
Stripper Volume

So while some on here seem to love high volume sex workers, a lot seem to not care for them. Is it because higher volume sex workers provide a lower GFE? Or is it a prestige thing?

Because I’m very skeptical when some people on here speak about a dancer being low volume while at the same time, paying the rates most TUSCL users prefer (comparable to escorts or even less).

I remember there was a discussion a few weeks ago that asked to predict how many strippers do extras. Zoey and I disagreed with most of the other commenters in the sense more dancers do extras than even the PL on here believe. But it’s for the right customer at the right price.

In my experience, the truly low volume dancers are lower volume because they charge well over what a comparable escort would for full service. And to believe otherwise is buying into SS.

Any other thoughts on this?


  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Obviously I have no way of truly knowing the answer but I suspect you are correct.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Some talk of 'off the hook girls', meaning those who work in extreme clubs, sometimes called 'orgy clubs'. I have always liked such.

    Also, such extreme girls tend to be anything goes, and this also means front room DFKing.

    At San Francisco AMPs, many of the girls are this way. And they don't refuse DFKing, they love it. Once they see what the guy is intending to do, they go for it.

    I mean, guys here love TJ, and of course the girls are that way. Guys have reporting sitting and watching some girls do dozens of arriba's in one night.

    And then at our underground circuit, when one place was doing Front Room FS, girls were doing those quantities, and that core group of Latina's, they are beloved.

    Only thing, a girl with such experience will never be faithfully monogamous, not through thick and thin.

    And no point in trying to predict what a girl will do in the back room. Only even consider the back room when that front room makeout session is underway and it is time for your own pants to come down.

  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I don't now. All I care about it paying -- extra if I have to -- for a clean girl. Not sure that low volume or high priced gets be there. Because what she's doing now isn't necessarily what she did in the past. And if I'm looking for a clean (STI / STD) girl, that matters to me.

    Sorry I didn't answer your question. I'm not an extras nor OTC monger.
  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    I think it varies by region. If it's an area where all of the girls do extras then a girl won't make any money unless she does extras too. If extras aren't as readily available, then you're getting down to how bad she needs the money, or perhaps some are just really selective about which customers they'll entertain.

    I have no desire to sleep with whores. I prefer a girl who's selective. It's cleaner, safer, and I feel better about myself afterwards.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I encounter many non extras girls to give me extras.
    they say 'i only do it with you!'
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I'm not exactly sure what OP is asking...
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I'm fucking anythings that moves LMFAO
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Everything in life varies. Yesterday was a turn back the clock day as I went with someone I haven't in years and who is ordinarily high volume. Yesterday all she did was party and chat for 3 of the hours I was there and then a 15 min room before I headed out. It was a lot of fun and inexpensive imo. Less than an escort and with an escort there'd have been no party guy across the bar buying rounds. Hangover today. First one in a long time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Most PLs spend a small of amount of time in the clubs compared to the amount of time most dancers spend in the club interacting with other PLs - IMO very possible there's more to most dancers than the avg PL thinks/is-aware-of
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Its all relative. In NJ a high volume girl works nightshift at a place where guys go in and out of in under 30 minutes. While in the past I loved the convenience these days Im a bit more cautious. If it wasnt for STDs I wouldnt have a care in the world. Its not about the girl at all, but to get FS from a girl who didnt even freshen up between dances is too much.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I'm not sure the low volume and pricing is correlated. There seems to be a decent subset of PLs that are willing to pay more for the low volume, cough, JohnSmith, cough, as well as the supposed PL that specifically tries to get said low volume girls, cough, RickDugan, cough. If a girl prices herself high, she's just a high end P4P worker, not necessarily low volume. There may be a subset of strippers that are only willing to do P4P for a specific price, but again i think there's more to it than just pricing which makes them low volume.

    I think these lower volume girls are just more resistant to do P4P in general, regardless of pricing and need other variables to be met.

