
"How strippers want u to treat them"

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
This is a response to a discussion post posted today by another user, titled "how strippers want u to treat them".

In that post, some of u or other men in thr comments section of that video complained how some (maybe even the minority ) of strippers who didn't want to be touched , on the basis that you guys are paying money

While some strippers are ok with touching , you need to Stfu when a dancer says she not ok with it after U ask her if you can .

because yes, you paid money ..which is why you are getting the service that you both agreed on, which consists of u receiving a dance from her, which she has performed

Ohhh.. You think getting a dance without being able too touch is too unrealistic ? Well that's why you use the brain you guys that y'all like to brag about to go find another dancer who will let u touch her, as opposed to bitching about the one who won't let u to do so.

Moral of the story : stop complaing about strippers not letting you touch them on the basis that you are paying money , when she is giving you the service she paid for, which is a also dance. The fact that other strippers, but all strippers, allow u to touch means that every girl is different and therefore to touch, you have to ask before u do so.

Stop complaining about not being able to cut or touch tits on the basis of "paying", when what you paid for was not an orgasm or boobs, but A lap dance which u received ....


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    It all has to be done only with consent. And nothing is obligatory.

    But in fact touching and a great deal more occurs some places.

    But the place to get friendly is not the dance booth or the VIP room. You want to be generous with the girl, but not actually 'buying' services from her.

    The place to build intimate rapport is right where you are seated, in the front room.

    And the pinnacle of this is the Front Room Makeout Session.

  • Side note:

    If u look at this post, I was only preaching consent..which translates to asking the girl if it is ok to touch her or making a move on her before doing so, and only proceeding if she says yes.
  • Was not preaching no touching , but only with consent, which I have defined above
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Normally I would keep trying to convince you that most here are *not* misogynistic. There’s a lot of posters on here that are great, and I’ve enjoyed talking to them. But since a few have been on their man period in the past couple of days, I say carry on queen troll. :)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    And I agree consent is important. I think this is why a lot of posters on here to compare notes. To find the places that are more favorable for what they want.

    If I was a male PL, I’d be a part of the TJ group all the way.
  • reposting from my laptop bc original post had more typos than I anticipated, and this one that I just typed gets the message across with more clarity:

    This is a response to a discussion posted by another user titled, "how strippers want u to treat them".

    In that post, some of u, or other men in the comments section of that video complained how some, or maybe even the minority of strippers, demanded that they are not touched while giving dances, etc.

    y'alls justification was that you were paying money.

    While some strippers are ok with touching , you need to Stfu when a dancer says she's not ok with it after U ask her if you can touch, EVEN ON THE BASIS THAT YOU ARE SPENDING MONEY.


    yes, you paid money ..which is why you are getting the service that you both agreed on, which often consists receiving a dancer, which if stated that is what you want, is usually performed for the price given.

    Ohhh.. You think getting a dance without being able too touch is too unrealistic ? Well that's why you use the brain you guys that y'all like to brag about to women that you have to go find another dancer who will let u touch her, as opposed to bitching about the one who won't let u to do so.

    Moral of the story : stop complaining about strippers not letting you touch them on the basis that you are paying money, since she gives you the exact service she says that she will perform for the cost given. . The fact that other but not all strippers allow u to touch means that every girl is different and therefore to be able to touch, you must ask before doing so.

    Stop complaining about not being able to cum or touch tits on the basis of "paying", when what you paid for was not an orgasm or boobs, but a lap dance which u received ....
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > reposting from my laptop bc original post had more typos than I anticipated

    and this is why you don't have your bitches post on TUSCL while you're teaching them how to doggy

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Ok bye lol
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Nicole, but most physical interactions between men and women do not require an explicit verbal consent.

  • ...most physical interactions involve an already willing girl, so the boundary of consent is less scrutinized in those cases

    since many of these strippers aren't innately willing to engage with customers, it is an entirely different situation .

    strippers are not "civie girls", and therefore their reasons for engaging with you are entirely different to begin with.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    "Moral of the story : stop complaing about strippers not letting you touch them on the basis that you are paying money , when she is giving you the service she paid for, which is a also dance. The fact that other strippers, but all strippers, allow u to touch means that every girl is different and therefore to touch, you have to ask before u do so."

    The majority of PL dont touch if the stripper does not allow them to touch. However, as a paying customer im allowed to complain after if she didnt allow touching. After getting a dance from a no touch stripper, i can say she doesnt allow touching. this is the truth. truthfully describing a dancer is not complaining.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Well, again, it depends on how it unfolds. Usually what you want is a one on one interaction where the communication is good enough to establish or deny consent.

    So then these external things like innate willingness, or reasons for engaging, are pushed to the margins.

    I do think that selling dances is a precarious situation, as there is an expectation being created, and there is the idea that something has been purchased. This is ripe for problems.

