How much do you want to know about a stripper?

avatar for larryfisherman
One of my stripper “friends” I follow on Snapchat had a birthday party recently, and she posted videos on it on her Snapchat. Quite a few of her stripper friends that work at the same club she does showed up. Most of them brought their boyfriends or whatnot. I did not know that most of them had boyfriends.

I use that example to say “how much do you want to know about a stripper?”

Do you want her to tell you all about her life, if she’s married, got a boyfriend, family/personal issues etc?

Or would you prefer not knowing about any of that?

There are customers where their boner gets instantly killed when a stripper mentions she has a boyfriend or she talks about sad shit in her life. These customers don’t want to hear any of that. On the other hand some customers are mad when they feel strippers have led them on by not telling them they have boyfriends.


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avatar for _Constantine_
7 years ago
I honestly want to know everything because it gives you a negotiation advantage to understand the person across the table.

Past that I make it a rule not to get attached or care. I don’t trust anything. Confidence women try to spin even the truth.
avatar for TacoBob
7 years ago
Tough call. I’m very much in favor of honesty and transparency, even though that may alert me to my turn-offs (babies and trashy drama). But that’s probably also because I prefer repeated GFE encounters over anonymous extras. I’d like to know what I’m getting into, for better or worse. And most dancers aren’t great at the sustained deception.

If I just wanted one night of dances (or more) from a hot stripper, I’d probably prefer to be lied to about many things.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Depends on the dancer, but my general rule is "less is more".

Also... "boyfriends".
avatar for _Constantine_
7 years ago
Keyword the ittalics...

I would be hard pressed to ever be emotionally or sexually jealous of strippers boyfriend past the discount he may receive on the sexual end...
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I’d want to know if she’s married, has a boyfriend, has kids. I wouldn’t mind knowing things about her like where’s she going to school, what she likes to do for fun etc. But as far as the super personal stuff goes, I don’t really want to know too much about it.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
i don't care about their personal life/info. i don't even ask their age because i couldn't careless. what information i know about dancers is stuff that THEY just happen to bring up over conversation.

the only thing i care about is a hot dancer who is friendly and shows me a good time
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
It all depends on if I like her and will continue to do business with her (make no mistake this is a business transaction) in the future or if this is a one and done type of deal. With favorites I will talk about her kids, boyfriend,ex's ect. My CF talks about that kind of stuff and I'm cool with it. If it's just some random stripper I don't care if she is late paying her high insurance because she has a DUI, or that she is going to school to be a pediatrician , because frankly her and I both know she can't spell pediatrician.

On the other hand like has already been mentioned you can get some quality time at a discounted rate if she is 3 months late on the light bill and her BF is in jail for making meth.
avatar for jsully63
7 years ago
Considering that many dancers will talk stripper shit instead of a normal conversation less is more. I’m paying for fun. If they feel a need to discuss their problems they should pay me for listening.
Having said that if they can talk intelligently about current events or activities they enjoy I’m fine with that. But no personal info. Ruins the fantasy.
avatar for roldes
7 years ago
IMO it depends on the individual experience. I have gotten to know a few strippers fairly well, and let them talk about their life if that's what they want to do. I never really share details about mine tho. But, if they want to sit with me and just talk, I sit and just listen, I don't pull out tip money every few minutes to keep them talking for sure.

But like most, if I'm just there for a few dances, nah just grind on me don't talk lol!
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Regardless the information, I'd rather that she share true info.
Her willingness to share and show that level of trust overrides almost anything that she would disclose.

Most of the time it is pretty easy to see through the SS, if not the first encounter then the second.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I want to know personal info about dancers that I like and see often. Of course, they lie all the time, and so you can't trust what they tell you. They all have boyfriends or husbands usually say they don't.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
To Jackslash’s point I would say 95% of them have boyfriends.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Of course most of them have boyfriends. Emotionally damaged girls are naturally co-dependent, unable to function long outside of a relationship. Add hot to that and the result is a group of women who, on the whole, are rarely single. Nonetheless, often these girls are conditioned to hide the truth in order to feed into PL fantasies or to avoid moral judgment over what they are doing with guys ITC/OTC while they have SOs.

I'm married and I make no effort to hide it, so I really don't care. My "friends" soon figure this out, which often leads to them being honest about their own entanglements.

