Do you prefer dancers that just got into the club or the ones that have been the

avatar for laplap1974
Sometimes getting a dancer fresh is better than one that has been there a few hours. For one she is not sweaty and funky so the experience is better. Secondly she hasn't made any money so she tends to want to get started quickly so she can make enough and jet early. Which do you prefer?


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avatar for bang69
7 years ago
It doesn't matter
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
If it's an extras club, the fresh dancer is better. You know she hasn't sucked any guys off or fucked anyone yet or had guys sucking on her titties.

Non extras club doesn't matter as long as she smells fresh.
avatar for whodey
7 years ago
I agree with rh48hr completely.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
The fresher she is, the better.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Whether an extras or not, I prefer them fresh, at the beginning of their shift. Not only are they fresh physically, but mentally, and not pissed off because some asshole has done something. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Not something I give thought to but along the lines of what gmd posted - no-matter the job people often do a better-job early-on the shift when they are fresher physically and mentally
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
"she tends to want to get started quickly so she can make enough and jet early."

My experience is the opposite. I think when they just get there they rather hide in the dressing room or play with their phoned until its a sausage fest.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
The small dive club I visit most, the dancers use the same entrance as the custies and the dressing-room is diagonally across from the entrance so they basically gotta cross thru the middle of the small main-room from one end to the other - i.e. the new-latent walking in is in plain-view - when I see a dancer walking in that I like, I def get excited once I see-her out on the floor - I guess not so much b/c she's "fresh" but probably more b/c it's a new toy that I can play with kinda thing
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
If they are out on the floor circulating i obviously prefer them fresh though.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Per chess's comment - yeah it seems in certain clubs many of the girls wanna chill for a while b/f actually getting to work - but it depends on the club - the small dive I visit the most, the girls get to biz as soon as they hit the floor - I "guess" it's either b/c it's not a big-$$$ club and they gotta try to maximize their time there in order to make something decent; or could be b/c it's a small bare-bones club with not much seating and not that comfortable to just hang-out and chill.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
doesn’t matter when she came on shift. i try to move in on a attractive girl when i have a chance.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I never gave it any thought, but I don't go to clubs with VIP
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
^rong thread
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
It's not much of a factor for me, but I would lean toward the ones who have been there for a few hours. It's likelier that dancers who haven't already sold much that night would be more appreciative and not just phone it in. Also, it gives them time to get into their zone. I had a CF at one point who would beg for a couple of shots of whiskey at the start of her shift, but if I got there later, she would already be in a good mood and just want to hang out.

That depends on the club and the shift, though. At clubs with a high asshole concentration, she might either be pissy later in her shift or really cuddly and happy to see a friendly face. With a high whale concentration, she might already be claimed for the night and early in her shift could be the only time to interact with her without a bidding war.
avatar for rane1234
7 years ago
Nice and musty
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
I don't much care because I go for the girl I want regardless.
avatar for shareher
7 years ago
I like em sexed up so I prefer them to have been 'on' a while.
A woman who has been passed around all day just wreaks of sex appeal.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
I like them new or early on the shift fresh before you other guys get your dirty paws and other body parts on them. :D
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
Never given this much thought. It doesn’t matter to me. When I’m in the club....I totally forget about these things lol
avatar for dirtysecrets
7 years ago
I prefer to be their first customer of the day. I've had the experience of having a fully-enjoyable session in VIP with a girl, watching her head to the dressing room, and seeing her come out in just a minute or two and make a beeline for another customer. Might have had time for a LITTLE bit of freshening up, but not a complete job. When I suck her nipples, I don't wanna taste what some other guy had for lunch.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
I like the sweaty (dick getting aroused just thinking about it, ok ok TMI)

But not something I think about. If I had to choose, I'd go with fresh. That way I can tell myself she's been thinking of me all day prior getting her grind on and that she came here just for me. Yeppers.
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