
Men: what aspects of going on a date do u guys enjoy other than receiving/giving

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Queen troll out


  • Lolol we are married so u see it twice a day

    And nice!
  • At least twice a day**
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I like turtles
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The best part of a date is after FFM we all go to the diner and have breakfast. Drunk breakfast is a dream date.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Funny topic. Nicole, you have ventured into what I call "car keys and wallet dating".

    Basically, girls seem to need to see money spent in order to make the activity legitimate.

    So, staying home and fucking? No that shows laziness, in there eyes.

    Going someplace expressive, even driving the car, these are legitimate because they draw down money, hence requiring selling one's self in order to replenish those funds. This all constitutes participating in the economy, so the girl will see it as legitimate.

    The girl needs to see money being spent on her.

    But these kinds of expenditures are otherwise completely wasteful.

    So what is the alternative to spending money on the girl?

    The alternative is just to be giving money to her. And this is completely practical.

    So an AMP girl I approach in a completely civilian manner and get our makeout session going and she turns it into GFA ( Girl Friend Audition ) and she wants me to be seeing her at her own home. So there would be no other costs, and much freer and more relaxed than ITC. And what could be more practical than helping her pay her mortgage?

    In most countries other than the US, well off guys keep mistresses. I think it is a great system. They get maintenance money, but they don't get paid for sex.

    So you will never get rid of car keys and wallet dating totally. It is a show of subservience to consumer culture norms.

    Sometimes, if the guy really wants to go somewhere, then sure why not. And everyone needs to eat.

    Calling a girl say early in the week, and for a date on Friday or Saturday, that causes tension, gives her lots and lots of time to fret about it. Better just to call with little notice, or just take her to lunch that way.

    But what you really want it just to take her to bed, and so you want to steer it that way.

    So instead of all the talk across a restaurant table, there is MSOG and the talk between rounds.

    And of course you can see that a place like TJ is set up for this, Jacuzzi rooms and room service food. The "date" is handled by the front room makeout session. After that its just load after load.

    This way is infinitely better!

    With civvies, the more time from the first meeting until tab A in slot B, then the more negative baggage which is being created.

    Sometimes civvies can be fucked as fast as pros, but one cannot count on that. And with lesser experienced civvies, that would be very rare.

    So the money makes it happen fast, and then latter it is a show of care and respect. And in my future travels I will be getting girls accustomed to care and respect money right off. And then it will be lingerie modelling photo sessions, with the money being tied to that, to get them to dress and paint up, when most of the time will just be MSOG's and sex magick, plus some sleeping.

    So what do I like about car key wallet dating? Well if you don't know the girl in away so you can just take her home and fuck her, then you have to. But then some girls will call up on the phone, like 9pm, and say, "I'm coming over". This alleviates the need for the car keys and the wallet.

    Women generally do seem to respond favorably to the car keys and the wallet, and that's okay. But i did so much of that before I was married. True, I showed my future wife lots and lots of things which made a lasting impact on her. And then later we had season tickets to local theater companies and to the San Jose Symphony.

    But for myself I am done with that. The ones I call "The Beloved Latina Escorts" who worked in our underground circuit changed that. And then I am building my own organization and we will be having our own events. I want to channel my time and money in that direction.

    So like a girl from a strip club, US or Mexico, she can get regular TLN's with photo modelling sessions and generous care and respect money. But I will also be introducing her to groups of women and men to get her inducted into my organization. Once she really understands and accepts the benefits of that. She will be fucking all the guys for free.

    My book recommendations to Dominic77, at the tail end, and then about Path of Least Resistance. Both speak to issues Nicole raised on her earlier thread.


    TeX, anyone have any experience using this? Mathematical notation is quite complex, and historically computers have fallen way short.


    also now getting:
    FORTH : the fourth-generation language / Steve Burnap. (1986)

    Steely Dan Live 2006 Charlotte - HQ video ( really good! )

    Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements

    From the Grassroots to the Ballot Box: How Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Won in Florida
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Married what the hell i'm crushed!
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > So, staying home and fucking? No that shows laziness, in there eyes.

