
How many clubs have closed in your city?

I noticed here that there are 2143 strip clubs in the U.S. and it got me wondering how that has changed over the years. Are there more or fewer clubs now in the city you live in and if there is a change in the number is it more because of old clubs closing or because new clubs are or aren't opening? In my own city of Indianapolis I count 17 clubs currently operating. I know of three clubs closing in the last ten years and no new clubs opening so that means a drop from 20 to 17. The last new club I know that opened here may be PT's. That opened in the nineties and that was actually a situation where it moved from the west side to the east side so it wasn't really new to the city.


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I can't keep up with the changes in Atlanta. Between the closings, openings & name changes it seems to be staying pretty constant at around 30 clubs.
  • DR99
    7 years ago
    I don't have the numbers but quite a few SC's have closed in the Detroit area over the past 10 or so years. A few have a revolving door of names but I don't imagine they will last either. I expect a few more to bow out with the greater enforcement on clubs that are in the actual city of Detroit.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    For the most part the total # has been the same in the two counties I club in mostly. Like shadowcat said, they do change names and/or open/close periodically but for the most part the total number remains the same
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    No changes at all in Ft. Myers, but over the past decade they have been shutting down in droves around New Orleans metro area. WTF? It the Big Easy, not Disney World!
  • PeterEaster
    7 years ago
    My old club closed down a little over a year ago (bows head for moment of silence). It was a good club for NoVA, with friendly girls and $20 two-way contact lap dances. The club's lease had run out and the landlord jacked up the rent to drive them out and get a "higher quality" tenant (this was in a run-down strip mall, next to a dollar store). Last time I went by the space was still vacant.

    The chances of any new clubs opening in this area are pretty much zero due to restrictive zoning codes. The two remaining nearby clubs are grandfathered in.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dolfan seems like a bunch have closed in PB & Broward over the last 10 years, Moreys, The Landing Strip, Mermaid, two on Federal Hwy. in Boynton and Lantana, Crazy Horse Saloon in lighthouse point, the two on Federal in Ft Lauderdale, plenty of others. I know Solid gold relocated but the original location is gone and the relocation was on the site of a previous club, I’m sure there are at least three or four others tha I forgot about.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I can't speak for the area of Northern Iowa I live in now, but during the period I lived in Omaha, the number of clubs in the Omaha, Lincoln, and western Iowa areas nosedived severely. Granted most of them sucked, but Omaha proper had 8 at one point and now it's down to 2. Lincoln had 2 close that I can remember. Fremont went from 2 to zero. Council Bluffs lost one, thanks to a landlord who jacked up rent, largely because it was on land that the city wants to develop. Never mind it's still a vacant lot. The one in Hamburg, Iowa closed after the death of the owner. I never went to any of them, but a number of the small towns in central Nebraska had clubs that closed up. The only ones I recall ever opening when I lived in the Omaha area are Baby Dolls in Lincoln, which only lasted for 2 years at most, Saries in Carter Lake (now a Spearmint Rhino) and the Playhouse in Council Bluffs.
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    "there are 2143 strip clubs in the U.S."

    For comparison:

    Movie theaters in U.S. - 5,747

    McDonald's in U.S. - 14,146

    Regular bars/nightclubs in U.S. - 69,987
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Links man links like Bj99 said and no I’m not a millennial you lazy bum ;)
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    No links, I just made those numbers up to rouse you.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’m not roused ;)))
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    @PeterEaster: Yup. The late, lamented
    1320 Club II. I truly do miss that place!
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I thought the landing strip's license was moved to "Club Rain" or whatever that place is, Mermaid to Double Dee's, I never went to Morey's. I guess I forgot about the Boynton clubs, those definitely weren't replaced. I thought Crazy Horse was replaced with Pink Pony (which then became a Crazy Horse, now is Gold Club) We did "lose" the two Solid Gold/Pure Platinum in Broward too I guess, since the new Solid Gold is the old Centerfolds/Lions Den.

    So I guess they are going away.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dolfan not sure what club rain is or where. You have to remember Crazy Horse it was on Sample & Federal Bldg was torn down, Landing strip closed after Willa too many years ago for the license to transfer besides DDs is a brand new license don’t you remember it took 14 months and numerous court dates to get that joint opened, Mermaid lost their Cabernet license even before they finally closed don’t you remember that it was a membership club you had to sign up even though they never actually checked your ID.
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    Where I am, I feel like clubs either make it or don't.

    We have three I frequent and five more I don't. They've all been around as long as I've been clubbing, nearly two decades. A few rebrands, but never any disappearances. No real additions, either.

