How many of you guys make friends with the ladies

JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I'm taking legit friend's without trying to get that pussy.
Ivr spent the majority of my life avoiding girl's that wouldn't sleep with I've never allowed a lady as a true friend...the closet thing would be my X wife.
As I become less foolish and older I'm appreciate the ladies on all kinds of levels. I'm actually looking for beautiful ladies just to meals know Friend shit...with no attempt to have sex...just want to enjoy the company of a beautiful lady
Now since she is my friend I'll spend zero money....I believe this will help expand my understanding of the ladies and a deeper appreciation of the opposite sex.
Anyone have any advice as I'm embark upon a new journey ?
last commentGood luck with that in an SC. Honestly, if that is what you are looking for than work friends is a place to start and expand from there, church if you go and then friends of friends so to speak. I have several female friends but none from an SC as that impacts the entire relationship potentially imo. Best of luck.
Wasn't talking about stripper's...was talking about every day civilians
I have no use for them in sex...I enjoy a bad bitch in the bed lol
guys with female friends get more pussy because of it... fact
That would make sense except the most men i know with a bunch of female "friends" are gays.
I only have about 3 real friends that I’ll talk to on a regular basis and do stuff with and they’re all dudes. All others I consider acquaintances. If you wont come bail me out of jail, then you aren’t my friend kind of thing. I do have acquaintances that are women that I’ll hang out with once in a while, go get a drink with, catch up type of deal. Some of them are interested in certain things so whenever they find like a food festival, for example, they’ll ask me to go. Ive only had one real friend that has been a girl, but we kind of fell out. There was never any sexual tension or anything like that, there’s almost always that with every other woman, even if its just hanging out. But, like I said, we fell out, no particular reason, just getting older and growing apart I guess. As far as friends that are strippers, maybe if you meet them outside the club and find out they’re dancers, but even then I dont know. I would partake in the devils lettuce with some strippers outside of the club, but it led to ‘stuff’, of course.
Nice insight guys
In September 1970 I got on the school bus for my first day of 8th grade, met my friend K (female) and we've hung out in the part 2 weeks. Platonic roommate when i first started dating my wife.
In my future travels I will be making friends with strippers everywhere I go.
SJG - No you won't.
^^^ I was always friendly with the local girls, and they wanted that. But because I was married, I had to draw a line, and the girls sensed that.
Now I walk my talk. Girls I meet in future travels will be the ones I'll be waking up with in the mornings.
SJG - No you won't.
Paul when you knock them out with chloroform and chain them in the basement like SJG does is how he gets them to be friends with him
My prime is past, Back in the day I was the escort to other club's amateur nights and for web shoots. I believe the site was called Chainmail.
juicebox69 said "As I become less foolish and older I'm appreciate the ladies on all kinds of levels. I'm actually looking for beautiful ladies just to friend..."
If you need them to be beautiful, then you don't just want to be friends.
Ive several women who are friends, and who’ve been platonic friends for well over 20 years.
In my view, guys need female friends. We probably need female friends more than females need guy friends. It’s important to listen and learn, as their points of view offer useful insight.