    My very first article on here (Are most strippers secretly whores?) almost a year ago detailed something similar. It was quite a long and convoluted article, but after about a year and many experiences later, my observations and hypotheses haven't changed much.

  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    "I think these lower volume girls are just more resistant to do P4P in general, regardless of pricing and need other variables to be met."

    That has been my experience as well.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Personally I can't stand the dancers that speak loudly, to the point they're actually yelling. I prefer the girls that speak softly, preferably whispering in my ear.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @two bits

    Well Id take a yelling stripper over a low talker

  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Spice, what is your price ?
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    It's more than a $1,000 I know that Warrior lol

    I bet she holding out for the $5,000
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    The OTC girls I have been with have all been low volume. They all said they never done it with other guys, even though every OTC has been after a first time meet. I’m just lucky I guess.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @NJ Balla! Holy cow! Your description of NJ sounds like extras on crack!

    @DirkDiggler thanks for the link! You are right that a lot of dancers aren’t necessarily rational agents.

    I can say I’m in that category. I’ve turned down some generous offers out of respect for my boyfriend, who doesn’t pay me anything (aside from the dinner tab when we go out together. Or for some of my flights to see him.) So technically, I’m not a rational agent either.

    In Rick’s case, I suspect they aren’t low volume at all. But he’s welcome to correct me if he wishes. He’s the main one I remember saying that, but there are a few others around here where I’ve heard similar.

    @two_bits HOW YOU DOIN’

    @Warrior15 At the brief time I was a bit more open to that...it would be what this site considers GPS rates.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    When I think of a low volume, I think of a dancer who generally don’t do much ITC. But will go on a Vegas trip with a high value regular/sugar daddy and “not have sex with him”, which there is the off chance she didn’t, and it’s none of my business, but I don’t quite believe her

    @doctorevil It’s your charm and personality ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It seems plausible that there are dancers not too comfortable with extras to where they may do just enough vs as much as they can, I assume.

    But I also think it's probably pretty error-prone for a PL to think he may be the only one or that it's not a bigger # that he thinks w.r.t. the # of PLs she's with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    doctorevil you're the Juice-mane of OTC - you gotz game
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    So you're saying I need to strike gold, eh ?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    One would think once a dancer does extras with one PL and has passed that "threshold" that it may not be that hard for her to be with another/other PLs - what that # is would be hard to peg-down.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Nicespice: I guess my wallet has a lot of charm and personality. I know it’s not me.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @Papi I agree with the threshold thing there. It all depends on how much a dancer absorbs the stigma I suppose. Or her risk tolerance.

    Btw, as a disclaimer, this isn’t a dig on the higher volume. I suspect they make more money overall than the lower volume dancer if they have similar looks/hustle.

    @doctorevil All joking aside, I get the impression you have the social skills to get them to trust you. And by trust, it’s not being overly boundary pushing or risking not getting paid. You wouldn’t believe how many customers don’t give off that vibe.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I like clubs where there aren't a lot of girls that do high mileage extras, I'm sure (actually I know for sure) that there are some girls that are like a city bus, meaning everyone takes a ride, but there is a pretty large subset that are very picky about who they do, what with, I lean towards those types, much more than I ever get into the hustlers, that try to extract the most in the least amount of time. To @nicespices point, these girls need to make money, the better clubs get a pretty steep cut of their earnings, so if a woman is weak or deficient, in her personality, she needs to bounce around a lot if she doesn't have a guy tipping her enough to pay her fees, and take some home to take care of her own needs.
    The way I see it top earners provide both the least mileage and the most mileage, depending on her abilities.
    There are also differences between clubs in my area, I mean there aren't a lot of clubs as busy as a DDs or a Tootsies that allow the kind of action that they allow, in their regular dance rooms, and in plenty of clubs the VIP doesn't really get a lot of play.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I always think of the man and woman talking.... the man says, will you have sex with me for 1 million dollars? The woman said hell yes I will.... the man then asked, will you have sex with me for 10 dollars? The woman got pissed and said what kind of woman do you think i am? The man responded, we know what kind of woman you are, we are just haggling over the price.

