then they complain about it. Why???
What guys that say “they were ignored by all the dancers” really mean is the hottest girl in the club who doesn’t have to hustle didn’t approach them. I’m sure a couple of girls approached them and they turned down dances or said maybe later. I have noticed girls stop approaching guys that have rejected several other dancers.
Sexy pic Bbybunny.

Is that a third nipple?
@Bbybunny - While there are some exceptions I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I have been thinking more that a lot of the emotional toil in the SC whether on the PL or stripper side is a lot from deep adolescent insecurities. Dancers crying in the dressing room from a guy turning them down for a dance is pretty obvious. But even in this case a guy doesn't get approached by the hottest girl in the club (who doesn't have to hustle) and that makes him sad deep down which he manifests as anger.
something is off about them.
sometimes you just dont want to deal with that shit
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“Do any TUSCL dancers avoid PLs that wear sweatpants and athletic shorts?”

I despise the athletic short/sweatpants wearing customers. :p

And good points bbybunny and PaulDrake. Some of it is probably on the dancer, some of it the customer. Alcohol probably doesn’t help on either end as well.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Guys who talk about how much money they have or how much they are going to spend or how much they planned to spend....this should be meaningless to everyone here, most of us are experienced in the SC scene.

Announcement, I was going to buy a Ferrari today but I didn’t.

Meaningless, right?

What I presume about these people with this complaint is:

They may have had some sort of entitlement about them and were not very friendly.

They were waiting for the *perfect girl(s)* and after the others in the room saw this person turn away 1, 2, 3 girls, they figured this person wasn’t there to spend money and stopped going over to him.

Guy is gross or creepy or not clean.

The girls ARE lazy. It can be the girls’ fault but also I do see guys stay in the club for like 10 minutes and leave in an annoyed way.

Communication is a two way street, sometimes the girl you have your eye on isn’t being lazy or ignoring you, maybe she’s insecure or nervous. Consider there are two sides to every coin.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Bby bunny just saw your comment and we said the same thing, Srry. But also you’re a smart woman ;)
Your first 2 reasons are solid. The third one is tricky, too much random. The big spender might only be looking for a certain girl or type of girl or just how can you predict when a millionaire is going to drop in on the club? Going with the regulars and frustration with rejection are probably the most common reasons. I only ever have so much money so if all the dancers approached me and I accepted, I wouldn't last long on any given night.
avatar for MrGreene
6 years ago
I've personally experienced times when I was in a club with a roll of hundreds in my pocket, only to be ignored by most of the strippers in there. I'm dressed well, groomed, in-shape and don't have a stand-offish vibe so I'm not sure why this happens. I can only figure this is because I'm new to the club and they're busy waiting for regulars or something or customers they know will spend well, instead of the new guy they're not sure about. P.S, this never happens to me in clubs I go to often. Oh, well, i just end up leaving with my roll of hundreds and figure it's their loss.
For most clubs, the girls most likely to approach me are the second level (or lower) dancers. That's not to say I can't have a good time with them, just that they are usually not the very hottest dancers.

One thing I will add is that at one of the clubs I used to go to regularly, they rotated from stage to stage and collected huge amounts of tips that sometimes afterwards, they probably didn't feel like selling private dances. It wasn't true of all dancers, because one of my favorites would make a beeline to me the moment she was done onstage and then we went to the back, but most would go to the dressing room first.
i get approached by most dancers it seems.
I've written it before but strip clubs are a pseudo-social environment. If someone struggles with social interaction in real life, the same issues might leak over to SC bizarro-world as well. Chances the person complaining fails to see how he or she comes across to others that might be off-putting.
@flagooner Thanks, that is actually a birthmark but to many drunk patrons a tattoo of Texas.

Thanks @nicespice, in most SC scenarios alcohol seems to make matters worse.

@PinkSugarDoll great minds think alike :)
They think that's a tattoo of Texas?? LOL...

