Before I Go A Couple of Notes On Why I Always Won

a) I always made sure I had the truth on my side. That is the most formidable ally in the world and the worst enemy. What my opponents always accepted for a substituted was a circle jerk. That made them feel good for a little while, but in the end the truth always demolished it.
b) For some reason, my opponents where always so arrogant they thought they could argue any point against me: true or false. So they effectively let me choose the battle field. Of course I would choose the one that made it the easiest and keep hammering it home.
Yes, a) and b) are related.
I don't mind giving away my secret since I'll only be here a while longer and, better yet, if everyone adopted my approach the world would be a better place.
Just thank about it!
last commentNo dont go... Who's gonna be here to troll RBD?
Anyways... Always enjoyed your comedic style
I missed you when you were gone for 6 months.
I don't like your trolling of whipping boys, and I don't agree with your financial philosophy, but I for one do not want you to leave. On some types of subjects you are the most informative person here.
I'm still planning on reading Georges Bataille's book on the origins of religion, as that is also the origins of money and of paying hookers for sex.
Robin Trower
1964 - John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
1961 - My Favorite Things
Besides, without you, who would I have to make fun of. I certainly would never want to make fun of anyone who does not deserve it as much as you do, on account of their own meanness.
I'm not mean. Nicest guy in the world to people who aren't gay cocksuckers. If I was mean to anyone it was because they were gay cocksuckers.
@GACA: thanks: I enjoyed your posts as well. In particular the one about what Jewish girls in Southern California are like seems to jump first to mind.
As for @rickdugan. Never would have predicted even a few months ago, but I actually leave with a modicum of respect for the guy because he was one of the few to show backbone on an obvious issue and call out those who were acting spineless.
You never win and you'll never win, dumbass. Keep feeling full of yourself, it's so easy to deflate your stupid ass. LMAO
Of course I won, @vincegirl: you are exposed as pedophile with your own words. Your board rep has already taken a hit. Think TUSCL meetings will ever be the same for you again? Some may confront you directly, but even among the guys who are acting nice (even @25) one thing will always be at the back of their minds.
Like I said before though, you were so dull and witless you weren't even much of a challenge.
Trying to think if @vincemichaels was the least intelligent of all my opponents over the years... Can't really think of any that were dumb. Why I was so reluctant to even engage him at first. Knew there won't be much of a challenge. But his behavior and revelations got so bad, my hand was forced.
Who is going to tell us to invest in BitCoins?
I keep reading Bitcoin isn't worth anything but it must be tempting to many.
Everyone seems to keep talking about it. I will try to remember that the next time someone comes out with a financial product where only 1000 people control 40% of it.
Yep, you'll always lie to us, one of many reasons noone believes you have any brains LMAO.
See you around sometime, fool.
You can’t leave. You totally won, and everyone knows vm is a stolen valor pedophile. Please, stay.
There you go hallucinating again, JHJ99. See what eating Douchester's shit does. LMAO You are such a dumbass, just like your boyfriend, txtittyfag/Douchester.
Won what a participation trophy ? Reminds me of all of those new children’s games where they all get to hit a home run but nobody keeps score
What a major loser you turned out to be running away with your tail tucked between your legs. Run dougie run like the lilting loser you are. LOL
You've already admitted you'll keep posting as txtittyfag and presumably will keep using other accounts, you're not going anywhere Dugly. Sadly, this is all you have in life.
Don't leave your my peanut butter to my Jelly
I for one don’t want you to leave, why can’t 25 leave instead?
He can't leave, it's all Douchester has in life, being the whiny loser that he is. :)
“You can’t leave. You totally won”.
That’s very funny.
Wrong as always, fag. You rape those 2 year old baby boys while they sleep. What a pedophile you are, creep. We know you try to cover it up, but, your collection of dildos has peanut butter and jelly on it from those poor kids. CREEP !!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don't you stay and tone down the frequency of some of your posts? Do you think I come here to read @Analvone's paranoid rants?
This thread is so funny because it's a perfect example of the point I original made. My opponents are advocating positions which are false and hoping they will win by forming a circle-jerk with each other. Let's see: who is in the circle jerk so far? @25, @vincemichaels, @jester214, so other lesser knows.
Shows a reason c) why I always won. Even if I explicitly pointed out to my opponents all they were doing wrong, they didn't learned. Just doubled down on losing strategies.
Now as for the question of who will give out the advice on crypto-currency investing. Well TUSCL appears to posed to choose @vincemichaels over me. The guy claims he is in MENSA, so maybe go to him?
Still time though. If @vincemichaels is gone by Monday I will stay. Also I'll send out contact information to anyone who isn't a POS and, if @vincemichaels leaves after that (maybe gets locked up like he deserves) then I'll return.
If not real life calls. 2017 was a huge year for me and this year my ambitions are bigger than ever. Gonna be working with some really great people in the crypto sphere and we will be changing the world for the better. There are good people here and some with real backbone, but, overall, too many spineless losers. @vincemichaels is a sick criminal and @25 his primary spineless defender.
