^ When I saw that all the local stations were showing coverage of the wedding instead of their morning news broadcast, I turned off the TV because there was nothing on I wanted to watch. I get all my TV OTA through an antenna. I cancelled my cable subscription about a year ago.
It isnt homo to watch a wedding, but it is quite weak as hell to succumb to perpetuation of macho masculinity by assuming watching weddings=homo, since that is obviously false. lmao joke is on men.who.think.this way since it is not.true as proven in.real life.have a nice day
Boy if it waa only girls who thought the way i did as echoed in my previous comment..not true, many reaaonable.men think this way as well.so ur comment has nothing to do with girls, since the reasoning behind it applies to men
No. I was near the TV just long enough to get my morning coffee and see that my wife and daughters were watching. As I was making my escape from the kitchen with coffee in hand, the program switched from wedding coverage to a commercial for vaginal cream, which I think says something about the target demographic for this. ;)
Our little Nicole1994 is the same twat that showed up here a while back talking shit and telling everyone that they didn't understand her she's a fucking troll.
"As I was making my escape from the kitchen with coffee in hand, the program switched from wedding coverage to a commercial for vaginal cream, which I think says something about the target demographic for this."
So what you're saying is they were targeting pussies like realrandumbmorondougster?
SJG - no, that’s not why I’m fascinated. I’m not fascinated by Hollywood either. A bunch of west coast liberals who think they are superior to the working folks is very different.
Somehow or other I knew SJG would have a stupid comment to make so I peeked in just to get a laugh, but let me tell you SJG your comment about Prince Harry is crossing a line that is emblematic of what a little twerp you really are. By what account do you have the absolute gall to compare a man who served honorably in the armed forces of his country, and is respected by all whom he served with to an SS Trooper from the Third Reich. You are a pathetic bore, go and fuck yourself, you cowardly sniveling, tasteless imbecile.
By the time we need this lifeboat, this post will be gone. So join now. At a minimum, save the info some place safe, like in emails to yourself, and on paper. Thanks to those who continue to join. You should be able to try out posting right now.
Other countries have taken down their monarchy and aristocracy. Here at least we have a constitutional prohibition on the gov't giving our titles of nobility.
He made a mistake many years ago. When he appeared in that nazi costume at a Halloween party.
In my opinion - he’s handled himself very well since that moment. He’s served honorably in the military.
I’m glad he’s found a woman who makes him happy. He’s had a good bit to deal with - and I wish him well.
Based on your ability to take isolated acts and blow them out of proportion - I’m not surprised that you hold an unfavorable view of him. But that’s your problem.
The British Royal Family has a long history of shadow scoundrels. I am not saying that Harry has proven himself to be one of them, I am just saying that he looks suspect.
It usually is the out of power people, like Harry, one who stands little chance of ever becoming King.
SJG, I have never in my years on TUSCL criticised you or any other contributor and in that time I have read some stupid and crass statements. However your points in this thread are typical of your warped view.
No, the Royal Family aren't perfect, as they concede themselves.
@londonguy, that moron has no value system whatsoever, he is such a louse, he can’t even stand himself, if you’ve ever heard the phrase >misery likes company< it fits him well, his existence is so miserable, all he ever wants to do is tear others down, in an attempt to justify his own miserable existence.
Sorry to move the discussion away from SJG being an ass. But the hottest look at the wedding was the unofficial maid of honor - Jessica Mulroney. Very fucking sexy - and yet still classy (not that I know anything about class!)
There is no fucking way you're allowed to prance in here and start a thread about the royal wedding, and then say "no homo". Yes, fucking homo, just own it, nancy. Oh, and did you see her dress?
How many times did you cry watching this? Right? After it was over, did anyone else immediately pull up Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants on PPV? Tonight I'm watching The Notebook
Sorry folks, its his own countrymen and countrywomen who have an issue with Prince Harry over the Nazi uniform, it makes him come across like Edward 8th. That Wallis Simpson woman was just a cover for getting him out. He was pro-Nazi.
Maybe Harry was then young, but he was surrounded with people who were old enough to know better.
Hitler was planning on putting Edward the 8th back on the throne.
British Intelligence was recording his extremely cordial telephone calls with the Nazi's.
And you know that British sympathizers were always a central part of the Nazi plan. When Rudoph Hess flew to England, he demanded to be taken to the Duke of Hamilton.
After France fell, Hitler did not have any plans to invade England. The last thing he ever wanted was another two front war. Hitler believed that he could use diplomacy and posturing to close fronts at will.