    Better, is front room generosity and contact. Even sometimes in one of your local clubs there was a tradition of tip plus feel up. Not every girl went for it, but many did.

    Better than buying dances. Direct person to person communications, not some prior established expectations.

    We read here about guys talking about ROB's. Most of the time that is not really what was going on. ROB is a more serious thing. What is happening is just crossed wires.

    So let me think of an example, see our above ground clubs are no touching, and basically no back rooms. Okay, but things are looser at our underground circuit.

    1. Girl dancing for me, which means at my chair, grinding between my things, accepting $1 tips, doing some titties in face. Talk, usually with nuzzling and lifting up her hair. Turns out I know her sister. This girl seem to like me. Later, girl with arm around my neck, cheek to cheek. I gently take hold of her shoulders and move her so she is right in front of my face, and let her see that I am going to initiate open tongue kissing. She goes for it at once and without reservation. Then she follows up by getting face up on all fours over my chair, giving me a covered psuedo DATY. I give her little kiss right next to what her panties cover.

    So all of this with zero explicit discussion about physical contact. In an AMP it would have continued to real nice Makeout, Daty, BJ, FS. All with no need for explicit discussion.

    In a higher mileage strip club, it could have been the same way.

    So as I see it, whether or not the girl is a civvie, or what her real motivations and intents are, is not important. She is consenting and encouraging.

    And then as widely reported on black strip clubs dot net, girl sits herself down on guy's lap. Starts licking his neck and nibbling at his ear. In my view, she is defying him to start verbally coming on to her and making out with her.

    TUSCL members have affirmed that in the Mixed Race dives, all the girls do it the same way.

    So my points are:

    1. Civvie status and girl's reason for being there are superseded by her active participation. Verbal discussion about limits only needed if wires get crossed.

    2. Buying dances makes things much more negative and unnatural. Committing to an amount of time and amount of money, and then there are expectations. My view is that this is no good, it is for chumps, but it is also just a bad way of interacting with the girl.

    Am I understanding you properly Nicole? Seems like what you are getting at are the problems which can occur with the selling of dances. I appreciate this. But I see problems as being far less with unstructured non-committal front room interactions.

    Guy should save back room until it is time for his own pants to come down.

    Guys have posted about things like putting a couple of $ on the tip rail, then getting his drink. Girl finishes, starts stripper hand shake. She does not stop the stripper hand shake. She suggests they move to another seating area, for 'privacy'.

    I feel that this girl would have been very ammenible to DFKing. But guy did not try to initiate. He tries to get hand in her panties, she helps him, goes to FIV. No dicsussion about any of this. Stripper handshake continues.

    They go into dance booth, still no discussion, not even discussion about money.

    Tab A in slot B, goes very well. He asks her how much money she wants, he pays her.

    I don't think anyone was doing anything wrong.

    From my perspective, better to pick the girl, show generosity and get friendly, and get that front room makeout session going, then in the back room, then he should take her home with him to continue.

    I believe this girls would likely have gone for all that.

    But get my point, it is the 'dances' concept which causes the problem. Just one on one interaction tends to go real well, and ususally explict verbal permissions are not needed.

    In AMPs, it usually worked that way, intitial words and makeout session, maybe girl asks for money then, maybe not, but she will always get it at the end either way. Then civilian extended makeout session and oral, and FS.

    No problems, because there is no selling of dances.

    Selling Dances is a bum deal.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And then as widely reported about TJ, its like the same thing, but just cranked way up.

    Tip + extensive feel up, talk, maybe going to DFKing right there while standing. Again, it all depends on consent and on what feels right. But explicit verbal consent usually not needed.

    Then likely sitting, the fisha drink, usually extensive DFKing and sometimes FIV.

    In that Miami Room, it sounds like it can go even further right there.

    And then if the waiter is sending a guy girls, often they will just jump onto his lap and hold onto his head and start ramming their tongue into his mouth.

    And then people say there is even more tongue in BT and LC.

    And then in the Playboy bar, widely reported that girls approach a guy while he is seated, use both hands and pull his head back, and then shove their tongue into his mouth. Then after maybe 30 seconds, she will say, "Fischa or Arriba?"

    Fischa of course will mean lap sitting and a more extensive makeout session, then usually followed by arriba.

    Now none of this is obligatory, but adults can consent to such, and usually it is not necessary to have a discussion about it.

  • pistola
    6 years ago
    On second thought go back to posting about the weather, potato chips, and your chocolate cravings.