Speaking of which I know one stripper with a tattoo of Texas on her hand
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 years ago
I'll ignore a customer if he's a stage lurker/stalker (staring up close w/o tipping or following stage to stage like a creep), hanging out with or huddled up with his friend(s), or if he comes up near me off stage and just stares at me appearing like too much of a pussy to talk to me first.
I walk away from customers who talk about their material possessions, how much money they have or "plan to" spend, or have extremely high egos in general.
I think many folks have covered the bases on this topic already. Options 1 and 2 are most plausible.

Option 3 is more of a long term perspective on a stripper lifestyle. It is mostly true - when you consider many strippers spend as much as they make (or more). Since they don’t have the career span of other professions - not saving a lot is very foolish.

If a guy rides a Huffy bicycle to the club. He leaves a goat outside - next to his bicycle - and he refers to others as chumps - would any dancers approach him? He’s building an organization...
Putting up with custies can be really tedious. Men who can't even ask for a dance, can't talk, can't approach, expect you to force conversation onto them, are not worth dealing with when you don't have to. 15 minutes with them feels like hours!
One of the clubs I've gone to a few times there is a stripper I met there the first time, she seemed nice and cute but I wasn't ready for a dance with her. We talked for a few minutes and that was it, and she never came back around. On future visits and seeing her do her thing and walk around I started to take a liking to her appearance and vibe but she's never come around to talk to me a second time. I give her interested eye contact but she keeps wandering to other PL's instead. I don't know if she's doing it on purpose or is dumb, but she's clearly missing out on making some decent money.
@jeffTuscl - I am the same way. I frequently am not as interested in someone on a first meeting but become more interested after a few visits.
I think its usually about whether or not a stripper feels he's the type of customer that goes for her.Otherwise, I know some really do think fuck it when a guy doesn't approach them. They dont think he's worth the trouble and stress if she's having a bad day or shit
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago

We *must* be all things to you men and now visionaries who can interpret your desires through your eye contact in dark settings where we sometimes question if you are looking directly at us or not.

Okay men, I have heard it all.

Why does someone not go back to you—if you turned me down before I assume you’re not interested. There is a room full of potential yes’s and you have already turned out to be a no. If you want me to come back you will have to t e l l m e.
I don't think I've ever had a problem. I approach her or send the manager/bouncer to approach her if I can't (I have no luck with the waitress).

About the only time it has been difficult to spend money on dances was a late weekend night, the customer-to-dancer ratio was 5-to-1 (packed house), the dancers were ALL WOUND UP. Sure you could tip them and they'd stop down and chat. I'd ask for a dance,but not takers. They'd go back to the group of partiers they were with.

But that was a bizarre night. Wound up, drunk, or high. High party atmosphere. High Energy. Loud. Tons of drinking. Not the best environment for getting dances. I could still get attention tableside. I could still get attention on stage. Just no dances. Very bizarre. Only happened one night.
@Dominic77 thats how busy nights are like. Its nothing personal, its just not worth it leaving where the moneys at for someone who may potentially not pay up as much
I don’t get why guys don’t want to approach the dancers who “ignore” them. Being a girl I get ignored by everyone when I go to clubs so I just go up to the dancer I want dances from and they’ve never turned me down. If a dancer does turn down dances she probably has a good reason. Especially if the club has a schedule or requires you to stay a certain # of hours. I’ve spent some shifts just sitting around ignoring everyone bc I wasn’t feeling well, but showing up and making nothing was better than paying a huge fine and potentially getting fired
@zoey101 - I have definitely approached dancers before. But a lot of the time dancers at the clubs I frequent don't sit alone very often.
exactly Zoey
Ugh a strip club is a work place for girls. No one is going to reject your money if you offer it unless theres something really nasty about you.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Many Guys in clubs have the mentality that you have to ‘Work for this dollar,’ they are on a power trip when they enter the club that the women are beneath them and they are not going ten steps out of their way to talk to a girl they like. People here on tuscl make statements of this nature all the time.

