
Getting hired at Follies as a Black Dancer

Sunday, July 29, 2018 5:25 AM
Hi there! I’m a black dancer based in Atlanta and was wondering if any Follies customers would be able to asses my chances of getting hired here? I’ve tried to audition for dayshift on multiple occasions but never managed to get hired for whatever reason. About me : 5’9”, slim build, perky butt. Here's an album of me —> [view link] Thanks in advance!


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Never been to follies, but you look fine, could there be some other reason, follies has a reputation for hiring black dancers, I would suggest waiting for some of the follies regulars to respond tho.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I wish I could answer that. Most customers agree that dancer quality has really taken a nose dive but I can't seem to get a straight answer on whether of not they are hiring. As 4 employees and get 4 different answers. I and a lot of other customers would like to see an increase in attractive white dancers but given a choice between attractive and fugly, would choose attractive regardless of race. You look a lot better than most of the dancers that I have been seeing there lately. Kinda looks like the owner's wife is doing the hiring. :) Good luck.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    I can assure you that it isn’t because of your looks. You are better looking than the vast majority of the dancers there. Actually, you are one the better looking dancers I have seen anywhere.
    6 years ago
    @doctorevil here’s to hoping that the hiring manager/housemom/rude ass doorgirl shares your views...I’ve been there at least four times and no one’s given me the time of day. Rumor has it that they’re more reluctant to hire black girls during the day. I think I’ll try night shift to see if I can at least get my foot in the door
  • londonguy
    6 years ago
    I'd buy at least one dance from you :-)
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    damn girl. maybe you are too pretty. tone down that face.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    You look great! Why don't you move to Detroit?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Who knows why, but: 1) Follies is a popular club and I assume they can't hire every girl that wants to work there especially on the more popular dayshift 2) Follies is probably the most AA-dancer-friendly mixed-club I've seen but most mixed clubs seem to have a quota on black dancers I assume to keep the club from becoming a black club where most of the white custies end up leaving - i.e. could be they don't want dayshift to become mostly AA like nightshift Worth a try to try nightshift and see if you can transition to at least midshift (if they have a midshift)
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    They do have a mid shift that starts at 4PM. Steve is the day shift manager and Abbey is the day shift house mom.
    6 years ago
    Haha well if everything goes according to plan, I’ll be able to come by tonight. I don’t want to say I’m desperate but at this point...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Good Luck !
    6 years ago
    Thank you, sweetie! If I get hired, free dances to anyone that participated on this thread
    6 years ago
    And I’ll make them “follies style”..,haha but on account of the fact that I’m coming from Oasis, it’ll be a bit of a learning curve
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Well I'm in S Florida, its a long ride to Hotlanta but if you get down this way I'll surely take you up on it :)
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I know a black dancer that just came back to working at Follies after working at Oasis. I don't know if her previous employment had anything to do with her getting rehired or not but she certainly had no problem adjusting. We agreed that Oasis was way to strict on table dances and that too many of the dancers were tied up with regulars so much that new customers couldn't get an "air" dance and the ridiculous fan thing.
  • rane1234
    6 years ago
    Lotta dancers on these days
    6 years ago
    Well Stripperweb sucks so where else would we go?
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ lol Even the strippers know this is a better site than that one...
  • DroidX
    6 years ago
    Hopefully they come to their senses and offer you a spot. You are exactly what I hope to see when I go to Follies.
    6 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler Yeah I'm not remotely interested in going on a site where its most active members are a bunch of unhelpful, whorephobic (that's another topic),and RUDE dancers that are always bitching about stripping's "glory years" where you'd "make soooo much more while doing far less". I'd take this site any day of the week, thank you I digress. I'll try Follies for both and day and night today. If that doesn't work, you might see me at Gold rush (or to be quite honest, in Birmingham or Columbia...I've lost my patience with Atlanta)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ try S. Florida, but stay out of Miami, it will be too expensive to live in a safe neighborhood. North and west Florida is cheaper but I don’t know the situation for WOC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    South FL is not very AA friendly and expensive when it comes to housing - perhaps you can travel-dance some if you have the flexibility and try out different places - Jacksonville has a somewhat decent strip club scene and it'd be cheaper than South FL but you'd be living in Jacksonville :) TUSCLer EveHartley is an AA dancer out of Jacksonville and may be able to give you some insight if it interests you.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Papi there are a bunch of clubs down here that hire AAs not the biggest ones, but I suspect that north Florida and West Florida are more rural and maybe J’ville is cool but I don’t think pompano and WPB are bad choices for pretty AA girls especially spinners, prolly not so good for those big ass types that you like, but that’s a different discussion.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Columbia is dead now. The only club left is Platinum West and it is a Deja Vue club. Birmingham has never been any good. The best city for strip clubs in AL in Huntsville. Goldrush used to be a great mixed club but is now a so so black club in a very ghetto neighborhood. At least they do have a guy watching the parking lot for a couple of bucks.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Fuck Atlanta. Come to Louisville. :) No license needed (except for some ID that shows you’re over 18). No need to get naked (though nobody will stop you from doing so in the VIP should you so desire). And I know at least two clubs that will practically drag you back in the DR if you even *hint* that you want to dance. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    @25 Other than Porthole, I can't think of a mixed club in South FL that has more than 3 AAs working per shift. Tootsies seems to be hiring some now and by some I mean maybe 4 or 5 in a dancer-crew of 75+ girls, not exactly good odds.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Gold Club Pompano, a club that seems to be having trouble getting dayshift girls, they'll hire almost anything that applies, I've seen half a dozen at a time in Solid Gold also in Pompano, in Scarlett's I've seen a bunch, in WPB at Cheetah, not so much on dayshift but by mid shift usually more than a few, and Spearmint Rhino, their talent pool is kind of thin if she walks in there they'll kidnap her they seem to be having trouble tho, also Scores in Lake Worth, days there's at least 5 that I know about.
