
Honk kong

I entered the dragon and was never the same
Thursday, August 2, 2018 10:18 AM
In a recent hk review one of the chicas was a dead fuck according to him. To all of you tj regulars how hard is it to get gfe at hk or at least act like they like it. Is it best to agree on all before arriba? Should you get a lapdance first to feel her out


  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Why are you so obsessed with hk?
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Plenty latinas this side of the border, or so i hear.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    I have had good luck with GFE from about half the girls I have taken upstairs. My avatar is the best of the bunch and I see her everytime I go now. Some are duds, and I wish that I had bought a drink or got a lap dance to test. Recently I did take a girl for a dance because it was half off and I am glad I did. She turned out to have lots of rules so I stopped and said no when she asked to go upstairs. I have been burned but I think overall, just get to know the girl some. Use your wits and go from there.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ chessmaster when you have been to the shitty clubs in Louisville ky you can ask me the same question!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Plus i will be there sunday i was in navy in 90s used to go to tj all the time and missed it! I spend 95 percent of my time in a semi truck if i don't put my mind elsewhere i will go crazy sorry if im getting on everybody's nerves with all the talk bout hk.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    If yall had GFE chicas and have her number, share it to the man.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    @country don't be sorry. Ask all the questions you want. That's what this site is for. Most of us here want you to have a killer time.
  • Rb47
    6 years ago
    @galiziabob What times and days does the girl in your avatar work? @countrymann5434 I went to Hong Kong about 3 or 4 times last year. I have heard of girls just lying there. Maybe I got lucky but the girls I got were very energetic riders on top. Didn’t negotiate or anything just agreed on price and went straight upstairs. Not really GFE though, just great CG position, my favorite, for nearly the entire time. It’s really tough to get me to cum usually, so these girls definitely put in work. I did get one GFE girl though, with kissing and BBBJ and obviously FS but no CIM. BBBJ is rare in HK Tijuana from what I hear, CBJ is standard. I did take her for a half off coupon lap dance first and asked about BBBJ in the lap dance booth. I heard that girls will more readily agree to requests in private because they don’t want the other girls to know about things like that. I heard guys will also sit and purchase a drink for the girl and see how she responds to kisses on the main floor.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Countryman I didn’t realize you were OTR. Maybe you can talk to macktruck about some lot lizards. Lol I’m sure you’ll be fine down there. You’re going to take back more than 1 girl so they all can’t be dead fish!
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The day I sit down at McDonalds, biuy a cheeseburger and eat the entire thing, including the wrapper will be the same day I pay for a cbj. Don't even want a free cbj.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @countryman, no need to apologize. That's what this site is for, to provide information and ask questions. Hope you have a good time there and look forward to the review.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ shailynn i have never seen a good looking lot lizard lol! Im going to try to feel them out first by fishas and lapdances
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ galiziabob your avatar is a hottie lol
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I plan on hitting several clubs and checking out the street girls also!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Front room makeout session, no arriba without that. Go to pussy massage and FIV, let her get breathing hard and bucking. If she won't do it in the front room, then the dance booth or that balcony which looks out over the alley. Otherwise, send her on her way. More difficult to orchestrate with street girls I believe. Girls look great, but sidewalk not conducive to preliminary makeout session. Maybe bring her into the restaurant, if you want to be spending a lot of time with her, got to feed her. Then into LC for dancing and getting to know each other, and front room makeout session, getting her wet down to the ankles. Then set up your extended session or TLN. When I go there it will be to extend a business and hopefully to involve any girls I engage with in it. So it will be the start of regular visits, and I'll have all kind of papers on me which show this. I'll be looking to the girl's local knowledge to help me. Same way in the US too. SJG
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Country, you need to learn about the ficha. Always buy a ficha drink with a girl before you go upstairs. While she drinks her drink, that is when you find out if she is GFE enough for you..
