
Question for experienced mongers only.

How often have you gone to a club and left with almost all of your money? I regularly indulge in extras and I was at my usual club today but I walked out with over 90% of what I brought in -less drinks. The room was full of dancers-mostly young and some pretty but nothing really did it for me. I am 60 years old -How does this happen? Naked girls willing to perform and I passed on all the offers. None of my favorites was there and I really did not want to start over with a new girl. One tried very hard to lure me back but it was the same old SS that the young ones all use.Does this happen to all of us sooner tor later. No newbies need reply nor lookie loos. Just serious practitioner responses please.


  • mark94
    7 years ago
    It’s happened a lot lately. The Phoenix SCs are undergoing some issues.
  • anon4231
    7 years ago
    I'm probably more in the journeyman category than experienced, but this has happened to me exactly once - and it was because of prices that were way too high for the area. Of course even then, I went elsewhere and spent it. If you're going to an unknown (or even known) club that turns out to suck, have a second option in mind before you walk in the door and be willing to take it.
  • bvino
    7 years ago
    Prices were reasonable. I can afford the tariff. I just didn't want to do the lifting.
  • hotdog0007
    7 years ago
    If your area has multiple clubs, change your routine and try a different club each time you go out for the next few trips. If not, try different cities in a 1-2 hour drive, by using TUSCL reviews.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    3 months back I went to a club around 5.30 pm and out within 15 minutes.Total money spent $0.00
    No cover charge.
    No drinks.
    No dances.

    It was so crowded because first VIP was only $100.00
    When I checked I didn't see the best dancers.They are inside VIP. so I decided to leave instead of waiting for hours.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Probably about 25-50% of the time, I get home with most of the money I set out with. I tend to club hop when I’m out, looking to see who’s working, and on the lookout for unicorns. After I’ve been to all the clubs that interest me, I decide whether or not to go back and spend *real* money.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "Does this happen to all of us sooner tor later."

    Does experience make you a tougher mark? I'd hope so. How much a person spends in the club is not always a factor in how the time went.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve hit a few clubs - and the dancers just didn’t do it for me. They were decent - but I knew they weren’t extras dancers - so I conserved my money.

    I had a few beers - tipped some tits - and chatted up a few half nude girls - so it isn’t always bad to leave a club with most of your wad intact.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I almost always spend most all of my money. This why I only bring in what I am comfortable spending, and never any plastic of any type, even ATM cards.





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  • loper
    7 years ago
    Frequently lately. Partly over-familiarity or, perhaps, at 61 my sex drive isn't what it used to be, so often none of the girls look worth it to me. What does it for me is a pleasant surprise -- a girl that turns out to be friendlier or higher-mileage than I expect. After too much clubbing those surprises are few and far between.
  • loper
    7 years ago
    Another issue is if I've had long time fav. who really did it for me, and she leaves the business, it takes a long time to find someone who measures up.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    It doesn’t seem like the looks or services of the girls working were a problem for you. Sounds like the main thing is that none of your favorites were in and you didn’t want to try a new girl. Most strippers these days seem willing to give out a number to text when they are working. If you can tolerate having your phone blown up at times and have a burner phone or google voice, your solution might be to get the phone number of a couple of favorites so you don’t waste a trip to the club.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    It happens sometimes. The more you visit strippers the more picky you become.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    What JS said above. Also, since you'll likely be out clubbing again soon anyway (experienced mongers become so by spending a lot of time in strip clubs, lol), you know that tomorrow is another day and there is no pressure to throw good money at bad talent on any particular visit.

    To break this down a little further, if I am clubbing in a place where I know the talent and have a few OTC hookup options, the odds are good that I'm going to spend my money. However, if I am checking out places that I do not frequent, either locally or when I'm road clubbing, the odds that I walk out with a lot of my cash improve dramatically. Now I'm not sure that I would use the term "most" as I will often do some drinking and, where warranted, barside tipping, which is how I get to know the club and some of the girls. But I have to be pretty motivated to spend anywhere close to the whole wad.

    When you club regularly, ROI starts to matter a lot more, unless of course you have inexhaustible funds available for frivolous pursuits.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It was rare for me till recently (maybe the last year or so) - in the past I would always make the best of it and try different dancers as to "not leave empty handed", or thinking maybe a dancer(s) would impress me w/ her dances even though she may not have been exactly what I was looking for, so I would give her a try - I've gotten a bit tired of overspending on just ok dancers or experimenting, and in the last year or so there have been multiple instances where I've decided not to spend my $$$ rather than just go w/ an ok dancer/experience - in the past I'd also often hit multiple clubs in one day/night if I didn't find the club I was at up to snuff, don't do that as much currently.