If everyone had just stood up and said "we want @vincemichaels gone after he pedophile admissions" he would be gone. Unless anything dramatic happens in the next 36 hours TUSCL has made it choice and I will respect it.
Damn, I guess you are gone, dumbass. I am not leaving. So be sure to let the door fall on you when you leave. LMAO
Alpha Mike Foxtrot
Oh finally regarding @txtittyfag. I think @txtittyfag was easily the number one poster on TUSCL in 2017 because of his relentless campaign against a self-admitted pedophile: @vincemichaels. @txtittyfag saw things clearly from the start.
Me I was the one with some doubts until close to the end: his statement that "a woman is a woman regardless of her age". Looking back it's embarrasing? Why, when he cried about teenage swimsuit contests going away did I think "well, maybe, that isn't complete proof". Why when he talked about wanting to fuck Sly Stallone's 14 y/o daughter, did I think "well maybe he meant the older ones" even though he refused to deny he was including the 14 y/o.
As I said in previous posts. There were periods of time when @txtittyfag was the only one posting reminders of what a POS @vincemichaels is. It @txtittyfag who finally got @vincemichaels to crack and say "a woman is a woman regardless of her age", which was the clincher. He gets 85% of the credit for taking this predator down on TUSCL. Suggesting that I am him is a great complement, but not true. He'll always be a friend though for his unwavering stand on that issue.
^^^We already have your contact info you will be the new towel boy at the West Side Club in Manhattan it explains how you know so much about sexual deviance.
If I was truly a sexual deviant you would be defending me at @25. This is what your track record on TUSCL shows you do when it comes down to a real crunch on a moral issue. Your children would be ashamed if they knew. Same with your ex-wives who are better than you.
^^^Looks like I struck a nerve dougie just remember it’s OK to be gay !
Of course it is.
Being gay is fine. Defending a self-admitted pedophile, as you do, @25 is not.
Than why is your main got-to for insulting people always have some variation of calling them faggots ?
Well why don't you just thank about that rather than spend all the mental cycles you do on ways to defend the self-admitted pedophile @vincemichaels.
You seem to be the one obsessed I personally could care less.
@ Clubber said something yesterday that makes totally good sense. I will paraphrase be cause this whole tempest in a teapot is starting to bore me. You need to know when to stop arguing and just let people be wrong if they want. With that in mind Alpha Mike Foxtrot
Do some of you think Dougster and txtittyfag are the same person? They seem pretty different to me, with the only thing in common is their disdain for vincemichaels.
Yes, like 99% certain
@25: Oh, I'm obsessed? What percentage of your posts in the last half week have been about me? 80%? Ok, but I'm the obsessed one. Got it!
Apparently you won Dougster and are a winner after not seeing that bimbo Nina around here. You constantly slammed her head in the toilet and her only come back was, “I’m great and am winning” which definitely drove home the point she couldn’t hang and went away with her tail tucked between her asshole. My guess is she is on another panic attack from sucking too much pimp dick.
I thought it was common knowledge 85% of this board is Dougster alts.
If the real life poster behind the accounts ever actually leaves, the board will mostly die.
Dougster wins. He's leaving an adult only strip club site discussion board because a possible sex offender visits there. I wonder how he defends his hometown from all the sex offenders living in his community? Maybe he posts flyers on all his neighbors doors that either the sex offender leaves or he's moving. There may even be kids living in the neighborhood. The last time I checked, there was a sex offender loving less than 1 mile away from me on the same street. I don't know them. I don't want to know them. I'm not moving because of them though. As far as I know property values haven't changed at all and sex offenders live all over the place even though I'm aware they have lots of restrictions as if they were a strip club.
Living not loving, stupid autocorrect.
-->"Yes, like 99% certain"
RM has massively under-stated the probability, LOL.
orionsmith: "because a possible sex offender"
@orion just as as spineless as @25. @vincemichaels is a self-admitted pedophile.
no offense intended towards Dougster but leaving seems like a kid move. If you are telling everyone with kids in your town as much as here about nearby sexual predators, I applaud you. You are letting thousands of people in your hometown keep up to date on everyone they can check on themselves via a sexual offender website. They might think of the warning the same as the false missile alert in Hawaii but at least they know of a potential danger. I myself only talk to my neighbors when I have to. Here I talk more because I can shut down my computer and never talk to anyone again if I want and no one knows how to contact me.
To put so much time in effort into "winning" on a strip club forum, and then being so proud of it is so pathetic. Maybe when you leave, you will have time to do something worthwhile.
Vince leave. There I said it. Do you feel better Dougster? Do you think I'm God and that people are going to do whatever we suggest? It takes no spine to do flame wars or tell people to leave in cyberspace. People keep their kids away from sexual offenders but they have a right to live and served time behind bars in some cases.
There are no kids here on this adult only web site but that could be a good joke. There is a web sire alerting people where sexual offenders live. Unfortunately the kids here aren't protected. Anyone can post here. Cheaters, strippers, customers, LE, predators, murderers, con artists, movers and packers. I'd rather just talk about strip clubs and occasionally other topics but just wanted to post my two cents. I see no reason to leave except to end pointless bickering. If it makes you feel like you won, victory is yours. My power died. Had to repost.
