How fast do you move on
Explosion in my pants
I'm talking about those of us that engage in the chump game, exacerbating our frustration.
I got a couple dances last time from a dancer I hadn't met before and she was changing it up a lot, so I asked if she would "stay in position" and she said yes. Instead, she did smaller position changes, and stopped a couple times "to relax" during songs. I found myself getting a few more dances in hopes it would improve, obviously it didn't. I felt I should've trusted my gut and cut her off after two at most.
I got a couple dances last time from a dancer I hadn't met before and she was changing it up a lot, so I asked if she would "stay in position" and she said yes. Instead, she did smaller position changes, and stopped a couple times "to relax" during songs. I found myself getting a few more dances in hopes it would improve, obviously it didn't. I felt I should've trusted my gut and cut her off after two at most.
Unless of course you see me. Then you must absolutely move on after spending at least $300 :)
Two dances max. Then it's thanks for the dance, and on to the next.
At my usual club that's 2 dances, but if they're $20/dance... do the math.
In my area, generally speaking, the good dances are mostly sold by time. 110 bucks for 15 minutes or 100 bucks for 10 minutes, etc
you can get single songs, but they’re 25 bucks or 30 bucks a song and some of them aren’t even two way contact
your best bet around here is to roll the dice and buy the 15 min for 110 bucks because it’s the best value. It’s more of a risk because you’re putting down a lot of money without getting a test drive.
But the girls generally give good to great dances when you’re spending that much and they don’t mind being guided by your instruction. I did a 15 min room with a gorgeous mixed race girl not too long ago and when I told her to go from Cowgirl position to reserve cowgirl position when she was dancing for me...she did what I asked with a :-) on her face
I don't care how hot she is, how cheap it is, or what else is out there, if the dance shows no promise I'm not wasting my time on a 2nd. At the same time, if a girl is hot enough she's gotta basically give me an air dance to not get a 2nd one.
It's also good to remember that a LOT of guys don't want a LD where the dancer stays in one place. They want lots of position changing.
The biggest investment I took was on my CF where I spent nearly a few hundred bucks not knowing whether it would work out. Even though it did work out I would never take that much of a risk again.
Recently there was a post I think by dancer pinksugardoll where she had a customer who "came to the club in basketball shorts" which are normally something she doesn't like. However that customer spent a decent amount regularly so she liked him as a customer. To me I think there are a lot of dancers like that who don't like guys who come in basketball shorts for 2 song LDKs but are totally game if you are willing to tip a decent amount extra.
This is one of the reasons I like the model of setting a fixed base price I am going to pay in advance. After a few visits I make it clear I am going to pay for 4 dances even thought we only do 2-3. It removes the motivation for the dancer to hold back.
@houjack - Regarding your dancer who needed a break, I have seen a few dancers who were new who had never had a customer buy a long string of dances before that legit needed breaks. Some of it depends on the club, if they are playing 4+ minute songs I have even run into one experienced dancer who just never seemed to have had customers before that bought more than 5 songs and I could feel her getting tired and strained at the 5 song mark.
Trish_Club_Lust - definite troll account