    One club in the metro area, well out of town, came and went within two years. But that's about it in terms of changes I've seen.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    I know of 4 in Las Vegas: Olympic Gardens, Glitter Gulch, Strip Tease, and Pussycats.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    There have been a number around Atlanta over the years. Taj Mahal—closed by county. Gold Club—closed by Feds. Shooters Alley—not sure why, closed by city? Doll House (Cheshire Bridge location)—looks like lease ran out. Building had been torn down and lot is being redeveloped. There was also a club on Northside Drive, can’t remember name, that is no longer there, don’t know why. I think there have been a few others, and a lot have changed names/ownership over the years. City is trying to close Oasis. They keep losing court battles so I expect it’s days are numbered. Same thing with Pink Pony, but they have seemed to have obtained a cease fire with the city of Brookhaven. I think there have been a few others. I’m not aware of any really new ones. Taj Mahal and Gold Club were the most recent ones. That was about 20 years ago and they got a lot of negative attention.
  • TxVegas
    7 years ago
    The OG in Vegas. I have many find memories of this place.

    I once took a friend that was not experienced in strip clubs. We were both in our 20s and had lots of attention from the girls. He got a lap dance from a smoking hot Russian girl. After one song, she asked him if he wanted her to stop. After three more songs, I made eye contact and asked him if he was good spending so much of his club budget on one girl. He stopped her there. He apparently didn’t know the fee was per song. We still laugh about it.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    None in recent years, but a couple have opened.

    I would expect to see more clubs up north close as the cities that they are in continue to lose employers and affluent portions of their populations. Conversely, I think that demand for clubs in places like TX and FL will continue to rise as people flock to these states.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    I do not think it is much of a surprise that strip clubs are slowly closing. This is a strip club discussion board, yet every single day there is a new post about sugar babies.

    Also, it seems some clubs close, reopen, repeat. The only thing that really changes is the owners and the name, otherwise it is the same club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago

    Pleasers in Atlanta burned down about 3 years ago never to reopen
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Papi: I don’t remember Pleasers. What part of town was it in? Given your tastes I’m assuming it was a black club and I have only recent started sampling them occasionally, so that’s probably why I don’t remember.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Actually, the new Crazy Horse was both the most recent to open and recent to close in the Atlanta area. It’s shame because physically the club was very nice, but it was in a pretty crappy area near the airport with a restrictive local government. Someone didn’t think through that business plan very carefully.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    doc - it was on the south side. Cleveland Ave near the Goldrush and yes it was black accept for the white bar tender.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    Also, there are alot less than 2,143 strip clubs in the United States. TUSCL has listings for places that are not true strip clubs: swinger clubs, massage parlors, lingerie boutiques, Nevada brothels, etc.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Shadow: I don’t go to Cleveland Ave without making sure I have a round chambered.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    There have been multiple sites that have opened and closed many times over my 45+ years.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    doctor, Just curious about your statement, "...without making sure I have a round chambered."
    I assume you have a carry permit, and if so, you don't ALWAYS have a round chambered?
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Clubber: I do have a permit, and no I don’t always keep a a round chambered. I think it’s an unnecessary risk. Certainly there are contrary opinions, but this is a strip club site not a gun site, so I don’t want to get into all of the ins and outs of that dispute.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    Understood. We certainly don't wish to discuss anything here other than strip clubs!

  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Clubbier: I’m happy to discuss if you really want to (maybe in a new OT thread), but as you probably know, this chamber v not chamber dispute is hotly contested on all the gun carry sites, and no one ever changes their mind. Kinda like the LDK or not to LDK camps here.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Sinclair, the strip club industry is not dying. Online options have been around 15+ years, including a plethora of cam sites, yet the club numbers continued to grow right until the recession hit. So by simple logical deduction, the most likely causes in the culling out of some of the clubs were the recession and then 8 years of meager growth, during which time household incomes continued to shrink as more and more people dropped out of the labor force.

    Now some areas are also getting hit with a loss of affluent population, more stringent strip club regulation or both. Michigan and Connecticut are two good examples of both. But there are still plenty of areas where club are thriving largely unfettered by governmental interference, including some that are also experiencing significant population gain. Florida is a good example, as is parts of Texas.

    I will tell you that, in my current locale, some of the girls are starting to make more money than they have in a long time. Simply put, the clubs that I frequent are getting busier, especially with the after-work and weekend crowds. It sucks in some respects as my OTC costs are going up, but there it is. If we can sustain this level of economic and wage growth for a few more years, I think we will see a further increase in the number of clubs in areas that allow it, especially those that also have growing populations.

