Would you consider a lap dance cheating if you are married?

avatar for Nouth
Would you consider a non private lapdance in the main room that involved no touching on the patrons part to be cheating in a marriage?


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avatar for BN1ce
7 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
My definition of cheating is that if the other person would disapprove of it if they knew about it then it is cheating.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Yes. Maybe not divorce-level cheating, but it's cheating
avatar for LostinFLA
7 years ago
Mitch Hedberg once said:
I don’t have a girlfriend but I do know a girl who would be very upset to hear me say that.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Not if your SO didn’t see it;)
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
I like 25's definition .
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
If you’ve promised not to do something, and then you do it, that’s cheating. If lap dances either explicitly or implicitly break a promise, then yes, it’s cheating.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
No. And her knowing you're getting it elsewhere could make her put more effort into keeping you. Bitches will put up with a lot if they get hooked on you
avatar for hoarker
7 years ago
Yes. If my wife (about to be ex) had been giving me lap dances and regular head, I would have no need for strip clubs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
If you gotta hide-it from her then yes.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
hiding shit from women is a part of life. nothing wrong with it
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Ask your wife or girlfriend if she thinks it’s cheating rather than asking us. I’m guessing you’ll get a rather unambiguous and non-theoretical answer.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
take her to the club and get a lap dance in front of her, itll make her feel some kind of way.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Didn't matter what we think. What does your woman think? That's the only one that matters.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Tell the bitch you’re married, not buried.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
This is a question that must be determined by a discussion with your SO.

This forum is possibly the worst place for the advice you are seeking.

It’s better to discuss this before you do it. Ask if she’d consider it cheating. I think - in this case - it’s better to ask in advance - rather than dealing with the fallout after.
avatar for Darkblue999
7 years ago
@Hoarker is right. If wife is satisfying us why would we do to stripclubs
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
Don't ask her, just do it. If you want her to go with you, just bring her or just tell her you're going. But never ask a bitch if you can do anything
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
It's cheating if she thinks so. Also check your wedding vows and have an open understanding about sexual limits with others. Lastly ask yourself if you would be OK with a naked Chris Helmsworth rubbing his hard boner all over her pussy OTP in a private dance. If you have issue then she might too.

My wife and I have had dual private dances at the same time on the same couch before and also she had flat out told me she would rather I see strippers at the strip club than fuck another woman, civie or not. And she lets me go to strip clubs when I'm on business trips and when I have a boys night out. She would have issue with my frequency of getting dances but not just because I do. Basically sex and extras are what we as a couple define as cheating. But that's just us.
avatar for shaved13
7 years ago
It's not cheating as long as there are no extras. In fact, it can keep men from straying (well, that's what my wife and I both think). She's cool with me getting dances as long as my dick stays in my pants.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@shaved13 that is our rule too. Also I don't touch any pussy directly.
avatar for Rickberge
7 years ago
All men cheat. We just dont like to admit it.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
(and guilty.)
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@RickBerge: Demonstrably incorrect.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
It keeps them in check
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
It doesn't matter if you think it's cheating. It matters if your SO would consider it cheating.
avatar for kenrodchitown
7 years ago
Isn't the entire point of the strip club experience to engage in a type of fantasy? Bless my stars, all of these attractive women interested in and grinding on little ol' me!

Is it cheating? At most I'd say it's fake cheating. Unless you whip your dick out.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
you still crossed the line.
avatar for jsully63
7 years ago
Ask my wife. She’s usually st the club with me.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
It’s cheating if you exchange bodily fluids. I get massages and don’t consider it cheating. I even nutted on the massage table once when the masseuse was working my glutes and ramming my cock into the soft padded table from her pressure. Yes, she was hot, at a Vegas spa. She got me off without her knowing as her hands rubbed my ass. My SO even paid for it!!

If we’re considering table dances as cheating, when do you cross the line from hair cuts, massages, pedicures, etc?
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
good reason to have a man do those services i guess. butt then again... maybe not if you have a slight bisexual tendency.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
What twentyfive said :)
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
as long as she doesn’t suspect...
however... what if you talk in your sleep?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
If you're afraid to tell you're SO, then it's cheating. Perhaps not the most severe example of cheating, but still cheating.
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