He only started bombing England because they were bombing him and arming French Resistance, and so he had no other choice, He was never actually prepared to invade.
Hitler was equipped only with operational bombers, not strategic bombers, and he did not then have landing craft. The threat was bogus.
He knew that buy bombing he could never defeat England, he just thought that like most countries, they would not want to fight.
So his plans always centered around collaborators. For England, Edward 8th was his man. This is why British intelligence and the government under Stanley Baldwin insisted that he be removed. Wallis Simpson was just a cover story.
In any event, I still consider Prince Harry suspect. Lots of such people in the Royal Family, and in the British government.
And this, very good, and goes at great length into Edward 8th
Most of the conservative party, from Neville Chamberlain to Bank of England Chairman Montagu Norman, were openly pro-Nazi. This was what made Winston Churchill so remarkable, one of very few in his party who was not pro-Nazi.
It was because Joseph Kennedy was correctly seen as a supporter of Chamberlain that he eventually had to accept that he would have to forego the US Presidency and leave that to his sons.
And so now you know why one of Elizabeth's first acts was to expunge the German names from her family. She is clean, but there is a contingent in her family which is nothing of the sort. She has kept it subdued, but she has not eliminated it. So everyone knows that the time to watch out is after she passes. It could turn into something like that Richard III adaptation.
Princess Margaret was hated, and there are others like her.
last commentSo what you're saying is they were targeting pussies like realrandumbmorondougster?
@ Cashman. You live in a Republic so I guess you'll find it hard to understand. That's not to criticise you.
Said Royal Family has its evil members. Elizabeth II has kept this subdued, but it has not been eliminated.
It is a great deal like in Shakespeare's plays.
I’m amazed at how the royals considered themselves to be superior to other humans.
Sad situation.
By what account do you have the absolute gall to compare a man who served honorably in the armed forces of his country, and is respected by all whom he served with to an SS Trooper from the Third Reich. You are a pathetic bore, go and fuck yourself, you cowardly sniveling, tasteless imbecile.
The Royal Family has its baddies. They usually are those kept our of the limelight, like Princes Margaret. Many are reminded of Edward 8th.
By the time we need this lifeboat, this post will be gone. So join now. At a minimum, save the info some place safe, like in emails to yourself, and on paper. Thanks to those who continue to join. You should be able to try out posting right now.
Jeff Beck and Rosie Oddie
In my opinion - he’s handled himself very well since that moment. He’s served honorably in the military.
I’m glad he’s found a woman who makes him happy. He’s had a good bit to deal with - and I wish him well.
Based on your ability to take isolated acts and blow them out of proportion - I’m not surprised that you hold an unfavorable view of him. But that’s your problem.
It usually is the out of power people, like Harry, one who stands little chance of ever becoming King.
No, the Royal Family aren't perfect, as they concede themselves.
You're so full of shit SJG.
Some Queen - and Frankie goes to Hollywood got me very misty eyed!
Maybe Harry was then young, but he was surrounded with people who were old enough to know better.
Hitler was planning on putting Edward the 8th back on the throne.
And you know that this is the basis of
Fascist England
Biggest Cover Up In History
British Intelligence was recording his extremely cordial telephone calls with the Nazi's.
And you know that British sympathizers were always a central part of the Nazi plan. When Rudoph Hess flew to England, he demanded to be taken to the Duke of Hamilton.
After France fell, Hitler did not have any plans to invade England. The last thing he ever wanted was another two front war. Hitler believed that he could use diplomacy and posturing to close fronts at will.
He only started bombing England because they were bombing him and arming French Resistance, and so he had no other choice, He was never actually prepared to invade.
Hitler was equipped only with operational bombers, not strategic bombers, and he did not then have landing craft. The threat was bogus.
He knew that buy bombing he could never defeat England, he just thought that like most countries, they would not want to fight.
So his plans always centered around collaborators. For England, Edward 8th was his man. This is why British intelligence and the government under Stanley Baldwin insisted that he be removed. Wallis Simpson was just a cover story.
In any event, I still consider Prince Harry suspect. Lots of such people in the Royal Family, and in the British government.
And this, very good, and goes at great length into Edward 8th
Most of the conservative party, from Neville Chamberlain to Bank of England Chairman Montagu Norman, were openly pro-Nazi. This was what made Winston Churchill so remarkable, one of very few in his party who was not pro-Nazi.
It was because Joseph Kennedy was correctly seen as a supporter of Chamberlain that he eventually had to accept that he would have to forego the US Presidency and leave that to his sons.
Princess Margaret was hated, and there are others like her.