Getting out of PL land

avatar for Pyroxl
I like how this hobby acknowledges itself as PL's (vs escort hobbyists who don't call themselves PL's for example)>

A first step to change is recognizing the current state.

What's the path out of PL-dom? I use hobbies of various types to save time while I'm working my way up the certification ladder in my field. It helps keep me in touch with the fairer sex but my game is stagnating without the time to invest in it.


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avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Out? Hahaha! There’s no way out :P
Just when you think your out they literally suck you back in
Every time I think I'm out, they pullllllll me back in!
Well, not really. I have a feeling I'm in to stay.
In some ways i'm truly glad that i found the ATF. Because she really is the pinnacle for me in terms of strip clubs. If i get disillusioned with her, there really is nothing more for me to look forward to or aspire to in terms of strip clubs. Then i'm done Pl'ing at least in the hardcore sense. It'll just be casual and occasional SCing for me to see some pretty things and feel some pretty things every now and then. So a completely different kind of PL. But i won't get that desire or rush to do it anymore. So i do see myself at a critical point now. Don't get me wrong. It can still get worse before it gets better or maybe worse is better and better is worse? Depends if i want to change...
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
I need to clarify, out does not mean no longer hobbying.

Out means being able to pick up hot women with game and not just money. Can still be a hobbyist without being a PL. So, separating the PL-ness from hobbying.
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
IOW, out of being a PL, not out of a hobby.
I'll never be able to pick up my ATF or comparable with just game. Never have and never will. It's the entire reason that i SC. If i wanted to pick up realistic women i wouldn't SC, but that is my quirk.
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
"Out means being able to pick up hot women with game and not just money. Can still be a hobbyist without being a PL."

- Sleeping with civvie chicks is not hobbying. "Hobby" is the word mongers use for their sexual activities. It's their hobby. It costs money to do, and requires some amount of research, just like collecting, or fishing, or model rocket building. Sleeping with civvie chicks is just having sexual relationships. It's not a hobby.
The only way out of being a PL is having the courage to risk rejection (over and over again) at the hands of civies chicks.

It like anything you want to improve at in life it's repetitive activities.

If you strip clubs in conjunction with trying to pick up Cevie chicks it can work. Only go to strip clubs after you gone to a bar or club and got 5 rejections (but sincere attempts and rejections)

Maybe you land a date online. Go to a strip clubs before the date and go after wards.

Sound like a guy who's just trying to muster the courage you need to transition to not being over reliant on strip clubs for all your female actions and that's how I hand it.

I owed to stop clubbing and haven't been clubbing for few days.But it's been itching to go now.
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
Good idea with the 5 rejections first. I did this thing w/ a buddy where 1 gives the other 10 $20 bills and get 1 back after each approach. However, it's nevertheless not easy to learn as it's not just about numbers.

There's that saying that behind every hot girl is a guy tired of fucking her. How do PL's become that guy? Tall guys have an advantage but they still have to work at it; I knew a 6'5" dude who had bad posture and thus no game. Those of us PL's who are still single and looking are also looking to improve the courtship/seduction skills.
"Out means being able to pick up hot women with game and not just money."

Game? I don't have any game. But I do have money.
^^^Money + Lasagna = Game ;)
LOL what makes one a PL is going to strip clubs to have paid fun with strippers. Period.

Whether or not you can pick up hot women with game and not money is irrelevant. If you still go to a strip club to have paid fun with a stripper, with "game" or not, you're still a PL.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!
I think I'd rather be a PL than a deplorable!
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
I *love* PL Land -- why would I want to leave it? I'm enjoying a date a week these days rotating among 3 favorite strippers who are *much* younger and hotter than any civies I could ever score! I have a little bit of game and a whole lot of money :)
^^^Not to be a turd in your punchbowl but do you make lasagna. ;)))
Is PL Land some sort of resort like Disneyland? If so, then I must visit.

All kidding aside, I love being a PL. It is fun as long as you don't confuse fantasy with reality. You're paying for time with these hot women, and if they do a good job of entertaining you, it is money well spent.

These clubs would not be in business if it weren't for us PL's. These girls actually need us PL's as a source of income, otherwise they would need to choose some other type of career where they make less money, and therefore may struggle to survive.
I’m at a stage in life where there’s less pretense when speaking with civilian women. I’m in my 50’s - and it involves targeting the proper women.

I’ve also found that online dating helps to weed through lots of women who might not be game. I’m just looking for hookups - and not relationships - so my goals may differ.

