
I was out-whaled by a bigger whale...

avatar for Cowboy12
If you fall off a cliff, get up and try again...

...and I don't like it.

Not that I'm that big of a spender, but I think I spend more than most daytime regulars at the small club I visit.

Usually my CF is quick to seek me out when I arrive, but it looks like she found a bigger whale.

It was such a great feeling to have a beautiful woman rush over to me right after I arrive.

Now, I am only second on her list. She did come over and say she was sorry....but doesn't make me feel any better.

Oh well, on to the next....


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Text her a dick-pic, that might dislodge her

avatar for pistola
6 yrs ago

Stay nice to her. When the bigger whale is done being interested and moves on to the next, she'll make it up to you...

avatar for lopaw
6 yrs ago

Dancers are loyal only to the highest bidder, so why should we be loyal to them? Should have grabbed a different cutie and had some fun with her.

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago

Fuck the bitch go to tj!

avatar for NJBalla
6 yrs ago

Shurgs If shes the best in the club Id still wait for her and then not tip or get less dances than the usual.

avatar for NJBalla
6 yrs ago

But whatever you do dont sulk and move on to another dancer. This usually makes for an akward experience the next time you come and a new girl to get rid of.

avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
6 yrs ago

Why not just split the cost of VIP with the other whale and do the room together?

avatar for NJBalla
6 yrs ago

Thats why you never do a room together my friends

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

3 or 4 years ago, I was usually the only customer who was getting timed rooms on a shift and for a stretch, the only one even getting dances. As you say, that was kind of cool. These days, I find that not playing hardball about this kind of thing can lead to turning a corner in the dancer/customer relationship.

I suspect the dancer sees it as a lack of neediness and a more solid regular who adds to her income rather than causing her to substitute one source for another. I would rather go more often on a lower budget with better value, so e.g., when she sees me, my $100-$150 makes it a $500 shift rather than trying to hog her spending $250 (or $500 or wherever a bidding war would end up)

It has surprised me how well they have responded to this.

If one came over to say sorry, I would likely cut my losses and try again on a day with less customer competition. Going to a couple of different clubs works for me to only spend time with the dancer or two at a club who I really like rather than rebounding to a dancer I'm not really into because a regular was busy.

Of course, sometimes, I see Miss Available in a new light and she ends up becoming one I really like. :-)

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

Trying to outspend another whale is like trying to outbid another person at an auction. The dancer wins every time. If you club - it’s best to avoid bidding up the hoes.

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

If it happens again once they go VIP run over and jerk off into his beer..that will make you feel better

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

It happens not much to do about it,, if you were regular with her she’d be foolish to chase the bigger whale, if hes just a one of, but now you know where you stand, move on. There’s plenty of others that would give you, your money’s worth.

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

Soooo what's the issue with just waiting

You don't play well with others do you ?

John Smith out spent me and I still had fun waiting and sharing the same girl

Actually that was kinda hot

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

-->"Oh well, on to the next...."

Exactly right attitude! If you didn't make an appointment, there's always a chance you'll get out-whaled or bumped by a regular who DID make an appointment. Grab another girl you've been wanting anyway, or use the opportunity to get dances with lots of girls to see who will be your official emergency backup. And make an appointment with your main girl next time, if it's so important to you to spend time with her!

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

I used to spend tons...I tend to agree with @ppwh about spending less and getting a little more respect...Also I have no problems helping her friends out while she's busy lol....

avatar for Cowboy12
6 yrs ago

Subra, I did make an appointment, that's what really sucked about the situation.

There are a couple of other girls I've been wanting to try, so I spent time with one of them.

I'll still spend money on my CF, sometimes, but not as much.

avatar for stripfighter
6 yrs ago

It's all about how you look at it. Perspective. Personally, I like to enjoy the scene and scope out other girls before playing with a fave. So my appts are more like party invites, this is when I'll be there but the fun doesn't start until a little later. Now with a day shift, you might have limited time and maybe that prevented you from seeing her, so I get that too. The fact that she came by and apologized, I'd leave the door open but either seeing her or finding another favorite would be set on my terms, not hers.

Good luck

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

Cowboy: ah, you did make an appointment. It's been insanely rare for me that a stripper hasn't honored an appointment -- though again, I'm so optimized on the slowest shifts that she'd really have to think twice about letting a consistent regular down for any reason. If this were Saturday midnight appointment, that'd be one thing, I'd expect to be out-whaled constantly. The last time a CF didn't honor a "Monday at noon" appointment, I moved on to a new CF; no hard feelings, but if she won't give me the experience I'm looking for, then next.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago
  1. There's always a guy with more money than you.

  2. Many strippers are loyal to money, and not much else.

  3. Many strippers don't think long term. So, even if you'll give her more cash over time, she'll choose the guy who gives her more cash tonight.

And many of us happily use the above to our advantage.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Isn't it selfish for a PL to expect/want a dancer to only be with him and bypass more $$$? Perhaps the other guy is loaded and she's trying/hoping to make him a regular?

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

-->"3. Many strippers don't think long term. So, even if you'll give her more cash over time, she'll choose the guy who gives her more cash tonight."

Far be it from me to argue with that :) But I do think that the girls whose business model is built more on regulars, tend to honor appointments pretty well; hell, even girls whose business model isn't built on having regulars, seem to be thrilled and honor their appointments when they do get a regular. I say this because I've been thinking back on the past 4 or 5 years of SCing, and I can think of only 2 times when a stripper didn't follow through to my satisfaction on an appointment; both were by the same girl, one was nightshift so I figured it was unreasonable to expect compliance, the 2nd time was dayshift, and I next'ed her because of it. And this was not for lack of opportunity, there have been lots of times when my CFs seemed to have high-$ options.

In short, my experience is that, short-term thinking or not, strippers do tend to honor appointments with their regulars. At least, if you're a slow-shift regular. If you go during busy shift, you better have $$$ to get the same behavior. It's not about "loyalty", it's about her recognizing that a consistent regular $200-$400 payout beats a one-time $800-1000 payout at the risk of losing her regular.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Seems reasonable. Slow / day shift has a different dynamic. Busier shifts are more cutthroat all around.

I guess my point is life isn't fair. In strip clubs... double that.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Isn't it selfish for a PL to expect/want a dancer to only be with him and bypass more $$$?

On the other hand, isn't it selfish for a PL to expect a dancer to drop everything to give him a couple of dances when she has found a customer to arrange in advance to cover her goal on what is typically a slow shift?

It comes back to the middle way for me. Selfish would be dropping in unannounced and expecting the same treatment from her during Subraman's appointment with her as I would get during a typical slow shift. At the other end of the spectrum, there's being a pussy when she says: "I'll be right over, a customer just asked me for a dance" and then proceeds to try to hustle 5 more guys.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

I think it’s idiotic debating whether a stripper should or shouldn’t, you’re gonna get whatever you get, if you are willing to settle fine for you, if you aren’t that’s fine as well. I get what I want more often than I don’t, and that works for me.

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