    It's "their", and you have been seeing the wrong bitches if they don't crave your cock:

    - in a house
    - with a mouse
    - here or there
    - anywhere
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    That special moment when I look into her eyes and can tell she's decided to give me sexual favors.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    On my dates only the women ever immediately orgasm.
  • @countryman we are only tuscl couple...DC is cool but I only proposed to dc just for fun so I could make a troll discussion post about it ok

    @countryman I still fantasize about us eating cheese cake together ok
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w/ the right girl I enjoy everything about the date - enjoy looking at her all dolled-up - hopefully we are compatible enough to enjoy each other's conversation where we rarely run out of things to talk about - having similar music-tastes and enjoying listening to music together is enjoyable - and during dinner I enjoy sitting beside her close vs on the other side of the table - and hopefully some romance at the end of the date.
  • @DC no I'm.not leading u guys on didn't hide anything lolol I talked to both y'all out in open on discussion posts..we are still a TUSCL couple ok

  • @papi that's cute
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Sorry, guys. I wasn't even thinking when I was talking about a hypothetical woman's buggy eyes looking up at me while she was sucking my cock the other day.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Papi I'm the same way in regards to the table seating. I hate that traditional sit on opposite sides of the table shit. I remember all throughout my 20's I used to judge women highly on that simple act. If she tripped off me sitting on the same side as her, she lost a lot of points in my book. Sounds silly, but it was a big deal to me. Meanwhile the ones who encouraged me to sit on the same side I'd label a keeper.

    Matter of fact, +1 to Papi's entire post.
  • Yes tuscl power couple fa sho
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The car keys and wallet date, to me a little bit of it is okay.

    But too much of that gives the girl too much power, she will try to make the relationship be about subservience to consumer norms.

    Beyond a point, better to just be giving her money, rather than spending money on her. Taking her shopping can be a way of getting her used to the idea.

    And better to do photo modelling and MSOG sessions with her, instead of too much car keys and wallet dating.

    For myself, the women I am intimate will be getting groomed and then inducted into my organization.


    My book recommendations to Dominic77, at the tail end, and then about Path of Least Resistance. Both speak to issues Nicole raised on her earlier thread. Some say Path of Least Resistance is really about The Prodigal Son.

    TeX, anyone have any experience using this? Mathematical notation is quite complex, and historically computers have fallen way short.


    also now getting:
    FORTH : the fourth-generation language / Steve Burnap. (1986)

    Steely Dan Live 2006 Charlotte - HQ video ( really good! )

    Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements

    From the Grassroots to the Ballot Box: How Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Won in Florida
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... @papi that's cute ..."

    Thanks - a lot of girls tell me that then they go fuck the bad-boy while I'm left consoling my blue-balls
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Three speed rates:

    1. Instant sex, say within 20 minutes and 300' of first meeting, no vehicular transport.
    2. The pick up, some motorized transport, your place or hers, or hotel
    3. The phone number, for car keys and wallet dating.

    The lower on the list the more consumerist submission. While often not possible you want to try and make it speed 2, or even speed 1.

  • @papi im not like that lolol

    After finding him Attractive, I'm literally Bout to ask this guy if I can take him out for ice cream cuz he seems so sweet lolol
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing his "cone" with you
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    Serious answer here:

    Her company and the ability to talk to her about anything and everything! Sex is fun, but compatibility is even better! If the girl I'm going out with is like a best friend to me that makes things 100x better regardless of whether sex happens or not
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Nicole, would you step out on DC with a TUSCL Sancho? We’ll keep it quiet and only talk about it on blogs he doesn’t read.

    As far as dates go, I like spending time with a girl who wants do stuff that I enjoy doing too. Have I gone and done shit I didn’t care about to get laid? YES!

