Do dancers love country music?

avatar for Ermita_Nights
Three times in the last month I've had a dancer say "I just love country music!" Out of the blue. Is this the latest SS line? Did they size me up and decide that's what I want to hear? I don't wear western shirts and cowboy boots and certainly no giant belt buckle. I don't even particularly like country music. This was in the Detroit clubs, not Whitefish Montana.


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avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
My experience has been that, contrary to popular belief, there are country music fans (more popularly, if pejoratively known as "rednecks") throughout the country. Some by birth, others by choice, but no region or city has a monopoly (or exclusion).

Part of this has to do with the blurring of lines between traditional country, rock, hip-hop, r&b, and other music genres. In reality they've always been part of a spectrum, but the last couple of decades have produced more "hybrid" artists and "mainstream" recognition for genre music.

I will say it's pretty rare even in the deep south to have a club willing to play country music, though. I've been to a few where dancers pick their own stage routine songs and a very small number picked it, but classic rock, rap, and r&b still rule by an overwhelming margin.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I've never heard any one in a strip club say that they liked country but I would prefer that shit kicking stuff over this rap/hip hop shit.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
If i never hear country at a strip club again i will be ecstatic.
avatar for wildbourbon
7 years ago
I know a couple who listen to country music because they get tired of the club stuff. I can't stand the country music that has been coming out in the last 10 Munny said...lines are blurred between the genres.

I do like Sturgill Simpson and Chris Stapleton, though.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve not heard country in a strip club either. I’m in the New York area - and it’s not a very popular genre here.

I think country music has evolved significantly - and there are some very good performers now. There are definitely some hot female country singers to catch my eye!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
You may want to lighten up on the Eau de Cow Manure cologne. This appears to only be happening to you.
avatar for JohnTitor
7 years ago
I know a cute stripper who really loves country and does her stages to it. She told me she likes dancing to it because it's "bouncy". Works for me.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Down here in WPB DDs opened up playing a lot of country music but they seem to have shifted away from it lately.
BTW play country music backwards and your girl comes back along with your horse and dog as well as anything you’ve ever lost.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
Country must be countrywide. I'm a half-Jew, born in NYC, I went to college, I have all my teeth, and I've never even been in a pickup truck, but I kinda like Country music. Some of it's pretty good. The genre-blending "hick-hop" and "southern rock" sounds are interesting. Country has been crossing over into the mainstream since before Elvis. And female Country artists are hot as balls. I love those white trash bitches. Just my type. I've never heard a dancer specifically say that she likes Country, but some of them do dance to it frequently.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I’m with Shadowcat in this.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Amen, my friend! My preference, classic rock.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve seen girls do some very raunchy dances to Cotton Eyed Joe. I’d love to see a filthy stripper work it to that song! Is that considered country?
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I'm sure that depends on the place and the dancers. Of the ones I've known, I'm sure that they had no affection for country music. That is associated with conservative culture, a secular washed version of the Born Again Movement.

avatar for wildbourbon
7 years ago
Here are a couple of country anthems for SJG, since he loves country music.

Nobody to Blame--She threw away all his stuff.…

Life Ain't Fair--The most outlaw thing that a man today can do is give a woman a ring.…

Can't find any songs about getting dumped by your wife after blowing her money on DFK sessions in the front room while searching for intimacy with Blue Y.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
wildbourbon, again, you would be better of if you just went back to chewing on redwood bark.

avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^I think SJGs anthem is more like Kenny Rogers version of “You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me Lucille “
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Dancers are like people. Some do, some don't.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
I have heard my fair share of country music in strip clubs. I do think more strippers like country music than will actually dance to it, however.
avatar for JamesSD
7 years ago
Here in San Diego, a lot of the white girls come from the (relative) boonies. Places over an hours drive with good traffic from the city. A lot of those girls like country music.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
I know of some dancers who like country music and some dancers like me that only like rock and heavy metal. It annoys me when the local club plays country music. I think I prefer almost every other type of music better than country. Country is like scratching a chalkboard. Which would I rather hear? Tough question.
avatar for bubba267
7 years ago
I've learned two like it when they told me kind of out of the blue. I had same surprised reaction.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
"Country is like scratching a chalkboard."

Couldn't agree more. For me, it just doesnt sound good at all. And a lot of it sounds the exact same. Its fine if you like country but i also think its the least appropriate genre for a strip club.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
There's one cowgirl at Oasis. Always wears cowboy boots. If a country song comes on, then you know it's her turn on main stage. I've seen her stare down the DJ if he forgets and tries to play anything else when she's up there.

How can you not like country music when it has given us the ultimate PL anthem that speaks right to our desire to rescue the girl from those other jerks in the club, or their loser BF, and come have fun with us in private instead:
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
Country music is bitchin
avatar for eyeofodin
7 years ago
Many of the dancers I run into like "todays" country and have no idea what traditional country sounds like or even county from 10 years ago.... modern country is what disco is to rock n roll or what Kayne West is to Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.

One needs to define the era of the music before assuming a genre is homogeneous, us old men remember country with a back beat and a's not so any more....much of it is Jimmy Buffet style party music with electric guitars.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
JamesSD wrote about San Diego. As I know, San Diego, with the military and all, attracts a quite conservative populace. You can tell this in the people they elect.

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