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    My first trip is in just over a month and believe me, I've been taking notes on all these threads. Fichas will absolutely be utilized. As well as all the coupons from the VIP card.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ warrior15 thanks for advice definitely fischas and maybe lap dance to get a feel if i want to arriba with a chica!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    For myself I would try to steer her to a no alcohol ficha, better if we are to be spending lots of time together, saying up, talking, more rounds, etc. I think the real challenge would be to make all that work with a street girl, get that preliminary fraternizing and makeout session by bringing her into a bar, and maybe earlier a restaurant. Overall I believe you will be getting a cleaner and more independent girl. But probably not for newbies like I will be. And take what is learned in TJ and apply it in the US. Front room makeout sessions. SJG In hand now: [view link] OT: Who Performs A**a**inations? [view link] A customer grabbed this waitress’s backside, so she took him down [view link] Symbolic Dimensions of the Gnostic Mass [view link]
  • EastCoaster
    6 years ago
    I have been to HK nine separate times and have had *very* good luck almost every time. I definitely seek the GFE and have gotten it more often than not. Yes, I've had a couple of trips upstairs that were not quite A+ experiences, but I've *never* had a dead fish or a mechanical, let's-get-this-over-with-so-I-can-go-back-downstairs-as-soon-as-possible experience. I will say that I have mostly taken the younger ones. I think they are more eager to please and less jaded than the older women, but that is an overly broad generalization that would certainly not be true across the board. Everyone has their own way to approach the girls. Obviously, if you're a jerk, that will work against you. I try to let them know how happy I am to be enjoying their company, even if it's just to say "me gusta mucho" ("I like this a lot!") as I'm caressing their bare boobs. You can tell a lot by how they respond. It's not like you're trying to figure out which one of the girls is likely to go upstairs with you -- they *all* will, so that's not the question. Pay attention and be prepared to walk away if they don't warm up to you. When it comes to making a decision to take them upstairs or not, like others have mentioned, what has worked best for me is to buy them a ficha drink for $9 to feel them out (and up) to see what they're like. *Maybe* a lap dance for $22, but the action in the booths over a drink is usually very high mileage and will tell you a lot. My Spanish skills are muy pobre (very poor), so I look for girls who speak enough English to get by or are willing to put up with my lousy Spanglish and be amused by the fact that I'm at least trying. I've met some gorgeous girls there that I just can't talk with, and I have (reluctantly) not taken them upstairs. However, the chances of meeting a gorgeous girl I'm more compatible with -- and doing so in short order -- are quite high. There are usually a good number of girls there who speak enough English to make it all work for me. The meseros (waiters) all speak fluent English and are happy, for even a dollar tip, to find you a girl who meets your needs, and they know the ones who speak English. All in all, I think it's not that hard to have a good time there.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Front room makeout session, get her wet down to the ankles. But better if it is in a place where you can keep seeing the girl regularly. SJG
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Sjg- how in the hell are you gonna see a hk girl regularly when you live in south?
