In terms of bodies - that dancer has an amazing body - she’s slender - has long sexy legs - great tits - nicely toned too. I liked what I could see of her body art too.
The room looks super comfy - with good space to lay back and enjoy.
If you are a fan of sensual lap dances - this is a pretty impressive one!
If you prefer filthy dances - this isn’t one. Almost 3 minutes - and her bottoms stayed on - not even pulled aside. She didn’t even pull his cock out and suck it - or sit on it!
Wtf happened to strip clubs? This is one of those classy gentlemen’s clubs - with high fees - and no whores.
LOL ^^^^ why I didn't give it a 9 or 10....If that was me....I would have had some dfk, pussy play, maybe even FS in a place that allowed it.
But for a clean establishment to a new custie, looks about right.
Is this even a real dance at a real club? There has to be someone else in the room recording with the angle changes. Maybe a girlfriend/wife or something. Which could probably cause the girl to be more shy in her dance if she was cool with the recording at all. The dance lasted just over 2.5 minutes (from the time she got on top of him to when she got off, npi), and she wasted almost a minute to get her bra off (like a tank top, lol). Actual dance kind of sucked (the dancer was quite attractive, though), but the guy didn't try much either in what seemed like a very private setting. Is this only a one-way contact club? The dancer seemed to be avoiding his mouth with her titties and used boring positions. Why would you do a leg spread (covered, mind you) facing away from a guy? I wouldn't pay for that dance (even $10) and the guy seemed done at one. It literally seemed like a dance you might get at Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove, IL. Those are also only $10 (although you have to buy 5) and the same length, but the girls give a bit better grind. And i've had better dances at the freaking Admiral in Chicago, a club PLs like to make fun of because of the lack of mileage. I'm talking even the floor dances (also $10). At least the girls get naked and the dances are longer.
Oh i forgot. I'll give the girl an 8, but the dance a 3 (a poor dance and well below the average dance i tend to get). It didn't have any of things i cared about in a lap dance (from my last discussion). No decent mileage, no GFE, no real sensuality or sexiness and poor visuals. It was just and only the first dance, but still. If all or even most of the dances there were like this, i wouldn't ever go back to that club.
I thought it was a decent dance factoring in that there was a camera and the patron seemed like a newbie. I wouldn't be as generous if this was a dance one of us received
Great dance if it was during a pot luck supper at a church. Decent body; gross tats; 2/3 for the dance. She would have to up her game around here because that is what we call an "air dance".
Civilianize it, front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then take her home with you to continue.
^^^^^ Soft words, tittie massaging, generosity, DFKing which starts out gently.
Then when both parties are clearly running on the parasympathetic nervous system and she is letting you lead it, and it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.
And assume that you'll be waking up with her the next morning.
Without knowing club rules for touching makes this very arbitrary. If two way touching is allowed this dance is like a 2. If it is one way only then its about a 7. Stick shifting would up the rating, the bra was on too long and more grinding needed.
As for the girl, not my body type (too skinny) and too many tats for my taste. Face is cute.I'd give her a 6 because of the face.
I thought the lap dance in the OP was....ok for a one way touch club. Not enough contact for my taste though. Judging from his touch level the mileage isn't very high. I try to stay away from clubs like these. A dance more to my liking would mean her tits would be groped 50% of the time and the other 50% my hands would be on her ass or somewhere else. No feeding either which sucked because he looked like he wanted to.
I'd give the dance a 5. She was good looking and she gave him some ok grinding but she changed positions too fast. Probably not fair to judge off one dance, even though if that were the one dance I got I probably wouldn't continue. Girls that get me to buy more dances usually spend the last minute in a constant grind and also encourage groping.
last commentpretty, pretty, pretty good
Don’t know, couldn’t see her body through all those tats.
She's not bad....I'm assuming he's not a regular...I'd say 7 or 8 out of 10
In terms of bodies - that dancer has an amazing body - she’s slender - has long sexy legs - great tits - nicely toned too. I liked what I could see of her body art too.
The room looks super comfy - with good space to lay back and enjoy.
If you are a fan of sensual lap dances - this is a pretty impressive one!
If you prefer filthy dances - this isn’t one. Almost 3 minutes - and her bottoms stayed on - not even pulled aside. She didn’t even pull his cock out and suck it - or sit on it!