    High volume or low volume.... both are whores, a warm wet hole to hold my cock till the swelling goes down
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ man that's romantic
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “The way I see it top earners provide both the least mileage and the most mileage, depending on her abilities.”

    I think I agree. Two clubs in Austin that seem to be extra profitable, and one is full of extras and another barely any. (A former TUSCL reviewer said it was half the dancers did, but more recent reviews don’t indicate extras. And the extras club may be falling in profitability anyways, according to rumors. Idk)

    And I agree a top earner doesn’t have to. And I think the more a dancer allows a “handicap” of non-extras, the better she allows herself to be at her job in other ways.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "Is it because higher volume sex workers provide a lower GFE? Or is it a prestige thing?"

    For some, prestige. For others, risk of disease. For most, it's just not pleasant to know about the many who... ahhh... came before us. Honestly, I'm not sure there's much of a correlation between volume and GFE.

    "Because I’m very skeptical when some people on here speak about a dancer being low volume while at the same time, paying the rates most TUSCL users prefer (comparable to escorts or even less)."

    I think that many guys convince themselves that their CF is lower volume, when the reality is that we just don't know.

    We have an amount of money that we're willing (or able) to spend, and we'll talk ourselves into believing a certain amount of horseshit to rationalize the experience we badly want / need.

    "I remember there was a discussion a few weeks ago that asked to predict how many strippers do extras. Zoey and I disagreed with most of the other commenters in the sense more dancers do extras than even the PL on here believe. But it’s for the right customer at the right price."

    Related to that, there's also a breed of whale PL who really has more disposable income than he knows what to do with. He can happily throw $1000 to $2000 or more at the hottest "no extras" dancer with the same financial ease that most of us spend $300 or so. This sort of relates to the the "who would you spend $1000 on for sex" thread. For some guys, $1000 isn't crazy expensive.

    "In my experience, the truly low volume dancers are lower volume because they charge well over what a comparable escort would for full service."

    Sure. I can buy that. I do think that there's an echelon of top-tier dancer that we think of as "no extras", but the reality is that they're charging rates that most of the guys here can't or won't pay. They are probably the closest thing to a low-volume dancer that exists. But, even amongst those dancers, 'low volume' is likely a sliding scale.

    Are they worth it? That's a whole other debate. But in a market economy, it's worth it to the guy who can afford it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Not always easy to know which dancer is low-volume and which is high-volume - but if she's with Juice pretty-easy to assume it's the latter

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Just because she doesn't do X with you doesn't necessarily mean she won't do X with me, and I view most of the "High Volume" girls as whores, maybe that's just me, or my generation, I don't find it to be my business to shame them, but I don't give them my business anyway.
    Which leads to the age old question, what is the difference between a whore and a slut ? A whore will fuck anyone, but a slut will fuck anyone but you.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    First of all, low or lower volume doesn't necessarily mean high prices. It just means that she rarely does FS/extras, but she still does them occasionally, selectively. Now some of these girls, particularly the most attractive ones, IMO, do charge a significantly higher rate than other girls. GPS or whatever.