  • country man..have u thought of changing ur name to city man?lolol
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Sjg- in most us clubs front room makeout sessions will get you throwed out of the club! Enough with that silly shit please
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Countryman I don’t know whether you saw Nicole’s insightful post but I’ll reshare it for you “country man..have u thought of changing ur name to city man?lolol”
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Thanks trish no i didn't see that moron's post ive had that ridicolous troll on ignore for some time because i believe every word you read that troll posts you lose a point off your iq!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Niciole 1994 poster child for my daddy didn't use a condom!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Front room make out sessions are getting into dicey territory. But they do still occur. And all the more so, as widely reported, in some of the US dives. Kind of standard in black dives, girl sits herself down on your lap, starts licking your neck and nibbling at your ear, defying you to start coming on to her and making out with her. Usually FS will be on the table. And then multiple tusclers have affirmed that in the mixed race dives it is done in exactly the same way. As far as TJ, I said I don't really support the idea of sex tourism. For myself this will all be part of about a decade of regular traveling, to expand an organization. So when I show up somewhere, I'll be hooking up with a stripper and be bedding her regularly, doing photo sessions with her. But she will also be part of getting my organization going in that new place. Hopefully we will be able to induct her into the organization. She may or may not want to put much time and energy into us, initially. But as she sees more of what we do, and as she sees her eventual retirement, the odds will get real good. SJG
  • Rb47
    6 years ago
    @countryman I skimmed SJGs advice regarding making out and FIV, and that's actually not a bad idea in Hong Kong. Terrible advice for street girls though, more on that later. Mongers actually typically do that in the bar after buying the lady a ficha. I've heard it's actually a good way to check for lady odors before you take her upstairs, just be subtle with the finger sniffing. I've heard it's not a good idea to get too physical with street girls in the street because there are public lewdness laws in Mexico, and no bar is paying protection money for random people on the street. Hong Kong is like a different planet compared to US strip clubs. If you have a very modest stack of 1 dollar bills you can walk around and practically enjoy an all you can grope buffet. On a regular basis, there are stage shows with dildos mounted on power tools. Power tools. A lot of times the audience gets to use said power tools on the performers. There are naked ladies being carried around covered in sushi, and dudes will eat the sushi off her naked body in the middle of the bar for tips. There are regular foam shows with audience participation. Some dudes will actually DATY at the foam shows. Also, while not a regular occurrence, once in a blue moon there are reports of mongers being pulled out of the crowd and onto the stage getting FS, or even BBFS, during foam shows. There are also reports, once in a blue moon, of mongers getting pegged during stage shows. Technically, sexual acts in the bar and on the stage are illegal in Mexico, but it happens. Also, the foam shows girls are typically the freakiest girls in the club so not all the ladies are like that in the club. HK, is not your typical US club. Please behave in the streets though. I miss HK.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    @galiziabob - The girl in your avatar is absolutely gorgeous. Is there a blog somewhere to follow with that? I'm not into big butts or fake tits. Would that be a problem at HK?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Countryman, front room make out sessions do occur in US clubs. We have credible accounts, and there were more accounts on black strip clubs (dot) net. But they could be more common if guys just learned how to steer it that way and stopped buying dances! As far as TJ street girls, I believe that one needs to being them into a bar or restaurant to get those preliminaries. Not seen any actual accounts of this though. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Countryman, have you now returned from TJ? HK bar only, or other bars and street girls? How much time you spend with any one girl? Food, Jacuzzi, TLN? SJG
  • Kevinmontes
    6 years ago
    San jose guy what is your deal? Im absolutely new here but have been reading a few different discussions reagarding hk and you always want to comment even though you have never been. Things i take away from everything u post is nevada chicken ranch this, dfk that, and pretty soon your business is going to allow u to travel to hk. Hard to tell if youre trolling, being serious, or trying hard to fit in.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Kevinmontes pay no attention to SJG. The fact that you can already tell something is up with him despite only having read a few threads tells me you're pretty perceptive. You'll soon see firsthand why most of the members on this site just ignore him.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Kevinmontes, TJ has emerged as the place which shows how it should be done right, front room makeout sessions. I have never claimed any first hand TJ experience, and I am careful about this, but it is well documented and recorded in videos. TFP, just for you: [view link] SJG
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is widely mocked and considered potentially mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    SJG lol don't be mad at me just because Kevinmontes can see through your bullshit after only a few days here.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And TFP, don't be bad at me just because I can see that you are engaging in senseless belligerence. SJG Led Zeppelin 2 [view link] Catholic Church Cover-up: 300 Priests Sexually Abused 1,000 Children in Pennsylvania [view link] “This Church Is a Criminal Enterprise”: Former Priest & Survivor Speak Out on PA Catholic Sex Abuse [view link] “I’m Bringing My Bullhorn to Congress”: Rashida Tlaib Poised to Become First Muslim Congresswoman [view link]
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