
Oldest stripper

Sunday, June 17, 2018 10:36 AM
What’s the oldest stripper you’ve ever gotten a dance from? I think I got a dance from a stripper who was 35 at the time, she looked pretty good for her age. There is this stripper at one of the clubs I frequent. She’s got to be at least in her late 40’s, very great body on her. I almost got a dance from her, but I haven’t pulled the plug yet.


  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    45, and she look like 55+. Lost her teeth straight up dope fiend. to this day i'm not sure why i did it. she didn't even offer.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I spend a lot of time in south Florida. The average age of the customers in a lot of clubs during the day there is probably about 70. So to them, a 50 yr old woman is a young-un . It's not uncommon to see strippers in their 40's and even 50's. Probably the oldest I even had a dance from was early 40's. And she was very fit and in shape. She had the energy of someone in their early 30's.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    No clue. I usually don’t know their age unless they mention it which is unusual in my experience.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    @govikings- I just ask them how old they are
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    I had a 48 yr old fave once. She had a bangin' body and her crow's feet wrinkles were the only sign of her age. LOL she often wore a school girl outfit which was sexy irony.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    I don’t know their age unless they tell me, and most of the time they don’t. If I had to guess, I would say the oldest I’ve gotten a dance from was in her early 30’s.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    I was going to do a discussion on this, but you beat me to it. I was recently in a club in a small town in Florida and got dances from a 43 year old (almost 44 she said) with two kids, and I broke my own rule by asking her instead of waiting for her to ask me (although we chatted for quite a while and it was becoming clear she wasn't going to ask me). Although I tend to gravitate toward younger 20ish dancers, she was one of the prettiest women I have seen anywhere, inside or outside of a club. Blonde hair, beautiful face, piercing bright blue eyes, pearly white perfect teeth, 5'10" fit body, perky B-C breasts, with no evidence of baby damage anywhere. She said she had been a model, and I absolutely believe it. A lot of girls say that and show you pictures taken by some local amateur photographer. She showed me pictures from her modeling days and she looked stunning (although she also looked stunning in real life), and she mentioned some of the magazines she had been in, and they were ones you would recognize. She also had a pleasant, down-to-earth, engaging personality. The dances weren't too bad either.
  • azdd
    6 years ago
    About 50,and still one of the hottest legendary dancers in Phoenix. She is a Mustang that cannot be broken, though many have tried!
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I'm going to say Christal. She was mid 40's. [view link]
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I got dances (or "dances") from a woman who was 50 or 51. She looked much younger and had a great body. However, when you were very close to her you could see the lines in her face. Of course, I don't show any signs of age. :)
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I don't know what her age was, but my old favorite club had a dancer named Shar who had to be 60 when she danced. Oh, and I banged her, too. Banging her was like listening to Bea Arthur on the Golden Girls have an orgasm. The oldest I have a definite age for is 54.
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    Mid 50’s (Rachel Rocketts) detroiters will know her... otc? A former henry’s Girl that I still see (55 yo) with a bangin body, & never had kids just likes to fuck and smoke weed!
  • clubdude
    6 years ago
    Almost forgot about her Sal (don't know how I could). One at Centerfolds has to be in her mid 50's now...Sarah.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    That I know? Early 40's.
  • woodstock
    6 years ago
    She said she was 47. Who was I to disbelieve her?
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I knew one who was 63 and no I didn't get dances
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    My ATF, 48, two weeks ago.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    40 that I know of...and she has the body of a late-20's girl. Fit as hell. She told me 40 and I said no fucking way! She's FIRM EVERYWHERE (and I was able to play EVERYWHERE).
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    Definitely in her 50’s. She made no bones about saying how old she was. She had a body that would put most 20 somethings to shame
  • DrStab
    6 years ago
    @clubdude... the Centerfold oldie, of course is Sarah. 50+ I hear. Once was at a dive club where the girls were talking about a dancer’s 30-year anniversary as a stripper! And she looked pretty good!
