My theory about MackTruck

4got2wipeIn a brilliant place!
There are people on TUSCL who are not exactly what they seem to be. The most common pattern is guys pretending to be strippers.
But in the case of MackTruck I think it is the other way around. I have it on good authority that the person posting as MackTruck is a super sexy 19-year old blonde Ukrainian girl with C-cup titties!
She just wants you to believe she is an American male trolling a discussion board for weirdo deviants that like strippers. I think she is doing a brilliant job!
last commentIf your theory proves true - it would be brilliant!
A hot 19 year old Ukrainian girl with perfect c’s would be a great find! If she’s masquerading as a shit truck driver from the USA - that would speak of significant mental issues - but it makes her hotter in my view!
MackTruck does seem very feminine.
That's the point jackslash! She's playing the long game. ;)
PoolyD, if a sexy 19-year old Ukrainian chick with C-cup titties wanted to troll weirdo perverts on a discussion board wouldn't she invent a persona that seems like a greasy, morbidly obese, gravelly-voiced cross dresser?
That would be the brilliant way to troll! ;)
I thought he was a 12 year old boy who logs on to his dads computer while his dad is at work for Roter Rooter.
If you think about MackTruck and her choppy use of English - the possibility of her being from the Ukraine (or another Eastern European country) - is much more believable.
Remember that character played by Shannon Elizabeth in American Pie? I think that’s what MackTruck looks like -
That’s her -
Fick you jackie
You guys can dream
I am a hairy fat fuck that drives a truck