Guess what, I hope you do get ignored, with that attitude.
Pink, Is that really the reason guys don't approach strippers? If I had to guess, it would be:

One is that for many guys, the fantasy of being pursued is exactly what they're paying for -- one that can't happen if he has to pursue girls EVEN IN A STRIP CLUB. That can be pretty tough on someone already socially awkward or fragile. Most old cynical PLs are too busy pursuing our own agendas to be bothered by such thoughts, but many customers have that mindset at some point or other. It's the most-often cited reason when I read discussions in forums.

Second, while we know that "no one is going to reject your money if you offer it", there is a JUSTIFIED perception that a girl on her phone looking annoyed or disinterested, and too consumed to even bother doing her job, is not going to give the best dances.

If I want a girl who hasn't come by, I usually just catch her on stage.

I do think if you're ignored often as a customer, you need to look at yourself. Anyone can have a weird day at the strip club, but a customer who is constantly getting ignored, across many trips and strip clubs, is sending out the wrong signals.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
No, no, not THE reason, just A reason.

V good analysis @ your last paragraph.
I think I triggered @PinkSugarDoll - I wasn't talking about you but your reaction seems like you took mere words of mine personally. Yes, interested eye contact. When men & women look at each other a certain way, the look is easy to understand. The first time I talked to her I told her I was just going to chill for a while before any dances, which is what I did. I didn't rebuff and told her she's welcome to come by any time later. So clearly she dodges on purpose or is outright stupid. I don't really care, it just makes me curious. Maybe she wants me to approach her, which I might, it's just odd.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
“I’m just going to chill for a while, you’re Welcome to come back later” would make me avoid you too, that just sounds like you are there to hang out.

“I’m just going to chill for a while, come back later and we’ll do some dances” would make me come back.
Not to defend the dancers (and I might get annoyed when what you're describing happens to me, too) but sometimes there's a saying of "strike while the iron is hot". If you tell her, "no, maybe later" there might *not* be a later, even if you become ready.

Sometimes I have to balance this on late Friday nights, especially when I only have a couple hours. If I like her and think I might want her later, I pay her to hang around (until I'm ready), see if she'll hang around on her own uncompensated for now (I'm not buying now, but I will later, you'll welcome to stay, (and maybe drink with me), and we'll get dances in a little bit. But if you don't want to, that's OK. And you can go and we'll try to meet up later. And wish she has a good night) OR depending on how busy the night is or how busy she may be, I might go ahead and get some dances from her NOW, so I don't miss out on her later.

Some customers might not like this and really do need to settle in, first. No biggie. They want what they want. Or like to have whatever time they came to have and don't want to be rushed. I get it. Diff'rent strokes.
K well lets just bring it all down to this, if you want a dance, ask
Maybe some of these guys would benefit from the proactive Juice method; Juice just walks up behind them and rubs his erection back-and-forth across their ass and you bestes believe he gets their attention
shailynn once told a story about JohnSmith69. I can't find the OP, but the essence was JS69 went to the front of the club, unzipped his pants, put a benji half hanging out like a penis, then jumped up and down, smiling with the benji waving. I think that got the point across. (maybe shailynn can tell the story).
This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard - I should basically tell someone yes even if I'm not feeling it at the moment and not yet sure? First time walking into a club, never been there, girl after girl trying to jump on my lap when all I want to do first is get an idea about the place and the girls. That means I do not want to approach unless I have to or I see someone I want to talk to or play with immediately - which I have done plenty of times. I may approach the one I referred to at some point if I ever go back to the club and she's there, I was just commenting how silly it is for her to not re-approach.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Snooze ya lose

Early bird gets the worm

Here today gone tomorrow

Why put off for tomorrow what could be done today

avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
^A bird in my hand is worth two in my bush?

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