    Ok bye.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ nicespice absolutely nowhere in u. s comes close!
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    When are you going to do something about all those strippers who have grabbed my hands and placed them on their bodies without my consent???
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    It's a now brainer a stripper is an entertainer treet them with respect and like a person! Because they are people 2
  • jsully63
    6 years ago
    I agree the mileage during a dance is at the dancers discretion. However as a customer if we don’t know the dancer we don’t know what her limits are and I’ve never had a dancer tell me her limits upfront before starting a dance. Sometimes a dancer will give you some cues about touching when we get started but if she doesn’t do that I have to test the waters and find out. If she says no so be it. I’m not going to get mad. However as a dancer you should let us know upfront what on the menu for our money. If I go to a restaraunt there’s a menu. With an unknown dancer they’ll never be upfront since they don’t wNt to lose a sale.
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    Treat strippers with respect and kindness. Because they are people to
  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    If a girl doesn't want to be touched then the customer should respect that boundary. Just because they are working doesn't mean they have to cater to every customer. There are lawyers who won't take on certain clients, and strippers should have the same option.

    As a customer, I'm not going to keep spending money on a girl who doesn't leave me satisfied, just as I wouldn't hire a layer who can't win my case. It goes both ways.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^I agree. Just the other day some young lass was furiously beating my pleasure stick. When she placed her cranium close to the shaft of glory I took a chance and place my palm on the top of her head and applied light pressure to see if she would like to earn a bigger tip. Her neck muscles flinched and thus I did not pressure the dignified lady and let the lass carry on.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    The OP is most likely speaking to the "How to Treat Strippers, According to Strippers" The simple answer to this video is dont go to clubs where girls like this dance. Every strip club has a certain clientele and these types of strippers cater to newbies and bachelor parties. If you have enough experience to be on this site you are most likely going to clubs where most girls are not simply ok with touching but encourage it. Of course there are some exceptions.....we call them trolls.

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If a dancer is not ok with touching, I am not ok at wasting more than 2 seconds on her. Ask to touch? after 43 years of this I have yet to ask that even once. This progressive bullshit is beyond fucking retarded. Around here no one pays for a dance, so a stripper not allowing contact is simply stealing money, in the same way she does when she passes a bad check. Kind of funny that a "college student" doesn't understand the difference between a "lap" dance and touching, since they are the same thing. As far as lawyers who won't take on "certain clients"? If they can pay you and you refuse to take them on it is a BBO violation in my state. Its called discrimination. What is really interesting is that in 43 years of clubbing the number of front room make out sessions I have observed in strip clubs is about zero. Good bye 1 second smooch is the max and rare. The whole concept is just made-up bullshit, but after going in less than thirty states a few thousand times what would I know. I discussed limits once at the old tanga Lounge in Tampa. Dancer: I have limits. Me: ok what are they. Dancer: you can't put any fingers in my pussy. Me - ok. She lied, the limit was 2 based on stretchiness.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If a dancer is not ok with touching, I am not ok at wasting more than 2 seconds on her. Ask to touch? after 43 years of this I have yet to ask that even once. This progressive bullshit is beyond fucking retarded. Around here no one pays for a dance, so a stripper not allowing contact is simply stealing money, in the same way she does when she passes a bad check. Kind of funny that a "college student" doesn't understand the difference between a "lap" dance and touching, since they are the same thing. As far as lawyers who won't take on "certain clients"? If they can pay you and you refuse to take them on it is a BBO violation in my state. Its called discrimination. What is really interesting is that in 43 years of clubbing the number of front room make out sessions I have observed in strip clubs is about zero. Good bye 1 second smooch is the max and rare. The whole concept is just made-up bullshit, but after going in less than thirty states a few thousand times what would I know. I discussed limits once at the old tanga Lounge in Tampa. Dancer: I have limits. Me: ok what are they. Dancer: you can't put any fingers in my pussy. Me - ok. She lied, the limit was 2 based on stretchiness.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Skibum, idk what jurisdiction you practice in, but private lawyers can choose not to take on "certain clients." This can be for religious or ethical reasons, etc. They can take or decline whatever case they want, unless if they're a public attorney I guess.

    And a girl not allowing touching is being conservative, not progressive.


  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Yeah an experienced lawyer is going to listen to a stripper/paralegal on how to go about practicing law.

    No matter how much shit skibum has taken from other members, his experience still outweighs what you think is right.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    And I've worked with and for lawyers with 30+ years experience who will tell you what I just said.

    The lawyer I currently work for (35 years of experience as a lawyer) is coporate counsel for a large company and does whatever cases he wants on the side. We are currently involved in a murder trial (for the defense). He's represented all types of clients, but has never represented a rapist and doesn't plan to. He can turn down a client because he ethically does not want to represent him.

    Unless a lawyer outright says, "I don't defend black people" or something like that, the only consequence he or she will get is a bad reputation. You're not going to get disbarred for refusing to represent someone.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    To clarify, he has never defended someone accused of rape, and wouldn't do it.

