TUSCL February Challenge

avatar for rogertex
Next time you visit a club - Put a STOP to unnecessary, courtesy-tipping on top of paying lap dance prices.

Sure pay for extras at the negotiated rate.
Sure tip when dancer does something extra for you without even you asking.
But say no to "being shamed into tipping" $10 for a $25 normal dance. Just because ...

If a dancer asks "How 'bout a tip?" or "Where's my tip?"
.... AND you felt her dances were really good - only then say this:

"sorry I don't tip, if you want extra money - you will have to earn it."
"do something that I'll remember or if you're out of ideas - just grind some more"

Report dancer's reaction here.

If she starts off on that "memorable dance" for you, below words are optional:
"Look at dat glow on your face - earning every buck working your butt off. You gonna stay young foreva"

Put your good money to good use.


last comment
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I generally pay them what I feel like, which is more than the dance price and more than what most pay, so they don't complain. I need to start clamping down....Challenge accepted.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Chili Palmer posted a 10/20/40$ tip schedule on SCJ forum that works well. It was less than I was previously tipping and works well and is consistent and gets good results, esp. for HM girls.

Roger’s plan isn’t a bad one. Dances, esp. stacked-dances are like their own reward for being an good dancer.

I’ve never given a tip when asked. In fact, I’ve never been ask to tip. Not once in 22 years in clubs. I’m too strong willed to be bullied into giving a tip when asked. So I’ve never had that problem. So, I’m, challenged accepted, like since my whole, um, life?
avatar for jaredlucas
7 years ago
Have tipped in rare occasions but only when it was absolutely above and beyond. I once had a dancer reach up my golf shorts and dig out junior and give me a very skilled and discreet HJ in the floor. What made above and beyond was her looking me straight in the eye and spitting out the best dirty talk I have had in a club. 4 songs netted her $100 vs $40 she would have earned otherwise.

I routinely (without being a ass) decline to tip on top of a regular dance when asked.

I'm Comfortable saying no I have already paid you for the dances thank you.

However I'm Happy to tip you Anytime you are ready to show me something above and beyond what you just delivered. Wink wink ... that usually gets the conversation going.
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
I'm not your puppet
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Just to clarify - no tipping the dollar parade either?

I’m too weak! I can’t do it! I know my limits. It’s not even worth a try - as I know I’ll fail miserably.

Luckily Feb is a short month...
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Here in Louisville, the clubs take about half of every dance. So if the girl has agreed to my style of dance, I’ll tip. Generally $5-10.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
I’m generally with Rogertex on this, but I tip the dollar parade. It’s the way some clubs operate, so if you don’t like it you shouldn’t go to a dollar parade club. Thankfully, I don’t visit then that often, and when I do, I limit it to $1. Some get kinda pissy about only a $1, but tough. I was at a local Atlanta club recently where thankfully it’s very rare for anyone to ask for a tip just for dances. There were two visiting dancers (can’t remember from where) working as tag team who hit me up as soon as I got in. They were kind of cute so I as said I’d get a dances from each of them to warm up since I just walked in. Dances were ok, what you would expect to get most places in Atlanta that aren’t called Follies. Dancers started putting on their outfits as I gave them $10 each. One of them looks at me and asks me if I’d like to tip her. I just said “no.” She looked kind of shocked and asked me what I said. I said “no” again. She still had a surprised look on her face, obviously not believing that her Stripperweb 101 move didn’t work, but both of them quickly put their game face back on, smiled, thanked me, and moved on. There’s several girls I like who I will tip extra for s series of nice dances, even lame Atlanta dances, if I can tell they’re putting in an effort, i.e., four dances and tip an extra $10, something like that, but not if they ask for it. Sometimes it’s four dances and I give them a $50 and they ask if I want change. I guess that’s kind of a backhanded way of asking for a tip, but at least they ask instead of trying to dart away (which is not unusual) so again if they have put in an effort I will tip the extra $10.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Tipping is ALWAYS at the discretion of the tipper regardless of what the tippee suggests.

Asking for a tip is really poor form in any service industry. It almost always comes from a hustler and never comes from the ones that provide the best service.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ Forgot to mention that not tipping for above and beyond service is also poor form. It's a sign of a cheapskate.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
I was with the OP until I got to the part about what to say. Wall would never say that.

Girls definitely try to push the envelope with the tip thing. I don't see it as shaming. It's just hustling. The emotions a customers gets about it are their own. All the girl did was ask a question. If she does anything more, it's just that much easier to say no because then she's being annoying.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Who tips $10 more for a dance just because a dancer asks for a tip? I have added a whole dollar at times and then a literal verbal tip on how to improve her dances starting with "here's a tip...". Now i just ignore her or and just give her the base price for one dance as these girls almost never give memorable dances. Maybe if pressed, i'll just say i don't tip for an ordinary dance (emphasis on the ordinary and singular quality). Now EXTRAordinary multiple dances...
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
rogertex, I like your challenges, better than Mr. LDK's

avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
If a girls is a great LDQ and I would consider seeing her regularly I have no problem tipping her a little extra.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
I would agree that I definitely pretty much never tip when asked directly.

Only exception to this was once I LDKed 30 seconds into the next song and the dancer suggested a tip instead of paying for the extra song. That is about the only situation where getting asked directly is fine.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
Anybody have a link to the $10/20/40 post?
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
It's not handy but I have a good idea where to find it. I was more that one post.
avatar for SuperDude
7 years ago
I have a 2" square button I wear inside my sport coat lapel. It reads, "Why should I tip you when you haven't done anything?" I had 10 of the made by Zazzle.com. On rare occasions I will give one to a dancer instead of a tip. Most of the time I just show it when the dancer raises the issue. She usually just walks away. Fine with me.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Thanks SJG!
I liked this challenge from LDK (from Dec 2016):


"Call a random club and ask how many dancers with big asses do they have. Report their response here."

LDK will be back with good challenges. He has to. Else stripclubbing is going down.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
SupeDude - Damn !

PaulDrake - that was one cool dancer.

yeah would like to see chillipalmers tip-guide

SirLap, Sir Wall and Dirk - good tips on tipping! I've read reviews here - someone got 4 dances ($20). All std and gave dancer $100. So feel that is common - although TUSCL has lots of veterans.

Doc - good response to the visiting dancers

GMD - waiting for writeup on your next escapade with a hot stripper. you've gone radio silent.

Cashman - well dollar parades are usually good grinds. fair game there.

jared - yeah I like it when dancer talks dirty!

max_starr - I was like you too but no tipping for normal dances is my rule now.

dominic - 22 years and no dancer has asked your for a tip? When I started clubbing in 2011 - I'd get random dancers come over and straight up ask "wanna dance". I'd say no and then she'd put her leg in front of me - point to the garter and ask "at least would you tip me". I actually tipped a dollar one time - and moments later realized what a PL I was. Well now - no more.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@rogertex I would easily tip $20 for four high mileage $20 dances. With my ATF DS my max tip is the house fee which is $5 for a $25 dance. LDK and very high mileage is guaranteed with her.
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