    I think Bullwinkle hit many good-points - for me it's part burnout due to SCing too-regularly where it kinda loses its effect - and also sometimes the club/club-scene changes not to one's liking - in the past I'd hit many different type clubs b/c I like variety, but was spending too-much by hitting clubs that were not really my cup-of-tea just for the sake of variety - cut down to mainly my type of clubs (black dives) but most of the black-dives around me have changed in a direction I don't like - thus for me over-SCing and clubs changing their M.O. have me not having the same gusto I used to have for SCing.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I like Taco Bell lol!!!!

    I leave with a pocket full of money well over half the time. It’s because I can’t find anyone I really like, I can’t get the attention of who I am interested in (they’re too busy on their phone, they don’t come out of the dressing room, too busy talking to staff and other dancers) OR dancer is tied up with a regular.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Seems often times experienced SCers gravitate towards the fave(s) model and that is pretty-much the only way they enjoy SCing over time - if having a fave(s) is what does it for you then as others have posted, try to get her # so you can hit the club when she's there.

    But if you find yourself having more bad than good visits, then it may be time for a break or maybe moving on to something else (escorts, sugar-daddy, etc).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    It happens. After a while, that kid-in-a-candy-store thing fades.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I had never eaten at Taco Bell till about 2003 - in '03 I had surgery on my arm and was basically one-armed for several months - I couldn't really cut my food too-well and had to basically eat (and do just about everything) w/ just one arm - the Taco Bell food was easy to eat w/ just one arm and I was addicted to their bowls at the time - I started losing my taste for Taco Bell from having it too-much but also b/c of the shitty service and food I was getting in the Miami-area Taco Bells (the latter is what made me to start hating Taco Bell since service in Miami is shitty pretty-much anywhere - I started eating Taco-Bell when living in Dallas).
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    7 years ago
    I am a newbie still and I have even left without spending. I have been going 3 to 4 times a week since mid January, so I have picked up on a few things here and there. Mostly I have learned what I want, more importantly what I don't want.
  • my123
    7 years ago
    Once...I had gone in to meet my ATF and she wasn't feeling well and left literally 5 minutes after I got here.
  • dancewdcpa
    7 years ago
    Wisdom in all of these replies. If you don't find what you like, don't settle.

    Walking away with decent cash may feel disappointing at first but certainly happier the next day with that much more to spend whenever you return.

    For me, I turn it into a positive by spending some of that unexpected extra cash on a fine meal...finer than Taco Bell at least!

    So, yes it happens from time to time but it can be a good thing...
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    It doesn't happen often to me but when it does it clouds my head for the rest of the day. It's very unsettling and unfulfilling. And like a hopelessly addicted gambler, I double down on my next club visit hoping for better results.
  • anthony6613
    7 years ago
    When it happens to me, I’m always amazed. I walk in with money to spend and nobody connects with me. Before I go to vip i usually check if the girl will do extras and the price. If no extras, I am not interested. When this happens, I figure I ‘ll use it another day .
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    It happened to me today. I was passing through Lexington and decided to stop by a new club that opened recently. I stopped by the bank and pulled out $600 hoping to find a little afternoon delight. Went to the club and spent less than $40. No cover, $5 for my drink, $9 for a drink for one of the dancers to help get some info about the club & $25 for a 2 for 1 dance special. Didn't like the talent level so I left and put the rest of the cash back in the bank.

    It usually depends on where I'm clubbing, if its an area with clubs that I've visited repeatedly I know what to expect and I usually spend at least half of what I brought by the end of the night. I may not spend it in the first club of the night but by the end of the night I can usually find what I am looking for at one club or another.