    Again, I am not wrong. In fact I'll email him now and ask if he is allowed to turn down clients for personal/ethical reasons and tell you, verbatim, what his response is. A private attorney has no obligation whatsoever to represent any and every single person who wants their services.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Lol, he just emailed me back. He is at his office now and busy so he kept his reply very simple:

    "He is incorrect. If that were so, how could a lawyer withdraw from a case? I just got a letter from a client where a law firm declined her case. Lawyer and client must agree to the representation. If it was true why are so many lawyers refusing to represent Trump?"

    ^^^That is literally his response! Ha.

    Furthermore, if a lawyer is not competent in a case, they would not be efficient and therefore should not take the case. It's a simple 'I'm sorry, I have a conflict so I can't." Lawyers aren't bound to every single person who comes along.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    This is from The ABA
    “In the US, a private attorney may take or refuse a client for any reason he or she wishes that is not illegally discriminatory in nature. As a public defender, a lawyer may be required by their office to represent someone whom they believe to be guilty, but is not required to do so by any ethical rules or laws.”
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    ^Thanks twentyfive.

    In your face, bitches.

    I'm just a dumb stripper who happens to have worked and still work in the legal field around various lawyers and judges, but what do I know?
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    nicespice posted: "If I was a male PL, I’d be a part of the TJ group all the way."

    ^^^ True. One of our important goals in life is to get laid and often.

    nicole, consent is important. But perhaps we're going off the rails a but too much with it at times. I do know "not messing with her money" or how she earns it, is probably equally up there with most dancers.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "^^^^^^^ Meat amigo were talkin bout ninobambino here ninibambino knows everything bout everything just ask her if u don't believe me. ROFLMAOOOO"

    But it turns out I actually was right though...
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Txttyfag why are you so obsessed with me? Why are you following me around the board like a bitch in heat posting right after I do?
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I think my point is taken well, that no lawyer on this earth would take NinoBambino’s advice, just based on pure common sense. Like what you claimed as being right was also common sense.

    But of course you have this constant need to tell everyone how much you believe to know. It’s perception, so just because you know something quite common doesn’t make you smart.

    You’re a wanna be know it all, Bambino!
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I'm just a dumb stripper who happens to have worked and still work in the legal field around various lawyers and judges, but what do I know?

    This is total bullshit. You're the girl I think about when I don't know who else to think about. If you agreed to represent me, the jury would come back with a not guilty verdict just reading my body language after being around you.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Corporate counsel for a large corporation has time to take on a murder case? That doesn't make much sense.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Well it is true. He's also handling a few other criminal cases and independent business law cases, currently. I have actually gotten him two clients since I've been working for him, three if you count my ex (who he represented before I started working for him).

    He is not defending the person on trial for murder, but someone else who is closely connected to the defendant. It is all true.

    You, jester, are just a bitter, coarse "man" who stalks my posts to make snide comments. It's funny how my biggest haters here are the ones that WON'T be showing up to the meetups coming up.

    And btw, as "corporate counsel," he basically does whatever he wants and goes to his particular office located there whenever he wants to. The only time he's obligated to be there is when the company has a legal crisis / serious legal issue they need fixed. Idk why that is so nonsensical to you. There are plenty of lawyers who work 14+ hour days, but a man who's been a lawyer 35 years being corporate counsel AND an independent attorney does not make sense to you. Hm...
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "I think my point is taken well, that no lawyer on this earth would take NinoBambino’s advice, just based on pure common sense. Like what you claimed as being right was also common sense."

    Your "point" was bullshit as you tried to discredit what I said; when I (and even twentyfive) proved it to be true, you are now backpedaling and saying it's "common sense." Clearly it's not common sense because you tried to imply I was incorrect when I proved to be the one correct.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Your "point" was bullshit

    Yes!! NinaBambina used my word!
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Companies that keep corporate council/general council have them because they have enough legal issues that it's cost effective to keep them around all time, otherwise they just bring in people as needed. Also not many lawyers are well enough versed in corporate law and simultaneously well versed in criminal.

    You are a sad, naive, not overly brought person who is desperate for attention and can't handle it when called on your bullshit. The person most obsessed with you is you.

    And shouldn't you be a lawyer by now? You've been harping on about the great law schools you're going to attend since you came to this site. That was like 5 years ago? I know lawyers who did undergrad and law school in 6.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > You are a sad, naive, not overly brought person who is desperate for attention and can't handle it when called on your bullshit.

    jester214 used my word, too! It's far less satisfying than when NinaBambina did it, though.

    > The person most obsessed with you is you.

    You take that back. NinaBambina and I have kind of a thing going here.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Save your money, just slip down to Pattaya. Fuck Detroit.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Save your money, just slip down to Pattaya. Fuck Detroit.

