
At least men my age CHOOSE to conversate with those who respectfully disagree wi

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
...unlike TUSCL MEN(and some women).

LMAO .instead - u all make assumptions and unsupported personal attacks on those who disagree with u .

This means that you guys arent mature enough to walk away from someone u disagree with ..but can't control your anger and stupidity enough to the point where you make the claims u do about me..

Hence when u ( man or woman )do try to act younger, u imitate a 4 year old..not a 23 yr old man/woman

Nicole out


  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    The word is "converse," not "conversate," mister CorNOT University.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Conversate is the word a moron uses instead of Converse. A stripper, who was going to be the first 10 I have ever done a CR with, said "lets conversate some more then do a room". I responded: "be happy to assuming you can find where my dick went" and that was that. man woman sounds like a fucking trans weirdo Nicole, thanks for the admission.
  • Um..u can't hate from outside the club.
    talk to me when u get in. K thx bye:)
  • Yes..the term is converse not conversate.

    U guys wanna hinge on ONE WORD of the title instead of the content ...y'all smart
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Content is only meaningful when you respect the source.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    Men in their early 20s are always a polite and respectful bunch
  • ..if you don't respect the source then both of you should not have dedicated yall's time. Y writting a paragraph in response to one word in this original post
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    This is how I unwind from welfare day at the local family court. Takes no time to type and eat pizza.
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Why not porn?
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Nichole mad a misspelling must be a juice box troll account LMFAO

    Your welcome
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    If it were only one word Nicunt, we wouldn’t have a problem with it. But every stupidly inane post is filled with incorrect word usage, idiotic spelling and grammatical fail.
  • carolynne
    6 years ago
    Nicole, just remember that boys will be trolls and it’s all okay. Xoxoxo
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Carolynne is TOTALLY not a troll account lololol
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I fucked carolynne 10 years ago. The most smoking body I’ve ever had!
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    This board is starting to read more like stripperweb than TUSCL
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I'm left wondering if the Nicole user is a troll or just a young girl without much experience in life to word it nicely. The thread about guys asking permission to ejaculate after sex starts, as idiotic without any other context as thinking you think it's crazy that other car drivers are rude if they don't ask for permission to stop their car after their cars are already going down the road. If a guy was getting off and wanted to do it on her face or chest and had control, I might understand however no context except after sex starts, well that's why condoms and birth control were invented. Millions of unplanned pregnancies are evidence that guys lose control after sex starts. It's just stupid to think guys can control when they will ejaculate after things are rolling along. Thinking that guys should ask permission before the final act, stupid at best. You can require guys wear a condom or that birth control is used. Guys who say they can control things after sex is already underway, a liar or one in a million. Millions of unplanned pregnancies suggest liars are more common.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I'm a bit undecided if Nicole is a naive girl or a few guys trolling everyone. I don't care that much. I'm no longer reading Nicole threads unless I get entertainment out of it.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I'm wondering if SGJ will hook up with Trish though. If he doesn't, I might make another trip over to Lust to see if I can identify her. Juice said it wasn't him that responded to me the other day. However I will stay true to my word and let SGJ have dibs on Trish. I have other favorites there already. I do remember a girl who looked like the Trish pic but she only temporarily worked at Lust and then started working over at scores or trophy club. She could be lying about where she works at.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    orionsmith said "I'm left wondering if the Nicole user is a troll or just a young girl without much experience in life to word it nicely."

    Both of those things can be true.

    But I believe that Nicole is a dude and a troll.
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