    If its a town I'm unfamiliar with, or like today when I only have time to hit 1 club, it can be hit or miss. Sometimes I spend it all and sometimes I take it all with home with me. I'd much rather leave disappointed by still having most of my cash than leave disappointed because I spent the money on a subpar experience.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    I usually take more than I think I'll spend, then hit the ATM 3 times and start bartering valuables after that.
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    It happens all the time JS69 nailed it above. For me I don't like starting over with someone new when I had my plans to see a favorite. With that said, I will also dabble if I meet someone new that fits what I'm looking for but that's 90/10 so rare
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    lately more than half the time. I'm becoming picky on girls for VIP.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    "shit happens". Even at Follies. I've gotten fussy in my old age and won't settle for inferior stuff.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    I don't force myself to spend money when I go to the club but I am free with it if I have a good reason. Usually if I leave with a lot of money, I'll be back within the week to spend the rest of it.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I would call that good judgment and restraint. Never spend money just for the sake of spending money. Unfortunately, i have stayed at a club longer than i had liked in the hope that something "good" would show up. If still nothing good, then i might hop to another club nearby and try again. But, yes, usually, when i go to the club that my ATF works at, if she isn't there (rarely), i usually leave with the majority of my money. I will admit, that i'm usually disappointed when that happens. I was hoping for a great experience for the day and likely ended up without one, although once in a great while i might get a bargain, where a girl gives me pretty much everything i would expect and more from only a few songs (under $100). I usually bring at least $500; that's what i'm prepared to spend, not necessarily what i will, of course.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Basically, i could say that i saved 80-90% of my money (or more), but often it feels more like i wasted 10-20% of it and some time as well. So i would rather pay for what i want, then not have anything worth paying for.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I try to go when I will see a favorite. But if I don't have that option, it is easy to walk away if I'm not feeling it from anyone there.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    ^ What rh48hr said. The local spot puts the schedule online, and I only go when it looks like a favorite or multiple new girls are there. If the same girls are there and I'm not feeling them, it's easy to walk away ("if it's online, why do you go in those situations"...new girls might be scheduled, but not show up - like tonight). It's also easy to walk away with 80-90% of my money if I walk into a club and the girls think I don't have the 'look' of a guy with money and/or one willing to spend.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i must be a novice because i certainly have not figured it out.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I pay for what I want, if I don't see it in the club, I'll drink my drink, watch the dancers and converse with them inbetween sets. Club owners get what they pay for when they hire dancers. If the dancers are truly independent contractors, come what may.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    Hell, I am still failry young compared to the general TUSCL population, and even I have become a lot more selective when I go to a club. I recently hit up a club I had never been to before with $250 I was willing to burn, but I wound up only spending $80 total for the night.

    Lately, it has been a combination of a few things. Sometimes I don't find a girl that really stands out as someone I feel I must spend money on. Sometimes it is because I went to a club with a lot of young college-age girls that use lazy hustle tactics that I have become immune to.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    It happens to me often. Lat night I drank 2 beers, played 8 dollars of video games and went home. If I feet it I do it, if I don't, I know by now that its best to go another day and not waste money on a second rate experience. I brought $525, spent $23.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I would say it happens a third of the time for me lately. Some of that can be chalked up to few good clubs near me, but some of it is also failing to find a girl I connect with.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    It happens sometimes, maybe even frequently. I'm a bit picky sometimes, alright most of the time, so I don't usually "settle" for subpar. When I go in without having made arrangements to see a stripper I know, its because I'm in the mood for variety and I'm willing to gamble on a hot but unproven girl. Still, if I don't get a good vibe or find someone attractive I'm more than willing to pack up and try another club or call it a bust and go home.

    There's been enough times where I've gone in and spent on subpar girls and I've wished I'd had just had a little patience and seen a girl I know is a good time that I've learned to have that patience. I also don't really mind going in, having a few drinks, watching the stage, maybe flirting a little bit or getting a table dance or two. It's still a nice break and change of scenery from the office/airport/hotel.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    The only times I've truly regretted going to a strip club is when I've spent my money badly.
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    I don't fully agree with the old adage, "familiarity breeds contempt" but there is something "inspiring" about novel experiences.

    If you go often enough, even a strip club and the somewhat predictable flow of conversations with scantily clad women may lose its novelty. It might be time for a break (as in "absence makes the heart grow fonder" or is "it absence makes the hard grow harder?") or a change in routine.

    Of course the other issue to to make sure that you are still healthy, etc. Old age happens to all of us.
  • bvino
    7 years ago
    Thank you all for the considerately not stupid replies. i especially appreciate the words form the long term members on here. I think JOHNSMITH got it right and pithily so. I don't use a phone so no girl can ever call me. I will continue to take my good with the bad and be glad to redopist the $ when it doesn't work out.
  • bvino
    7 years ago
    Redeposit actually.
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