    6 years ago
    Too bad I go to school in Atlanta...I’ll just have to travel during he school holidays. In the meantime, I guess this is just an excuse for me to get a boob job and take a break from dancing for a month or so. Then I’ll go to oasis and beg for my old job
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I forgot about Trashdance, and SugarDs cause I never go there any more, but there are dozens at the first it’s mixed and the second is all urban, don forget Pink in pompano, also urban.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Don't get a boob job
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Gah! Boob job? Good lord, why?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    girl. no boob job necessary.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and your ass is fine.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I agree with C-flock forget about getting a boob job
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I feel like boob jobs are like makeup. When they think about it rationally, men hate it. I can’t blame them for wanting to be able to evaluate a woman as “fairly” as they can in a natural way. But in all practicality, the investment will likely pay off well. There was one dancer (granted this was during the early 2000s and she was working high end champagne room clubs) whose income increased by 60k after her procedure. As beautiful as Ebony is, colorism is very real and she has to be on her A game to make money or even get hired places. If you go through with it, good luck!
  • datinman
    6 years ago
    Boob jobs are like tattoos. You get the best artist you can afford, but there is still no guarantee of a good outcome. I will pass on dancers who have implants that look unnatural. I have seen hard, asymmetrical, nipples pointing the wrong way, lumpy from scar tissue, some have all the appeal of a flesh covered Tupperware bowl. If a dancer was very very saggy from weight loss or birthing a child, it might be worth the risk. You, on the other hand, are absolutely fine just the way you are.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    25/Papi, if those pictures are her I'd be willing to wager a number of clubs in SFL would hire her. 4Play, Gold Club, Solid Gold, Pink, Porthole, in Pompano all almost certainly would. Cheetah and Booby Trap are 50/50 in my estimation, both seem to have a limit on # of black girls they want at any given time, but do hire them. Diamond Dolls I think is unlikely, I've seen hotter girls come in their during the day to audition and be sent away (no offense to OP) they've got a type at DD and they stick to it most of the time. I doubt there's a club in West Palm that wouldn't hire her. I agree Rhino would love to have her, I think Monroe's and The Manor are both low on dayshift girls too so would probably bite. I'm guessing Scores would, but that's a guess as I don't go in there much. Flashdance and T's will hire anyone with a pulse. Sugar D's probably any black girl of any size or fat white girls will get hired. That's at least 8 almost for sure, and probably another 5 or so probabably's. A good number of them you probably don't want to work at. And finally, I'd say skip the boob job too. Unless that bra is holding them up and they're really saggy, size wise they're fine. At least for my personal preference. I do agree, from a financial perspective as a stripper they probably will make you money, unfortunately.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Thats pretty close to what I said this morning.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    You'd do fine in New Jersey. Not getting a job there might be for the best. There might be a "Casting couch" involved.
    6 years ago
    I love New Jersey! I worked in AC for a bit...none of the racist bullshit there
  • DroidX
    6 years ago
    Did you go back and talk to Follies about mid-shift?
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    Ebony729 is damn BEAUTIFUL. The only thing to make any sense is if the club is “over quota” for AA girls on days. But if they hired another 50 girls that look like her, I’d be likely to stop in every day! Sadly, I live in Chicago. You’re welcome to dance here!
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Fuck Follies... I'll pay you $5,000 to come to Asheville NC and spend the weekend with me at a hotel... we can soak in a hotub, order room service, order movies and take turns slurping each others ass juices
    6 years ago
    Welp..My unemployed ass is about to hit some spots up. Let’s hope I get hired somewhere
    6 years ago
    Okay so, they told me to come back on Follies Thursday and that there was a strong chance of me getting hired since I’m pretty and Goldrush’s hiring housemom won’t be back till Wednesday
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    The housemoms make hiring decisions in your area? Oh wow. In my area the most they do is chill out, sell stuff, play therapist for some girls, and maybe enforce non drug rules. But yay! Congrats you got this!