    So, in a nutshell, while I don't discount the competition for adult entertainment dollars provided by cam sites, SA and other venues, I also don't think that they will come anywhere close to completely displacing strip clubs, just like they weren't circa 2006. Maybe that will change when another option can replicate the combination of in person interactions, flexibility and anonymity (including no electronic trail) that strip clubs offer, but none of the current options do. Seeing what I am seeing locally, including how packed they were when a recent NFL playoff game hosted close by, tells me that there is still demand for the product, even if there is still less right now than the boom times of the 90s and 2000s.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    South Carolina where I live is like a strip club wasteland compared to 10 years ago.
    Clubs get shut down, burn down, or change names. It's like a game of survivor and cities close down clubs it seems with every chance they get.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    Sometimes I think I might have better luck trying to get friendly with the good looking girls who pop up Facebook suggested friends list. However I don't trust "hot" girls who send me a friend request from out of the blue and they likely live overseas or aren't sharing or don't have any local friends. I just got another hot girl to send me a friend request. Nothing on reverse image search.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Orion, I don't know that South Carolina was ever a strip club mecca. lol. You used to have a couple of fun clubs in Greenville, but you can blame Platinum Plus for fucking that up with two bouncer-related deaths within a few years.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Clubs have been closed, like Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, and like San Mateo Club Ante, and always the authorities arranging to get the buildings demolished.

    And then of our underground Mexican Bar circuit, which comes and goes. Now around half of the bars are closed, and buildings demolished.

    Then Deja Vu taking over SF Market St. Cinema, the most off the hook of the SF clubs, now closed and demolished.

    And then there was T's San Jose.

    And then this new San Jose Gold Club, don't know what is up. Not listed on TUSCL.

    Website up

    But street view shows what I think was an old night club business.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As others have posted, seems to kinda hold steady in South FL - kinda-recent (3 or so years or less) new clubs AFAIK (by new meaning there wasn't a SC there b/f):

    + Vixens - Davie, FL (near Ft Lauderdale) - owned by the person that owned Scarlett's in Hallandale (Scarlett's was sold in 2017 to Rick's Corp which owns Tootsies and 40+ SCs nationwide)

    + E11even (big 24-hour club in Downtown Miami) - popular w/ the party/bottle-poppin' late-night crowd and pro-athletes - interestingly it has 67 TUSCL reviews but 265 Yelp reviews

    + Double Dees (hour-north of Miami in West Palm Beach) - fairly upscale and large brand-new building - it has been moderately successful but seems to not exactly be killing-it

    + Wonderland - on Biscayne Blvd - an area notorious for prostitution back in the day - for many years the building housed an adult movie theater - this club seemed to wanna be like E11even (upscale and kinda the place for the party-heavy South Beach crowd) but they were never able to really establish themselves and also had issues w/ LE - the area has gotten cleaned-up from what it used to be back in the day but still not great - Yelp has this club listed as closed and I would not be surprised if it is - need to drive by this weekend and verify so I can report it closed on TUSCL

    Klub 24 - opened Jan 2018 - 24-hr spot - club kinda on the edge of the hood - early reports is that it's expensive but for now it's not necessarily delivering so I have my doubts if it will survive (at least as an expensive 24-hr club)

    South Fl clubs that have closed in the last few years:

    - Flavors - black club in an old small shopping center - supposedly the small restaurant next-door kitchen caught fire taking out the club w/ it (been a year+ since this happened and the club is "supposed" to reopen but it's not looking good)

    - Angels - all black club in North Miami - was pretty-popular in the context of a small black club - not sure why it closed

    - Vivid Live - Upscale club that seemed to think they were gonna be the new "it club" in town - lasted less than a year - became a gay dance-club - originally was supposed to be called "Club Wet" - seems a rash of new clubs tried using the Vivid (well-known porn studio) brand-name thinking it would make them an "it club" but has not worked-out

    + Club Pink Pussycat - had been around since the 70s I think - closed about 5-years ago - not sure why - the building was old AF and supposedly it closed "for renovations" but nothing has reopened in the building and it remains vacant
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    After reading Dolan’s post I checked there is a new club in West Palm called Rain it’s in an industrial neighborhood. There was a club there a few years back called Wiseguys I might check it out later this week I’ll review it if I do.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ "Rain" in WPB seems to be an all-black make-it-rain place and possibly only open on Fr/Sat nights
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Website says it opens at 5PM Tuesday thru Sunday
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