Wtf happened to strip clubs? This is one of those classy gentlemen’s clubs - with high fees - and no whores.
not a fan of tats...thumbs down
took 50 seconds to get the tits out? Huge Fail
LOL ^^^^ why I didn't give it a 9 or 10....If that was me....I would have had some dfk, pussy play, maybe even FS in a place that allowed it. But for a clean establishment to a new custie, looks about right.
Couldn't get away from those tats fast enough. I wouldn't get a dance from her with someone else's money.
Dancer: mid 7 Dance: 7
Above average dancer and dance but I wouldn't pay for a dance
Is this even a real dance at a real club? There has to be someone else in the room recording with the angle changes. Maybe a girlfriend/wife or something. Which could probably cause the girl to be more shy in her dance if she was cool with the recording at all. The dance lasted just over 2.5 minutes (from the time she got on top of him to when she got off, npi), and she wasted almost a minute to get her bra off (like a tank top, lol). Actual dance kind of sucked (the dancer was quite attractive, though), but the guy didn't try much either in what seemed like a very private setting. Is this only a one-way contact club? The dancer seemed to be avoiding his mouth with her titties and used boring positions. Why would you do a leg spread (covered, mind you) facing away from a guy? I wouldn't pay for that dance (even $10) and the guy seemed done at one. It literally seemed like a dance you might get at Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove, IL. Those are also only $10 (although you have to buy 5) and the same length, but the girls give a bit better grind. And i've had better dances at the freaking Admiral in Chicago, a club PLs like to make fun of because of the lack of mileage. I'm talking even the floor dances (also $10). At least the girls get naked and the dances are longer.
Oh i forgot. I'll give the girl an 8, but the dance a 3 (a poor dance and well below the average dance i tend to get). It didn't have any of things i cared about in a lap dance (from my last discussion). No decent mileage, no GFE, no real sensuality or sexiness and poor visuals. It was just and only the first dance, but still. If all or even most of the dances there were like this, i wouldn't ever go back to that club.
it's ok for a LM dance.
I thought it was a decent dance factoring in that there was a camera and the patron seemed like a newbie. I wouldn't be as generous if this was a dance one of us received
I want her!
Great if it was in the Atlanta Cheetah. Shitty if it was in Follies.
Great dance if it was during a pot luck supper at a church. Decent body; gross tats; 2/3 for the dance. She would have to up her game around here because that is what we call an "air dance".
Buying dances is a chump's game.
Civilianize it, front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then take her home with you to continue.
Super hot girl but I don't mind tats. Not a bad dance but changing positions too much for an LDK. Probably good potential though!
^^^^^ Soft words, tittie massaging, generosity, DFKing which starts out gently.
Then when both parties are clearly running on the parasympathetic nervous system and she is letting you lead it, and it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.
And assume that you'll be waking up with her the next morning.
do people like this kind of music or do they find it sappy?
For myself, this song and this artist are fine. But overall though most similar music I do without. Its a fine line.
Good lap dance, but too much position switching. If she did more prolonged grinding it would have been better.
She needs to scissor sex a little so her clit and pussy lips are grinding the shaft more directly.
She is a 7 with all those tats. Without them, she would rate a 9. Dance was at best a 4
Without knowing club rules for touching makes this very arbitrary. If two way touching is allowed this dance is like a 2. If it is one way only then its about a 7. Stick shifting would up the rating, the bra was on too long and more grinding needed.
As for the girl, not my body type (too skinny) and too many tats for my taste. Face is cute.I'd give her a 6 because of the face.
I agree with shadowcat. But I give it a 8
This lapdance gets a 10 in my book
I thought the lap dance in the OP was....ok for a one way touch club. Not enough contact for my taste though. Judging from his touch level the mileage isn't very high. I try to stay away from clubs like these. A dance more to my liking would mean her tits would be groped 50% of the time and the other 50% my hands would be on her ass or somewhere else. No feeding either which sucked because he looked like he wanted to.
I'd give the dance a 5. She was good looking and she gave him some ok grinding but she changed positions too fast. Probably not fair to judge off one dance, even though if that were the one dance I got I probably wouldn't continue. Girls that get me to buy more dances usually spend the last minute in a constant grind and also encourage groping.