  • Timbuck12
    6 years ago
    I’ll be there Thursday early afternoon. If you’re around I’ll get dances from you.
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    If you need any advice for swallowing a load feel free to ask!!
    6 years ago
    Thank you guys! Especially Papichulo, 25, and Shadowcat And I’ll make good on my promise! ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Just stick around here you'll get popular
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I'm driving to follies to suck your shit juice
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I plan to be in Follies early on Thursday. What stage name will you be using. You can PM if you wish.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    damn any club would be crazy to not hire you. If they don’t it could just be cuz summer is “slow season” in a lot of places
    6 years ago
    Lol thank you guys for the encouragement. Here are my two cents as someone who’s been doing this for 3 years : I don’t think it’s a “god, Ebony729 is fugly” thing or “we’re unabashed, cross burning racists after the club closes” thing. I’ve seen the phenomenon Papí Chulo described with my own eyes...and Nicespice is right. Let’s not forget that Onyx, Gold Rush, etc USED to be “mixed” at one point. At the end of the day, clubs have standards to uphold in order to make a profit. Do I think it’s right? No comment. Do I think that you guys would rather have me rub my boobs on your faces than listen to a sociology lecture about racial dynamics and economics. Hell yeah. In fact one of you keeps mentioning a desire to “suck my ass juice” so...I guess I’ll just focus on getting hired in the A rather than fixating on circumstance beyond my reach. That way I can twerk some, rub my tits on one of y’all, and at least TALK about the ass juice thing haha Anyways, I went in for night shift yesterday. I’ll try dayshift today and see if I can get my foot in the door. Let’s hope I don’t get the run around like I have in the past
    6 years ago
    Apparently they’re not hiring for dayshift but night shift is. Welp, looks like Nighshift it is. Time to pull up there for the third time this week on Thursday
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Good luck!
    6 years ago
    Thank you doctorevil! I have high hopes for getting hired here ALSO : do you reckon that's the type of spot where I could run dance specials (2 for $10. Free dance if you "trust" me on TUSCL) ? Upon reading the reviews and getting more insight into the nature of this place, I HIGHLY doubt that I'll get "disciplined" but as the youth say...bitches be trippin
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    $10 is a very fair-price for the type of dances common at Follies and it'd be more trouble than it's worth to try and undercut the other dancers, IMO. You are just gonna have to hustle and not assume a particular custy won't want a dance from you b/c you can't really tell unless you ask - i.e. if you wanna make $$$ approach everybody and also check what is the earliest time they allow you to come-in in case you can catch some of the dayshift custies.
  • MrBater2010
    6 years ago
    Looks like I need to stop by Thursday late. Hold the juice I am trying to quit.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Right when I think this site is going to shit with all the trolls, some cool, well spoken dancers come in and brighten the place up. Ebony729 I wish you the best of luck in getting hired at Follies. Although I wish it was for day shift since it seems all the folks here that live in that vicinity only do day shift. Still, I hope you can get rained on by all the young black dudes that show up at night time. And as for the boob job, I knew everyone on here would tell you not to get one. So once again, I'll be that lone guy that says DO IT! Although us big fake boob lovers are almost nowhere to be found on this site, I'm sure there are a huge number of us out there. Some guys commented about not getting dances from fake boob chicks. Well I'm the opposite, if a chick ain't packin up top, I'm not buying dances. Doesn't have to be fake, but it's gotta be big.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Day one she fucks two hundred guy's Day two she quit for the year LMFAO
    6 years ago
    ^^that actually sounds eerily similar to my freshman year in college.
    6 years ago
    anyways, I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted. Note that I’m aiming for midshift so I’ll be sure to annoy the managers hah!
  • MrBater2010
    6 years ago
    hum, Hasn't been around in 5 days. Must have found something interesting. My opinion on Boob Jobs. Don't do it or not do it for a guy. If it helps your self esteem go for it. Guys will say they don't like it. But when the girls come out they shut the fuck up don't they?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    damn girl I'm on the West Coast. I like what I see in your pictures. fuck I even trusted you. don't do anything to your fucking boobs. nor your fucking ass. if your pictures are accurate you're in my target.
    6 years ago
    Update : I got hired at Goldrush because I essentially kept encountering a lot of bullshit during my attempts to get hired at Follies. Oh and I’m in Portland right now...SURPRRIIISSSE. I’ll be in the city, dancing downtown until the 22nd. If you happen to be in town and are in the mood for some late night grinding, message me and I’ll tell you where to find me. Also I’ve decided against a breast augmentation...for now muahahaha
    6 years ago
    But the idea of being in Follies still intrigues me. If by of you guys happen to be in atlanta and are okay with going to a strip club with a stripper whom you’ve had no prior contact with, message me and we can have a “date” in the most popular spot in town (aka me scoping out the spot)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I think someone posted about Follies getting attention from the city for having too many people (dancers+customers) at any one time. Maybe that’s why they’re being extra wishy washy. And good info. If I ever dance in Portland, I’ll stick to downtown only as well
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