    Did I pretend that I was enjoying the fuck out of it? YES!

    Have most guys done the exact same thing, YES!

    But it’s great when you don’t have to fake it.

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Wife and I have a date Sunday. The moment I will enjoy best? At 4:15 am, after the alarm goes off we we'll, kiss, say I love you and I will go make coffee, knowing that in less than four hours we'll be ascending Mt. Washington, soon to look out over the world from 6299 feet.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Get an ice cream cone and put sticks in SJG spokes so he takes a header over the handlebars of his huffy.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    If you take the girl out on a date, when you walk out the front door, what do you need to have? Of course it is the car keys and the wallet.

    And so in doing this, you may be delaying the trip to the bedroom.

    But also, you are putting yourself in the position of showing subservience to consumeristic norms. This gives the girl a kind of power which is negative.

    So while car keys and wallet dating will never be completely eliminated, at this age, and after a marriage and a divorce, I say try to minimize it.

    And skibum, I have found that when married or even cohabitating, dating is very difficult. The girl lives with you, so that means that she has a great deal of power, she has got you by the short hairs. So adding the kind of power that comes with car key wallet dating, it just makes it completely unworkable. I mean with cohabitation or marriage, you are already backed into a corner.

    I mean if it is someplace you really want to go, but otherwise it is just a consumeristic performance.

    In the organization I am building, all of these problems just completely vanish.


    Steely Dan Live 2008 - Cincinnati, HQ Video
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No of course she would not be against that, because it gives her power.

    But it is still a consumeristic display and the power she gets can be used in very negative ways. And then as you are living with her, she has got you cornered, by the short hairs. No way to retreat without making further concessions to her.

    Beyond a point it can become very unworkable.

    Sure in an overall good relationship, this would not be so. But car keys and wallet dating with a girl you are living with or married to, can become very negative and be a big factor in making the situation into a death trap.

    There is no such thing as just 'fun', car key wallet dating is consumerism and consumeristic subservience.

    I am certain that one of the reasons that people love TJ so much and that things go so well with the women is that though it costs money, it is still a car free paradise.

    FWIW, in the organization I am building, all of these problems will have been torn out by the roots.


    Steely Dan Live 2008 - Cincinnati, HQ Video
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I like dates when she makes an effort to look good for me, acts like a woman and everyone looks at her but she makes it clear she's mine.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Most relationships go bad when they turn into power struggles.

    This is the reason that most don't last, unless there is that legal shackling. Then it is even worse.

    The effort to look nice is great. But, what problems are being created to get that?

    This is also why we have strip clubs, to avoid the need for car keys and wallet dating.

    In the organization I am building all of these problems are solved at core, and previous limitations will be exceeded.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    ^^^ twat
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Since I live in the suburbs, favorite way to start a date is probably exploring a new restaurant in the city. I've done cycling and hiking dates, but depends on the girl. Also enjoy just watching Netflix with date at home and Indian or Viet takeout food from nearby. Lately it's been episodes of Black Mirror.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “Wife and I have a date Sunday. The moment I will enjoy best? At 4:15 am, after the alarm goes off we we'll, kiss, say I love you and I will go make coffee, knowing that in less than four hours we'll be ascending Mt. Washington, soon to look out over the world from 6299 feet.”

    That is so heartmeltimg. Skibum wins the thread.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    I like being out with a pretty girl, being seen, feeling normal, having a funny conversation, doing something not solo, companionship.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    DC, yes, I know that everything in life is not a power struggle. But most relationships do disintegrate. And then they do, it usually does play out in a power struggle.

    Car keys and wallet dating is consumerism. If you introduce that into the relationship, you are sewing the seeds of power struggle and disaster.

    Usually car keys and wallet dating cannot be totally avoided, but I still think it best to minimize this. And I am saying this after having done it for years and years, before and during marriage.

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

    Nicole1994 - definite troll account

    Phatboy99 - definite troll account
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