@orionsmith: Your logic makes absolutely no sense to me. You are equating convicted, publically known pedophiles in one context to non-convicted, not well known pedophiles in an other. I said I would be perfectly happy to drop the subject if founder were to add a link "self admitted pedophiles on this board" with a link to @vincemichaels profile.
By logic if people want to complain about spammers here they better shut up, unless they are going on a full time crusade against spammers/telemarketers in real life. "You can't complain about spammers here unless you made every effort to put those telemarketers out of business".
Nice try. Thanks for playing @orionsmith.
What I will say Dougster is that if you want Vince gone, then ask Founder to delete his profile, that’s a Founder decision, simple as that.
Founder knows my wishes. And I believe that if enough people asked for @vincemichaels account to be deleted it would be. Founder has deleted other accounts in the past, but apparently "self-admitted pedophile" is not meeting whatever his criteria is. Only got about 30 hours to ask him though... There is still time!
I really don’t care to weigh in any more but @Dougster have you ever read DonQuixote by Cervantes and if you have does the phrase “Tilting at windmills” strike a chord with you.
@25: "I don't care to weigh in anymore but I am going to weight in some more".
Does the phrase "logically inconsistent" strike a cord with you?
Oh, sorry, forgot to make the pretentious sound like you:
Have you ever read Aristotle and does the phrase "logically inconsistent" strike a chord with you?
Hahaha good try sorry no cigar.
"Only got about 30 hours to ask him though... There is still time!"
Yeah, yeah, I know, fat chance, right, but I'm getting desperate here, guys...need to find a way to back down without looking like a pussy...
Ah, @realDougster only get replies from his other alias txtittyfag(dot) on his own threads. So he had to visit this one.
25 has "Trusted" Dougster Dougster has not "Trusted" 25
Well peace to everyone if this is your last day here. Somehow watching the playboy channel seems to put me in a better mood. Lots of nice tits and ass. I'm going to relax and play a game.
NK might send a nuke our way later in the year and this web site will not be a concern at all to me. I have no idea of anyone who posts on this site except if they post rude comments. Never met anyone I didn't already know from online sites except job posters who wanted to interview me.
@flagooner: Well there were warnings signs about @25 early on that I didn't pay enough attention to. The big differences between what he was telling about his crypto trades just before or after he made them and what he would later tell the board later on. What he told the board later on was always more favorable. It was all very suspicious. Made me not trust him complete, but was not enough to "prove it in a court of law". He did scramble for some explanations when I pressed him on it. Inconsistent explanations with what he told the board he was doing. Again, it did set off the alarm bells, but I decided to just keep it to myself.
Yes. You are like the mother mountain lion, protecting us from the evil woodland creatures.
Whenever Dugly uses multiple accounts to talk to himself, I stop laughing at him and really just pity him. It's pretty sad when you think about that kind of behavior going on for years.
One little problem, though, @jester214. You did admit that txtittyfag and I were different posters at one point. Think hard. Can you remember when it was?
This is sarcasm, right? “You are like the mother mountain lion, protecting us from the evil woodland creatures.” I cant believe anyone would write something like that with a straight face. Or is BJ99 a Dougster alias?
Dugly anyone who has been on here since txtittyfag was created knows it's an alternate account of yours. You're a sad lonely person.
I see, just like how they knew that I was wrong: that the stock market was a bubble, as was Bitcoin. And how RICK was a "dog shit stock" that would crash in a few months from $8.80 to zero. Sorry, but I don't put much faith in what "everyone" on TUSCL "knows".
Besides you aren't addressing the issue of when you admitted that we are different people. Think harder. Can you remember when?
Stan thought the mother mountain lion was evil bc she hunted the woodland creatures, but she was actually preventing them from bringing forth the antichrist baby porcupine. Vm is the real troll here; not dougster. :P
I have had some great accusations about who my "aliases" have been over the years. This week we seem to had three great new additions: I've been accused of being @rickdugan, @gammanu95, and now @BJ99. @JohnSmith69 was another good one. When "everyone" on TUSCL "knows" beware!
Ahh—Google enlightened me on the literary allusion. Sorry, I’m not a South Park fan. It still seems an over the top comparison. Actually, it seems even more over the top now.
@real: Ok, have fun with anonlvone.
That’s okay, Dr. Evil. I need to try to remember that not everyone here has the time to become as well versed in South Park wisdom as I am. Still, consider this; What will vm do without all of the attention he’s gotten from those spam posts? He used to respond to every single one, and lately he’s tried to start his own spam post, but no one joined in. He’s probably just dying for attention.
^^^ Your South Park wisdom is one of your more alluring features. I’d like to mimic Towlie’s “Oh man, I’m so high” with you. Lol!!
Does your boyfriend smoke with you?
I prefer to keep it classy, w wine tastings, like Randy.