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    40 something
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    not a day over 19.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    There was an absolute smoke show that worked at Players in Detroit on 8 Mile. Last time I was her I think she was around 43. The last several times I’ve been to players I haven’t seen her but I haven’t been there in almost a year. Would love to know if she’s still working if any of the Detroit guys ever go in there. I think her stage name was Jamie.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Over 40, for the ones I've engaged with f2f. Seen on xoticspot, ones seeming to be in their 50's. gone now: [view link] With xoticspot, since most of the clubs used xoticspot hosted web pages, you certainly seemed to be able to glean a whole lot about the clubs and the girls. SJG
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    You know this is a touchy subject. If a woman appears “older” I think you should only ask her age if you’re Juice checking her out when she’s buying alcohol at piggly wiggly or if you’re a door man at a club.
  • badnews53
    6 years ago
    I have gotten dances from a lot of older women. I never asked their ages. But they had to be over 40, some were in their 50's. They were not beauty queens, not even close. I like oddities. What you might see as the perfect woman, "The Generic Ms.America" to me is boring. Mind numbingly boring. I like imperfections on an otherwise decent body. Especially if the woman is in anyway embarrassed or self conscious about her appearance. Slightly overweight, one tit slightly bigger than the other. I love buck teeth with a nice gap in the front, especially on a black woman. And if the two front buck teeth have a nice gap and they're gold capped? Hell I might just "make it rain", one slow excruciating dollar at a time of course. I like a bright pink cesarean scar, especially if the scar is thick with a nice ridge. I like to touch and feel the texture of it. I like an anus with that little knot of fat right above the asshole. It looks like a big mole but I think its just a knot of fat. I even like to look at the wrinkles circling an older woman's anus. They're so many goodies that come with an older woman if you take the time to look. Thank God for the afternoon shift.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    If y'all like them older bitches be sure to hit up the Clermont Lounge in Atlanta. You won't be disappointed.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t ask about a dancers age. It puts you in a bad position - as it’s easy for a dancer to turn it around and ask “How old do you think I am?” Since stripping can age girls quickly, and since some have chemical habits - it can be easy to think - she looks 40 - so I’ll guess 35 to be safe - and then she says - she just turned 25...
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    @cashman yeah a few did ask me how old I thought they were when I asked how old they were. In that situation I always tell them younger than what I actually think. The worst was I guessed one girl was 25, but she was 21. It was a brief awkward moment.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    The oldest I've spent money on was probably early 40s but she was a fit spinner and could have passed for early 30s. The oldest I've ever seen had to be at least mid to late 50s and looked every second of it plus!
  • JackAstor
    6 years ago
    She was pushing 70 yo at the Clermont. She was dressed like Lil' Bo Peep . Anyone who's been there knows the one . When she was on stage she hiked top her skirt and spread that worn-out catcher's mit. I was sold .
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    JackAstor - that’s a great description! It’s hot (in my opinion) when older dancers open up and show off the goods - as I’m already thinking of doing filthy things to them.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Known and proven age, 39, in Key West.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    6 years ago
    There was an old big-titted butterfaced crone called Care Bear at a now defunct Detroit dive called the Dutchess who had to have been collecting Social Security when she hung up her thong and heels.
  • rockie
    6 years ago
    At least 4 different dancers in their 40's. The oldest that I specifically know her age was 45 at the time. One dancer (whom I've never asked) might be 50. My preference is 24 year old spinner type. My favorite 35+ year old dancers are not spinners, but are nicely toned and entertain well in all different ways.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I knew of a dancer in her 50's, I can't remember the last time I bought a dance from her. I'm having a Deja's vu like moment. Fell asleep, 2 hours later same tv show same part back on.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    55. She had a buttah face, but her body was delicious - still smooth and wrinkle free. I think she retired on her 60th birthday.
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