    Now you could be right in assuming that low volume might be a terrible experience. This is where delusion might come into play. A PL or even an RIL may believe that a girl that previously refused to do any type of extras or OTC that suddenly agrees to it, may provide an experience closer to GFE since it's much more novel for her and less mechanical/mercenary. Or more like having sex, albeit paid sex, with a civilian. Then there is that whole issue of sloppy seconds or tenths.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I really dont understand, who the hell wants a GFE.... you want someone nagging you about shit and giving it up a couple times a week, fuck that.... give me the pussy on tap.... I'm not actually paying for the pussy, I'm paying them to get there shit and get out when I'm done with them.... hopefully without stealing something
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    And papi... as far as the romance, I tried that with a stripper and it cost me a quarter of a million dollars.... no more romance for me
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Look, some of this was TL DR, all I'll say is I'll pay more for someone that knows what she is doing. I actually rarely pay for extras I just tip. Dancers that are selective, ya everyone has a price doesn't make me want them any more or any less. Actually less if they act like a primadonna since they probably cam in their spare time anyway for minimal amounts of money.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Nice spice what's your cam name? Jk
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Some guys just really-like that new-car-smell
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @DC why do you have to spend a lot of money to ask a stripper about OTC or anything else for that matter, yes you need to buy her a drink and chat with her a bit, you can buy some dances if your're so inclined, but when you meet a stripper you can see what you are getting and if you don't click, there's no need to go any further, honestly if you are such a cheap ass that you won't buy a girl a drink, you prolly will get rejected very often, on the other hand, if you go meet an escort and she isn't as advertised maybe her picture is from 20 years ago, or she is a moron, that annoys you how do you get out of there, with a stripper in a club, you have a much better chance of getting what you like sorry but I disagree with your premise.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ I think you might be a little new at this, but OTC strippers can charge whatever a PL is willing to pay and many a PL is willing to pay more for a stripper than an escort for several reasons:

    Already know what they're going to get with the stripper in terms of looks as opposed to paying for an escort site unseen. Yes, may escorts give out pics, but they may be completely inaccurate.

    Escorts usually don't start "playing" until they have already received the donation. Most PLs don't pay OTC strippers until afterwards similar to ITC for good reasons.

    IME, escorts did seem more mechanical and business oriented than strippers, not that strippers can't be the same.

    Most strippers don't charge by the hour, and OTC meetings can last several hours, so you get a potentially vastly superior experience. And even after the higher cost, better value as well.

  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    I took a friend who rarely goes to strip clubs out one night. I'm always patient at clubs and wait for girls who are really my style, but was interested in seeing how my friend would go about it, given his lack of experience. He saddled right up to one of the older dancers, talked to her for a really long time, and then only bought a couple dances from her. On the way home he asked me to stop by an ATM. I said "Sure, but why". He said he needed to get some money out before the girl comes over. I was a bit surprised, and was like, "Why her?" He told me she was older and wasn't making as much money as the other girls, so he figured that's where his chances were the best. While I see the merits of his approach, I wouldn't have let the woman pay me for OTC, and I never bring girls back to my home. I scored some numbers that night from some really nice looking girls, but they all turned into "Come see me at the club again" type texts, nothing more.

    While I enjoy this thread, I think it's important to distinguish between the % of girls doing high/low volume extras right now, and the % of girls who will do high/low volume extras at some point in their career.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    My best favorites have been those who took weeks if not months to get OTC. The trick is keeping your eyes open for signs that she is getting more active OTC. One these girls are turned out, this invariably happens sooner or later.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Ooh okay. So you prefer them when they stop being newer and start “expanding” in their job. That’s a fair amount of patience from you. I’m impressed.

    I’m assuming this is in your home club only? I noticed you have a ton of reviews in many other places, but it wouldn’t be practical to keep tabs like that, right?
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "The trick is keeping your eyes open for signs that she is getting more active OTC."

    Oh, yeah, the signs - like needle track marks, right? ;)
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I think for the most part, it's a matter of trust that you the customer are not just too dam weird. I have had several dancers eventually offer me OTC without my asking and I have been told by some of their compatriots that they don't do OTC and yet it has been offered. It's all relative and a personal decision by the dancer. I don't worry about it, I don't prospect for it, in general if it's offered I will consider it but I don't go out of my way. Therefore the high volume/low volume worker doesn't really mean that much to me. It's more of what sort of vibe I get from the dancer and if I'm personally attracted.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "Lately, I prefer when they have psychedelics orally."

    Ah, good choice. Easier to slip into her drink that way. :)
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