    I see your slip down to Pattaya and Fuck Detroit and raise you that girl who has been waiting for so long:


    Actually, fuck it. NinaBambina and I are into gabber now:


    ppwh out!
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Oh you're into Agressive Hardcore Gabber Dutch Gabba Early Rave Acid House Techno too? Well that changes everything.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    :) :) :)
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "Companies that keep corporate council/general council have them because they have enough legal issues that it's cost effective to keep them around all time, otherwise they just bring in people as needed. Also not many lawyers are well enough versed in corporate law and simultaneously well versed in criminal."

    Please do not tell me about what I know. This is my employer I'm talking about. He has long term clients that he's had since before he ever worked at that company. (mostly on the business end, but then their kids or employees etc get in trouble so he represents them in criminal cases too.) And yes, this lawyers is well-versed in both. He used to be a top divorce attorney in MI, then he got a divorce and doesn't do much of that, but will. He is a fantastic attorney and I am lucky to have learned about the legal field from working with him. Also, if you knew your shit, you'd know it's 2018 and as corporate counsel he can do about 90% of the work for the company at home. Dumbass.

    "You are a sad, naive, not overly brought person who is desperate for attention and can't handle it when called on your bullshit. The person most obsessed with you is you."

    It's weird that you say I'm obsessed with myself, when you are also obsessed with me. You follow my posts just to make snide comments, dude. Anyone can see it by just clicking on your profile and looking at the first page of your comments. You don't even have to click the actual comments to see my name in several. Just read the first few words.

    "And shouldn't you be a lawyer by now? You've been harping on about the great law schools you're going to attend since you came to this site. That was like 5 years ago? I know lawyers who did undergrad and law school in 6."

    No, I took time off here and there to travel, have a social life, stack money for my little brother and sister's college funds, etc. Why go to school every single semester and hate life when I can enjoy it, and make just as much as I would if I were a lawyer now, where I'd be hating my life and working 50-60 hours a week and somehow still enjoy my 20s. No thanks. TBH I might only practice law part time. I might just marry a guy worth at least $50 million, have some kids and secure my life as a millionaire, and rarely use my law degree. Just waive it around, shove it in people's faces for bragging rights. Who knows? Why do care?

    You're a lil bitch.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I might just marry a guy worth at least $50 million, have some kids and secure my life as a millionaire, and rarely use my law degree

    If you and me team up, I could save at least $1500/month and be worth like $15,000 by the end of the year.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Lol ppwh, sounds very tempting.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Nicole, so this is a very important topic, and so thank you again for starting this thread.

    In San Francisco, no more Jim and Artie, but run by DV. It is 'wanna dance?'. So if the guy accepts he is obligated to pay, and I believe this is where the mismatched expectations will come in. Do you agree?

    With Jim and Artie, it was girls jumping onto laps and expecting tips, and what happened unfolded in the interaction. No pre-formed expectations. Mileage varied widely. Jim and Artie did prohibit FS, but nothing else. And so DFKing, while never standard, it was common. FIV, even FIA, also there.

    That it was all front room, hence an audience participation cabaret show a kind of sex education, was central to Jim and Arties's legal defense.

    After Jim and Artie won and the legal risk was gone, we had the brave Mafia coming in, and followed by DV. They introduced the back rooms. And then with DV it really became, 'wanna dance?'

    So say though like in our underground circuit, front room only, a girl will come up and start dancing for a guy, and there is some contact. She will be indicating that she wants money. Most guys will give her some. And if he wants to play he has to keep feeding her money.

    So there might be all manner of contact. The girl will draw the line, if she wants to.

    Do you see there in this being some line of consent violated, even if no words are spoken?

    And then as reported about TJ, often it is the tip and the extensive feel up. Words do not need to be spoken. The girl does not have to allow it. Do you see in this some line of consent being violated?

    At Swingers Clubs they usually do have a rule about explicit verbal consent being required. But that is just because the women don't want guys to just grab them, and especially from behind.

    But say I was seated and a woman was approaching me and I held out a hand and she took it and I guided her into sitting on my lap. Has their rule been violated.

    Then suppose that went to talking into her ear an nuzzling, and then to DFKing. Would that violate their rule of consent?

    At some colleges they have talked about making rules about verbal consent at each stage of escalation, like on dates. But the criminal law has never been this strict, nor could it be. So could you enforce such a rule when it is not backed up by the criminal law? I would say no. Any attempt would just result in a lawsuit.

    And what does such an idea say about the female students who are behind it? Do they really operate that way? That would be really silly.

    This book shows lots of examples and talks at length about consent:

    And do you agree with me that in strip clubs it is the selling of dances which creates the problems, where as front room friendliness, and even tip plus feel up as the girl consents, are not the problem?


    My book recommendations to Dominic77, at the tail end, and then about Path of Least Resistance. Both speak to issues Nicole raised on her earlier thread. Some say Path of Least Resistance is really about The Prodigal Son.