With respect to mongering - and PL-ing - I do that to hook up as well - and that introduces nsa variety.

I’m not looking to stop either practice. However - I’m not looking for a gf - and I make that very clear upfront with civilian women (with strippers - that’s a given).
I much prefer the anonymity of clubbing. I was recently in a club where an '8' 30ish redheaded Milf want to exchange numbers for outside contact(she told me she does not answer numbers she does not know). I reflected on that and reaffirmed that OTC was not a good idea. I decided I still much prefer the no strings of staying inside the controller environment of the club even if it means less contact. If that defines me as a PL why should I care. Since I almost always club alone and I go onto this site to share and gather club information with the occasional post of a devil's advocate or radically right wing political discussion post for fun(it is quite fun to poke at idea-logs. Labels do not concern me much.
We often make our own hell. A lot of the reason it’s hell is because we won’t leave it. So if I’m having fun going to clubs, great. If clubbing isn’t worth it, I can just stop. The only thing preventing me from leaving would be me.
It can depend on where you are in life - if one is in their 20s or 30s, likely they may still have a strong desire for civvie dating/relationships - if ones in their 40s+, perhaps they've already been done that and prefer the simplicity and straight-forwardness of SCing rather than playing the dating game.
Why would you want to take the red pill and leave The Matrix? That woman in the red dress is pretty hot.
Woah, slow down on the disparaging commentary. I no longer want to pick up hot chicks with my game because I'm (reasonably) happily married, after having picked up my last hot chick many moons ago & putting a ring on it. For those in similar situations, the PL lifestyle isn't really about being a loser, it's about a safe adjunct outside of the realities of (even happily) married life.

That being said, if I were to get divorced, I'd probably just go deeper into the PL lifestyle, rather than try my hand at being single & dating again.
I would say though that if you are a single guy who is trying to date civie women, I would stay out of the PL lifestyle, as it would likely distort your expectations. Strip clubs aren't real life, and I can see where real life may seem a little more frustrating compared to the fantasy world of the SC.
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
No disparagement. How did you pick up and ring a hot chick? Any applicable advice you can share?
The path out of PL dome is when you come to actually know your women. And I think also it depends on developing a good career as well.

avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
I've been to the pickup focused sites but they're often the blind leading the blind. I'm not targeting this board for such advice but just expanding the crowd as I don't know any IRL who can or are willing to give good advice.

Would appreciate any advice on picking up 7's for sex and 9's for relationships. I have noticed sometimes that ONS girls are not as hot but maybe the 9's were just more discreet.
Bro the best advice you can get is to stop discriminating and categorizing civie women by rating #. SC, fine, but not IRL.
Next, from personal experience, treat your 4-5's as 9-10's, and the 9-10's as 4-5's.
Really, try it!! WOrks wonders. You'll get the best out of the regular girls, and intrigue the stunners. Both will like you more than most others guys in their life. Give it a try.
Why on earth would I want to get out of PL land?
avatar for K
New Jersey
7 years ago
Amazingly i found the same advice applies. Grow a set and ask her.
avatar for K
New Jersey
7 years ago
All the pua crap is just that crap. You dont need game. You need confidence, a plan and thick skin.

Find a woman you want to take out, plan a date, approach her and ask her confidently to go on that date with you. The thick skin is for the occasional brutal rejections. But those will be few and far between. Most rejections will be a polite no.
avatar for rattdog
New York
7 years ago
uhh why the fuck would you want to leave PLersville?

the chase is better than the end result if you bag a cb (civvie bitches)? a i've met guys who love the chase. not sure why.
anyway, you shower, splash on the cologne, get all decked out just to shot down 98% of the time if you are in say nyc, la or any similar big city. 75% if you are elsewhere. 75-98% shot down rate. i dunno - all that rejection, disappointment will just lead one to feel like shit, feeling pissed off and huge amounts of alcohol to drown down all of that.
PLersville-you shower, splash on the cologne, get all decked out the girls at the strip club will appreciate you, and you and her will both have a marvelous time 75-98% of the time. more often than not you will the club feeling happy. cb's i gather take this shit kind of for granted.
with cb you have to engage with social dynamics. you have to appear to be real social to the point of over the top just get some faint interest. and you have to listen to cb babble about her interests-you know-shit that you have to appear to have a slight interest in but in reality you couldn't give 2 shits about. then you have to "entertain" her shitty girlfriends so you don't get on their shit list. once on this list those cunts will tell your cb target that they dont like you and you will be seriously cockblocked. this is not fun to me and sounds like too work to invest in an endeavor that more than unlikely is unworthwhile.
over at PLersville you can actually really be your real self and the girls there more often than not will get a real hard laugh.
with cb you can go on date, does not work out and that will set you back $100-200. maybe a peck on the cheek and goodbye.fucking twat.
PLersville-$100-200 oh so many good things can happen. if one of the good things happen the first night guess what? you still might have some cash leftover and you can go another another night and have more fun again.

avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
- Much appreciated, would love to hear his perspective.