What I want to know about them is whatever I need to gauge their potential for OTC. Other than that, it's fine if they want to share more so long they don't create drama for me. Sometimes I even enjoy a little bit of a connection as long as they also continue to entertain me.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
If 95% have boyfriends (or girlfriends) that only leaves 5% to provide extras or it would be cheating.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
7 years ago
I started dancing with a girl almost three years ago. When it started, she was one of four or five I rotated through. The more time I spent with her, the more I liked her. The early chit chat was safe and amusing but as time went on, we became more open and honest. She started correcting some of the early "stripper bullshit" as she called it. After six months or so, we had become friends and confidants. She would ask my opinion or advice on things and share everything. She has become a very good friend.
Her willingness to share has turned a casual relationship into something special.

On the other hand, sometimes, I'm not interested in any stories. Sometimes, I just want a girl that can suck a golf ball through a garden hose!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
It's a delicate balance.

Sometimes a customer is appreciative of a down to earth girl, so I have to exaggerate how responsible of a person I am. Others want a trainwreck, so I have to exaggerate how much partying I do.

I think in either case, the customer would be disappointed with the truth.
avatar for K
7 years ago
I follow some on IG, snap and some other social media platforms. I like getting the occasional nude or sex picture or video. A few consider me a friend and i get to see their personal accounts. As for BF? I dont care if they have one or not unless i think it might interfere with our fun. Given the choice, i prefer a single lady.
avatar for two_bits
7 years ago
"One of my stripper “friends” I follow on Snapchat"

What are you, some kind of stalker?
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
What do I really WANT to know ? How much? Thats about it. I might ask a lot of questions just to keep the conversation going and building a little rapport. But in reality, I don't really care about her answers.
avatar for madhouse
7 years ago
Only two things I want to know is if her gag reflex works and does she swallow
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
absolutely sir.

as to her birthday. she seems to be having a lot of birthdays.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Know how much? Enough for waking up with her in the mornings.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
7 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
avatar for pistola
7 years ago
At the club today a dancer told me she was recently in a coma and had minor brain damage. Uhhhhh.... Tmi
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Whether I want it or not, as an ATFer, the longer I know my ATF, the more I learn about her.

In social media terms:

Facebook: I'm not all that interested in the facade she's putting up for her family and civilian friends

Instagram & Snapchat: By contrast, I'm very interested in seeing the sometimes-facade, sometimes-poor-judgement-real-life content of her instagram and snapchat

avatar for whodey
7 years ago
What do I want to know?

1) are her tits real? Fake aren't a deal breaker as long as they look and feel good but real is usually better.
2) what is she willing to do ITC? And what price?
3) does she do OTC? Always a plus, especially if ITC is limited.
4) does she do drugs? Anything more than marijuana is usually a deal breaker in most cases.

I'll want to know more if I have seen her a few times and think the business relationship has the potential to be a long term deal, but that rarely happens since I don't have any decent clubs within an hour of home anymore.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
I guess as long as I'm getting bareback sex and I bareback blow job I don't friggin care what her real life is like.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
my age is far beyond what her real reality for a boyfriend would be.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i'm not a lucky guy that gawker is.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
Most are in a relationship. Most with men. Some with women. Much of what they tell you about it is a lie. Get over it.
avatar for dr_lee
7 years ago
Not a damn thing
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
larryfisherman posted: "How much do you want to know about a stripper?"

^Just her fake stage name. I don't really care about anything else, though building rapport has benefits.

larryfisherman posted: "where their boner gets instantly killed when ... she has a boyfriend ... [some] are mad when they feel strippers have led them on by not telling them they have boyfriends."

^Why? I met and dated some of my best girlfriends when they already had a boyfriend. ;) Look, in demand girls are often looking to trade up. And I consider myself one of the more moral guys around here when it comes to courtship, dating, marriage, SOs, relationships, cheating, being honest, women's rights, etc. ;)

larryfisherman posted: "or she talks about sad shit in her life. These customers don’t want to hear any of that. "

^You could just do the @rickdugan thing and just make the appropriate noises at the right time. Females like it when you listen to them, knowledge them, or reiterate a couple important points back to her at the end of the conversation. @skibum609 has championed this. It's part of the social conversion and it shows to women that you have non-creepy social skills. Most actually realize you don't really want to listen, and will *reward* you for it if you humor them.

^All learn-able at 15 y/o or later, unless you didn't successful date much. ;)
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