    TeX, anyone have any experience using this? Mathematical notation is quite complex, and historically computers have fallen way short.


    also now getting:
    FORTH : the fourth-generation language / Steve Burnap. (1986)

    Steely Dan Live 2006 Charlotte - HQ video ( really good! )

    Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements

    From the Grassroots to the Ballot Box: How Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Won in Florida
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Oh and the shit talker who my lengthy post putting them in their place keeps saying I got called on my bullshit. What exactly did I say that was bullshit?

    I wish twosheds were still up and the discussion where guys were saying I "bullshitted" my earnings was still up because I was working at a champagne club then and had receipts showing me doing up to 5 hrs in a room in one night and not clocking out until sometimes almost 6am. Yes, the club would stay open for me. I posted pics of several clock-out slips, the doubters felt stupid.

    Ironically now what I'm saying is bullshit when the initial topic at hand was one meat72 implied I was wrong about when in fact both myself and twentyfive have demonstrated and proven than I was in fact correct.

    I'd really like to know what about what I've said is bullshit.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Nina is dull, and insufferable. I can’t believe you think you’re right, like unable to see the forest through the trees. You’re telling a lawyer with experience that he should be listening to you on how to conduct business.

    I notice his time isnt worth commenting on the obvious.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I did not tell him he should be listening to me. I asked him what jurisdiction he works in (which I admit was partially sarcastic as I don't expect him to tell me where he works) becauss here in MI, things do not work like that, and according to the American Bar Association (thanks twentyfive for the research) things also do not work like that so I was in fact correct. Skibum said lawyers cannot choose certain clientele. He said worded it oddly by saying "if they pay you and you refuse to take it on" but in the context it was obvious what he was saying. I retorted with saying that private attorneys can turn down clients, and I was correct. So fuck off, YOU WERE WRONG, NOMEAT72.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Tuff girl, stubborn and not intelligent.

    Go date another criminal boyfriend.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Seriously, they're obsesssssssed with me though. It's hard to believe they're grown men. When I am right about someone, they try to attack. Those lil bitches are so salty it's embarrassing. nomeat72 calls me insufferable, yet is infatuated with me. How does that work? The other, jester, follows all my posts even moreso is also equally pissed that I was mad to the point of being interested in my personal life to a creepy degree.

    It's ok, it's always nice to prove doubters wrong.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Ah, so he's an expert in corporate, criminal AND divorce law. One of those. And a general counsel who works form home? I'm sorry but that is not a normal situation. Like I said, it doesn't make sense.

    I counted my last 50 posts, 5 of them were related to you. So in the little time I spend on this site 10% of that involves you? Yeah, I'm obsessed.

    Yeah, those top law schools are going to love somebody who spent 12 years getting a bachelor's degree.

    Just more bullshit.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "Go date another criminal boyfriend."

    I was literally just talking about marrying a man worth $50 million dollars, so I'm good --- worry about your next prostate exam instead of yours truly.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    And quit with this "following all your posts" crap. In the last week you've posted more than 100 times, I've posted less than 25.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "Ah, so he's an expert in corporate, criminal AND divorce law. One of those. And a general counsel who works form home? I'm sorry but that is not a normal situation. Like I said, it doesn't make sense."

    I just tend to say that he's great at both business and criminal law. He has told me many throwback stories of people he represented and people he beat. When we go to courtrooms, people often recognize him. He sued a city about a decade ago for racial profiling representing 23 individual parties. He won. There's this kid who always get in trouble who he got out of felony charges three times (and got charges dismissed via supression of evidence in my case). He is one of the nicest people I've ever met outside of his job, but when he is working he is very cutthroat to his opponents and thrives on winning. He doesn't like police, and the cops look like they're going to shit on themselves when he cross examines them. Idk why it's that mysterious how a person could become extremely skilled in different facets of law over a 35 year career.

    "I counted my last 50 posts, 5 of them were related to you. So in the little time I spend on this site 10% of that involves you? Yeah, I'm obsessed."

    Kind of pathetic that you just counted your posts because of what I said. Not too pathetic to laugh at. Haha... Ha.

    "Yeah, those top law schools are going to love somebody who spent 12 years getting a bachelor's degree."

    Well, I don't go to Harvard or anything, but I'm pretty with how things panned out so far. And I didn't spend 12 years getting a bachelor's. Your math is as good as your reasoning skills, apparently.

    Funny how these haters of mine will not be attending the meetups, where I'll share other TUSCLers I actually trust pictures of me in a skirtsuite with a briefcase in a courthouse (where commoners aren't allowed to bring in phones, only lawyers). Or at the company he represents, in a pencil skirt and blouse in an office. Or fucking sliding the card and typing in the code the get in when the building is closed. No, I will obviously not shown the actual code.