- If he's your best friend, how come you haven't emulated his methods?
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
^^^ they are called naturals. They get laid a lot, easily, and that is part of the appeal to the next woman... that he fucks his way through a string of woman and he’s hard to lock down, unlike the pathetic losers who scream “please love me!”
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
Natural just means he was exposed to it early. Like a who grows up in a family working in fashion picks up a lot of tips without intentionally looking into it. Knew a guy whose dad was a player and brought women back often so he had some tricks. We were all born in birthday suits looking like slugs. It's difficult to reshape ourselves but certainly doable.
Pyroxl -- listen carefully -- this is free, but priceless . . .

There is no such thing as "game".

There is only BBD. You can either represent that you hold the promise of a Bigger Better Deal or you don't/can't.

Either you are better looking or richer or more powerful or more famous or more stable than what they have or you don't/aren't. If you are an upgrade in whatever is most vital to a woman, they fall for your "game". If you are not an upgrade, best case scenario will be friend zone.

If you have no hopes of becoming better looking, or richer, more powerful, famous or stable than a woman's current options, then you must look downstream and try again. The "game" is in figuring out what is important to a woman (wealth, power, status, security, etc.) and then deciding if you have that thing or not. If not, cut your losses and search elsewhere.

Women are the most skilled creatures at selecting a partner that hits their hot buttons. We don't pick them, they pick us.

That is what makes being a PL in the strip club world such an awesome rush. It is the one and only time/place where (most of us) get to do the choosing. Cash = game. We get to play outside our lane. Strippers have clearly signaled what they desire -- cash.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
"We don't pick them, they pick us.

That is what makes being a PL in the strip club world such an awesome rush. It is the one and only time/place where (most of us) get to do the choosing."

yes, i couldn't agree more
im happily married too, and if i ever get a divorce i would probably go deeper into PLville. the older i get the less patient i get, and i rather have girls break up with me.
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
@pensionking, good post. This "represent that you hold the promise of a Bigger Better Deal" thing though, is game isn't it?

Girls don't just open you to ask about what improvements you might have over their current deal.
Be reasonably attractive. Play the numbers game either online or irl. Understand it often takes about 3 dates with civvys to get pussy, and you will often be weeded out in the first two dates.

The only civvy 9 I ever had sex with was a case where she was a friend of a friend, dating someone else when we first met, got to know her over time and had a lot in common, and she chose me (I was 24 and fit and single at the time). I've had plenty of make out sessions with civvy 7s in my life, but actually fucking the first night you meet is rare.
Learn to take rejection in the civilian world. Odds are that most guys that approach hot girls get rejected.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
If you want a 9, and you don’t have money, be prepared to make her the center of your universe, and for nothing to ever be her fault. The thing is, most self proclaimed “nice guy” types, who don’t have the looks, or money, or score a very hot and decent girl, are often self absorbed and entitled.
Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

I think we agree.

Step 1: Have something that is actually an upgrade. Cash, power, fame, looks, etc.
Step 2: Present that you have THAT something that she is looking for -- i.e., have game.

IMO, in real life, if we spit game that we cannot back up with reality, we might get a one-nighter, but that's it.

That's what I love about the SC life as opposed to IRL, I have cash, she wants cash -- let's make a deal.
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
Agree with BJ99. I find that scoring with a "9" on a regular basis requires a great amount of focus--focus on getting what you want. This is why the guys who do this are usually NOT the ones who get the highest grades in high school, the highest grades in college, the highest grades in graduate school, the PhD/MD/masters degree, the 6 figure income career, the large responsibilities, the 60 hour work weeks, the marriage contracts and alimony payments, the psychotherapy sessions, the heart disease... and the strippers' requests for rent money. Those things, dear PLs, are for the nice guys :-)

The bad guys get the free pussy, the road head, the threesomes, muscles, tattoos, cigarettes, low income jobs, vengeance, and jail time.
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