    I find it a compliment that the haters either 1) THINK I'm too good to be true, or 2) want OTHERS to think I'm too good to be true.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Many lawyers are skilled in multiple facets of the law but I've never heard of one who went from divorces to criminal, plus major civil litigation, to a general counsel who also still takes on serious criminal work.

    As per the norm with you, you don't know what to do when confronted with facts.

    So you're going to show someone pictures of you in nice clothes? Holy shit! Well you got me.

    You're a fucking joke.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    What facts have you presented me with? Please tell me.

    He didn't "go from" divorce to criminal law. He just hasn't specialized in or focused on divorce law since his divorce; he still has taken divorce cases since I've known him; he didn't give them up to practice criminal law, he's practiced criminal law before; he practices many types of law at once. That is not mind-boggling, many lawyers do it.

    I said more than nice clothes. But you're just a bitch on the internet, I'm real and people here have met me and I'll meet more people. The things I offered were of me doing things that someone who is NOT a lawyer, or someone who is NOT working for a lawyer or firm, cannot do.

    People can't bring camera phones to courthouses, I offered to take a selfie from a courthouse and show people at the Meetup (since I'm not going to actually post a pic of me doing that here). Only lawyers can bring in camera phones.

    I offered to show someone at the Meetup footage of me swiping a card and entering the code into a building while it is closed; how else would I have access to the building? Did I hack some huge system?

    I'll get to know a Detroiter well enough on here who has a few minutes to watch, and even record, me going in through the LAWYER entrance in a big courthouse instead of the long line that the commoners go through or see if a friend is available next time WE have a client who has court who doesn't mind recording it from the outside of the court since COMMONERS must wait in a different line at the busy courthouses like 36th district and Frank Murphy in Detroit.

    I imagine that your hating ass would still say "but wait!" and exclaim how much of a liar I am and that it still isn't enough to prove it, right? That still won't be enough? Whatever I prove, you will doubt it. And to be honest, since you're such a hater, I think you know I'm telling the truth and you hate it because you WISH I was lying.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Holy shit pictures of you inside a court house?! Pictures of you punching a code into a building?!

    Oh wait, I can do the exact same thing. That doesn't mean shit. Besides I find it totally believable that you're blowing some lawyer and he calls you a paralegal. That's not impressive.

    And commoners? Really? You mean your clients, their victims and respective family members? So fucking full of yourself.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    In a courthouse, yes, they are commoners.

    And, let me know when you've uploaded a selfie from inside a courthouse where commoners are checked, one of the main things for is camera phones. So no, you can't just go into a courthouse and selfie away. They would tell you, a commoner, to go back to your car and put your phone away.

    LOL at you doing the "she must be blowing him." I don't blow men in their 60s and I definitely don't have to blow my way into a job. You admit you believe I'm a paralegal, then say I must be blowing someone to have that job. You are bitter. Blow your ass somewhere else.
  • Lmao what the fuck did this discussion turn into

    Troll nicole out
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    It turned into me being right about something involving the law and the haters being pissed about it and making it into a huge ordeal because they're nothing but hating ass bitches who are bested by me every time.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Not all court houses ban cell phones dip shit.

    My point was being a paralegal doesn't mean shit. You finding some hack lawyer to call you that isn't impressive.

    You also seem really desperate to convince people of the all the crap you claim. Normal, intelligent and successful people usually aren't desperate to convince anonymous members of a strip club forum that the things they claim are true.

    You're gonna need to reconsider that not blowing 60 y/o's if you want that 50 million husband.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    You seem very infatuated with my life. You're quite pathetic.

    And I'm "convincing you" because you won't shut the fuck up nor will you answer me questions. What did I say that was BS? I said something that was correct, but the Nina Hater Fanclub still gives me shit about it. Then once you believe me, it's not impressive. It sure was impressive enough for you to go on and on about it. I was merely defending myself against your false claims.

    Yes you are anonymous and always will be in every aspect, whereas people here have met me, or know me, or will be at the next Meetup and so will I. You're a keyboard queen and nothing more. So know your place, get used to it, or I'll put you in it as always.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Oh and to add to my last post --- every single courthouse I've ever been to had a ban on camera phones.

    The 36th district and Frank Murphy in Detroit are included in this camera phone ban, and are very strict about it. I'll make sure the selfie I take will include proof I am at one of those buildings, that way if you honestly think camera phones are allowed in, you can call up there and ask and be shut down per usual.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I know your reading comprehension is poor (not good for a law student) but where did I ever say anything about lawyers and their ability, or lack thereof, to turn away clients?

    Like you put me in my place about your Lebron prediction? Or Marijuana science? Or just now about my "obsession" (numbers don't lie)?

    Most people on this site are anonymous, including you. That fact that you've given some of them lap dances doesn't mean you're not anonymous, I never called into question your being a stripper.

    I call you on your shit, you say it's wrong, I prove it and then you refuse to admit it. My place is pointing out how full of shit you are. Your place is being a bragging nut on a strip club forum.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Diverting to topics about LeBron James and Marijuana is really helping your current argument as it stands.

    My point is you're a little keyboard bitch whereas I'm not afraid to show my face and have real life conversations with people here. And since one of the posters here even knows my actual full name, and details about my life, you are A LOT MORE anonymous I am, hun.

    The fact that you jumped into this thread to attempt some insults at me, completely unprovoked by me, speak volumes.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Once again I present facts and you refuse to acknowledge it.

    Why do you assume that I haven't met and aren't in contact with other posters? If I get someone to vouch for me will you admit that, once again, you're wrong?

    Your desperation for approval on an anonymous strip club forum speaks volumes.

    But please, keep it up. I smell good weed and can't smoke it, so I need the distraction.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    It's just incredibly odd that someone I've never met is so fixated on my life, following my posts, resorting to ad hominem, (etc) when I did absolutely nothing to provide you whatsoever. You actually seem like the desperate one. You're someone who do my laundry in real life or chauffer me around if you even have a license. I'd definitely wear a rape whistle and care a stun gun around you. Ew.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago

    Or maybe "provide" was right. You know I don't engage in extras but still bank and maybe that's what pisses you off.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Now who isn't answering questions?

    The laundresses and chauffeurs (two u's) I've dealt with in my life were honest and hardworking people. While that's not the kind of work I do, I don't really understand why someone who takes their clothes off for a living would denigrate them?

    Once again bragging about money on an anonymous forum, so desperate and sad.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    You're desperate, sad, lonely, creepy, repugnant, and bitter.

    EVERYTHING about me makes you mad and insecure.

  • jester214
    6 years ago
    You criticize me for not answering questions but then don't answer questions?

    You could never make me insecure. Unless you publicly do some fucked up shit, you can't make me mad.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > You seem very infatuated with my life. You're quite pathetic.

    I like your ears.

    My homeskillet 2 chains know what I'm about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atHekn9K…
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You're a law school student, and this is good because it means that we known that you are smart.

    Do you agree that between a man and a woman consent can be established progressively and with out words having to be spoken? And do you agree that what tends to cause crossed wires is the practice of "Selling Dances"?

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    There's a word for doing it without consent..........

    But personally, Ive always had dancers initiate shit without me having to do anything.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    PhatBoy99, do you agree that consent can be established in stages, and without having to have a discussion about it.

    Do you agree that front room friendliness usually does not cause problems, but where there are likely to be crossed wires is in the practice of selling dances.

    It is a bad deal.

    Buying dances is a chumps game.

  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Buying dances gets their pussies wet. It’s from that point they get to try your dick out to see if it can fit inside them. But you wouldn't know that you fag, goat fucker!
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    San Jose Guy, yeah, I think that's the natural way consensus is made. You spend time with her and as comfort and familiarity build you get more consent. I think a cash gift goes further than buying dances if you want to take that route.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    And theres a definite difference between getting a dance coz you pay and getting one coz she likes you completely different levels of what their goal is
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "I think a cash gift goes further than buying dances if you want to take that route."

    I could agree more.

    "You spend time with her and as comfort and familiarity build you get more consent."

    Yes of course, that is the natural way.

    Buying dances is the problem. Its for chumps.

    Lap dancing originally meant lap sitting.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And of course you don't take her into the back room until such rapport is established. You can give her money, no problem. But you want that rapport before taking her into the back room. The the best is to have that front room make out session going.

  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^What if she takes me to the backroom?
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    @skibum609 wrote: "This progressive bullshit is beyond fucking retarded. Around here no one pays for a dance, so a stripper not allowing contact is simply stealing money, in the same way she does when she passes a bad check. Kind of funny that a "college student" doesn't understand the difference between a "lap" dance and touching, since they are the same thing."

    ^^^What is if the state or the club or the dancer doesn't allow contact?? I used to wonder if the TUSCLers who acted all outward gung-ho about 2 way contact, (1) if they were forcing (I hope not!) themselves on the dancers to do whatever they want or (2) if they just clubbed in areas where 2-way contact was the norm.

    ^^^Initially reading TUSCL with all of the bravado written here, I thought #1 as @nicole1994 might have. But I've come to understand it's #2 and no one here (I hope) is forcing without consent.

    @skibum609 wrote: "I discussed limits once at the old tanga Lounge in Tampa. Dancer: I have limits. Me: ok what are they. Dancer: you can't put any fingers in my pussy. Me - ok. She lied, the limit was 2 based on stretchiness."

    ^^^That's something different. It's the 'ole I don't do this or don't advertise this with all customers, but I do for you based on money or non-creepy social skills. I find that a lot.
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